Objects moving inside of my house

They already know. They're watching you as we speak.

I'm protected!

An ex-coworker installed cut-down machetes on the inside of his windows... such that when you slid the window up, the machete slid down.
One day he came home and found an open window...a finger, and some blood.

So he told me, anyway, and since I take a dim view of thieves, I'd like to believe him. little old ex-special forces trainer guy...
Gosh I miss working with him.:p

Edited to add:
A repeatable pissed off spirit...at least some money could be made from that from SyFy channel, if nothing else

You think that were there a spirit there to offend, it would do something benign the second time you offended it?
The first time serves as the warning...
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It's probably just the Phantom Doll Adjuster at work again. This enigmatic figure breaks into houses solely to slightly adjust the positions of dolls, for reasons best known to him or herself.
So it probably just sagged or fell over.

he said it turned 45 degrees or specifically, at the base.

i've had so much weird crap happen to me that i could care less. One night i felt something strange behind me and in the middle of the floor was a small toy santa.
he said it turned 45 degrees or specifically, at the base.

Hmm wait, I thought it was a ragg doll of some kind. Turns out it's a wooden one?
Perhaps he brushed against it without knowing it and then later discovered the consequences.
Is it possible you moved it during dusting and didn't notice it until now?

No, because I always pass by that figurine when I leave the house and take notice of them all. There are 4 in that exact spot, each facing a direction, N,S E, W, and I never change their positions.
That won't stop the poltergeists from moving your furniture though. They believe in YOU!!!

You think that were there a spirit there to offend, it would do something benign the second time you offended it?
The first time serves as the warning...

Actually I didn't want to bring this up but about 3 years ago I came home and a table was moved. It was right next to the door so that's why I noticed it because it was in my pathway and it wasn't when I left. I didn't bring this up for thinking that I might have moved the table as I walked by it before I left but that would have moved it away from the path not into the path.
It's probably just the Phantom Doll Adjuster at work again. This enigmatic figure breaks into houses solely to slightly adjust the positions of dolls, for reasons best known to him or herself.

I thought about him but I'd think it would have rather moved some other object that wasn't as noticeable. These Katchina figurines have been made by the Shamen of the tribes and they posses many inner secrets that those Shamen cast into them making them rather powerful to mess with.