No Birth Control for You!

...c) the morning after pill MUST be taken with in 48 hours to be effective, you honestly think a goverment is going to alow some religious nut case to stop the surplie of a drug with such a tight window?.../QUOTE]

Australian hospitals don't give rape victims the morning after pill? They make them go to a store and fill out the prescription?
Because its their store. They went to college, they got the loan to put the store together, they work the hours. ITS THEIR STORE. Some of you act like its a hospital refusing treatment. Its a private store not carrying a certain product.

It still comes down to them trying to push their beliefs on others which is wrong. A looser set of morals can't really push them selves on to someone with a tighter but the inverse can happen. Yes they went college for it but it still doesn't give them the right to put their beliefs in front of someone else's.
drugs advertised?:p

Another criminal offence, if its over the counter they can advertise. If its perscription they cant

Oh and how much do you pay per script?
less that $30?
less than $3?

30 is the standed price for everyone with no health care card before they reach the saftey net.

$3 is how much it cost PB to get the pill when we had a low income earners health care card

I have never reached the saftey net but i belive it reduces the cost down to $3 for non health care card people and $0 (YES FREE) for anyone with a health care card

You do realise the US tried to take australia to the WTO because "how dare we have subsidised meds, how dare US companies not be alowed to pedle ineffective and expencive drugs at the publics expence"

The rest of that action was to do with the fact that australia point blank refused to let ANY over seas blood stocks into the country. We like our blood surplies free of diseases like mad cows
and what gives others the right to put their beliefs ahead of the business owner?

simple answer is their not. Asking someone to do their fucking job and fill a prescription is not forcing your beliefs on them. they can still not use them and rail against then.
drugs advertised?:p

Another criminal offence, if its over the counter they can advertise. If its perscription they cant

Oh and how much do you pay per script?
less that $30?
less than $3?

30 is the standed price for everyone with no health care card before they reach the saftey net.

$3 is how much it cost PB to get the pill when we had a low income earners health care card

I have never reached the saftey net but i belive it reduces the cost down to $3 for non health care card people and $0 (YES FREE) for anyone with a health care card

You do realise the US tried to take australia to the WTO because "how dare we have subsidised meds, how dare US companies not be alowed to pedle ineffective and expencive drugs at the publics expence"

The rest of that action was to do with the fact that australia point blank refused to let ANY over seas blood stocks into the country. We like our blood surplies free of diseases like mad cows

yeah, don't believe you.

We get our meds for $10 through our insurance. We both work and don't live off other people so we pay $10. If we had no jobs or insurance we could get most prescriptions for $4.
simple answer is their not. Asking someone to do their fucking job and fill a prescription is not forcing your beliefs on them. they can still not use them and rail against then.

Those people could go to another store. I don't stand in a Mormon gas station and tell them its unethical that they don't sell booze and cigarettes.
yeah, don't believe you.

We get our meds for $10 through our insurance. We both work and don't live off other people so we pay $10. If we had no jobs or insurance we could get most prescriptions for $4.

thats only for generics.
Those people could go to another store. I don't stand in a Mormon gas station and tell them its unethical that they don't sell booze and cigarettes.

There is a big difference between booze and cigarettes and medication. Why is it ok for a store owner to push his beliefs on another person in your mind. (also on a side note their are numerous cases of pharmacists against birth control refusing to fill a birth control scripts and than not giving the script back)
oh just some more infomation on the PBS, aparently if you are a citizan of the UK, NZ (oviously), the Republic of Ireland, Finland, Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway or italy you can also recive PBS meds at the reduced cost in australia just by showing your passport

the reason for this?
we get the same coverage in those countries as well through there health systems:)
There is a big difference between booze and cigarettes and medication. Why is it ok for a store owner to push his beliefs on another person in your mind. (also on a side note their are numerous cases of pharmacists against birth control refusing to fill a birth control scripts and than not giving the script back)

and THAT Is pushing your beliefs on someone else. And that's why a man in the OP got into lots of trouble. He refused to transfer the woman's prescription.

And why do you think he's pushing his beliefs on people by not carrying a certain product. Are Mormons pushing their beliefs on others by not doing the same?
and THAT Is pushing your beliefs on someone else. And that's why a man in the OP got into lots of trouble. He refused to transfer the woman's prescription.

And why do you think he's pushing his beliefs on people by not carrying a certain product. Are Mormons pushing their beliefs on others by not doing the same?

do you really need the difference between medication and luxury(in the sense you don't need them) items explained to you?
Australian hospitals don't give rape victims the morning after pill? They make them go to a store and fill out the prescription?

Some private (Catholic) hospitals have taken to denying sexual assault victims even that.

SEXUALLY-assaulted women who seek help at Catholic-controlled hospitals cannot be referred to rape crisis centres that supply morning-after pills, under church policy.

The policy, spelt out in an 80-page ethics document, has heightened concerns among doctors and rape counsellors about the Catholic Church's growing control of hospitals.

And The Australian reveals today that another fertility centre has been told to move out by the Catholic buyers of the hospital where it is based. One prominent doctor said she had long been concerned at the church's rape policy, which is contained in an ethics document approved by the Catholic hierarchy in 2001.

The Code of Ethical Standards, compiled by Catholic Health Australia, says direct referral of raped women to centres that offer the morning-after pill "should only occur if reasonable steps have been taken to exclude the likelihood of pregnancy".

Senior Catholic spokesmen defended the policy as a logical and ethical extension of the church's opposition to the morning-after pill, which it considers morally no different to abortion. But Melbourne GP and medical broadcaster Sally Cockburn said she was "blown out of the water" when she read the policy.

"If this is the way their staff are mandated to behave, then I don't believe rape victims should be taken to their hospitals at all," Dr Cockburn said.

"They have no right to make us follow their point of view, and if they're going to be taking over more hospitals, I'm concerned."

Karen Willis, of the NSW Rape Crisis Centre, said it was standard practice for a raped woman to be offered the morning-after pill, if there was a real risk of her becoming pregnant with her attacker's child. "To not offer someone the morning-after pill would be negligence as far as we are concerned," she said.

Catholic-controlled health organisations control more than 70 hospitals in Australia - and added one more this week, the Wesley Hospital in Townsville.


Catholic Health Australia chief Francis Sullivan said that as well as private hospitals, Catholic organisations ran 21 public hospitals around the nation that would also have to follow the ethics policy.

Mr Sullivan said health workers in Catholic hospitals "are not prevented from giving information" about abortion, the morning-after pill or any other treatment.

"The only restriction would be that the staff are not permitted to directly refer women to abortion services," he said.

Catholic health ethics spokesman Bishop Anthony Fisher said the ban was a logical extension of the church's position on use of the morning-after pill.


And to answer your question, no. Hospitals usually dispense their medication free of charge to patients. So if a woman was raped and taken to a hospital (hopefully, not a Catholic controlled one), she would be offered the morning after pill (as in the medication itself and not just a script) and then given counseling and then referred to a rape crisis center for further counseling.
and THAT Is pushing your beliefs on someone else. And that's why a man in the OP got into lots of trouble. He refused to transfer the woman's prescription.

And why do you think he's pushing his beliefs on people by not carrying a certain product. Are Mormons pushing their beliefs on others by not doing the same?

While he might refuse to carry the product due to his religious beliefs, he has no right to withhold the prescription or forward it to a pharmacy that does carry it. That does equate to pushing his beliefs on his customers.
People could always stop fucking unless they want to have kids.

Of course.

But that does not detract from the fact that birth control pills are not just used as birth control. They are also frequently used to control a woman's period.. especially in cases where she has severe bleeding issues in her menstrual cycle, which can endanger her life. They are also used quite a bit in the treatment of bad hormonal acne.

So lets say only one pharmacy in a small town and a woman (or a teenage girl) has severe menstruation symptoms and the doctor prescribes the pill to help her control her periods. And the pharmacy refuses to dispense or carry them because its owner finds that the product goes against his/her religious beliefs. What then? In such instances, it is highly unethical to deny the woman with the treatment she so desperately needs. What about a similar instance, but there are several pharmacies in the area and the one you go to refuses to not only forward the prescription to another pharmacy, but also withholds it? Again, it is highly unethical and could endanger the woman's health (be it her physical health, but also endanger her reproductive health).
bells i can assure you that the guidelines for every ambulance service i have studied in australia is to bring rape victoms to the trauma centers which are ALL public hospitals. As the cops call the ambos when they get a rape case the pt would be going to a public hospital.

The only problem with that is the women who dont call an ambulance (or the cops) and just take themselves to the hospital. Sadly these tend to be the most vulnerable, women who have probably been raped by there regular partner, less well educated ect.
i didn't say it was "natural" not to have sex. but i will say that it's extremely "unnatural" to have to wrap your dick up in latex, or take some pill to stop your ovulation before you do. i'd also say that taking a glorified vacuum cleaner to a pregnant woman's uterus is pretty fucking "unnatural".

and why in god's name would you think i was looking for applause? oh yeah nevermind, i forgot where i was for a minute...:rolleyes:

First of all, wrapping my junk in latex allows me to have sex with minimal risk. Secondly, abortion isn't unnatural at all. We see mothers kill their young in every species on this planet. For one reason or another.