No Birth Control for You!

Of course.

But that does not detract from the fact that birth control pills are not just used as birth control. They are also frequently used to control a woman's period.. especially in cases where she has severe bleeding issues in her menstrual cycle, which can endanger her life. They are also used quite a bit in the treatment of bad hormonal acne.

So lets say only one pharmacy in a small town and a woman (or a teenage girl) has severe menstruation symptoms and the doctor prescribes the pill to help her control her periods. And the pharmacy refuses to dispense or carry them because its owner finds that the product goes against his/her religious beliefs. What then? In such instances, it is highly unethical to deny the woman with the treatment she so desperately needs. What about a similar instance, but there are several pharmacies in the area and the one you go to refuses to not only forward the prescription to another pharmacy, but also withholds it? Again, it is highly unethical and could endanger the woman's health (be it her physical health, but also endanger her reproductive health).

Their beliefs are only grounded on partial logic, but as it's a private business they shouldn't be forced to sell anything they don't want to even if they have stupid reasons for doing so. i have to stay on birth control so I'm one of the women out there who isn't taking it to prevent pregnancy, i would be upset and frustrated sure, but it isn't the only pharmacy. There are more sane people out there.
as i said its against the law to advertise a drug (to the general public anyway) that is provided perscription only. If you have a condition you go to the doctor to decide on a course of treatment (depending on your age in general makes a difference to how much control the pt wishes over this) and the doctor will suggest medications (or other treatment) that are avialable.

About the only perscription type of treatments that are advertised are lasic eye surgury, hair replacement (and removal) and impertance treatments but these are medical CLINICS, not drug companies advertising.

Over the counter meds are advertised but not pharmacy only meds (like the morning after pill for instance) and percription only (antibotics ect)

even gardicil which was developed here is hardly ever mentioned by name (its just called the cervical cancer vacine) and its mainly mentioned in news reports about how dumb the US can be (for instance reports of people not getting there girls vacinated so that they wont have sex)
There is nothing, but advertisements for all kinds of drugs here. Regardless if they are prescription only or not. Every other commercial is a drug commercial even drugs like male enhancement, birth control, allergy, asthma, osteoporosis,...etc. i've never seen a tv commercial for emergency contraception, but i've seen ads in magazines and stuff.
While he might refuse to carry the product due to his religious beliefs, he has no right to withhold the prescription or forward it to a pharmacy that does carry it. That does equate to pushing his beliefs on his customers.

I agree. That is not what this particular store owner is doing. And store owners who have done so (as was mentioned in the OP) have been hauled into court.
....So lets say only one pharmacy in a small town and a woman (or a teenage girl) has severe menstruation symptoms and the doctor prescribes the pill to help her control her periods. And the pharmacy refuses to dispense or carry them because its owner finds that the product goes against his/her religious beliefs. What then? ....

Then the hospital dispenses them. Or the doctor dispenses them.
bells i can assure you that the guidelines for every ambulance service i have studied in australia is to bring rape victoms to the trauma centers which are ALL public hospitals. As the cops call the ambos when they get a rape case the pt would be going to a public hospital.

The only problem with that is the women who dont call an ambulance (or the cops) and just take themselves to the hospital. Sadly these tend to be the most vulnerable, women who have probably been raped by there regular partner, less well educated ect.

Catholic Health Australia chief Francis Sullivan said that as well as private hospitals, Catholic organisations ran 21 public hospitals around the nation that would also have to follow the ethics policy.

So no, you cannot make such an assurance.

Orleander said:
I agree. That is not what this particular store owner is doing. And store owners who have done so (as was mentioned in the OP) have been hauled into court.
And so they should be. While they may be against "birth control" because of religious beliefs, they are also penalising and endangering women who need to take the pill for reasons that does not include birth control.

Then the hospital dispenses them. Or the doctor dispenses them.
Depends on the hospital (ie. find out whether a religious group runs the nearest public and/or private hospital). And yes, the doctor can prescribe it, which you then need to take to a pharmacist to have the prescription filled out. But usually if you go to a hospital, it is given to you and to a doctor, it is prescribed to you.
bells they have no right to put there guidelines into place at public hospitals as far as im awear. The staff are employed by the state and as such MUST follow health department guidelines.

However i will be willing to check that next week (when i have my law lecture)
People could always stop fucking unless they want to have kids.

Nah, that's too simple. Liberals like to complicate things with ridiculous "plans" that can't possibly work.

So we end up with a bewildering array of shoddy Big Pharma contraceptive potions and poisons, all of which are unsatisfactory and have "failure" rates, because humans were never designed to use "birth control."

Of course people should want children, "blessings from God," so if married, fuck more.
actually thats symply not true. Bonbo's (our closest relitives) uses sex to bond the tribe, not purly for procriation. Futher more the human body cant sustain perpetual pregancy. Not to mention that contraception was around in Rome and before, much longer than christan nuts:)
actually thats symply not true. Bonbo's (our closest relitives) uses sex to bond the tribe, not purly for procriation. Futher more the human body cant sustain perpetual pregancy. Not to mention that contraception was around in Rome and before, much longer than christan nuts:)

That's true the body of a human woman does not sustain several pregnancies back to back well. It puts too much strain on the organs and the body. There should be somewhere around an 18 month gap in between children. Do it to often and to many times and your body will start to terminate pregnancies or just stop menstruating all together, until the body deems itself healthy again. That's what happened to the some (three) women that were treated at the clinic I worked at. Contraception like abortion has been around since the dawn of time, it's just gotten more sophisticated and of course much much more reliable as technology continues to improve.

so was slavery, sexual slavery, ect

there is also a lot of good things i could name as well
sexual freedom of women and acceptance of homosexuality being 2 of them

whats your point?
because its predates the christan nut cases who think they own morality its wrong?
actually thats symply not true. Bonbo's (our closest relitives) uses sex to bond the tribe, not purly for procriation. Futher more the human body cant sustain perpetual pregancy. Not to mention that contraception was around in Rome and before, much longer than christan nuts:)


so was slavery, sexual slavery, ect

there is also a lot of good things i could name as well
sexual freedom of women and acceptance of homosexuality being 2 of them

whats your point?
because its predates the christan nut cases who think they own morality its wrong?
Of course.

But that does not detract from the fact that birth control pills are not just used as birth control. They are also frequently used to control a woman's period.. especially in cases where she has severe bleeding issues in her menstrual cycle, which can endanger her life. They are also used quite a bit in the treatment of bad hormonal acne.

So lets say only one pharmacy in a small town and a woman (or a teenage girl) has severe menstruation symptoms and the doctor prescribes the pill to help her control her periods. And the pharmacy refuses to dispense or carry them because its owner finds that the product goes against his/her religious beliefs. What then? In such instances, it is highly unethical to deny the woman with the treatment she so desperately needs. What about a similar instance, but there are several pharmacies in the area and the one you go to refuses to not only forward the prescription to another pharmacy, but also withholds it? Again, it is highly unethical and could endanger the woman's health (be it her physical health, but also endanger her reproductive health).

i think it's unethical to withhold the prescription...that's bullshit. but i really don't think that anyone should be forced to sell something they don't want to sell for whatever reason, religious or not. lots of people have to go to some lengths to receive medical care and prescriptions for various things, so move if you want, travel if you want, have your doctor order them for you. i don't think that's really the issue here. i think people really just want to get their panties in a bunch about religion. everybody gotta be offended. both sides.
You still don't get it. No one should be able to affect your value judgments based on their religion. Would it be ok for a scientologist to refuse refuse to fill any psychiatric drugs? They are in essence forcing other people to live according to their beliefs which isn't right.

no, you still don't get it. no one is forcing any value judgements. no one is forcing you to stop using birth control. just buy it somewhere else! no one should be forced to buy something they don't want to buy, believe something they don't want to believe, OR to sell something that they don't want to sell!

this is america man, and as much as i hate religion, this is supposed to be a free country. there's a supply and a demand for everything under the sun, and if you're not getting what you need where you are, then go somewhere else and get it! you're a hypocrit if you think you have a right to force some religious zealot to sell birth control if they don't want to sell it. they own the business. in this country you can open up your own business as competition.
M*W: Exactly what did I say that was self-indulgent or preaching? You misconstrued my entire post.

because it's just so pompous of you to decide that i need your counseling. i am a grown woman and have my reasons for doing what i do. trust me when i say that celibacy is not something you engage in on a whim. the way you speak to people sometimes is very condescending. i know what i'm doing ok?
How does having a NORMAL SEX DRIVE equate to being selfish and wanting too much?!?!

It's a normal part of being human. You might have a low sex drive, the rest of us don't.

It is about more than just a want, it is also about connection, surely that's something a fucking self styled Christian like you would understand.

You might be happy being celibate. That's your choice and yours alone. Don't force your disgusting little so called morals on the rest of us.

what you've said here is idiotic. what i've decided is not moral. i would in no way suggest that anyone else does what i'm doing unless it's what they have decided to do for their own REASONS. i in no way suggested that sex is not a normal part of being human. DUH. and i do NOT have a low sex drive. lol.

some of you people out here on this forum are so fucking defensive you can't even appreciate anything about anyone else who differs from you in any way.

it's not only frustrating, it's a damn shame. don't be so insecure instinct boy.
Your a bit of a downer. What does maintaining a sexual relationship with someone have to do with daycare centers, being taught by institutions, or having a disease? No one's childhood is perfect.

excuse me. i'm idealistic and obsessive. it's my problem and so i deal with it.