No Birth Control for You!

i'm not angry and you just judged me. ;)

Only because I have a secret crush on you. :shy:

But seriously...:shake:

It's fear of theism, they seek to villify any theistic view they find. MW's just more rabid than others. They have a special box for her to check reality in when she blows in around here.

MW-Let's chuck capitalism aside. It's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. This is like arguing about whether it's ethical to allow Joe's Crab Shack to sell tee-shirts that say,"I got Crabs---At Joe's!". They believe X, they want to bring in customers that believe X. Or it's a very stupid way of doing evangelism.

First, who is "they"? Second, freedom of religion is freedom from religion. And why is it so terrible for us to not like the fact that a drugstore would go to the length of not selling contraceptives, but it's quite alright for that drug store to not like contraception? What's with the double standard?
me either. They are just bound and determined that someone else sell stuff they way they believe, not the way the owner believes.

What is your problem. What is so fucking bad about me wanting people to do their fucking jobs. Your religious rights stop the moment they start interfering with other people's lives and ability to make their own choices. If these assholes had such a problem with contraceptives they shouldn't have gotten them selves into a field where they would have to give them out. They specifically went into the field of pharmacy to try and push their beliefs and that is wrong. Grow up and deal with lady.
What is your problem. What is so fucking bad about me wanting people to do their fucking jobs. Your religious rights stop the moment they start interfering with other people's lives and ability to make their own choices. If these assholes had such a problem with contraceptives they shouldn't have gotten them selves into a field where they would have to give them out. They specifically went into the field of pharmacy to try and push their beliefs and that is wrong. Grow up and deal with lady.

My fucking problem is that I fucking think a fucking store owner can decide what his fucking store can fucking sell. His fucking job is not to fucking keep you fucking supplied with fucking birth control pills. You can take your fucking prescription to another fucking store and take your money fuckign elsewhere.
If you fucking walk into a fucking store and they don't have fucking vitamins, which every fucking person fucking needs, do you fucking demand that they fucking sell it because its what YOU fucking want??

So you fucking grow up and fucking deal with that lady. :p
And why is it so terrible for us to not like the fact that a drugstore would go to the length of not selling contraceptives, but it's quite alright for that drug store to not like contraception? What's with the double standard?

That the drugstore not supplies contraceptives as a CHOICE, as opposed to you pointing a gun at them and saying "supply these drugs."
My fucking problem is that I fucking think a fucking store owner can decide what his fucking store can fucking sell. His fucking job is not to fucking keep you fucking supplied with fucking birth control pills. You can take your fucking prescription to another fucking store and take your money fuckign elsewhere.
If you fucking walk into a fucking store and they don't have fucking vitamins, which every fucking person fucking needs, do you fucking demand that they fucking sell it because its what YOU fucking want??

So you fucking grow up and fucking deal with that lady. :p

You go into a grocery store your not entitled to expect them to a specific brand of say cereal but you are entitled to expect them to have cereal. You go into pharmacy you have every right to expect them to fill your god damn script. I sorry you have a problem with the fact I think a pharmacy should have birth control pills. If a store is set up to sell a certain range of products it should stock ALL of the commonly purchased items. I'm sorry that little bit of logic is beyond you.

Also I know pharmacists and I have talked to them about their profession. The idea of someone in their profession doing what these people are doing appalled them. A pharmacist is there to protect you from drug interactions and to give you information so you can make informed decisions about the medication you take. The idea of controlling the kind of drugs you are able to get is not part of the job description. The ONLY ETHICAL REASON for a pharmacist to refuse to fill a birth control script is if it would harm the woman taking it.
You go into a grocery store your not entitled to expect them to a specific brand of say cereal but you are entitled to expect them to have cereal.

In whatever god forsaken communist state you live in, but not in America. There aren't any "supermarket cereal laws" here in the land of the free.
In whatever god forsaken communist state you live in, but not in America. There aren't any "supermarket cereal laws" here in the land of the free.

So I am not entitled to expect a store to stock items that fall under its purview? I'm sorry but if i go into a grocery store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy groceries, if I go into a hardware store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy lumber, nails, and such things, if I walk into an electronics store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy electronics, and lastly if I walk in to a drug store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy drugs. and Yes dipstick I do live in America and YES I AM ENTITLED TO EXPECT A STORE TO SUPPLY COMMONLY GOTTEN ITEMS IN ITS PURVIEW.
So I am not entitled to expect a store to stock items that fall under its purview? I'm sorry but if i go into a grocery store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy groceries, if I go into a hardware store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy lumber, nails, and such things, if I walk into an electronics store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy electronics, and lastly if I walk in to a drug store I am entitled to expect to be able to buy drugs. and Yes dipstick I do live in America and YES I AM ENTITLED TO EXPECT A STORE TO SUPPLY COMMONLY GOTTEN ITEMS IN ITS PURVIEW.

You are entitled to not get shot by the government for being such an idiot, yes. You may continue to be a retard, without fear of government reprisal. But you are not entitled to sue a store for selling you cereal, no.

You're also misusing the term entitle.
You are entitled to not get shot by the government for being such an idiot, yes. You may continue to be a retard, without fear of government reprisal. But you are not entitled to sue a store for selling you cereal, no.
I'm sorry you feel me an idiot for expecting a store to stock items that are under its purview and commonly purchased but it is perfectly rational for me to expect such things.

You're also misusing the term entitle.
I'm using it according to its common usage.

Also you never answered my question. Is it wrong for me to expect a store to stock commonly purchased items that fall under its purview?
pjdude-They also reserve the right not to serve you. :eek: Go into a supermarket you don't like, and start posting post-it notes everywhere that this store sucks. They will call the police. When the police come start talking about your right to shop there. Let us know how it goes for ya. :D
pjdude-They also reserve the right not to serve you. :eek: Go into a supermarket you don't like, and start posting post-it notes everywhere that this store sucks. They will call the police. When the police come start talking about your right to shop there. Let us know how it goes for ya. :D

Your missing the point.
I'm sorry you feel me an idiot for expecting a store to stock items that are under its purview and commonly purchased but it is perfectly rational for me to expect such things.

That's different than an entitlement to expectation. Entitlement to expectation infers that you have some sort of right to be supplied with cereal from the supermarket. You have no such right.

You are merely entitled to not being persecuted by the government for your expectations. You are entitled to holding those expectations, but not the actual expectation.
Is it wrong for me to expect a store to stock commonly purchased items that fall under its purview?

That's not the issue being discussed.
Anyway, sure, let's say you expect a store to stock a commonly purchased item, and they don't have it stocked. Never did, never plan to.

What do you think the right course of action would be?
I'm sorry you feel me an idiot for expecting a store to stock items that are under its purview and commonly purchased but it is perfectly rational for me to expect such things.

I'm using it according to its common usage.

Also you never answered my question. Is it wrong for me to expect a store to stock commonly purchased items that fall under its purview?

Entitled-to have a right to. Your rights as consumer trump store owner's rights? Not for a second. You have a right to ask for the privilege to enter their store to purchase items they currently own, they have a right to say no. Or does "business owner"="2nd class citizen"?

Just to reiterate... There are gobs of pharmacies within 5 miles of the place. You do realize that. You going to make the adult bookstore carry Dr. Seuss, as well?
Apparently, some states have called bullshit on this nonsense:

CHICAGO, April 1 -- Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich (D) issued an emergency rule Friday that requires pharmacies to accept and fill prescriptions for contraceptives without delay, after a growing number of complaints nationwide that some pharmacists are refusing to dispense birth control pills and the "morning-after" pill.

He also established a toll-free number that residents can call to report refusals by pharmacies.

Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich said pharmacists' refusal to fill prescriptions for contraceptives is not just a statewide problem.

Reproductive-rights groups heralded Blagojevich's action as the first statewide regulation to address the issue.

"We are hopeful that governors across the country will follow his lead," said Nancy Keenan, national president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

I don't know what the regulations are here in California, but it seems that the stores that refuse to supply these things are always located in towns like Incest Mississippi and such.
If you don't like (or cannot abide by) government regulations, you might want to avoid going into a heavily governmentally regulated profession.

In a similar vein, a local landlady evicted a tenant for "living in sin". She was sued, and lost. She does not have the right to evict tenants for not living up to her religious standards. My heart bleeds for her.