No Birth Control for You!

How embarrassing is that. We have to legislate people out of their rights as citizen. If the pharmacists are really against birth-control, they should quit their pharmacy and go elsewhere. I tell hookers about the magical land of Nevada all the time.

If VA legislates some silly garbage in this case, I'm going to the Governor's Mansion and kicking him in the balls.
Repo Man-I wonder how things would have gone had she simply renogtiated the lease to month to month, then refused to allow renewal? Accomplishes the same thing, but nice and legal. She should have gotten a better lawyer. :D
If you don't like (or cannot abide by) government regulations, you might want to avoid going into a heavily governmentally regulated profession.

Just like if you're black, you might not want to move to Alabama, where the cops beat you?

Yeah, sure.
Apparently, some states have called bullshit on this nonsense:

I don't know what the regulations are here in California, but it seems that the stores that refuse to supply these things are always located in towns like Incest Mississippi and such.

I don't think there are too many pharmacies like that in California. I mean if you have a valid perscription for something I've never been to a pharmacy that won't fill it. If they don't carry it they just have it shipped from somewhere else. Glad I don't live in "Incest Mississippi" :D
As others have pointed out, this is especially stupid because there are many uses for "birth control pills" other than birth control. This seems like refusing to sell knifes in your store because sometimes knives are used to stab people. What if your customer wants to buy a knife to cut his steak?
That's true the body of a human woman does not sustain several pregnancies back to back well. It puts too much strain on the organs and the body. There should be somewhere around an 18 month gap in between children. Do it to often and to many times and your body will start to terminate pregnancies or just stop menstruating all together, until the body deems itself healthy again. That's what happened to the some (three) women that were treated at the clinic I worked at. Contraception like abortion has been around since the dawn of time, it's just gotten more sophisticated and of course much much more reliable as technology continues to improve.

That is ridiculous. All the excuses people come up with, to tamper against the natural flow of human life.

Some years ago, I hear all these stupid liberal claims, don't have children while too young, don't have children when too old, don't have children too closely spaced together. How much of that BS does one have to hear, until a logical person simply concludes, what liberals are really saying, is not to have any children at all, because they don't much really like people nor natural human population growth so much to begin with?

Such selfish anti-population people haters!

The body (or God) already sort of "knows" when to get pregnant. Mothers don't just pop out a baby, and become pregnant the very next day. There's some time to heal, before intercourse can resume, and then natural breastfeeding often delays the next natural reproductive cycle a bit.

I get so sick and tired of Big Pharma's lies, trying to forever push their experimental, shoddy contraceptive potions and poisons!
That is ridiculous. All the excuses people come up with, to tamper against the natural flow of human life.

Some years ago, I hear all these stupid liberal claims, don't have children while too young, don't have children when too old, don't have children too closely spaced together. How much of that BS does one have to hear, until a logical person simply concludes, what liberals are really saying, is not to have any children at all, because they don't much really like people nor natural human population growth so much to begin with?

Such selfish anti-population people haters!

The body (or God) already sort of "knows" when to get pregnant. Mothers don't just pop out a baby, and become pregnant the very next day. There's some time to heal, before intercourse can resume, and then natural breastfeeding often delays the next natural reproductive cycle a bit.

I get so sick and tired of Big Pharma's lies, trying to forever push their experimental, shoddy contraceptive potions and poisons!

You're one of them Assembly of God people, ain't ya? :bugeye:
lots of women have died from giving birth. but you know, everybody's gonna die in some way. i think it's funny how just about everyone here (and in general) completely rejects the notion of abstinence to be an option in any circumstance. i'll tell you guys a secret, and that is i have grown immensely in an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual way, since i've been celibate. it's kind of like fasting. it's a discipline that not only encourages self-control, but forces you to focus on other aspects of yourself and your life and of others around you. removing that possibility from your relationships allows for a much different, and dare i say a better, appreciation and understanding of another human being. not to mention the physical aspect of the endeavor. as some of you have so erroneously made an assumption that my sex drive is lacking or that my lifestyle is unhealthy, i have found quite the opposite to be true. i am in love with a man who i receive affection from and i find it to be a very satisfying relationship for both of us. he agrees and he respects me.
As others have pointed out, this is especially stupid because there are many uses for "birth control pills" other than birth control. This seems like refusing to sell knifes in your store because sometimes knives are used to stab people. What if your customer wants to buy a knife to cut his steak?

then they should go to a store that does sell knives. this is getting tiresome.
Lori-Yes, they'll carry this on forever, "But what about baseballs? Someone might want to use one improperly..." Meh. This stuff goes on forever. I'm starting to think that they don't want reality. Probably offended that privately owned christian hospitals frequently don't do abortions, as well.
lots of women have died from giving birth. but you know, everybody's gonna die in some way. i think it's funny how just about everyone here (and in general) completely rejects the notion of abstinence to be an option in any circumstance. i'll tell you guys a secret, and that is i have grown immensely in an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual way, since i've been celibate. it's kind of like fasting. it's a discipline that not only encourages self-control, but forces you to focus on other aspects of yourself and your life and of others around you. removing that possibility from your relationships allows for a much different, and dare i say a better, appreciation and understanding of another human being. not to mention the physical aspect of the endeavor. as some of you have so erroneously made an assumption that my sex drive is lacking or that my lifestyle is unhealthy, i have found quite the opposite to be true. i am in love with a man who i receive affection from and i find it to be a very satisfying relationship for both of us. he agrees and he respects me.

It may be fine for you, but it's not for everyone. Not everyone is wired the same way. What is easy and good for you might be really, really bad for someone else.
It may be fine for you, but it's not for everyone. Not everyone is wired the same way. What is easy and good for you might be really, really bad for someone else.

it's not easy.

and yeah, everyone is wired pretty much the same way.

not that i'm suggesting that others should behave like i do for the same reasons i do...i mean, how could they really when they're not me? it just seems like so many people are so adverse to the idea, as if suggesting it is the craziest thing ever.
and yeah, everyone is wired pretty much the same way.

That's not true. Some people are more aggressive, while others are more submissive. Some people are leaders, others are followers. Some people are less interested in casual sex, while others are sexual deviants. Some people cry easily, others don't cry at all. No, we are most certainly not all "pretty much" wired the same way.

not that i'm suggesting that others should behave like i do for the same reasons i do...i mean, how could they really when they're not me? it just seems like so many people are so adverse to the idea, as if suggesting it is the craziest thing ever.

It really is that for some people. I, for one, get cranky if I don't get off at least once every few days. And if I'm in the presence of a beautiful woman, and the attraction is mutual, you'd have to tear me away from her with a goddamn tow truck.
That's not true. Some people are more aggressive, while others are more submissive. Some people are leaders, others are followers. Some people are less interested in casual sex, while others are sexual deviants. Some people cry easily, others don't cry at all. No, we are most certainly not all "pretty much" wired the same way.

well, i think alot of that is what you get used to...environmental. i know that i sure have changed over the years. by "wired" i was thinking more biological.

It really is that for some people. I, for one, get cranky if I don't get off at least once every few days. And if I'm in the presence of a beautiful woman, and the attraction is mutual, you'd have to tear me away from her with a goddamn tow truck.

yeah, that's the hard part. :)
well, i think alot of that is what you get used to...environmental. i know that i sure have changed over the years. by "wired" i was thinking more biological.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Doesn't change a thing.

yeah, that's the hard part. :)

Well, some handle it better than others, obviously. I can't imagine how your man is handling it. Wow.
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Doesn't change a thing.

it can and does change, as a matter of discipline. i'm saying that i've felt it, and experienced that change. if you had presented the idea to me 10 years ago when i was married i would have scoffed, but then my ideals took a turn.

Well, some handle it better than others, obviously. I can't imagine how your man is handling it. Wow.

he's awesome. and i think that it's a refreshing arrangement for him and that he's enjoying focusing on other things about me. don't get me wrong, he still appreciates me physically. like i said, we're very affectionate. i also think he has a different perspective than many. he's had a lot of pussy, and still does get it whenever he wants it as far as i know. he's not my man. he's his own.
That is ridiculous. All the excuses people come up with, to tamper against the natural flow of human life.

Some years ago, I hear all these stupid liberal claims, don't have children while too young, don't have children when too old, don't have children too closely spaced together. How much of that BS does one have to hear, until a logical person simply concludes, what liberals are really saying, is not to have any children at all, because they don't much really like people nor natural human population growth so much to begin with?

Such selfish anti-population people haters!

The body (or God) already sort of "knows" when to get pregnant. Mothers don't just pop out a baby, and become pregnant the very next day. There's some time to heal, before intercourse can resume, and then natural breastfeeding often delays the next natural reproductive cycle a bit.

I get so sick and tired of Big Pharma's lies, trying to forever push their experimental, shoddy contraceptive potions and poisons!

Exactly breastfeeding in a completely natural environment would space children out at about 2 years apart, which does provide ample time for the body to heal, but people nowadays don't always breastfeed their children or if they do they usually don't do it for two years. If you don't breastfeed your child you can get pregnant again within a month and that isn't good for your body. And as I said earlier contraceptives are not only taken to prevent pregnancy. I myself take contraceptives to prevent having my organs removed, while you may prefer I live in pain every month I prefer the "Big Pharma's lies and potions and poisons. I tried the no birth control for a while, turns out they weren't lying, no birth control= immobilizing pain for me, so poison me away.