No Birth Control for You!

Its a pharmacy, not a birth control pill store. They still sell pharmaceuticals.
The pill doesn't come under the collective of pharmaceuticals? Care to elaborate on this?

I can shrug because I don't think my beliefs trump other people's beliefs especially when it comes to a store and you can make them to what you want.
In other words denying someone treatmeant is fine on the basis of beliefs. It's reassuring to know letting someone die is fine if they don't fit in with your belief system.

If I don't want to shop there I won't. They don't have patients, they have customer. Even doctors can refuse to see patients. Doctors don't see most patients who don't have insurance. That's about money, not personal beliefs. Which is worse?
I'd say that also makes them customers as opposed to patients. Which IMO is inherently wrong.
Given your above statements you're presumably also fine with doctors refusing to see people on the basis of beliefs. Where exactly do you draw the line and why?
no orleander, they cant refuse. A doctor in NSW was working when a young child burst in and begged him to come and help his sister (who was badly injured). The GP refused and the girl died. He was latter charged with criminal negligence in that he was asked to help and refused
I could forgive him if he was already tending to someone in life threatening condition.
Otherwise he's under a duty of care to help.

That being said Asguard doesn't Australia have a national health system? And as such he has a duty of care and can't refuse. I'm not sure the same applies in America.
he was a GP and therefore running a private practice (fact that they recive money from medicare is a side issue, thats is a universal insurance provider, they dont hire doctors)

and no i dont belive he was seeing a pt, he did probably have pts waiting with colds and coughs ect but they could have kept waiting.
he was a GP and therefore running a private practice (fact that they recive money from medicare is a side issue, thats is a universal insurance provider, they dont hire doctors)

and no i dont belive he was seeing a pt, he did probably have pts waiting with colds and coughs ect but they could have kept waiting.
I think that it being a private practice means he can legally deny treatment. Presumably though being charged with criminal negligence means he must still assess the patient? :confused:
The same would probably apply across America then.
he had a duty of care to treat the pt until an ambulance arived. He would only have been able to hand over treatment to a doctor of higher skills, an emergency nurse or an ambo all of whom are trained SPECIFICALLY to deal with emergency care. He was legally required to provide care to the best of his ability untill these services became avilable (infact the ambos for example can request he stay and he would be required to continue)
he had a duty of care to treat the pt until an ambulance arived. He would only have been able to hand over treatment to a doctor of higher skills, an emergency nurse or an ambo all of whom are trained SPECIFICALLY to deal with emergency care. He was legally required to provide care to the best of his ability untill these services became avilable (infact the ambos for example can request he stay and he would be required to continue)

Does that apply if he is off-duty?
he had a duty of care to treat the pt until an ambulance arived. He would only have been able to hand over treatment to a doctor of higher skills, an emergency nurse or an ambo all of whom are trained SPECIFICALLY to deal with emergency care. He was legally required to provide care to the best of his ability untill these services became avilable (infact the ambos for example can request he stay and he would be required to continue)

That's horrible.
That poor doctor.
Anti-Flag yes, anyone who asks a doctor for help in an emergency has a right to expect that help off duty or on. if you know a doc lives in your street and you bang on his door at 3am and he answers then he is legally obliged to help in a genuine emergency

Aparently what they arnt legally abliged to do is say stop at an acident unless someone has asked for there help (or they are involved in it oviously)

take for instance a medical emergency on a plane and the stewards ask "is there a doctor on board". They are legally abliged to say yes and help

Roman, why is it horible?
from a purly economic sence they get a HUGE amount of goverment money put into there training, this is the way they pay the community back for it. Of course most of us wouldnt take an economic view point. we would say, you have the training you have an ETHICAL duty to assist
Anti-Flag yes, anyone who asks a doctor for help in an emergency has a right to expect that help off duty or on. if you know a doc lives in your street and you bang on his door at 3am and he answers then he is legally obliged to help in a genuine emergency

I am not so sure about that. Help is also making a phone call and may not include acting in a professional capacity.
I don't get why is it such a big deal, this pharmacy is obviously making a statement about their ideals and yada yada... Just like any other store in US, if you don't like a store for whatever reason then just don't shop there. If your doctor prescribed a medication they might also know of alternative places to buy it. You could also hold a protest and start boycott against the store if you wanted too, I mean if it really bothered you that much...

great, what if its the only pharmacy in a town in the middle of outback australia?
I've never been to the middle of the outback or even Australia for that matter, but I still don't think you can force a private business to sell something. There's always mail order isn't there? That's what I would do if I moved to outback Australia, because I have to stay on birth control pills.
Asguard-Are we talking legal or ethical or moral? Or...wait.

This pharmacy is in the US, not far from me. The outback of australia and Virginia are about as similar as my toenail is to the rings of Jupiter. I mean, if you want to play what if, we can, but I don't play fair. The situation is what it is. There are at least 10choices within 5 miles of that pharmacy. It's a gimmick, as we say around here. "Look how holy I am, I shop at the christian pharmacy" They'll make money.

What if a monkey flew out of my butt, came to your house, and made a poopie on your couch? What then?
personally i have always lived in the major cities but that doesnt mean i have never been to the country.

mail order?
HA, dont make me laugh
a) you CANT get a script by mail order, its against the law to order perscription drugs over the internet ect. Even if they come in from overseas coustoms will sieze them.

b)there are LOTS of small towns with only one general store basically which serves as the post office, the pharmacy and everything else

c) the morning after pill MUST be taken with in 48 hours to be effective, you honestly think a goverment is going to alow some religious nut case to stop the surplie of a drug with such a tight window?

They will pull there licence symple as that if they find people with these sorts of practices, avilablity of contraception is concidered by the international commission on human rights, and the international convention on the rights of women to be a fundermental human right. Not to mention that the goverment would MUCH rather have this drug out there than have an increase in the abortion rates. Thats even IGNORING the use in rape cases.

For those reasons its a condition of licence that you put your "moral" views aside if you wish to own a pharmacy. You have no right to run one EXCEPT as stipulated by the licence you are granted
I agree.

How can people rant about the store owner forcing their beliefs on them when they want to force their own beliefs on the store owner.

I don't get you people. The pharmacist is affecting the person who is trying to get their meds personal life with his choice. The birth control prescribee is not affecting the pharmacist personal life or any part of their life with their choice. Do you see the difference.
Its a pharmacy, not a birth control pill store. They still sell pharmaceuticals.

I can shrug because I don't think my beliefs trump other people's beliefs especially when it comes to a store and you can make them to what you want.

If I don't want to shop there I won't. They don't have patients, they have customer. Even doctors can refuse to see patients. Doctors don't see most patients who don't have insurance. That's about money, not personal beliefs. Which is worse?

It a corruption of the pharmacists duties. A pharmacist should only refuse to fill a prescripition if it would harm the person.

I can shrug because I don't think my beliefs trump other people's beliefs especially when it comes to a store and you can make them to what you want.
Than why are you taking the position that the pharmacists rights and beliefs are more important?
It a corruption of the pharmacists duties. A pharmacist should only refuse to fill a prescripition if it would harm the person.

Than why are you taking the position that the pharmacists rights and beliefs are more important?

Because its their store. They went to college, they got the loan to put the store together, they work the hours. ITS THEIR STORE. Some of you act like its a hospital refusing treatment. Its a private store not carrying a certain product.
Anti-Flag yes, anyone who asks a doctor for help in an emergency has a right to expect that help off duty or on. if you know a doc lives in your street and you bang on his door at 3am and he answers then he is legally obliged to help in a genuine emergency....

and like it was said, calling 911 is doing that.
personally i have always lived in the major cities but that doesnt mean i have never been to the country.

mail order?
HA, dont make me laugh
a) you CANT get a script by mail order, its against the law to order perscription drugs over the internet ect. Even if they come in from overseas coustoms will sieze them....

We get all but 1 medication through mail order. Our insurance sets it up because it cuts out the middle man. Cheaper for them.
So you CAN get it through mail order. In fact, they even have commercials on TV that help you set it up if you are on medicare.

Australia always sounded like a wonderful place til I met you. Now it just sounds like a horrible place to live.:(