No Birth Control for You!

Lori-Perhaps they are Afraid Of Americans. Must be big into David Bowie or something.

i can not believe you just referenced that video. *spooky music* i wanna fuck trent reznor (aka psycho stalker jesus) like a hamster!
Pardon me while I run to the Indian quick-mart beside the adult bookstore/theater. You want something they ain't got? Go somewhere else. Duh.

i'm pretty sure they sell birth control at the indian quickie mart. :shrug:
it's not forcing their beliefs on others, it's capitalism. not to transfer the prescription is just wrong, but to choose not to sell birth control? there's another pharmacy across the street, and if there's not, well boo-hoo then move to where there is one, order them mail order, this is america damnit.

(well, that's where i am anyway.)

the american way...

no birth control? go to school, become a pharmacist, and open up your own damn pharmacy and sell what you want to.
Your right this is america and no one in america. should have to put up with some whiney little shit affecting their lives simply because there too damn ignorant to tell the difference between an abortion and birth control. Your right to freedom of religion ends when it effects someone else.
Your right this is america and no one in america. should have to put up with some whiney little shit affecting their lives simply because there too damn ignorant to tell the difference between an abortion and birth control. Your right to freedom of religion ends when it effects someone else.

what are you talking about? what if someone forced you to sell used cars? :bawl:
what are you talking about? what if someone forced you to sell used cars? :bawl:

um I am talking about the moron's who refuse to fill birth control pills. and that used car comment makes no sense. I want to know why you think it is ok for you to make a decision that affects me based on your religious beliefs.
um I am talking about the moron's who refuse to fill birth control pills. and that used car comment makes no sense. I want to know why you think it is ok for you to make a decision that affects me based on your religious beliefs.

you don't have to shop there man!!!!
you don't have to shop there man!!!!

You still don't get it. No one should be able to affect your value judgments based on their religion. Would it be ok for a scientologist to refuse refuse to fill any psychiatric drugs? They are in essence forcing other people to live according to their beliefs which isn't right.
the truth is that humanity for the most part are a bunch of self-gratifying mongrels who can't see past their next purchase, orgasm, fix, or meal. i'm apocalyptic-minded for my own good reasons (that are not obvious and i'm not going to go into), not to mention what's obvious. to bring a child into a world where the majority of people can't even manage to have a successful sexual relationship, they're raised by daycare centers, taught by institutions, and spewed into a lifetime of slavery to greed until they die of some disease, just because i'm lonely or bored? i would imagine my child coming out of my womb with his middle finger in the air, saying, "fuck you, you selfish bitch."

people don't deserve to fuck.

How does having a NORMAL SEX DRIVE equate to being selfish and wanting too much?!?!

It's a normal part of being human. You might have a low sex drive, the rest of us don't.

It is about more than just a want, it is also about connection, surely that's something a fucking self styled Christian like you would understand.

You might be happy being celibate. That's your choice and yours alone. Don't force your disgusting little so called morals on the rest of us.
the truth is that humanity for the most part are a bunch of self-gratifying mongrels who can't see past their next purchase, orgasm, fix, or meal. i'm apocalyptic-minded for my own good reasons (that are not obvious and i'm not going to go into), not to mention what's obvious. to bring a child into a world where the majority of people can't even manage to have a successful sexual relationship, they're raised by daycare centers, taught by institutions, and spewed into a lifetime of slavery to greed until they die of some disease, just because i'm lonely or bored? i would imagine my child coming out of my womb with his middle finger in the air, saying, "fuck you, you selfish bitch."

people don't deserve to fuck.

Your a bit of a downer. What does maintaining a sexual relationship with someone have to do with daycare centers, being taught by institutions, or having a disease? No one's childhood is perfect.
of course. as you may infer, i'm not really into conformity. :)
Conformity is overrated. More people should decide things for themselves rather than following the crowd and not questioning what they're told.
That of course means everyone has to be more accepting of other peoples decisions as they won't always concur with their own.
I agree.

How can people rant about the store owner forcing their beliefs on them when they want to force their own beliefs on the store owner.

You can be against global warming and refuse to drive a car but if you own a gas station you're still obliged to supply gas. ;)
So would you protest and say its immoral for a gas station that closes it pumps?

I'd say it no longer qualifies as a gas station. Which would also mean in the above context it was imposing a persons beliefs on someone else who does not share them.
In the context of gas stations and other normal stores that's not really a problem; unless the law states the store purchased as a gas station must remain a gas station in which case it is in breach of the law, but when it comes to health it's a different matter. You're under obligation to do what's best for the patient. What happens if it was a different drug they refused to supply and someone’s life was at stake? Would you just shrug and say it's their beliefs so it's fine to let someone die?
I'd say it no longer qualifies as a gas station. ...

You're under obligation to do what's best for the patient. What happens if it was a different drug they refused to supply and someone’s life was at stake? Would you just shrug and say it's their beliefs so it's fine to let someone die?

Its a pharmacy, not a birth control pill store. They still sell pharmaceuticals.

I can shrug because I don't think my beliefs trump other people's beliefs especially when it comes to a store and you can make them to what you want.

If I don't want to shop there I won't. They don't have patients, they have customer. Even doctors can refuse to see patients. Doctors don't see most patients who don't have insurance. That's about money, not personal beliefs. Which is worse?
no orleander, they cant refuse. A doctor in NSW was working when a young child burst in and begged him to come and help his sister (who was badly injured). The GP refused and the girl died. He was latter charged with criminal negligence in that he was asked to help and refused
no, it was rude
M*W: Well, you misconstrued it, too. I should have prefaced my post to Lori saying, "hi, and welcome back." I meant my post in all sincerity with no intent of being rude. My point was to let Lori know that sexual activity is natural, but if it is something that she finds to be vulgar, then she is right by not having such a relationship. That's all.