No Birth Control for You!

no, you still don't get it. no one is forcing any value judgements. no one is forcing you to stop using birth control. just buy it somewhere else! no one should be forced to buy something they don't want to buy, believe something they don't want to believe, OR to sell something that they don't want to sell!

this is america man, and as much as i hate religion, this is supposed to be a free country. there's a supply and a demand for everything under the sun, and if you're not getting what you need where you are, then go somewhere else and get it! you're a hypocrit if you think you have a right to force some religious zealot to sell birth control if they don't want to sell it. they own the business. in this country you can open up your own business as competition.

so in addition to be in favor of pushing beliefs on people your reading comprehension sucks as well. I said affect value judgements not force value judgements.

you're a hypocrit if you think you have a right to force some religious zealot to sell birth control if they don't want to sell it.
you don't get. In this country your not allowed to force your beliefs on someone else.
so in addition to be in favor of pushing beliefs on people your reading comprehension sucks as well. I said affect value judgements not force value judgements.

you don't get. In this country your not allowed to force your beliefs on someone else.

so what you're saying is that you're so mindless and spineless that if you can not purchase birth control in a particular pharmacy that you would then have to become indoctrinated into the religion that the pharmacy owner is part of?

and by the way, you totally just contradicted one sentence after another. that was cool.
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Fascist pretending to be liberals. I am sure that at some point Pol Pot called himself a liberal as well.
so what you're saying is that you're so mindless and spineless that if you can not purchase birth control in a particular pharmacy that you would then have to become indoctrinated into the religion that the pharmacy owner is part of?
WTF? no i am saying if i made a choices no one has the right to deny me that choice based on their religious beliefs.

and by the way, you totally just contradicted one sentence after another. that was cool.

I didn't contradict myself.
WTF? no i am saying if i made a choices no one has the right to deny me that choice based on their religious beliefs.

I didn't contradict myself.

how are you being denied a choice? you have the choice of 87 gazillion right across the street from the other. you are suggesting that a particular pharmacist should not have a choice as to what they sell.
how are you being denied a choice? you have the choice of 87 gazillion right across the street from the other. you are suggesting that a particular pharmacist should not have a choice as to what they sell.

If they have the pills the need to fill the script their beliefs be damned.
why would they have the pills if they don't sell them? lol...

was never my point. i'm guessing you failed to notice when people started talking about pharmacist refusing to fill prescripitions. Though I do believe its unethical what they are doing by not carrying them it isn't illegal.
According to you things you believe in are not beliefs but what other people believe in are. Nice how things work out that way.

no. you making shit up about me again. I explained the difference of why the pharmacist doing was forcing beliefs but the custarmer demanding the pharmacist fill the script isn't.
It is no different than a store OWNER deciding he\she doesn't want to carry aspirin. Anyone in U.S who wants to get birth control pills knows where to get them and has no problem getting them.

I dont see too any women complaining about this so it is just you and you biases interfering with common sense.
I dont see too any women complaining about this so it is just you and you biases interfering with common sense.

Oh yes, it's our biases interfering with common sense. Our biases. Certainly not the biases of the radical scumbags who decided to open the phony drugstore.
wow. and i thought religious people were bad...

i guess it just goes to show that people who want to judge, and hate, and be offended, will find a reason, or a platform, to do so, whether it's a religion, or the opposition to it.
wow. and i thought religious people were bad...

i guess it just goes to show that people who want to judge, and hate, and be offended, will find a reason, or a platform, to do so, whether it's a religion, or the opposition to it.

Girl, you need to get laid. No wonder you're so angry and judgmental.
M*W: Well, you misconstrued it, too. I should have prefaced my post to Lori saying, "hi, and welcome back." I meant my post in all sincerity with no intent of being rude. My point was to let Lori know that sexual activity is natural, but if it is something that she finds to be vulgar, then she is right by not having such a relationship. That's all.

ok mw, just for shits and giggles, how in god's name did you come up with an idea that? that i may think sexual activity is vulgar? that's got to be one of the most ridiculous assumtions i've ever heard. so...what highly analytical...?
It's fear of theism, they seek to villify any theistic view they find. MW's just more rabid than others. They have a special box for her to check reality in when she blows in around here.

MW-Let's chuck capitalism aside. It's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. This is like arguing about whether it's ethical to allow Joe's Crab Shack to sell tee-shirts that say,"I got Crabs---At Joe's!". They believe X, they want to bring in customers that believe X. Or it's a very stupid way of doing evangelism.