No Birth Control for You!


so far the only things put into legislation about doctors in general is that they are required to refer to a doctor who IS willing to perform the operation. However if you work in an emergency room and a rape victom is brought in you think they have the right to refuse the morning after pill?
NO they are employes of the state and they are required to provide it

The same for perscription meds, they are legally REQUIRED to provide them as part of there licence to run a pharmacy...

well obviously not. You would know that if you read the OP. A vast majority of pharmacists here in AMERICA aren't employees of the state. Is everything in Australia run by the state?
There are private hospitals here in AMERICA that don't perform vasectomies or tubal ligation. A woman can have a c-section in the hospital, but they won't tie her tubes while they have her open.
Please tell me all about how how illegal it is, since you know so very very much about medical law in America.
licenced is not run orleander, oviously you cant read.

A bar is licenced and in order to open has to follow specific guidelines including not selling achole to minors or alowing them on the premisis at risk of jail time for the owner or a massive fine and loss of liquor licence

Its the same with a pharmacy, they are private companies (except hospital ones oviously) but they have certain licencing conditions
and if they consider it life and life is sacred, would you make a person dispense birth control and go against their moral standards?

Of course not, like I said if it's a private pharmacy then they can do whatever they want. If a pharmacist had those personal beliefs and decided to work at a Rite-Aid drugstore then yeah I would have a problem with that, but if they open up their own pharmacy, then more power to them to sell or not sell whatever they want to as long as it isn't illegal. They can only sell potatoes and Tylenol, if it helps them sleep at night, I mean if I have a problem with them then I just wouldn't shop there.
licenced is not run orleander, oviously you cant read.

A bar is licenced and in order to open has to follow specific guidelines including not selling achole to minors or alowing them on the premisis at risk of jail time for the owner or a massive fine and loss of liquor licence

Its the same with a pharmacy, they are private companies (except hospital ones oviously) but they have certain licencing conditions

LOL, yeah, its my reading skills that are the problem.

They are licensed to dispense prescribed medicines. That's it. They don't have to fill every prescription that comes through the door. Its called refusing service
Doctors are licensed as well. Does that mean every doctor HAS to perform abortions? Its called refusing service.
Bars are licensed to sell booze. Does that mean they HAVE to sell Foster's? Its called refusing to carry crap beer. :D
Of course not, like I said if it's a private pharmacy then they can do whatever they want. If a pharmacist had those personal beliefs and decided to work at a Rite-Aid drugstore then yeah I would have a problem with that, but if they open up their own pharmacy, then more power to them to sell or not sell whatever they want to as long as it isn't illegal. They can only sell potatoes and Tylenol, if it helps them sleep at night, I mean if I have a problem with them then I just wouldn't shop there.

and Rite-Aid would too. But some stores work around that by having more than 1 pharmacist on duty and the other one fills those prescriptions.
why not? and yes they could. i myself have been celibate for 7 1/2 years because i don't want to have a child and i don't want to use birth control.

Good for you and I'm glad you're happy that way (ignore everyone else you have to do what's right for yourself).
However not everyone else feels that way and nor should they have to, they have to do what's right for themselves too.
and Rite-Aid would too. But some stores work around that by having more than 1 pharmacist on duty and the other one fills those prescriptions.

Oh I thought you meant sell birth control. I would be kind of upset if all of the major drug companies stopped selling birth control pills because of their moral beliefs, because I would be in a great deal of trouble without them. Then I would have to go to out of country, which is probably illegal, but I need my high estrogen drugs.
yes I do. A person shouldn't have to sell something just because another person wants it.

I was referring to a NEED, not a WANT.

If someone needs a substance to maintain their health, do you honestly think it would be morally acceptable to refuse to sell it?
what kind of thing? Not selling what you don't want to? Should every gas station HAVE to sell beer or cigarettes or lottery tickets?

No, they shouldn't have to. But you asked my opinion, and my opinion is that this is simply a way to try and enforce their belief system on the public. I don't agree with it. I think it's a stunt, first of all; I believe they're trying to make a statement.

Should they withhold cough syrup next because it can get you drunk? I mean, where does it end?
It's unnatural not to have sex, regardless of the reason. And I certainly hope you aren't expecting me to applaud your celibacy, because I think it's ridiculous.

i didn't say it was "natural" not to have sex. but i will say that it's extremely "unnatural" to have to wrap your dick up in latex, or take some pill to stop your ovulation before you do. i'd also say that taking a glorified vacuum cleaner to a pregnant woman's uterus is pretty fucking "unnatural".

and why in god's name would you think i was looking for applause? oh yeah nevermind, i forgot where i was for a minute...:rolleyes:
M*W: Lori, why not? Celibacy is inhumane. Maybe you haven't found the right guy. That's understandable. Even if you don't want to have a child, why should you deny yourself a natural human need? By repressing your sexuality, you are rerouting your sexual needs in an unhealthy way. There are ways to avoid pregnancy. Are you opposed to contraception due to religious reasons? Enjoy your body. Enjoy yourself. Life is really short. I'm not saying to be promiscuous, just appreciate your natural instincts. However, I don't promote casual sex with strangers or anything, but if you were in a relationship, you might feel differently.

your self-indulgent preaching makes me want to vomit.
Good luck with that! Excuse me while I laugh myself silly.

The ones I really feel for are the few who pull it off.

the truth is that humanity for the most part are a bunch of self-gratifying mongrels who can't see past their next purchase, orgasm, fix, or meal. i'm apocalyptic-minded for my own good reasons (that are not obvious and i'm not going to go into), not to mention what's obvious. to bring a child into a world where the majority of people can't even manage to have a successful sexual relationship, they're raised by daycare centers, taught by institutions, and spewed into a lifetime of slavery to greed until they die of some disease, just because i'm lonely or bored? i would imagine my child coming out of my womb with his middle finger in the air, saying, "fuck you, you selfish bitch."

people don't deserve to fuck.
Good for you and I'm glad you're happy that way (ignore everyone else you have to do what's right for yourself).
However not everyone else feels that way and nor should they have to, they have to do what's right for themselves too.

of course. as you may infer, i'm not really into conformity. :)
For the people who think what these pharmacists are doing is right I would like to know why you think its ok for them to force their beliefs on another?
For the people who think what these pharmacists are doing is right I would like to know why you think its ok for them to force their beliefs on another?

it's not forcing their beliefs on others, it's capitalism. not to transfer the prescription is just wrong, but to choose not to sell birth control? there's another pharmacy across the street, and if there's not, well boo-hoo then move to where there is one, order them mail order, this is america damnit.

(well, that's where i am anyway.)

the american way...

no birth control? go to school, become a pharmacist, and open up your own damn pharmacy and sell what you want to.
Pardon me while I run to the Indian quick-mart beside the adult bookstore/theater. You want something they ain't got? Go somewhere else. Duh.