No Birth Control for You!

No they couldn't. They never have, and they should not be expected to.

why not? and yes they could. i myself have been celibate for 7 1/2 years because i don't want to have a child and i don't want to use birth control.
why not? and yes they could. i myself have been celibate for 7 1/2 years because i don't want to have a child and i don't want to use birth control.

It's unnatural not to have sex, regardless of the reason. And I certainly hope you aren't expecting me to applaud your celibacy, because I think it's ridiculous.
not to mention that is YOUR choice, what the fuck gives you the right to try to make it MINE
why not? and yes they could. i myself have been celibate for 7 1/2 years because i don't want to have a child and i don't want to use birth control.
M*W: Lori, why not? Celibacy is inhumane. Maybe you haven't found the right guy. That's understandable. Even if you don't want to have a child, why should you deny yourself a natural human need? By repressing your sexuality, you are rerouting your sexual needs in an unhealthy way. There are ways to avoid pregnancy. Are you opposed to contraception due to religious reasons? Enjoy your body. Enjoy yourself. Life is really short. I'm not saying to be promiscuous, just appreciate your natural instincts. However, I don't promote casual sex with strangers or anything, but if you were in a relationship, you might feel differently.
M*W: Lori, why not? Celibacy is inhumane. Maybe you haven't found the right guy. That's understandable. Even if you don't want to have a child, why should you deny yourself a natural human need? By repressing your sexuality, you are rerouting your sexual needs in an unhealthy way. There are ways to avoid pregnancy. Are you opposed to contraception due to religious reasons? Enjoy your body. Enjoy yourself. Life is really short. I'm not saying to be promiscuous, just appreciate your natural instincts. However, I don't promote casual sex with strangers or anything, but if you were in a relationship, you might feel differently.

That is probably the best response to this issue that I've read yet.
They SHOULD be made to sell what they don't want to sell if that is birth control.

They don't like it, they shouldn't work there.

Its not about working there. Its about OWNING the pharmacy and not selling what you don't want to sell. They don't sell candy or soda either.
Anyone throwing a fit about their right to buy candy or a pop?

Why is that wrong?:shrug:
Its not about working there. Its about OWNING the pharmacy and not selling what you don't want to sell.

Why is that wrong?:shrug:

It's not legally wrong, but a lot of people would see it as extremist. Birth control isn't illegal, and has medicinal uses beyond preventing pregnancy. There's always another drug store nearby, I suppose, if you live in the city, but it's still pretty crazy in my opinion.
In my personal opinion? Yes. I don't think that kind of thing has any place in society. Especially the marketplace.

what kind of thing? Not selling what you don't want to? Should every gas station HAVE to sell beer or cigarettes or lottery tickets?
It's a pharmacy.

If they were for some reason opposed to, I don't know, corticosteroids, for religious reasons, would that be morally ok?
It's a pharmacy.

If they were for some reason opposed to, I don't know, corticosteroids, for religious reasons, would that be morally ok?

YES! If they don't want to sell it, they shouldn't have to sell it.
If a doctor doesn't want to perform an abortion does she have to?
YES! If they don't want to sell it, they shouldn't have to sell it.
If a doctor doesn't want to perform an abortion does she have to?

Do you honestly believe that if someone needed a substance badly and the pharmacist refused to stock it for some bizarre 'moral' reason, that's completely fine?

What if they were the only one for miles around?

Yes she should have to, unless for some other reason like the child was developed enough to feel pain. Otherwise you could have a situation where women couldn't get abortions anywhere.
People could always stop fucking unless they want to have kids.

Good luck with that! Excuse me while I laugh myself silly.

The ones I really feel for are the few who pull it off.
M*W: Lori, why not? Celibacy is inhumane. Maybe you haven't found the right guy. ....

Is masturbation inhumane? Can a person be inhumane to themselves? I thought people had a varying degree of sexual desire.

And seriously "Maybe you haven't found the right guy"???
What if I said "Maybe you just haven't been to teh right church yet"
People could always stop fucking unless they want to have kids.

You could do that, but that wouldn't stop my need for birth control. If a private pharmacy doesn't sell something for whatever reason that's fine, but they should tell you upfront that they don't sell it and should refer you to another pharmacy. If they are the only pharmacy in town then that might create problems, but I guess you could always order drugs online from like or something, that's what I would do.

so far the only things put into legislation about doctors in general is that they are required to refer to a doctor who IS willing to perform the operation. However if you work in an emergency room and a rape victom is brought in you think they have the right to refuse the morning after pill?
NO they are employes of the state and they are required to provide it

The same for perscription meds, they are legally REQUIRED to provide them as part of there licence to run a pharmacy

Its no different from a petrol station which refused to sell PETROL, what would be the point? why would the council alow you to buy that piece of land which is zoned for a petrol station in a country area and its the only one if your not going to sell petrol?
I don't think that's the issue, is it? I thought it was simply that Christians don't believe in contraception.

It's Orthodox Catholics that don't believe in contraception. Most Christians don't seem to have a problem with it, unless their die hard anti-abortion fanatics, because birth control pills can cause abortions/miscarriages because it thins out the endometrium. But other than that most Christians don't believe an ovum or sperm cell is "living" until fertilization occurs. Catholics consider all eggs and sperm potential life.