Neg Greys and Psychic Attack

I think my advice is the most benign out of all of you… shame on you all: can’t you see you have to be as nice and neutral as possible in helping this total delusional and insane individual?
This guy is not that smart he just writes his posts carefully.
What a crock of shit!

I think he's trying to pull shit on people, or he's smoking too much crack.

TALKING TO DARK NIGHT now............

If you've been abducted, really abducted then you SHOULD be in therpay because you've been fucked up....

And please explain to me why a bunch of space travellors would waste their time with you, let alone us as a species.

Are you aweare of how advanced a race would have to be to travel to earth from wherever they are? Why would they be bothered unless they wanted to eat us? huh? really?

Oh No the big bad alien is coming to get you!
fuck it! if that's true then just be happy you've been abducted and I haven't. I'm sure there are millions of bored Houswives who would give their left leg at the chance to be abducted by space aliens.

PS you are clearly full of SHITE!

HAH! i just read your last post. Personal Boundary formation, hahahahaha funny stuff loser.

exterminate exterminate danger will robinson, get a life. Those messages must've taken ages to write. What a waste of time!

Get some friends! Go get laid! get a job! do something!

i pity thee

After some of my probing into Dark knights story(we have conversed by e-mail too) I have come to believe, that Dark Night has NOT been abducted, and has fabricated this entire story. I say this, because of the numerous logical inconsistencies I have uncovered in her account:

1: She claims she is a 31 year old virgin and her Hymen is intact, despite practicing martial arts in college, and numerous abductions by aliens. After I confronted her on this issue which she initially completely evaded, she claimed it is partially torn, Thus, I find it extremely hard to believe a professional doctor would exclaim "You're right, you're still a virgin"

2: She claims the Aliens have been abducting her for a long time. They are impregnating her, removing her ovaries, and subjecting to her physical exams and violating her completely, yet they are so cautious and tentative about her Hymen. Furthermore, she claims they do not perform any sexual experimentation, or coerce to have sex with human or hybrids. When this is the most commonly reported procedure of abduction accounts. So why would the aliens abduct her so much? She told me, they were interested in her theories on consciousness, empathy, and her dissertation on world peace. I think that is quite ludicrous and delusional.

3: She claims of an abduction account, where she was asked the question in her mind, "What is your favourite animal" she replied "Panda" and then 7 Pandas walked into her bedroom to abduct her. Now this is silly, but I'm not dismissing it, what I am dismissing, is why the aliens would go to such unnecessary measures to to abduct her.

4: She claims most of her abductions have not physically taken place, but by OBE(Out of body experience) which takes us into the metaphysical domain of spirits and ghosts - which is largely unsubstantiated.

5: She claims she's been abducted by MIB(Men in black), Nordics, and Greys(these are commonly reported aliens) and she saw them all on the same ship surrounding her. I find it very inviable, that so many species of aliens would be collaborating in abducting her.

6: She claims the Nordics said to her, "We are taking you out now" This very much seals it for me. Why should the Nordic talk to her, in American street slang.

I maybe wrong, but I frankly doubt it. There are too many logical inconsistencies, wild claims, and ludicrousness in her account. So sorry Dark Knight, I don't think you've been abducted. If you are not lying to us, which I think you are, then you probably do have some psychiatric disorder that needs catering too.
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Nebu, there is a difference between our approach. You instantly dismiss it(non scientific) while I seperate the lies from the truth(scientific) I would rather you not generalize like that, because some abduction accounts are very compelling indeed. I don't think you've heard of the Betty and Barney's case. They kept quiet for 2 years about their abductions, and only when their story leaked into the press, did they come out with the story. Not only that, but Betty drew a star map of the location of the greys, that no one knew. 8 years later, they found an exact match of the star map she drew. I suggest you consult Budd Hopkins.
crazymikey said:
Nebu, there is a difference between our approach. You instantly dismiss it(non scientific) while I seperate the lies from the truth(scientific) I would rather you not generalize like that, because some abduction accounts are very compelling indeed. I don't think you've heard of the Betty and Barney's case. They kept quiet for 2 years about their abductions, and only when their story leaked into the press, did they come out with the story. Not only that, but Betty drew a star map of the location of the greys, that no one knew. 8 years later, they found an exact match of the star map she drew. I suggest you consult Budd Hopkins.

and i suggest you lay off the drugs.......


why is it that America, and only, it seems, small town America, is privvy to the abductions. Why can't the rest of the world be part of the abduction conspiracy whereby aliens take us from our homes conveniently whilst no-one is looking?
Nebu, I suggest you open your mind. I'm not on drugs thank you, in fact, nor do I drink alcohol, or smoke. I'm quite mentally and physically fit. So please lay of the ad hominems.

Who said it is only America, where this is taking place?

Will you even bother to research, or will you insist on talking out of your ass?
My ass can't talk, it makes various noises but i assure nobody could classify that as speech.

I will not even bother to research Alien Abductions NO, no thankyou....

I will proudly support SETI and anyone who claims to be on a mission to search, find and make contact with extra-terrestrials.

That is because those people truely believe that Aliens exist.

UFO's exist, just not in the sense that little green men or whatever are sitting at the wheel.

Imagine if humans beings ever left this planet and managed to explore space. Is abducting new species a thing we would really do?

please give me ONE good reason why intelligent, and they would have to be VERY intelligent, beings from outer space would want to abduct human beings?
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
please give me ONE good reason why intelligent, and they would have to be VERY intelligent, beings from outer space would want to abduct human beings?

I know the answer, but that is only because I am a biologist.
so tell me, i'm dying to know, you've got me in suspense..........

oh wait there's a strange light outside my window!

i'll keep you all updated, lets hope i'm here in five minutes....

It's them! the Grey Negs!

they are coming for me!

they want my blood! my organs!

.....and so on
UFO's exist, just not in the sense that little green men or whatever are sitting at the wheel.

If you mean in the literal sense, then of course they exist. If you mean flying craft, that accelerate at 100G, travel at Mach 4 to Mach 265, and can suddenly come to halts in mid-air for long durations, and then zoom of into space in 2 second sweeps. Then I wonder what you
think it is ;)

Imagine if humans beings ever left this planet and managed to explore space. Is abducting new species a thing we would really do?

Why do we have to leave the planet? We regularly remove/abduct animals from their habitats for our purposes.

please give me ONE good reason why intelligent, and they would have to be VERY intelligent, beings from outer space would want to abduct human beings?

Why do we abduct animals? Think about this.
Well, if the aliens were biologists they would find it enyoable to open up specimens of interesting and strange new species and do some experiments on them.

However, there are 2 reasons why these aliens cannot be biologists

1. they seem to take only US citizens (and possible belgiums) who can be defined as 'strange' or 'total loser'.
That would make no sense since you would expect a random sampling if they wanted to create a general picture of the population. And if they wanted to do experiments they would not take samples from a wild population. No they would breed an inbred line of humans and use those in order to limit variation.
2. Biologists never are the first people to go on a space mission.

So actually it doesn't make sense.
John Mack, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University and Pulitzer Prize winning author

"UFO abductions are not a rare phenomenon and have been estimated to have occurred to three-million Americans. There is a remarkably precise correspondence to the reports. Abductees exhibit relatively little psychopathology. The author uses a combination of hypnosis and a breathing technique as treatment in helping the abductees confront and move through the terrifying memories of the experiences. Abduction events and descriptions of aliens are relatively uniform. There is both subtle and highly robust physical evidence that accompanies some of the abductions. The aftermaths of these events are usually highly traumatic. But in processing these terrors, abductees are often able to find these events a source of transformation, in connecting them beyond themselves. They can provide a sense of purpose, often linked to an environmental awareness and a sense of mission related to our precarious global ecological situation. Their meaning for all of us may lie in challenging, in a powerful and meaningful way, the species-arrogance inherent in our Western cultural paradigm. They challenge our consensus reality in collapsing the boundaries we have placed between the physical and spiritual domains. Considering the global crisis, they may even represent a cosmic intervention or corrective, spoken to us in the only language we are any longer capable of hearing-that of the physical and of high technology."
yeh CRAZYmikey you've got me convinced......

people who can be hypnotized can be easily brainwashed....

i recommend you look up the brain disease which makes people think that there spouses or loved ones are aliens or robots.

i can't remember the name of the disease but it has been diagnosed, and all the people who have it also display the same loss of function in some part of their brain.

food for thought.
Yet Nebu, shouldn't a physical disease of the brain show up on an MRI scan, or other methods used to gauge into the psychology of the subject? Again, think about it.
no not always, MRI's detect certain neuro problems like cancer mainly don't they?
not hormonal deformaties....i'm no expert but i'm fairly sure...
like monkeyman said, why is that it's mainly Americans who are abducted?
and how many New Yorkers have been taken? I bet none