Neg Greys and Psychic Attack

crazymikey said:
anti-UFO fanatic - do not expect any rationality from it.
.. How is their rationality in chosing not to believe something that there is no obvious proof for?
Dark Knight said:
I appreciate it...but it won't work.

I cannot achieve a meditative state, cannot be hypnotized, and I haven't had normal dreaming during the night in 6 years (no dreaming at all, in fact, except in a few rare instances). .
Most people dont dream due to stress or innactivity of the brain, on top of that there is a large number of people who cannot be hypnotized, and meditation requires more than being a drugged out hippy, go see a doctor and see if you have a disease dumbshit, ignoring it completely as a possible disease just makes you less credible
I didn't ignore you, old boy! I have sent emails containing this information to John Mack's people, Budd Hopkins, Ray Fowler and David Jacob's. By the way, Mack's people are found at <> for anyone interested. I did it anonymously and left an anonymous email address they could send info to. Haven't heard anything back.

Quite a powerful experience there, old girl ;) You spent 6 years of your life fighting for your life, I've spent 6 years of my life, wondering what to do with my life, and trying to find a purpose worth living for.

It does sound quite similar to the abductions accounts I have read. In women especially, sudden pregnancy, is a typical experience, and certainly a deeply distressing one. There is something that is not quite sitting with me, you said the Doctor examined you, and it became blatantly obvious you are a virgin. That sounds obviously like your Hymen was intact, yet, in 31 years, the Hymen can break for various reasons, bicycling, horseback riding, gymnastics, or vigoruous exercise, or inserting tampons, or while masturbating. In addition, if the Greys have been extracting ovaries from you, and performing sex experiments with you, and most abductees report being forced to have sex with other humans or aliens, then how can your Hymen still be intact, and how can you still be a virgin? Especially considering you actually had a "frogs" egg come out of there. That's a really big hole(no pun intended) in your account. Care to explain?

How many times have been abducted, that you can recall, and how often does it happen? Can you describe an actual abduction in depth to me. If not here, by e-mail, or private messaging?

have learned how to "reintegrate" the fragmented portions of myself and discovered the intricacies of how consciousness and awareness of self evolves.

What have you discovered. Care to explain?

I think this is one of the things the grey's are missing in their search to re-obtain emotion.

How do you know, they have no emotions? If they are purely logical beings even without emotions they should distinguish between good and bad. An intelligent being always chooses good, irrespective of how others percieve their actions.

When they hurt you and violate you, because they percieve you as an inferior species, and consider it logical. Then when they are hurt and violated by another, who considers them inferior, and they oppose it because they consider it illogical - bad. Then is it not illogical - bad - for them to hurt and violate you?

Irrespective of how higher they are than us in the socio-intelligencia- evolutionary- hierarchy they share the common denominator with us of being a conscious physical system. They are subject to the same laws of consciousness and evolution as we are. Thus if they hurt and violate a consciousness organism by the system of logic, then by the same system of logic, there is a contradiction of logic, hence it is was always illogical, which further contradicts their assumption they are intelligent, hence they are not intelligent. Therefore it stands, they do have emotions, and the emotions of hate and prejudice, which is universally bad.

That's a paradox, because an intelligent species whose motivated by hate and prejudice, should not survive technological milestones crucial to technological development - like nuclear weapons.
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Please talk this over with people you actually know and see what their suggestion is.
Yes DeeCee, I call myself crazymikey, because, my objective philosophies of life are not compatiable with my life itself. I feel so aware, that the universe seems nothing more than a vast illusion to me, and the people I look upon, as nothing more than electrodynamic processes and their purpose a fabrication. All day, every minute, every second, I am pondering the universe, looking for its logical and objective truth. As an emotional being, I have diminished. I use to believe in God, and love, and absolute good, but gradually those beliefs weakened, because of my increasing awareness and intelligence and knowledge of the world and it's ugly history.
I saw the world for what it is, a machine. What hit me was, how when it was brought to its fundamental truth, the existence of us superior humans was nothing more than sheeps grazing fields.

I am now at state in life, where I try to see the world objectively, beyond my subjective reality, and see beyond the fabricated principles of good and bad, pain and joy, and life and death. In this state, I exist in a void, not knowing what to do, trying to bring purpose into my life, but I cannot. I thrist for the truth, every second, minute day, a sort of obsession and crazyness for the truth, and nothing but that. Even if I try to make myself believe in God, love, selflesness, free will, I cannot, because my logical mind cannot accept them. Hence why I call myself crazymikey.

Only, if I could, experience the universe, and experience its complexity, and it's vastness, and all those layers of it's supposed existence, that it would complete my journey of life. Even if I die then. It won't matter.
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Only, if I could, experience the universe, and experience its complexity, and it's vastness, and all those layers of it's supposed existence, that it would complete my journey of life. Even if I die then. It won't matter.
Y'know I find I'm saying the same thing over and over again lately.

"and how objective does that make you?"

Perhaps one day I'll be able to think of somthing else to say.
Until then.
Ta Ta
Dee Cee
Persol said:
Egomania anyone?

Well, what can I say Persol, I'm more advanced than you, mr/ms, "Press conferences are easy and cheap" but that makes me a part of a very big club.
"Most people dont dream due to stress or innactivity of the brain, on top of that there is a large number of people who cannot be hypnotized, and meditation requires more than being a drugged out hippy, go see a doctor and see if you have a disease dumbshit, ignoring it completely as a possible disease just makes you less credible"

Well I see someone knows how to read? Shall I repeat (with a big smile on my face) or trust that you really can...nah expecting too much there, I'll go for it. I'm a 31 yr old pharmaceutical scientist and have done the medical route, MRI et al. I am clean. I analyze and propose methods of analysis for NDA's, ANDA's and OTC drugs, I don't take them. My father was in the military and almost went to Vietnam,...he stayed home and watched his friends die instead. I wasn't raised by hippies, hun, I was raised by the type on the other side of the barricade.

There, nice short, not too many big words (any larger than 4 letters, obivously is hard for you to digest).

Crazymikey---> little too much analysis there, hun. If that was a pregnancy (and I always leave room for doubt, I only have circumstantial evidence with that), "sex" is not necessary with this phenomenon, and the artificial technique would not break the hymen at all. Or least that's what one researcher I spoke to told me.

I'll email you the rest...and what I've learned in boundary formation I can only describe in the length of a book, not in a short post. I don't even know if I'll write the book.

Well I came looking for info (not help) and got it, thanks much.
Hey Dark Knight!

I am very glad that you are sharing this story with us. Those fools like SkinWalker are trying to discredit everything which does not apply with their logic. Those kind of people are close-minded because of their inability to grasp different or other/alternative paradigm of reality we all live in. This is exactly what the "Empire" expect it's people to be, obedient. It does not want Earth population to see beyond the "3D box", it does not want them to see beyond of what they have been programmed to see.

While reading your story it struck me with the similarity of this following extract from a book:

A parallel universe exists which is referred to as the "Old Universe". This universe exists on its own time line. The events that occurred in the Old Universe were very influential to the development of our universe. The civilization that existed in the Old Universe was called the Empire. The Empire controlled almost the entire universe and was extremely evil. In order to complete the capture of the entire universe the scientists of that civilization created entities called Mind Eaters. The Mind Eater was a geoplasmic energetic entity that attached itself to the physical brain and auric energies of the being it invaded, removing the being's thought patterns and replacing it with new Empiric programming.

The scientists released these entities into unconquered worlds and also used them to program their own people. Imagine their shock when they realized that these entities could multiply themselves. When a Mind Eater absorbed a certain amount of energy it split into two separate entities. Eventually the Mind Eaters became uncontrollable and started feeding on their own creators the Old Universe's form of A.I.D.S. Over a period of centuries there was virtually no life left in the Old Universe except for the Mind Eaters. The only escape from them was physical death. A small band of survivors within the emperor's court, or inner circle, created technology that allowed the survivors. to physically transport to another universe, escaping both death and the Mind Eaters. Unfortunately the band of survivors entered this universe during the time of the Lyraen civilization. This is the only way that DNA from another universe physically manifests in an alternate universe, otherwise, there is no physical link. Thus, our universe became contaminated.

I hope this info might give you an insight.
Crazymikey---> little too much analysis there, hun. If that was a pregnancy (and I always leave room for doubt, I only have circumstantial evidence with that), "sex" is not necessary with this phenomenon, and the artificial technique would not break the hymen at all. Or least that's what one researcher I spoke to told me.

I'll email you the rest...and what I've learned in boundary formation I can only describe in the length of a book, not in a short post. I don't even know if I'll write the book.

Well I came looking for info (not help) and got it, thanks much.

Righto, Knight. It does seem strange however, the Greys who you allege, hurt you and violate you, would have so much concern, to not break your Hymen. Also, almost all abductees I've read on, especially for someone whose been abducted multiple times, report forced sex with either humans, or hybrid aliens. Aside from that, the Hymen does not need ET influence to break. I'm sure you've ridden a bicycle before, or exercized, or inserted tampons, which would also cause the Hymen to break or partially tear. Thus it does cast a doubt over your account, I'm not saying it falsifies your story, but it does seem very peculiar, at the age of 31, with so many alleged abductions, your Hymen is still intact, and you're a virgin.
Skinwalker gives some good advice. Schizophrenia is the obvious diagnosis. It started out with auditory hallucinations, paranoia, probably in young adulthood, this is typical. Don't feed the flame of this girl's misery by indulging her psychosis.
I don't think you've met, or talked to a Schizophrenic. Before you wrongly call this woman schizophrenic, I suggest you research it.
Dark Knight,

Whatever happens to you is only because your HigherSelf decided that you must have this kind of experience. There is no right or worng, there is no bad or good but balance. Whenever you hear someone is telling you that you must love the dark side for love will always win know it is a trap. You see it is simple, the Light feeds the Dark but none of those are perfect conditions. Also there are alot of darksiders who conceal themselves as lightsiders to gain their agenda. Now. Aztec posted a link to wingmakers website. My personal suggestion is not to get involved with their material because it will be another trap for you. There are alot of traps set out there for you to overcome, after all this life is just a game. While darkside does not want this to be called this way it is still a chess game.
Not only have I researched this subject, but a close friend of mine suffers from it. Several times, I have had to intervene when the police wanted to take him away for acting insane, wearing shirts on his head and long robes while walking in the streets loudly proclaiming weird messages from the Urantia book. With medication, he is a reasonable person, and a talented musician. I can't say definitively over the internet wether this woman has it, but it seems to be a very strong possibility. I have spent many hours over two years with my friend, and it is the hardest thing, almost impossible to convince them that their delusions are not real, go watch the movie "A Beautiful Mind" to see what I mean. If you really want to advance the research of UFO's, it is important to establish the credibility of the witnesses, and rule out all other possibilities.
Not only have I researched this subject, but a close friend of mine suffers from it. Several times, I have had to intervene when the police wanted to take him away for acting insane, wearing shirts on his head and long robes while walking in the streets loudly proclaiming weird messages from the Urantia book. With medication, he is a reasonable person, and a talented musician. I can't say definitively over the internet wether this woman has it, but it seems to be a very strong possibility. I have spent many hours over two years with my friend, and it is the hardest thing, almost impossible to convince them that their delusions are not real, go watch the movie "A Beautiful Mind" to see what I mean. If you really want to advance the research of UFO's, it is important to establish the credibility of the witnesses, and rule out all other possibilities.


You are totally wrong in this case. From my observation this woman does not represent any signs of delusional personality, not only that but in fact she is representing a common pattern that some of the abductees have been reporting. You must understand that the medical system of today is one of the controlling arms of the government. What many people do not know is that many of this drugs against depression, add and other so called mental illness anti-drugs do not infact help the person but make it them worse. Drugs like Prozac are actually encouraging the person to be suicidal instead of healing him/her. The government is basically drugging the nation. Many of those anti depressant are also blocking the "3rd eyes" which has a direct connection to your HigherSelf. So when you say that your friend is "fine" when he does use this medication what is really happening is that his channeling connection was blocked by the this particular drug.
noone said:
From my observation this woman does not represent any signs of delusional personality

Except for rampant delusions that may cause her to take actions dangerous to herself and others.
The government is basically drugging the nation.
This is a gross oversimplification. Not all drugs work for all people. I didn't say my friend was "fine" on Zyprexa, just more reasonable, more able to take control of his life.
what is really happening is that his channeling connection was blocked by the this particular drug.


He was "channeling" literally all night long for weeks at a time, not sleeping, eating, bathing. This is not fun stuff, it is a serious problem.