Neg Greys and Psychic Attack

Persol said:
ONCE AGAIN, schizophrenia is not the only psychological disorder. Not all disorders show up on an MRI.

I think you missed the key word, "BRAIN DISEASE" Im glad we can rule out schizophrenia though ;)
Is it just me or does it appear that crazymikey and Dark Knight are one and the same person?

And doesn't it seem rather odd that someone who works with drugs would begin thinking they have been abducted by aliens? Did I read correctly they found needle marks on his or her body?

Is it just me or does it appear that crazymikey and Dark Knight are one and the same person?

If it does appear to you this way I then would definitely suggest you to check with your family doctor for possibile signs of mental illness. :)
(Q) said:
Is it just me or does it appear that crazymikey and Dark Knight are one and the same person?

And doesn't it seem rather odd that someone who works with drugs would begin thinking they have been abducted by aliens? Did I read correctly they found needle marks on his or her body?


You certainly aren't very Q'd up! How did you find out and how did you know? You must be a genius, a super genius even. I mean it could not have been a guess, I mean you would be a total moron to make a guess - wait scrap that - a super moron. I am sure you reasoned it out very well, and used every brain cell to make that ingenious find.

Next time you won't find me out, I am going to name myself Light Knight, and say I am an alien! Doh! I already told you! Plan C!
(Q) said:
Is it just me or does it appear that crazymikey and Dark Knight are one and the same person?

Absolutely not. They are distinctly different people based on the lack of error in Dark Knight's posts and the consistently frequent grammatical and spelling errors in crazymikey's. Moreover, Dark Knight's posts demonstrate a higher compositional ability whereas crazymikey demonstrates a functional level at best.

Definitely two different people.

I cannot, however, comment on the likelihood of collusion.
LOL, Skincrawler - psychological projection, was that ;)

Checking online posts for correct grammatical and spelling syntax, is the recourse of the illiterate or the mentally weak ;) Which one are you?
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Absolutely not. They are distinctly different people based on the lack of error in Dark Knight's posts and the consistently frequent grammatical and spelling errors in crazymikey's.

So, consistency can't be feigned?

Oh yes, the opening post in this thread is a nice piece of fiction - ready for prime time viewing. :rolleyes:

But it was this gushing of gobbledegook that led me to my assumption:

I quoth crazymikey have read your post fully, and what instantly has come to my attention, is your articulate verbal skills,your undeniable intelligence, and insights into human nature and philosophies.
I for a second, do no doubt your rationality, or crediblity at all, you are obviously much more intelligent than the average person, and much more aware.

Or is crazymikey really, really, really sincere?

What a guy! :D
You know you guys and girls that tend to rip the piss out of people over what you see as completely delusional usually don't suffer from the interactions that they suffer from and therefore see it as a joke, but have you ever thought that perhaps oneday rather than joking around and slamming these people that you too might have something start to occur and need to find someway of dealing with the issue.

With you knowing full well that the issue isn't a medical one, it's something more that you've been messed around with so as to inhibit exposure of the truth.

I'm not suggesting that "Greys" are doing such things, in certain respects as far as I'm concerned they don't exist. (In fact the Logical progression of theory to dictate they don't exist was to decide how to "Build one" and not "build them", and I choose the usage of Mechanical parts rather than genetics like everyone else is obscessed with.
Now you'll probably think that weird, but it's just a way to develop an understanding of what does and doesn't exist if not for me for anyone else that reads about it.)

However I will suggest that there have been dictators in history that haven't given a thought as to the implications of studies or treatment of people as far as Human Rights go. For instance Hitler and Saddam most recently.

I'm not suggesting that there is a Nazi scheme running around in the background, However I will suggest that if a country is use to having a death penalty then the likelihood is that human rights values are undermined as a result of that.
(Also Human Rights is undermined too by the military due to their values being mishapen to deal with the event that one of their troops has to kill someone.)

What all of you skeptics should realise is don't take your liberty for granted, as one day your time might come where you need people to show more respect than you have been giving.
Oh I had many dreams were I’m abducted by aliens, but I accept them as dreams and nothing more. Let me explain: at the time I was really into aliens and UFOs and read many rather scary books on them and watch many programs which bordered on horror shows, afterwards I began having experiences of aliens abducting me, coincidences? No its either I dreamed it up through induction or the aliens read my mind and attacked me while I was vulnerable. Since I have excepted it’s as a fantasy I have not had the experience of being abducted (or at least I have no memory or physical effects from it) I advice this for you Dark Knight, rational disbelief may free you from the pain and suffering.
I'm not suggesting that a persons reference to Aliens and UFO's is at all rational, in fact the whole understanding of what an alien or abduction truly represents is that of "Closet Monsters", people that need their Closet doors closed to be able to sleep or being worried about whats under the bed.

Simply the most fearful, horrific and terrorifying thing is the human minds capacity for Imagination, This is proven so much so by the popularity of such writers as Stephen King. This is also why in such cases although the films can appeal to a certain audience, the books are far greater, since they inspire your mind through literal description to imagine what horrors lurk, rather than that of a director thats done all that for you and has left the scarier bits of the unknown unseen aspect of what a horrific creature represents. Since you can see it, you can reason with what it represents.

Admittedly in the cases of many of the people that suffer the abuse, they can't see it, their imagination runs wild and the people responsible feed on that because their whole expertise and remaining clandestine relies upon people not seeing what is there.
Stryderunknown said:
With you knowing full well that the issue isn't a medical one, it's something more that you've been messed around with so as to inhibit exposure of the truth.
But that's the problem. We have no idea if it is medical or not. Further, if it is medical the solution can be within her grasps. If it is NOT medical, then she is going to have a difficult time finding anyone who actually help her.

There is a good chance that this is a psychological problem, in which case she can get help.
hi Dark Knight, you may be experiencing hallucinations associated with the phenomenon sleep paralysis. google that. in medieval times the aliens were "old hags" and other monsters at the end of the bed.

if so, try not to worry about it.

you could always write a story about your experiences as if they were true to get positive benefit from them.
If someone does something to you that comes off as annoying, you feel the irritation for a bit then it washes off. The only way it can stay is if you hold onto and deliberately dwell on it. I've had experiences where someone will do something annoying...the sensation of irritation I experience is 100x larger than it should be without me providing any assistance (no logical reason for the amplified sensation) and instead of the irritation passing when I try to place my focus on something else, the flow of new sensation halts and the sensation of irritation stays. Attempts to establish new flows (experience other things) to force the abnormally high irritation to subside are blocked and cannot be remembered or felt (in manner described in previous post).Then on top of it, I am flooded with overexaggerated thoughts and feelings promoting the 100x irritation sensation to extend even higher.

Persol, I know what "I" am supposed to feel like. You know what feelings are yours and which are not. The blocking and cloaking sensations are very, very fake in feeling, with no reasonable condition for their existence. Conditions take place in a can't chop off a condition from the context...that is a favorite ploy of drug addicts and alcoholics because it enables denial.

I've described an experience that affects all the senses in a variety of changing contexts...the responses I see involve ONE sense in ONE situation isolated from all influencing contexts. You're all telling me that is the extent your minds can envision or handle?

With all due respect, when a force from nowhere grabs me, throws me up a against a wall and tells me I am dangerous and won't live to see the end of the week...that is one hell of a hallucination (no, I doubt it was the greys doing that to me).

Persol thank you for the concern, but when people escape from a cattle car speaking about some terror at the end of the rail line, please don't happily put them back in the cattle car with assurances that they are simply delusional...especially if you don't know where the cattle car is heading. For all my self deprecating humor,...I almost died from this last year.
Ok Dark Knight let me sum this up for a second. You've basically been abducted various times for the past couple of years. Although the abductions began over 10 years ago you've begun seeking help now since you've been receiving some kind of paranormal attack right? You have found several injection marks in your upper thigh, had vaginal problems, pregnancy indications and no mental problems. You have picked up some kind of esp from these attacks and have chronic (unless you've recovered) depresson or denial. You haven't had a dream you could remember for the past 6 years and the most you've seen of these "abductors" are grey shapless beings. Maybe you can help by explaining the enviroment you were in when you were supposedly "abducted".
DK sez:

I've had experiences where someone will do something annoying...the sensation of irritation I experience is 100x larger than it should be without me providing any assistance (no logical reason for the amplified sensation)

PMS? Menopause?

Really DK, you're melodramatic rants are getting silly. It's one thing to come here and write a piece of fiction for all of us to enjoy, but now you're becoming somewhat pathetic.

And besides, I hear network television is firing most of their writers in favor of 'reality' shows.
I personally think that Dark Knight's experience was produced from constant violent rape from a close and possibly daily friend/family member. The side effects of the drugs being used on her could cause these weird dreams, unfamiliar environments and it may also cause the criminals to seem distant and "unreal". She is most likely slipping in and out of a dream because of this drug and is then see her normal environment mixed with this dream world causing a sense of reality and unfamiliarity. The injection marks within her thighs and her chronic depression only support my claim. The need to commit suicide and "amplified" sensations also seem to follow this depression. I recommend the next time you feel another one of these "attacks" or abductions you do the following:
1. Do not clean yourself and keep everything the way it is.
2. Do not go to the bathroom at all or even drink or eat anything if u can help it.
3. Call the police to investigate the crime seen and go see a doctor.

I saw somewhere that your hymen wasn't broken? Correct me if I’m wrong but even if your hymen has not been broken it doesn’t necessarily mean you haven’t been raped nor had these drugs used on you. You CAN have sex without breaking the hymen. Everything that I’ve collected seems to fit into the possibility that you are experiencing side effects of known date rape drugs. Unless there is something I missed that dubs this impossible please say so, if not then u know what to do….
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Persol, I know what "I" am supposed to feel like.
Everybody thinks that. Not recognizing a problem doesn't mean you don't have one.

With all due respect, when a force from nowhere grabs me, throws me up a against a wall and tells me I am dangerous and won't live to see the end of the week...that is one hell of a hallucination (no, I doubt it was the greys doing that to me).

With all due respect, do you really think that an alien being would consider you dangerous? Do you not see that mental illness could just as easily produce this 'event'?

Persol thank you for the concern, but when people escape from a cattle car speaking about some terror at the end of the rail line, please don't happily put them back in the cattle car

The problem is, you haven't gotten out of the cattle car yet... otherwise you wouldn't be asking for help. Now whether you need to talk to a doctor or need something else, you still haven't stepped out of the car.

For all my self deprecating humor,...I almost died from this last year.

May I ask how? And more to the point, what do you friends and family think?
"I am flooded with overexaggerated thoughts and feelings promoting the 100x irritation sensation to extend even higher. "

Yup, definately mental. Dark Night, you just have to trust me on this one. Since you are experiencing various psychic disturbances, you are in no position to judge what the cause is. If you want to be completely objective about it, it is much more likely to be a psychological problem than one of intergalactic abuse. UFO theorists are desparate for validation, so their explanations are suspect. Psychologists deal with this sort of problem all the time. One out of a hundred people have schizophrenia, and some common themes are excessive religiosity, delusions of persecution by shadowy organizations, aliens invading your mind, having secret knowledge or missions, delusions of grandeur. That is why the metal helmet is a common theme, or a tinfoil hat designed to protect your mind from invasion. This is because you know inside you are a calm rational person, and these thoughts feel alien to you, but actually they are your own. These themes are so common, it is a cliche. Modern anti-psychotic drugs will block these disturbing thoughts and feelings. Even if the origin of these thoughts are extraterrestrial, it is reasonable to assume that your protection will come in the form of a drug that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and stop them from altering your normal brain function.
If it is a psychological problem ailing them, do you think the banter of half of those that aren't just telling them what they think of her perception but are being rude is actually going to help?

The reality is very simple, if a person needs help then the last thing they need is more obstacles in their way, especially if it is a mental problem. By obstacles I mean those made by people building walls at their attempts to gain help.

[Btw, I'm not directing this at you Persol since I know you have intellect enough to see it from that view point and tend to act responsible enough unless pushed into an argumentive state.]