Neg Greys and Psychic Attack

and as for testing if people have psychological problems, one of the most interesting areas of study at the moment in psychology is "people who believe they have been abducted", they are trying to figure out what is wrong in their brains.
i'm of the impression that it must relate to either some form of delusion or as a defense mechanism against feeling insignificant in a country which boasts so much superficial greatness through storytelling.
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
no not always, MRI's detect certain neuro problems like cancer mainly don't they?
not hormonal deformaties....i'm no expert but i'm fairly sure...

Not sure, but don't they just detect differences in blood flow?

edit- which is a representative of brain activity.
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
Yes, and that in turn tells the doctors where the cancers/tumors are.

If only they made a Machine that could detect aliens!

Scientists get your act together and do something important for society for a change. You selfish bastards!
However, there are 2 reasons why these aliens cannot be biologists

And there are 2 reasons why your reasons are fallacious:

1. they seem to take only US citizens (and possible belgiums) who can be defined as 'strange' or 'total loser'. That would make no sense since you would expect a random sampling if they wanted to create a general picture of the population. And if they wanted to do experiments they would not take samples from a wild population. No they would breed an inbred line of humans and use those in order to limit variation.

U.S., Great Britain, France, Belgium, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Australia, Brazil, Africa. These are just some of the countries, abductees hold from.

2. Biologists never are the first people to go on a space mission.

Are you saying, that ETI do not have biologists on board, or cannot perform biological tasks? That is quite a statement to make, considering you know next to nothing about them.

So actually it doesn't make sense.

Your reasons do not make sense.
There have NEVER been any UFO abduction storues from australia, i read it in one OUR(australia) magazines last year about UFO's and it listed all the countries that had reported them. We were not in it.

I'm not being defensive here, just wish to make the point more clear that studying alien abductions is not a science, there is no evidence which is congruent from one source to the next.
crazymikey said:
U.S., Great Britain, France, Belgium, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Australia, Brazil, Africa, Nazarath. These are just some of the countries, abductees hold from.

Fins are known to have a high level of alcohol in their blood. Hence they would not be good standard test subject.

crazymikey said:
Are you saying, that ETI do not have biologists on board, or cannot perform biological tasks?

You are damn right that only biologists can perform biological tasks. Why do you think we have to go to school for 20 years or more? Because anyone plucked from the street can do it just as well?

crazymikey said:
That is quite a statement to make, considering you know next to nothing about them.
Why do you use arguments that discredit your own cause? It is not fair.
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
There have NEVER been any UFO abduction stories from australia, i read it in one OUR(australia) magazines last year about UFO's and it listed all the countries that had reported them. We were not in it.

Maybe you drink too much like the Fins? And the aliens don't want to make the same mistake twice? They already ruined a previous experiment that took years by sampling Fins! They would be more careful now.
MRI scans basically show up any physical defect in the brain. For instance, areas of the brain, that are responsible for certain cognitive functions, are impaired by psychotic diseases like schizophrenia, and thus show up on MRI scans.
we drink more than anyone per capita, that's fact.


are you even talking about your aliens now, or are you just explaining what we kinda know MRI's do? nobody is arguing that.

This all started when i said there IS a disease which makes people think that there loved ones are Aliens, you don' think that's odd? you don't think there is a chance there could be a disease which makes people think they've been abducted?
spuriousmonkey said:
Fins are known to have a high level of alcohol in their blood. Hence they would not be good standard test subject.

All you need to know, that your statement was incorrect ;)

You are damn right that only biologists can perform biological tasks. Why do you think we have to go to school for 20 years or more? Because anyone plucked from the street can do it just as well?

Are you saying that aliens, or even people, are not capable of a wide range of skills, arts and knowledges? It's not really too far-fetched to assume, that if they can travel faster than light, they're are considerably more advanced and/or intelligent than us.

Also, you did not address my point, of there being biologists on board. Much like the enterprise, has many departments.

Why do you use arguments that discredit your own cause? It is not fair.

Yes, why do you?
seriously do you cut up a quote so you can make a comment after each sentence, i'm being held back....please help the ignorant and dumb!
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
we drink more than anyone per capita, that's fact.


are you even talking about your aliens now, or are you just explaining what we kinda know MRI's do? nobody is arguing that.

This all started when i said there IS a disease which makes people think that there loved ones are Aliens, you don' think that's odd? you don't think there is a chance there could be a disease which makes people think they've been abducted?

Yet, people who think their loved ones are aliens, have diseases that are detectable. Now do you think there is a chance, that when John Mack, professor of psychiatry at Harvard says they do not suffer from psychological difficulties, is telling the truth?
How do you explain unknown implants, and scoop marks on the abductees body?
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
seriously do you cut up a quote so you can make a comment after each sentence, i'm being held back....please help the ignorant and dumb!


Replace () with []
depressed people do all kinds of things to their bodies.............

and those loved ones are all dead, the disease was only diagnosed because people would chop off their loved ones arms or heads to see what was inside...

cool.......... sad......whacky.......but cool