Neg Greys and Psychic Attack

Spidergoat, I really think you have not researched it well, or know next to nothing about it.

Here are the behaviours of a schizophrenic:

Symptoms include: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized/catatonic behavior, negative symptoms
word salad -- incoherent, loose word associations
negative symptoms -- flat affect, lack of logic, etc.

Read all posts by Dark Knight again

1: Lack of logic
2: Flat affect
3: Incoherence
4: Negativity
5: World salad
6: Delusions of grandeur
7: Delusions of persecution

Then read her responses to Skincrawler.

In fact I'll produce it for you:

I highly advise that you seek medical attention of a good neurologist soon and get an MRI done. This is probably the last thing you want to hear, but people that have disorders of the brain to the point that it controls their beliefs (Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Reith Lectures 2003) have difficulty accepting that what they are experiencing may not be real."

With all due respect, I have done the medical route, MRI et al,...nothing there!

I am a 31 year old Pharmaceutical Scientist and am quite familiar with the scientific method, thank you, I use it on a daily basis at work. And may I say, I accept your scepticism...and you may please permit me to be sceptical of some of the pseudo-science ideals, coming from the Pharmaceutical industry, I have a great many.

That and if I had the problems you are describing, one of the doctor's would have found it (yes I saw more than one). And I sincerely doubt I would be able to successfully work in a science regulated field.

So sorry that the UFO phenom isn't widely seen as acceptable here, this is where the CUFOS website lead me.

With all due respect, I wrote my dissertation on world peace in university for scholarship and won first place, thank you very much (and what the hell have you done in your spare time). I can formulate arguments quite well, in fact exceptionally well if I do say so myself. I couldn't do that if unable to interact with reality.

Back to my situation, I have had other things happen to me besides the mental and emotional stuff. There has been vandalism and crank phone calls. That and I have found injection marks on my upper thigh.

There are human perps involved, who they may be, I am still questioning.

Thank you for the help and the links, if anything else is heard on this topic I would like to know because I need answers. Please, someone keep me informed. I've left my email address in my profile.

Then read her responses to some of my doubts I cast about her account. Notice, how she ignored JoojooSpaceape idiotic scepticsm.

A schitozophrenic, would react very irrationally and catatonically, because of the delusions of persecution. They may curse, or lash out, or accuse us of conspiring against them, they may even accuse of being ETI in disguise.

Has she done that? She has been polite and formal to Skincrawler, whose told her to get mental assistance. On the contarary, I've reprimanded Skincrawler severly. So I must be the schizophrenic one ;)

Is she illogical? Does she have difficulty in stringing a sentence? Does she make irrational associations?

It's obvious, she isn't:

Besides the physical senses, thoughts and emotions are also senses of a sort that enable people to perceive reality. These mental and emotional senses are developed throughout your lifetime(s), and their use enables one to recognize that items in reality possess an assignable value. However, when things conflict in this perceptively linear existence, an individual cannot value everything at the same level of importance. Thus, valuable things are organized in an order of priority. Some things are considered low, petty, and inconsequential. This allows us to walk away from situations involving little things and allows us to place our attention on either medium level (normal life responsibilities) to high-level priorities (life and death emergencies requiring immediate attention).

Priorities are not assigned the same way each time because each situation is different depending on the context of the situation. I’ll use the old Philosophy example of being at a stop light with a No Turn on Red posting. It’s against the law to turn on red and during normal life when nothing else of equal or greater value is present to cause a conflict of interest, the law is given the highest priority. Let’s suppose an ambulance with lights flashing comes up behind you while you’re at the No Turn on Red stoplight. The context of the situation has changed with the introduction of a conflict of interest: the priority of the law versus the priority of a human life. Morality would dictate that you break the law and turn on red to get out of the way of the ambulance.

She's fluid, articulate, intelligent, knowledgable, and insightful. She writes better than most people on this forum, certainly better than some of skeptic idiots that have posted here and called her insane.

So is she schizophrenic? Most definitely not. Calling her schizozophrenic, is like calling a cat, a dog.

She is not the first person in the world, to claim to have been abducted by aliens. In fact, if you do your research, you will find a majority of abductees are deemed psychologically normal by psychologists.
She seems to be an intelligent woman, but not all schizophrenics babble like idiots, they can describe the most outlandish ideas in a calm, rational way. The condition is cyclical, she may be in calm state, lasting for weeks, then lapse into a deranged state for an indefinite period. I am not convinced, Dark Night, with all due respect, that you are sane. You are still young, it will get worse if you don't seek help. If it is the greys, no one here can help you. Did you seek help from a medical doctor, or was it a psychologist? You need a specialist! Were you honest about what is happening to you? Anti-psychotic medications are the best treatment yet found for mental illness, and the new ones have few side-effects. So, don't trust the drug industry, but DO trust your psychologist or councellor, and be honest with them.
but not all schizophrenics babble like idiots, they can describe the most outlandish ideas in a calm, rational way.

Can you outline some particular cases for me, I've not heard of schizophrenia lapses. It's a mental disease, that you either have, or don't. Also, not only does not she not exhibit the lack of logic, world salads, irrational associations. She is also not catatonic or paranoid.

If you really want a more a viable hypothesis, without believing in Alien abductions(there are thousands of cases of it) then it's better to just say, she's lying.
It is much more likely for this to be a psychological condition than anything else. Talk to people you know about this. Do you live with anyone, and have they noticed you acting strangely?

It is possible for things to seem completely real to you, and for them not too be. I have no idea how you could go about proving that what you think happened actually happened.... seeing a doctor will tell you (within reason) if it actually happened, or if you have some other condition.
It is much more likely for this to be a psychological condition than anything else. Talk to people you know about this. Do you live with anyone, and have they noticed you acting strangely?

Actually that seems quite unlikely at this stage. She's either lying, or she's telling the truth. We have no way of knowing which. So please don't make claims.
No, she either believes she is lying, or believes she is telling the truth.

If what she thinks is the truth is actually reality is the question.
If she believes shes's telling the truth, and it's not, then she's delusional. In which case, she has a psychological problem. However, as she does not exhibit any of the symptoms of this. I can rule it out for a more rational possibility:

1: She's lying
2: She's REALLY telling the truth

Can we ever know? Not over the internet.
crazymikey said:
However, as she does not exhibit any of the symptoms of this.
The problem with this logic of yours were already pointed out. Otherwise, you can be a very rich man if you can diagnosis people over the internet by what they type. The most delusional of people can still be coherent and intelligent, even during the delusion... and this is completely ignoring that some people who are delusional have highs and lows that can last minutes or days. You are not a doctor, and while I'm not a medical doctor either I CAN tell you that even delusional people can talk coherently and intelligently... even about things that are not there.
The most delusional of people can still be coherent and intelligent, even during the delusion... and this is completely ignoring that some people who are delusional have highs and lows that can last minutes or days

Show me some cases, as I asked Spidergoat too. That are not only coherent and intelligent, but are not catatonic and paranoid.
People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. These symptoms may leave them fearful and withdrawn. Their speech and behavior can be so disorganized that they may be incomprehensible or frightening to others. Available treatments can relieve many symptoms, but most people with schizophrenia continue to suffer some symptoms throughout their lives; it has been estimated that no more than one in five individuals recovers completely.

That's schizophrenia. Now does she have it, there is a tiny chance, she might. There is a bigger chance she's lying or telling the truth. Now, seeing none of us can know, let's not jump to conclusions.
I'm on linux and my copy and paste isn't working....

Google for "coherent delusional people intelligent psychological"
Second link (Report of Dr. Kenneth J. Criqui) is about a man presenting as coherent and intelligent who is not catatonic.
Then there are several disorders where an individuals personality(ies) are completely coherent such as DID.

Just because someone is delusional, says nothing at all about their coherence or intelligence. Delusion simply means they believe something that is false. Similarly, hallucinations say nothing about coherence or intelligence. There ARE diseases which have the combination of delusion and diminished intelligence, but there are also ones that have the delusion, but not the diminished intelligence and other symptoms you list.

And this is STILL ignoring that most psychological conditions are cyclic.
crazymikey said:
That's schizophrenia. Now does she have it, there is a tiny chance, she might. There is a bigger chance she's lying or telling the truth. Now, seeing none of us can know, let's not jump to conclusions.
I agree that there is a big chance that she is lying... the jury is still out on the chance of it being the truth (another thread another time). There is no reason for us to limit this to schizophrenia, it could be just about anything else as well.

We have to work on the assumption that she believes she is telling the truth. If she is knowingly lying, then it doesn't really matter what we say anyhow.

And DarkKnight, I just realized we are talking about you in the third person. I apologize.
DID, also known as MPD, Multiple personality disorder, is very far-fetched. Considering, she's described nothing that would imply a multiple personality.
As for the jury being out on her telling the truth, as in real alien abductions, I don't think so, considering other people who say they have been abducted, are deemed psyhologically normal. So the possibility exists, that she is psychologically normal too.

If you are going to base on what she said: She also spoke of marks on her legs, froggish eggs in her womb and MRI scans, and finding unknown objects behind her ear. Delusions do not cause physical effects.

It would be foolish for any of us, to say one over the other. As we cannot prove either.
DID, also known as MPD, Multiple personality disorder, is very far-fetched.
It most definetely is far-fetched, but you asked for an example and I provided it. I'm not saying that DK has this, but saying just because she is intelligent and coherent, doesn't mean it isn't delusional.
Persol, if she is telling the truth, any disease of the brain should show up on an MRI scan. According to her, her MRI scans were normal.

but saying just because she is intelligent and coherent, doesn't mean it isn't delusional

Yet, the example you provided does not even apply to her case. Can you find one that does?
crazymikey said:
Persol, if she is telling the truth, any disease of the brain should show up on an MRI scan. According to her, her MRI scans were normal.
That is dangerously wrong.
crazymikey said:
Yet, the example you provided does not even apply to her case. Can you find one that does?
The google search I asked you to do DOES apply. And you are STILL completely ignoring the cyclic nature of psychological disorders...
The google search I asked you to do DOES apply. And you are STILL completely ignoring the cyclic nature of psychological disorders...

Not all are cyclic for starters. If you are going to consider the possibility DK is psychologically troubled. Then you should be able to tell me, what disease you think she has, where she can be intelligent, articulate, non-catatonic and non-paranoid, and find froggish eggs in her womb, objects behind her ears, and come up negative on an MRI scan.
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