Islam vs Christianity

munim_786 said:
you are looking at Islam in its most outward form

after 9/11 conversiaon rates to Islam in Americans quad-droupled. why? becasue they saw superficailly that Islam was a "terror" religion this intrested them so they studied it more. then they found it as a "peace" religion

Peace religion my arse! After 9/11 the whole world started to hate muslims

You've got Madrid, who's next ? Eh?
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ERRR!!!!! wait wait.........u forget plenty of other muslim terrorists acts don't you want to include them too? Aparently the whole world doesn't consist of your home with a fence. hah.............get out more get some fresh air.... you [deleted] LOL
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Idle childish words my friend. I am now waiting for (Al Queda) to hit the UK. It is not a case of IF anymore, its WHEN!

And when they do, just watch the reaction.
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viena you fool after 9/11 POLITICIANS had wars with muslim countires not muslims. muslims on the street were not beaten up or hated or name called by anyone! cos muslims may be weak in political unification but as normal people aren't week and diveded like other religions. you fuck with one muslim on my area (bug up westiiiide) then your fucking with every single last one of us!!!!!! u call one guy a "terrorst" "bin laden" ur dead and if you really want it then just call em Nigga or Paki... gulp

and conversion rates DID quadrouple

like it or not islam in the states is converting at a rate that is so fast in less then a hundred years 51% of the america will become Muslim. thats the real reason America hates muslim countires cos when this does happen America is going to have bigggggg problems in lying and cheating and for no reason bombing people as it is now.

like it or not Islam is takig over the WORRRRLLLLLLDDDDDDDDD

it is 1.4 billion strong (1.7 according to latese reprost) and is the FASTES growining religion in the world and also has (by far) the fastest conversion rates AND has the highest birth rates!!!!!! its coming to a town near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
viena you fool after 9/11 POLITICIANS had wars with muslim countires not muslims. muslims on the street were not beaten up or hated or name called by anyone! cos muslims may be weak in political unification but as normal people aren't week and diveded like other religions. you fuck with one muslim on my area (bug up westiiiide) then your fucking with every single last one of us!!!!!! u call one guy a "terrorst" "bin laden" ur dead and if you really want it then just call em Nigga or Paki... gulp

and conversion rates DID quadrouple

like it or not islam in the states is converting at a rate that is so fast in less then a hundred years 51% of the america will become Muslim. thats the real reason America hates muslim countires cos when this does happen America is going to have bigggggg problems in lying and cheating and for no reason bombing people as it is now.

like it or not Islam is takig over the WORRRRLLLLLLDDDDDDDDD

it is 1.4 billion strong (1.7 according to latese reprost) and is the FASTES growining religion in the world and also has (by far) the fastest conversion rates AND has the highest birth rates!!!!!! its coming to a town near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear viena. words of wisdom are 2 much for you to handle.

you cannot handle the texts of the Quran and you totally misunderstand them.

you cannot handle words so you need pictures

i will help you...

these are websites with WHOLE videos that are CLEAR, and EASY to understand. could you please watch them.

1) if you belive Muslims are terrorsits then go on

2) if you think the day of judgment will not come then watch this video about the signs that it is coming. ALL of these have passed and are CORRECT and were revealed over a millenium before they actually happend. most of signs occured THIS century. if you cannot be arsed downloading the whole thing then JUST DOWNLOAD "The Collapse of Moral Values - The Rejection of True Religion and the Moral Values of the Qur’an - Social Disintegration"

3) :D if you do not belive Islam is the TRUE religion then go on scientific mircales in the holy Quran (if you cant be arsed downloading these aswell the just download the lower parts 5 onwards as they are presented alot better then the first ones)
"Queen Mary of England, a CHRISTIAN burnt ALIVE at a time 100 other also CHRISTIAN protestants simply becasue they weren't her branch of faith (catholic).

wow a really peacful and tolerant religon. JESUS WILL SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vienna said:
So this is how you people represent Islam is it?

You make it sound more like Da Mafia. Violent and Ugly. Is that how Islam really is?? My comments about Al Queda attacking UK having dire consequences is the general opinion here. I don't know where you live, but I'm talking UK, OK!

One more thing after your post I am now more interested in reading about Hitlers regime than your Islam, Hitler appears less violent and he didn't LIE about his motives.

Viena you foolish pagan

does "fucking with one muslim means fucking with us all" redfer to violently beating non muslims who diss us up? no you fool it refers to are unification of Muslims and how we will fuck you up (err, and does that mean physically you jackass)

like i said words of wisdom are 2 much for u and now my words are even to much for you.

check out the videos dumbo!!!!

ur end is coming in an estimated 150 PLus years in the day of judgement. :D

the signs are comin,
the signs are here
and the fools were always here
lined in ranks upon ranks
ready to get detroyed
does "dead" refer to im gonna kill you. no you fool

"your're dead for breaking my CD" does that mean im gonna kill you or just that you're in trouble.

fool get ready for D-Day
like it or not islam in the states is converting at a rate that is so fast in less then a hundred years 51% of the america will become Muslim. thats the real reason America hates muslim countires cos when this does happen America is going to have bigggggg problems in lying and cheating and for no reason bombing people as it is now.

like it or not Islam is takig over the WORRRRLLLLLLDDDDDDDDD

it is 1.4 billion strong (1.7 according to latese reprost) and is the
1)FASTEST growining religion in the world
2) has (by far) the fastest conversion rates
3) AND has the highest birth rates!!!!!! its coming to a town near you!!!

remember christinaty is gaining in numbers but is it in true follwers? how many of the 1.9 billion christians go church, Christians aren't meant to have sex before marrage - NO ONE follows that, no gambling, no gazing at other women in lust (but now there are porn industires in christian countries) and no stealing - so you you have jails filled with christians.

you people are very foolish and aren;t using your inteligence.

just becasue a few guys do acts claiming to be "muslims" is that a reflection of islam are those people really Muslim


now look at 50 Cent - a big cross on his neck, referneces to God on his released LP and older mixtapes.

but he is surronded by 50 hoes, raps about drugs, killing, violence, reffering to women as "bitches" "hoes" "slutsS, saying hes a "P.I.M.P" openly trying to get in the porn industry along with his band members G-Unit

A BETTER EXAMPLE is beyonce who is a GOOD, God fearing Texan who is "very religious". in the bible it clearly states that women should dress modestly and sex is sinful if it is not for reproduction,

now what video do want as an example of her not dressing modestly and encouraging men to look lustfully (as the Bible teaches as being wrong) - crazy in love (nice hotpants!, like the legless, thighless, armless costums aswell!), baby boy (is she actually wearing anything!), naughty girl (niiiice!)

and wot do you want as a refernce to sex - "naughty girl" perhaps

the whole world is bloody christian but no one follows it and no one cares. no cheristian man can keep his pecker in his pocket! nowadays he will have sex before marrage without think 2wice
I was raised Catholic, my wife was raised Hindu. We have three young children who are going to a Christian school. If they grow up having the belief that Jesus is the way or sees the Vedas as the truth what should I do? What if one of them falls in love with a Muslim? Really, if they turn out to be good people should it matter what they believe as far as Gods concerned? Not really because they are more important than any book I've ever read. No book is going to convince me that my belief is superior to another. I'd rather come to my own conclusions. And my conclusions lately have been that I am not going to let a radical group of people enforce their belief upon me without reason.
Extremist don't care what you believe because they are told they are right, just like a bully at school thinks they are right because two other bullies confirm it. They deep down know they are wrong but believe the strength of others they associate with justifies their aggression. They find ways to justify the death of others and believe me the Bushes of this world are not far behind. Except wealthy political types go about it differently. They get others to do the dirty work.
So who is right? No one, not me either, but if anyone thinks I should die for not believing in what they do, put me first on the list to get them before they get me.
"Vienna although I'm not a religious I get vehemenly engaged with Islam because I see the threat that they pose. Just like Hitler, Islam must be stopped from spreading and enslaving mankind.There's alot of naivetivity out there that think Islam is made up of good people and nobody has anything to fear. Far from the truth Islam is a menace to mankind especially to atheists.

You know the story of the frog? If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water he'll jump out, but if you put him in apot of cold water and turned up the fire gradually, the frog will never jump out and eventually cook itself.

That's the way I see the spreading of Islam, a gradual heat increase. We got to take action before we're cooked."

you really have no clue, the Nazis killed millions of people and caused two world wars, muslims have been around many thousands of years longer and havent killed this many people

"Peace religion my arse! After 9/11 the whole world started to hate muslims"
well, not really, everyone i know either hates Bush or is indifferent, i believe you mean, Americans hate muslims. America is NOT the whole world!!
alain said:
"Vienna although I'm not a religious I get vehemenly engaged with Islam because I see the threat that they pose. Just like Hitler, Islam must be stopped from spreading and enslaving mankind.

The Caravan of ISLAM is moving fast while dogs are barking HARD!! :D

Proud_Muslim said:
The Caravan of ISLAM is moving fast while dogs are barking HARD!! :D LONG LIVE ISLAM........ALLAHU AKBAR !!

I think you gone insane.... You need help.... Do us all a favour. Go to the nearest vet, he'll have you put down in no time. Thats what vets do to very sick pigs.
Viena, you live in the UK - not far away from Ireland.

the IRA - a terrorist groups who's workers are Christians.
IRA bombs places and terrorizes people. and remeber these are CHRISTIANS fighting other CHRISTIANS (catholic v. protestants)

for some reason when a muslim bombs someone or hurts someone - MUSLIMS are terrorists

when a christian like Queen Mary kills other Christians IN THE NAME OF GOD - Christians aren't terrortst though are they.

When a Christians coutry like america (190 Million Christians, at the time even more) drops bombs on Hiroshima and kills 200,000 innocent people - Christians are still peacekeepers but if Sadam Hussein* kills 4 thousand kurds then Muslims are barbaric.

America's Nuclear Wepons - Not Christian
Russias Nuclear Weopons - Not Christian
Israels Nuclear Weopns - Not Jewish
Indias Nuclear Wepons - Not Hindu
Pakistains Nuclear Weopns - ISLAMIC MILITANTS

* remember, that for years to the western world Sadam Hussein was a great man, great leader, great at attacking from with in and from out, great stratgist tpo the west but then all of a sudden he turns in to some evil tyrant reeady to kill everyone. the very reason for Sadam's power, maintance of his power, finances, weaopns were all due to (Chritsian*) America.

* i will from now on call all of the countries with christians majorites Christians countries and say that their political actions are christian, there terrorists are Chroistians as you are doing by saying all Muslims who are terrorist are a true reprenstaion of Islam and all Islamic Majority countries who's goverment do action are becasue of Islam. it is only fair.