Islam vs Christianity

Jihad (Holy War)

Jihad is one of many sacred duties Muslims perform. The word "Jihad" is an Arabic word, which means, "struggle". Jihad can mean striving to be a better Muslim, but it can also mean fighting in the name of Allah. In this sense Jihad is the struggle for the cause of spreading Islam, using all means available to Muslims, including force. This kind of Jihad is often referred to as "Holy War".

In resorting to force, Muslims will not have any problem finding passages in the Quran (believed by Muslims to be Allah's word), and the Hadith (Mohammed's sayings as recorded by Al Bukhari), that will not only condone violence, but will also demand it.
Jihad in the "Quran"

Allah orders Muslims in the Quran to terrorize non-Muslims on His behalf:

"Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies" Surah 8:60

"Fight (kill) them (non-Muslims), and Allah will punish (torment) them by your hands, cover them with shame" Surah 9:14

"I will instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah" Surah 8:12, 17

Jihad in the "Hadith"

In the Hadith Mohammed also urges Muslims to practice Jihad. Mohammed once was asked: what is the best deed for the Muslim next to believing in Allah and His Apostle? His answer was : "To participate in Jihad in Allah's cause " Al Bukhari vol. 1:25

Mohammed was quoted as saying: "I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah " Al Bukhari vol. 4:196

Mohammed also said, "The person who participates in (Holy Battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostle, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to paradise (if he is killed). " Al Bukhari vol. 1:35.


When the prophet of Islam started preaching his new religion in Mecca, he was conciliatory to Christians and Jews. He told them: "We believe in what has been sent down to us and sent down to you, our God is the same as your God" Surah 29:45. This attitude changed completely after he gained strength. Allah then tells him to "Fight People of the Book (Christians and Jews), who do not accept the religion of the truth (Islam), until they pay tribute (penalty tax) by hand, being inferior. " Surah 9:29.

Regarding Christians and Jews, it seems that Mohammed hated the Jews more. During his life time, Mohammed devoted much of his efforts to get rid of the Jews: "You (Jews) should know that the earth belongs to Allah and his apostle, and I want to expel you from this land (the Arabian Peninsula), so, if anyone owns property, he is permitted to sell it " Mohammed was quoted.
How about your TALMUD, Mr Jew ???
1) Talmud was not given by God
2) it was written by different rabbis with often conflicting opinions
3) some sects of Judaism don't recognize the Talmud
4) how is it relevant to the "kill the infidels" which is in the qur'an? (given by allah, not written by some fundie mullahs and shekhs)
5) what you're doing is not a defense, mr Post Menstrual. "well they do it too! so therefore we're not bad!" is not a defense.
Proud_Muslim said:


On another occasion , the tribe of Beni Quraidha was besieged and when they refused to convert to Islam, the Prophet meted out another merciful sentence.A huge trench was dug around the main market of Medina. The men were rounded up & their hands tied behind them. Then one by one, they were led to the trench and forced to kneel. They were offered one last chance to convert to Islam & upon their refusal, had their heads chopped off. As soon as one head would roll off, the headless body would be dumped into the ditch, until the pile of bodies, heads and blood had filled up to the brim. Yet, none of the Jews chose to compromise their religion. Eight Hundred innocent Jews were beheaded bloodily in this manner, for the simple reason that they chose to retain their fundamental human right, to choose their God. Helpless women & children screamed as they watched their fathers, husbands & sons die. Later they too were tied up & bundled off as slaves. The Prophet forced the Jewess Raihana Bint Amr to convert and marry him, hours after he had murdered her father, brothers and clansmen before her very eyes. To this day Muslim scholars claim, that Raihana willingly chose Islam and wifehood with the Prophet

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:5)
Muslims follow not only the Quran, which they believe is a literal transcript of God’s words, but also the Hadith, accounts of Muhammad’s words and deeds. These words and deeds are considered inspired by God and an example for Muslims to follow. According to one widely accepted hadith, whenever Muhammad would send an out expedition, he would admonish his appointed commander:
When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to [accept] Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them. ... If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them.[12
The jizya, a kind of tribute, was part of a larger deal in which non-Muslims submitted to several conditions. In addition to paying the jizya, non-Muslims were also required to wear distinctive clothing and mark their houses (which must not be built higher than Muslims’ houses), must not scandalize Muslims by openly performing their worship services, nor build new churches or synagogues. Those who owned land were also required to pay a land tax.[13]
According to some Muslim jurists, the jizya had to be paid by each person at a humiliating public ceremony, in which the person was struck on the head or the nape of the neck. According to historian Bat Ye’or, this ceremony “survived unchanged till the dawn of the twentieth century.”[14]
Both the jizya and the land tax were often extorted through torture, and were frequently so exorbitant that whole villages would flee or go into hiding
And many idolaters were not even allowed to pay the jizya. They were forced to either convert or die.
Vienna said:
Please explain why you believe that Christianity and Judaism can be authoritarian in the same way as Islam?

Judaism took off as a religio-state. They had no qualms with attacking neighboring states in the name of god and wiping out their inhabitants. The Christians have a similar history under the holy Roman Empire. These two religions are also politically active today, trying to force everything from prohibition to the 10 commandments down everyone else's throats.
Greco said:
On another occasion , the tribe of Beni Quraidha was besieged and when they refused to convert to Islam, the Prophet meted out another merciful sentence.e.

This story is out of context, incorrect, but who the hell cares if a prophet made a mistake? Moses killed an innocent man...Does that make all Jews murderes???. Jonas cursed god and was jailed in the whales stomach, does that make a difference in my life. Prophet mohammed is not god, son of god....he is one soul, that will be judged by god just like all other souls. Muhammed is a dead man, an anyone that follows him is clearly not a believer in god, because believing in god literally means believing in god, not man.
Flores said:
This story is out of context, incorrect, but who the hell cares if a prophet made a mistake? Moses killed an innocent man...Does that make all Jews murderes???. Jonas cursed god and was jailed in the whales stomach, does that make a difference in my life. Prophet mohammed is not god, son of god....he is one soul, that will be judged by god just like all other souls. Muhammed is a dead man, an anyone that follows him is clearly not a believer in god, because believing in god literally means believing in god, not man.

Is the following from the Quran, Flores?

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:5)
Greco said:
On another occasion , the tribe of Beni Quraidha was besieged and when they refused to convert to Islam, the Prophet meted out another merciful sentence...


Greco said:
Is the following from the Quran, Flores?

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:5)

And because you are so DUMB, you cant find the VERSE after 9:5 in your hate site from where you are copying and pasting, verse 9:6 says:

9:6. And if anyone of the Mushrikûn (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) seeks your protection then grant him protection, so that he may hear the Word of Allâh (the Qur'ân), and then escort him to where he can be secure, that is because they are men who know not.

When someone attack us, we dont turn the other cheek, we HIT BACK....but if they want to live in Peace, we offer them peace and we protect them.

for the third time, your hate sites from where you are copying and pasting are FAILING you and exposing your ignorance and indeed stupidity.. :D
Flores said:
This story is out of context, incorrect, but who the hell cares if a prophet made a mistake?

Sister, dont be fooled by those haters, this pathetic Greco never mentiond the source of his FANTASY STORY, those jews were expelled because:

1- They tried to kill the prophet (pbuh ) and indeed some muslim scholars say the prophet Muhammad(pbuh ) died Poi-soned by the jews.

2- They BROKE a treaty with the Muslims when they raped a muslim woman and killed some muslims who tried to save this muslim woman.

3- The Jews were financing all the wars the Pagans of Quraish were waging against the early Muslims.

After all that, do you expect Muslims to welcome the jews and treat them nicely ????

and here is further reading from ''The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (1976), pp. 100-107''

Did Prophet Muhammad ordered 900 Jews killed ?
Judaism took off as a religio-state. They had no qualms with attacking neighboring states in the name of god and wiping out their inhabitants. The Christians have a similar history under the holy Roman Empire. These two religions are also politically active today, trying to force everything from prohibition to the 10 commandments down everyone else's throats.

These organized religion's don't nessesarily represent God, just because they say they do.
Look at what Jesus had to say about the religious leaders in His day.
The Son of Man has the same things to say of "Christianty" today........

"By your teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, you make the Word of God of none effect."

The real Christ who is the Word of God, doesn't force Himself on anyone, but in fact has hidden Himself quite well, while these usurper's fight over the legacy of His name.

"In that day (this day), seven women will take a hold of one man's hand, and say "Let us eat our own bread, and wear our own appearel, only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach.

Many sought to see the things He is doing now, but He reveals to whom He will.
He is not looking for "Gold Diggers".
He knows the secrets of the heart,and will marry only those who "Love Him" for what He is .........."The Truth".
Not those multitudes who see only what He has - "He is the Heir, let us kill Him".
Remeber the parable of the man who planted a vineyard and went away....?
Yes, those "religions" did thier evil deeds, but their time has now come.
Babylon the Great has fallen, and become the hold of every foul spirit, the cage of every hatefull and unclean bird.
He is here now as the Judge, who shall judge the quick (those who've been quickened) and the dead (dead in sins and trespasses) at his appearing and his kingdom.
spamandham said:
These two religions are also politically active today, trying to force everything from prohibition to the 10 commandments down everyone else's throats.
I disagree old chap

How does the Christian or Jewish faith create prohibition, and where?

The ten commandments have been voluntary adopted by many countries as guidelines to their laws. So tell me, how do you come to the conclusion that Christianity or Judaism rammed it downeveryones throats.

Strange ideas :confused:
France took a decisive step today toward banning Islamic head scarves from state schools, with MPs overwhelmingly backing the government’s drive to preserve secularism from Islamic fundamentalism.

Now thats what I call a great law.

Well done France in taking the initiative, lets hope the rest of Europe will follow - they usually do.

Vienna said:
I disagree old chap

How does the Christian or Jewish faith create prohibition, and where?

Think drug laws. These are in place primarily due to the religious right, as was the prohibition against alcohol in the US in the early part of the last century.

Vienna said:
The ten commandments have been voluntary adopted by many countries as guidelines to their laws. So tell me, how do you come to the conclusion that Christianity or Judaism rammed it downeveryones throats.

When they are displayed in public schools, courts, etc. Not just "don't kill", "don't steal", etc, but the entire set including the first ones about honoring god.
spamandham said:
Think drug laws. These are in place primarily due to the religious right, as was the prohibition against alcohol in the US in the early part of the last century.
Think drug laws????????

No, I don't ask a question to be told think about it.

You tell me the answer if you have one.

When they are displayed in public schools, courts, etc. Not just "don't kill", "don't steal", etc, but the entire set including the first ones about honoring god.
Name the public schools, name the courts.......

And if they ARE on display in these places you mention - it hardly means they are pushed down ones throat, it means they are on display.

Quoted from -

Which I believe is a respected source –

This is an electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983. The text was provided by the Online Book Initiative and subsequently marked up at the HTI in SGML. Like all the versions of this text derived from the Online Book Initiative, it is not free from errors. We will strive to correct any errors pointed out to us.

[9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

This is essentially saying that if non-believers (idolaters) do not repent (convert to Islam) then kill them.

What is your interpretation?

Flores said:
You are right Vienna, and to rephrase you.
Not surprisingly - not one level headed individual dared to reply to this except you....Your ignorance is profound, but don't worry, evolution will take care of your likes in no time. don't have to go far to look for an ignorant. Right on Flores, I agree with you. :cool:
Looks like vienna got a new life again. Re born ? Still copying and pasting Quranic verses without the back ground and a context is what got christians all messed in the first place and now they are trying to describing Quran in a same way. Since vienna you have already destroyed your religion by changing it so many times and taking verses out of context and mixing truth with fiction, please spare the others.

Your best friend is education. You need to meet him more often and spend more time with education. I think I or some one else mentioned before about you being on welfare, since you spend most of your time infront of computer writing lots of non-sense, I recommend you should start working and go out side and meet your muslim neighbours and learn from them, they might help you understand and lesser your pain. Since you live in England you may be able to mingle with them and learn a thing or, since you are preparing for a war with Muslims, who according to YOU are going to take over your country and will force you to convert etc etc, only leave me to think that you are either delusional or paranoid psychopath like any other Skin Head or serial person. I think you are a danger to your family and to others. I also recomend that you should go see a doctor and see a world in more then two colors.Hint* ( black or white ). Did you get it?

Now, getting back to your Quranic verses, how about you go to liberary and check out a Tasfeer e Quran and see why those verses were revelead and what is their back ground. I am not going to type all that for you since I think you do not have capacity to digest anything accept Trinity and father son mythology or fiction or whatever you like to call.

I just want you to admit one thing, that You took bible out of context. Just say yes please. ;)
Katazia said:

Quoted from -

Which I believe is a respected source –

This is an electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983. The text was provided by the Online Book Initiative and subsequently marked up at the HTI in SGML. Like all the versions of this text derived from the Online Book Initiative, it is not free from errors. We will strive to correct any errors pointed out to us.

[9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

This is essentially saying that if non-believers (idolaters) do not repent (convert to Islam) then kill them.

What is your interpretation?


Kat, I am sorry that I am not going to do that much typing but since you copy it from that website, how about if you copy the whole Chapter or if you read the whole chapter and see if it make sense? How about if you read the background of chapter as well.

You can't take the whole meaning from one versre, it is the job of extremists and if you think I am wrong then remembre what Osama did, he did exactly what you are asking. If you do not read the chapters and verses in their context you will be lost.

Sorry but it is a simple fact.
Vienna said:
Why take it out on Jews - It's not their fault that the Quran is filth.
He was only giving a counter balance and an apt one at that. If anything you should repect that much at least.