Islam vs Christianity

munim_786 said:

why am i showing venom? i am showing truth. hmm my hate for christianty? so its ok for you to argue about other religions but not me.

once again - my venom, my hatered.

aren't you the one who says...

you're the one who has sworn at the Prophet and the God of 1.4 Billion people NOT ME. if you argued or debated them then thats ok, but you swore directly at them. your the venomous one. but according to you I show hate and venom to Christians. have i directly swore at their Prophet and God? have i said a particular christian majority race is responxible for crime BECASUE

you also said the Pakistanis are the ones responsible for high crime rates - TYPICAL RACIAL BEHAVIOUR.

NOW YOU'RE THE BARbARIC ONE, YOUR THE RACIST ONE, YOUR THE ONE SPREADING HATRED. and becasue you see the actions of a few muslims to be a true reflections of all religions then im going to do the same. all pagan british people are RACIST, BARBAIRC, HYPOCRTICAL (read above post), AND SPREADING HATRED.
munim_786 said:
NOW YOU'RE THE BARbARIC ONE, YOUR THE RACIST ONE, YOUR THE ONE SPREADING HATRED. and becasue you see the actions of a few muslims to be a true reflections of all religions then im going to do the same. all pagan british people are RACIST, BARBAIRC, HYPOCRTICAL (read above post), AND SPREADING HATRED.

YES VIENNA NOW YOU'RE THE BARbARIC ONE, YOUR THE RACIST ONE, YOUR THE ONE SPREADING HATRED. and becasue you see the actions of a few muslims to be a true reflections of all religions then im going to do the same. all pagan british people are RACIST, BARBAIRC, HYPOCRTICAL (read above post), AND SPREADING HATRED.[/QUOTE]
right, it wasnt me that was saying islam is a threat to the world, i was quoting someone else, cant remember who tho.

someone said that only muslims cheared on 9/11, agreed
but only americans cheered after the slaughter of Afghani and Iraqi civiliians

"The Caravan of ISLAM is moving fast while dogs are barking HARD!!


yep, long live blatant propoganda
Vienna said:
Why on earth are you picking on Christians for, are you thinking that I am a Christian by any remote chance, and by poorly attempting to insult Christianity you are aiming to insult me..... I'm not a Christian you poor boy.

My dear little where's mimummy, you seem to have taken leave of your senses and dancing on the edge of insanity.

oh my god you fool, now wonder you got mixed up with all those ayats of the
Quran - you just can't look at anything deeply. you saw the name chrostians and something bad about them so you immeditely thought i was dissing Christainty to diss you. i know that you aren't Christian, the whole point of my email wasn't to diss Christians. the point was to show when one country does something and its religion happens to be Chritaintyh then it is just an act of a goverment not of faith. when a christian terrorist does something its not an act of faith even if theyt do it in God's name but when a Muslim country does something, when a muslim terrorst does something then it is an act of faith.
everyone in this forum whether they are for or against islam are just expressing their opinions and supplying documents to prove it. these are the kind of people that this forum was made for. you on the other hand have made allegations (and had them proved wrong) and have used profainty and pictures to insult people. you have shown you are racist by using typical racial behaviour by saying certain races are responsible for crime in entire cities of entire countries. how can someone who is racist and insulting, and unintelegant (since youre allegation have been proved wrong) have a right to say this religion is barabaric and racist. i am only replying to you for the benfit of the readers so they realise your statment are false becasue to me the view of someone so obviously racist and trying to be insulting has no weight at all.

if you could debate like everytone else then your words would have a value but you are not capable of this becasue you are the one spreading "venom" and you are the "racist one" so ifg you say that Islam is spreading "venom" and racist your just being a hypocrite

(and dont be silly everyone hates Islam - thats why its the fastest growing religion in the world (AND YEP THAT INCLUDES BRITAIN)

i said it before, like it or not Islam is taking over the world, its conversion rates are set to take over entire countires soon - FACT
And I'm sure Christians were saying that 100 years ago. Can you provide any evidence to show that Islam isnt subject to any restraints in growth and wont show the same rise and decline pattern seen in religions, philosophies etc?
alain said:
someone said that only muslims cheared on 9/11, agreed
but only americans cheered after the slaughter of Afghani and Iraqi civiliians

Have you anything to back up your claim that Americans cheered at the deaths of Afghani and Iraqi civiliians?

Afghani and Iraqi troops I can understand.... But civilians.????
BACK TO THE TOPIC.. "Islam vs Christianity"



Many Christians accept the Muslim claim that they both worship the same God. They claim that they call him Allah, while Christians call him God. It is not unusual to hear Christian leaders make such statements. Bible societies have even gone so far as to use the name Allah in the Bibles they produce for Arab Christians.

The problem with this is two-fold. First, history and archeology show clearly that Allah was worshipped as a pagan moon god long before Mohammed came on the scene. Robert Morey, author of The Islamic Invasion, explains:

"Islam's origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia. The moon god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kabah which was a temple of the moon god, running around the Kabah seven times, caressing an idol of a black stone set in the wall of the Kabah, running between two hills, making animal sacrifices, gathering on Fridays for prayers, giving alms to the poor, etc. These were pagan rites practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was born."

"What religion today practices the pagan rites of the moon god? Islam! This explains why the crescent moon is the symbol of Islam. It is placed on top of mosques and minarets and displayed on hats, flags, rugs, amulets and even jewelry. Every time you see the Muslim symbol of a crescent moon, you are seeing the ancient symbol of the moon god."

Second, if you read the Quran's description of Allah, and read the Bible's description of God, it becomes obvious you are reading about two different persons. Allah orders his followers to kill those who deny Islam, while God instructs Christians to love their enemies. Allah had no son while God sent His Son to die for sinful men. Allah is "unknowable" while God seeks a personal relationship with His creation, man.

The spirit behind Islam is an entirely different spirit... a spirit that denies the deity of Jesus Christ. Any Christian who accepts the notion that Allah is God creates an impossible situation. Since the Quran contains the only revelation about Allah, they will be forced to look there as their authority. The Quran specifically denies the deity of Christ!

All Christian witness ends right there.
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guthrie said:
And I'm sure Christians were saying that 100 years ago. Can you provide any evidence to show that Islam isnt subject to any restraints in growth and wont show the same rise and decline pattern seen in religions, philosophies etc?

yes the US census reports have more detailed versions of this phenomonal growth. i think the most comprehensive ones are on the ones on the internet made by the 2003 goverment.
"Have you anything to back up your claim that Americans cheered at the deaths of Afghani and Iraqi civiliians?

Afghani and Iraqi troops I can understand.... But civilians.????"

i cant prove that they did specifically cheer when the news told them that civillians died, but they are under they are cheering about the two campaigns all together. (counting civillian and military deaths) the American army should have been less cowadly in the Afghanistan campaign and sent in troops or tanks instead of conducting inacurate air raids whihc led to the blowing up of hospitals bridges embassies and all that
Vienna said:

Not suprisingly - not one muslim has dared to reply to this.

I guess the truth hurts them eh?


What truth?? The truth that you're about to let one freak {the freak who wrote the letter} change your mind to the whole aspect of Islam?! It specifies the exact same thing that goes on in the media, TV... its amazing how numb you can get. Islam is NOT a religion about killing and all that other crap it specifies. You should know that, especially since how long you were arguing on this thread..
munim_786 said:
yes the US census reports have more detailed versions of this phenomonal growth. i think the most comprehensive ones are on the ones on the internet made by the 2003 goverment.

No no no, you missed the point entirely. The point is that all religions/ businesses, lives etc, go up, then go down. Proud muslim pointed out an islamic philosopher that said this hundreds of years ago. So, bearing that in mind, and that christians a hundred years ago could have said the same thing as you say now, what evidence do you have to say that Islam is different from everything else and wont suffer set backs or a decrease in membership?
Vienna said:
9/11 - Madrid - Bali


Alright, but why did they do that?? And why are the IRA in Ireland bombing in London England are not called christian terorrists?!

Get a grip..
Haha, Proud Muslim, my friend, you made me sign up for this forum, just to give you my two cents.

As a Christian (that's "Mr. Infidel" to you), I'm taught to love you even though you're taught to kill me. Jesus is the most powerful being in the universe, and he just so happens to be backing me up. Open your eyes.

Now, take 9/11. I know not all of you are taught to fly airplanes into buildings full of innocent civilians.

That being said, why do you think all Christians are like Pope Urban II, who ordered the Crusades? I'm not even Catholic! The organized church heirarchy represents nothing but humans exploiting Jesus' deity to gain power and wealth. This of course is ridiculous. I pay no attention to the Catholics, as they are too corrupted to mean anything but personal gain. Real Christians love the hell out of people. Literally.


~Gedder' Dun~
daisy250 said:
Alright, but why did they do that?? And why are the IRA in Ireland bombing in London England are not called christian terorrists?!

Get a grip..

Because my dear, they are not killing in the name of the Christian God. It is NOT a Christian war.

And you say that the IRA are still bombing London........ What are you talking about???

The IRA is Northern Ireland's biggest republican paramilitary group.

Get an education..

Try this link.....THE SEARCH FOR PEACE
Vienna said:
Because my dear, they are not killing in the name of the Christian God. It is NOT a Christian war.

And you say that the IRA are still bombing London........ What are you talking about???

The IRA is Northern Ireland's biggest republican paramilitary group.

Get an education..

Try this link.....THE SEARCH FOR PEACE

and those arab are not killing in the name of god either, they are trying to revenge the killing that goes overthere in their countries which you happen to be unaware of because your media censor that for all the viewers in the west.
this people has been so much hurt in their own country, they have been chased out of their own country, their family have been killed infront of their own eyes.
you are not in their shoes so you cannot comment on them
daisy250 said:
and those arab are not killing in the name of god either, they are trying to revenge the killing that goes overthere in their countries which you happen to be unaware of because your media censor that for all the viewers in the west.
this people has been so much hurt in their own country, they have been chased out of their own country, their family have been killed infront of their own eyes.
you are not in their shoes so you cannot comment on them

You are grasping at straws and struggling to justify islamic violence in the world.

You even try to compare Christianity with the ugliness of the Islamic deeds.

Thanks for your contribution, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables.