Islam vs Christianity

Vienna said:
You are grasping at straws and struggling to justify islamic violence in the world.

You even try to compare Christianity with the ugliness of the Islamic deeds.

Thanks for your contribution, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables.

Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of religion, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat which include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees and livestock. As Muslims see it, injustice would be triumphant in the world if good men were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause. The Quran says:

Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors. (2:190)

If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things. (8:61)

War, therefore, is the last resort, and is subject to the rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The term jihad literally means 'struggle', and Muslims believe that there are two kinds of jihad. The other 'jihad' is the inner struggle which everyone wages against egotistic desires, for the sake of attaining inner peace.

But set thou thy face to the right Religion before there come from Allah the Day which there is no chance of averting: on that Day shall men be divided (in two). al-Qur'an 30:43

Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. For a fifth of the world's population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the majority have nothing to do with the extremely grave events which have come to be associated with their faith.

I would never try to compare Islam with Christianlity. Christianity has not ever come near the level and way of existance of Islam and moreover never will. There is ugliness and 'no sense' in Christianity. Don't try to cover up the truth...

I'm not making any of this up, and since I've previously seen that you need back up information and things like that, then go here for your 'proof',
FAQ's ...
"As a Christian (that's "Mr. Infidel" to you), I'm taught to love you even though you're taught to kill me. Jesus is the most powerful being in the universe, and he just so happens to be backing me up. Open your eyes."

i dunno who tought u to love, most religious teachers teach intolerance and love only comes from when you teach yourself, most muslims arent taught to kill, only a few radicals. sorry, but until you prove Jesus's existance, you can't use him to give yourself moral high ground

vienna, i would never compare chocolate to Lord of the Rings, but in a thread discussing which i liked more, i would post something
alain said:
i dunno who tought u to love, most religious teachers teach intolerance and love only comes from when you teach yourself, most muslims arent taught to kill, only a few radicals. sorry, but until you prove Jesus's existance, you can't use him to give yourself moral high ground <-- Try this.
daisy250 said:
There is ugliness and 'no sense' in Christianity.

There is ugliness and 'no sense' in Christianity.

There is ugliness and 'no sense' in Islam.

But the worlds terrorism today is via Islamic influence, so out of the two I think Islam is the ugliest.

And thats putting it nicely.
Vienna said:

And your answer to my above post "ALLAH HAD NO SON" would be...????


vienna what do you want me to reply about?

i can reply about the symbol of Islam - the moon and the star. this is becasue the moon and stars guides travelers and Islam guides people in the same way.

so what to you want me to reply about? tell me in your next post
Vienna said:
Because my dear, they are not killing in the name of the Christian God. It is NOT a Christian war.

And you say that the IRA are still bombing London........ What are you talking about???

The IRA is Northern Ireland's biggest republican paramilitary group.

Get an education..

terrorist in Ireland DID do acts in the name of God. alot of the fighting was becasue of tensions between Catholics and Protestants.

next there are Christians who have killed, burnt alive, tortured, humilated other people IN THE NAME OF GOD.

1) ever heard of a crusade?
2) ever heard of Christians killing so called "witches"
3) ever heard of gay priest (which are against Christinaty of course!) being persecuted
4) ever heard of Christians killing doctors who perform abortions
5) ever heard of Chritsians killing prostitutes (Usually "in the name of God")
6) ever heard of kings and queen burning alive other religions (at time even different sects in their own Christian religion such as Queen Mary and such as Henry VI persecution)
7) dont you know people you thought about science were burnt alive by the church?

ever heard of Christians (americans) helping Israel by supplying money for WEAPONS
to maintain their state which by even thier OWN law (UN, NATO and US) is ILLEGAL becasue it is supporting the oppression of a captured state and promoting ethinic divsion by means of a wall.

ever heard of Bush (a firm christian) lying to the world that iraq has wepons of mass desturction and is a threat to the world. later it has a war resulting in 10,000 iraqis dying, 13,000 Iraqi soldiers dying, 500 american soldiers dying and then revelaing that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction and forgeting the fact that it is the Christian majority country, America that has over 10,500 nukes, stelath bombers, laser defemce missiles and the only country ever to use a Nuke and also has the most pwerful, accurate, advance nukes.

THIS IS AN EXAMPLE of one lying, hypocritical Christian, even thiough he represents hundreds of millions Christians, i still dont call all Christians hypocrites etc. but you see a few individula Muslims and blame everyone.
in the Prophets (saw) time 9 years is enough to be adult. as years go by in the society adult hood was increased in age. in those time it wasn't strange to see non muslims who were fighters, emperors at or any age.

and, the Prophet (saw) didnt have sex with Aisha at nine. that is idea completely stupid. and anyway even if he did it isn't illegal in loads of countires anyway. England has Europes hightest age for legal sex at 16 there are European countries with the age consent of 12 onwards and even younger*.

(im sory i cannot give the names of the countires but i now for a fact this is true i just cant remeber the exact figure can anyone from European countires question tell me the age or look it up or something)
You, to be quite frank, are the hypocrite. You disdain Christianity because of a small group of fanatics? Am I about to call you a terrorist because of 9/11? All religions have their extremists. When Osama bin Laden represents the doctrines of Islam, then I might consider having Pope Urban II or Queen Mary represent the doctrines of Christianity. Until you are prepared to call yourself a terrorist, please be respectful and avoid calling me a crusader.

With Jesus' Love,

JesusisLord51 said:

thanks for your post. i agree with what your saying but the bit about Jesus exsistaence - it is a FACT that he exsisted but it is debatable whether he was a Prohet or not.

many of the Christians belliefs about Jesus dont go anyway. but the Muslim ones make more sense.

these are some Christian errors about Jesu and the answers.

Jesus died on the cross - so where's the cross he died on, dont you think such a imporntant person like Jesus should have his death site kept and why didnt the universe collpase when Jesus died... the answer is simple Muslims believe he didn;t die on a cross he was raised to heaven. also Jesus's body hs Dissapeard. the answer also fits in with Muslim beliefs.

he was ressurected - only God can casue death and give life so if Jesus is God in human form who gave him life and death and ressurection. and why didnt the universe collpase without God? simple becasue he never died.

why did he die? - christians say the point of him dying was to forgive man of sins. why does he need to askhimself for mankinds forgiveness, and it is even stated in the Bible that every soul is responsivle for their OWN sin so Jesus's death is pointless. simple, the answer to this is the Muslim one, he never died,

is he son of God? - a human son takes on Human characteristiucs; life;death;senses etc. so wouldn't a son of God take God's chracterristcs? then is Death one of Gods Characteristcs?
munim_786 said:
terrorist in Ireland DID do acts in the name of God. alot of the fighting was becasue of tensions between Catholics and Protestants.

Yes, there were tensions between Catholics and Protestants, but thats not the sole reason for the troubles in Ireland.

For Christs sake man I gave you a link which explains it all, obviously you have not read it.

Ok - Let one use ones common ..........

Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God? :rolleyes:

THIS IS AN EXAMPLE of one lying, hypocritical Christian, .

EXCELLENT EXAMPLE......Now we are getting somewhere..


Vienna said:
The Quran specifically denies the deity of Christ!

All Christian witness ends right there.

The Quran denies the deity of Christ because there is no deity of Christ..

Deity {The essential nature or condition of being a god; divinity}

CHrist isn't a God and The Quran said that exactly. So in a way, you're correct! Islam DOES deny the deity of christ.

munim_786 said:
1) ever heard of a crusade?
2) ever heard of Christians killing so called "witches"
3) ever heard of gay priest (which are against Christinaty of course!) being persecuted
4) ever heard of Christians killing doctors who perform abortions
5) ever heard of Chritsians killing prostitutes (Usually "in the name of God")
6) ever heard of kings and queen burning alive other religions (at time even different sects in their own Christian religion such as Queen Mary and such as Henry VI persecution)
7) dont you know people you thought about science were burnt alive by the church?
Yes, all true, but with the exception of 4 and 5 this happened long ago. Most of civilization has progressed since that time. I mean come on, Saudi Arabians were some of Americas’ chief suppliers of East African Slaves – especially after the Europeans began banning the practice. My point being that today Saudi Arabians neither supply the US with East African slaves nor does the US condone slavery. Both contries have “progressed” a little. So why bother bringing up such long ago historical consequences that no one today had any control over nor shares any responsibility for.

The point can be furthered with the historical relevancy of the Turkish Muslims killing off one and a half “million” Christian Armenians about 80 years back. Unless, that is, you’re making a point about Religions in general. I do agree that Christianity (and company) are a bit daft, however, I suppose the more sensible philosophies such as Taoism are a little too complex for the average person to take as their religion.

I also agree with you’re point that Bush has wronged the people of Iraq. Believe me, I would have been more than happy to leave Hussein and Sons in charge for however long they’d happen to last. I do find it curious that there is such a fuss over the US conquering Iraq and not much made about the Arabic Iraqis killing the Kurdish Iraqis. You made the point of Israeli’s “promoting ethnic division” but neglected that the Arabic Iraqis were doing the same to the Kurdish Iraqis. I looked at Iraq in this way - - Although I think the Saudi ruling elite are despicable I don’t see a problem with trading with them. The Arabians have always been ruled by strong men, I feel I have no right to go in and change their culture. The same should have applied to Iraq.

So the view you’re objecting against is that of “Muslims are backwards”. A better way to go about discrediting this view is to first not fall into the temptation of some and ramble on about how bad the past actions of another where and not to ramble on about how many people belong to group such and such.

The best way to discredit this is to acknowledge the truths of the others argument (say that women of Arabia can not drive) and then point out the great works of art, inventiveness, poetry, medical, chemical, physical advancements, and benefits the populase gain by belonging to the group, etcetera . . .
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daisy250 said:
The Quran denies the deity of Christ because there is no deity of Christ..

Deity {The essential nature or condition of being a god; divinity}

CHrist isn't a God and The Quran said that exactly. So in a way, you're correct! Islam DOES deny the deity of christ.

You still haven't grasped the basics of Christian belief but it doesn't matter.

At least you confirm that Allah has NOTHING to do with Christianity - Good.

munim said of George Bush :- THIS IS AN EXAMPLE of one lying, hypocritical Christian.

Right then daisy, give me an example of a perfect Christian
Vienna said:
You still haven't grasped the basics of Christian belief but it doesn't matter.

At least you confirm that Allah has NOTHING to do with Christianity - Good.

munim said of George Bush :- THIS IS AN EXAMPLE of one lying, hypocritical Christian.

Right then daisy, give me an example of a perfect Christian

There isn't. That's where Jesus comes in. Christians believe that God cannot be in the presence of sin. He is altogether just, and his penalty for sin is death. spiritual death. Because he loves us so much, he sent his son, basically just himself in human form, into the world as a perfect sacrifice to purge all believers in him of their sins. That is, he never did sin, not even once. He also revealed that God is personal and wants to share a relationship with you. He did not, however, say anything about himself just being a good moral teacher. He even says, "He who is not with me is against me." You can't sit the fence with Jesus. He didn't leave you that option.

But he does leave us a margin for error so we can get into heaven with him. This is not the green light to sin. When Jesus comes into your heart, take this from my personal experience, there is an enlightening sense of forgiveness, joy, and comfort. If you give your heart to him, and you start to realize your sins, and try to repent from them, and you are ALWAYS forgiven.

God does not grade on the curve. But if you show effort to want to be more like Him, that is what the best of Christians do.
JesusisLord51 said:
There isn't. That's where Jesus comes in. Christians believe that God cannot be in the presence of sin. He is altogether just, and his penalty for sin is death. spiritual death. Because he loves us so much, he sent his son, basically just himself in human form, into the world as a perfect sacrifice to purge all believers in him of their sins. That is, he never did sin, not even once. He also revealed that God is personal and wants to share a relationship with you. He did not, however, say anything about himself just being a good moral teacher. He even says, "He who is not with me is against me." You can't sit the fence with Jesus. He didn't leave you that option.

But he does leave us a margin for error so we can get into heaven with him. This is not the green light to sin. When Jesus comes into your heart, take this from my personal experience, there is an enlightening sense of forgiveness, joy, and comfort. If you give your heart to him, and you start to realize your sins, and try to repent from them, and you are ALWAYS forgiven.

God does not grade on the curve. But if you show effort to want to be more like Him, that is what the best of Christians do.

Gee trust a Christian to spoil it. :D

The question was aimed at daisy.

I wanted to get the message across to daisy that NO Christian is perfect, and that is just one of the reasons why they ARE Christians.

Just because George Bush is all those things munim called him doesn't make him any less a Christian than any other Christian on this planet.

Even the pope asks for his sins to be forgiven.
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Are you a Christian, Vienna?

Or are you in this for the fun of it?

or to show us all that religion is BS?

I'm just curious ... No offense intended
Vienna said:
Gee trust a Christian to spoil it. :D

The question was aimed at daisy.

I wanted to get the message across to daisy that NO Christian is perfect, and that is just one of the reasons why they ARE Christians.

Just because George Bush is all those things munim called him doesn't make him any less a Christian than any other Christian on this planet.

Even the pope asks for his sins to be forgiven.

Yes, but that doesn't relate to what your previous message was. YES Christians arn't perfect. But that all goes back to them being people, as in PEOPLE make mistakes. This is more about that Christianity is moraly wrong. Secondly, all the things Minum said about Bush DOES make him less than a Christian, in other words less than a person. {that is if he is Christian. But it doesn't matter, because that doesn't forgive what he is} :)
Vienna said:
You still haven't grasped the basics of Christian belief but it doesn't matter.

At least you confirm that Allah has NOTHING to do with Christianity - Good.

munim said of George Bush :- THIS IS AN EXAMPLE of one lying, hypocritical Christian.

Right then daisy, give me an example of a perfect Christian

Its not very hard to grasp the 'basics' of Christianity, because thats all there is, just 'basics'. There is NO example of a perfect christian. Just like there is no example of a perfect person from any religion. But then again, you still didn't answer correctly to what I've said.
This is all amusing to me. It's like taking two works of art and asking which one is more truthfull. Yet both paintings are someone elses imagination. You people should ask for a little more proof than just ink written on paper.
mario said:
This is all amusing to me. It's like taking two works of art and asking which one is more truthfull. Yet both paintings are someone elses imagination. You people should ask for a little more proof than just ink written on paper.

Aaah, yes, mario. And do you wish to educate us on what is more truthfull perhaps? Since you sound confident enough to say.