Islam & Science

Exactly, then why are you questionin' His abilities?
I question why people and holy books claim he has these abilities when a true god is unknowable.
The major constituent elements of the human body are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Furthermore, you're twisting my words.
Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man from clay:
Surah 38 Verse 71
The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.
Does that indicate that he was created from eartly DUST? What we observe as earthly dust is not heavenly dust.
Then you have just concluded heavenly dust contains that which is needed to make a man, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and are assigning properties to something that cannot be known. I dont need to twist anything, you said he wasnt created with earthly dust but is made of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen and is formed from heavenly dust.
We're discussing scientific facts in the Qu'ran and please stick to it.
The subject is science in the quran if you only wish to look at what is correct it becomes propaganda as your not allowing the alternative to be discussed.
spidergoat ,

you are going far away from the topic,
I am?
either you make good argument or you stop it.
I think I made several good arguments.
if you have any point about what i write, then bring it in, not talking about afterlive and evalution theory...or throwing words without reading the whole text.
Someone mentioned heaven, which he interpreted to mean the universe, and I suggested could mean the heaven of the afterlife. I understand that is an Islamic concept.

if you don't like this thread then do not participate in it. Your first post saying that we copied out book from clue what you are sying nothing...
I do like this thread, you guys are amusing. I never said the Quran was copied, but it did get inspiration from other sources.

your points about sun rise and sun set is Honestly, Funny....
Well, I was trying to point out scientific fallacies in the Quran, and this appears to be one.

you made several posts at something , has nothing to do with this thread.

if you have something to say about Quran or you don't undertsant a sentence, then start a new thread and we will replay to you.
I will say what I like about the Quran and so far I have understood all the sentences, thanks for caring.


so please stop IT.
Stop what, challenging your beliefs?
KhalidIbnWaleed, Thanks for the post – it was especially long but I did read it through.

A few things are then agreed upon

1) That the notion of 4 stage development exited prior to the Qur’an. Four stage development is the bases of the couple of lines we are discussing.

As I said, the body doesn’t develop in discreet sequential stages. There is never a start stop – there is only continuous. So I will say that the entire passage is incorrect on this alone. Not that it matters, far as interpretations go you can just as easily say that the passage is talking about continuity and not stage wise development.

As we see from “interpretations” anything can mean anything!

2) Although the discourse you posted was thorough it neglected to mention anything about al Harith Ibn Kalada. As such I’ll assume that the point regarding a historical connection is accepted. As it was written by Muslim Historical scholars I guess that is an easy point to cede.

3) I find it funny that I happened to mention – why not go so far as to say the Prophet knew of Diploid and Haploid mitosis. As such I read this section with a smile:

After mixture of the male and female gametes, the Zygote still remains "Nutfah" and in this context the word "Al-Nutfah Al-Amhsaj" will mean a combination of many things mixed in a single drop (Nutfah) i.e., the maternal and paternal chromosomes with their genetic material and other contents of the Cell.

4) A note on anything can mean anything. I thought this was interesting
a leech-like structure The word ‘Alaqah can also be translated as ‘leech like structure'. The leech is a elongated pear shaped creature which thrives on blood sucking. At this stage of development the embryo from top view does bear a resemblance to a leech. This resemblance is even more marked if the 24 day old embryo is seen from the side. It is also interesting to note that the embryo is now dependent on the maternal blood for its nutrition and behaves very much like a leech!.
I agree that is an apt interpretation. However, one could say the word “bear” and come up with some similarities to a bear. I mean bears hibernate and are coiled up in a fetal position and have hair. Fetuses seem to be sleeping, obviously take a “fetal position” and (when young enough) have cilia that look like hair! Never mind all the difference b/w bears and fetuses or leeches and fetuses for that matter!!

5) Another interesting “interpretation”[
"Then We clothed the bones with flesh" (Surah Al-Mu 'minun, Ayah 14)
The above Ayah explicitly states that the bones are formed first and that this is followed by the formation of flesh or muscles which take their position around the bones (clothing the bones). In fact the primordia or precursors of both the bone and muscle (in the form of myotomes and selertomes( are present together with those of bones and other tissues and organs in a collective primitive structure are formed during the first 40 days and is found in the Mudghah. However, in this stage the primordia of muscle have not yet differentiated into definitive bones and muscles. As they do not have the shapes or forms of bones or muscles, the whole embryo at this stage does not have a human appearance.

During the seventh week- the skeleton begins to spread throughout the body and the bones take their familiar shapes. The embryo then starts to acquire the human appearance. At the end of the seventh week and during the eighth week the muscles take their positions around the bone forms, "definitive muscles of trunk, limbs and head are well represented and fetus is capable of some movement".

You’ll of coursed notice that suddenly “flesh” conveniently becomes “muscle”!! Else it wouldn’t make sense. Which is again the great thing about obscurity and interpretation. That’s what I’ve been saying since the beginning – anything conveniently comes to mean anything.

6) Incidentally, the sperm is never in a place that is firmly fixed.

Not that it matters, with the interpretation going as it is; “flesh” miraculously becomes the specific tissue of muscle and a “drop” becomes the perfect complement of haploid DNA!

Really, if one is going to go so far as that there really is no need to debate. I mean if you’re willing to say a drop is representative of chromosomal count – well then, anything can really mean anything.

It’s funny though. One would think that if God would have wanted to be explicate then God could have been. Say by, explicitly stating the there are four base pairs or the exact number chromosomes. Of course then the rebuttal is God didn’t want to confuse the heck out of people. It’s funny though, those same people didn’t know anything about chromosomes or genetic material 25 years ago and now it’s excepted common knowledge – so I doubt it would have come as a culture shock beck then. OR of course - there is no God and the passage is obscure enough to be interpreted to mean absolutly ANYTHING.
KhalidIbnWaleed said:
Allah SWT has send approx 124,000 Prophets and Messengers(some are mentioned in the Qu'ran while others are not) all over the world to to teach that there is only One God and stop worshipping idols.
Allah Almighty says: “ And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers!.” . . . . .. . That's where your wrong my friend. As I stated above, Allah SWT has sent approx 124,000 Prophets and messengers to every nation to teach that there is only One God.
I understand what you are saying. However, I do not think I am wrong.

Let’s look at this purely from a logical point of view.

1) Religions with the most similar stories to the Qur’an are those found in the ME. Religions from other parts of the world don’t share the same stories.

The reason:
(i) Other religions where corrupted over time.
(ii) The Qur’an is a retelling of the prominent religious myths in the ME.

2) All religions share common themes.

(i) This could be because as you said, the religions were once “pure” and then were corrupted.
(ii) OR, and more likely, these are common to most societies – even those that are atheistic. Ie: Don’t steal, don’t kill, etc. . . .

3) Did religions start pure and then diverge?

Archeological evidence has dug up many of the religious myths in the ME and can find the original stories form 5000 years ago carved on stone. We find these stores are similar to the ones in the Qur’an but not the same. This suggests it is the Qur’an that has adapted the earlier stories. (As the stones are themselves 5000+ years old, there obviously can be no divergence of there meaning.)

Finally, as I mentioned above, the stories are similar per region. This suggests that important stories are somewhat conserved and preserved down through the ages in all societies. Yet, funny enough, it is only the Middle Eastern religions that seem to share Middle Eastern myths found in the Qur’an. The Ancient Chinese, Pacific Islander, Australia, African, European, Indian, South Asian, Far Asian, Japanese, Mongolian, North American, South Eastern American, Central American, South Western American stories (also found written in rock some 5000+ years ago) have completely different myths about the origin of man.

I think this is the nail in the coffin for the Theory of Divergent Truth. It is much more plausible that myth stories in the Qur’an are similar to the Middle Eastern (as opposed to other parts of the world) because these stories were somewhat preserved in form from earlier myths and then copied into the Qur’an.

As for why the other parts of the world have different stories than that Middle East in general (and thus also the Qur’an): Simply put - we can find the original stone carvings, we needn’t worry that the stories have diverged and corrupted over 5000 years – they never were the same stories.

That’s why they carved it in stone to begin with - there is no argument with stone!!

Of course you were raised to believe in the Qur’an. You can say whatever to make sense of the available evidence. You can simply say – well EVEYONE ELSE in the ENTIRE WORLD diverged so quickly that their human origins myths (even those carved on stone 5000 years ago) are just corruptions. Only the people in the ME seemed to be quick enough to carve out stories in stone that resemble the truth (ie Qur’an).

Funny That! :)
KhalidIbnWaleed said:

We do know how the universe was formed --Big Bang theory which is supported with many factual evidences. Moreover, in the Qu'ran- it states that the universe is still expanding along with many other astronomical facts
Then you are going ON THE RECORD as saying that the Qur'an states explicitly that the Big Bang theory is the correct explanation for the origin of the universe? Therefore, all other theories (of which there are hundreds) are incorrect. Thus, at the very least, the Qur’an says the universe originated in one singular location.

Do you agree to that?

Does the Qur’an say the universe started form nothingness or was something else before becoming this universe?

7x7 said:
Yes we love Mary, Mary is Queen in heaven.
Interestingly enough, the word “Mary” is a derivative from the sound "ma". Ma is the natural vocal expression uttered by all children in the world. As such most peoples use an utterance similar in sound to represent “mother”.

Just more irony I suppose?

7x7 said:
Open-mindedness aye? OPEN?


IS there a chance (a chance) the Qur’an could just be a set of myth stories collected and cannoned in the 7th century by a person trying to control all the peoples from the ME?
7x7 said:
The primordia of the internal ears appear before the beginning of the eyes, and the brain (the site of understanding) differentiates last.
I didn't ask that.

I simply asked if the sensation of "feeling" develops after hearing and sight?

So does it?
Are there any root words in the Qur'an whose origin was Greek or another language and not Arabic?

We've had this evolution debate so many times.

Lets make this easy.

Can you find one "reputable" source that refutes evolution? I mean published in the last 15 years in a reputable scientific journal say in a national medical or science archive (ie PUBMED, national institutes of science, NIS, etc..?

I didn't think so.
I am not going to get too deeply into this since for me it is clearly a case of seeing what you want to see where you want to see it, very much the way people look at the writings of Nostradameus. Here is a short article on the subject I will post some more later.

Islam is another story. Muslims make numerous claims about the Quran's scientific veracity. They claim that the Quran contains numerous scientific facts which are confirmed by current science. They also claim that Muhammad could not have known about the scientific "facts" in the Quran since he was an ignorant peasant. These claims, if true, would be stunning.

One of the most popular examples advanced for this is the Quran's statements about embryology. The following verses are proposed as divine knowledge :

Al-Mumenoon 023.012-014
Verily We created man from a product of wet earth;
Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging;
Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then fashioned We the little lump bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators!

This is more similar to the nonsensical creation story in the Bible than anything resembling science. The foetus is not made of clay, neither is the sperm transformed into congealed blood, or developed into another creature. Bone development depends on bone-producing cells - flesh. Bones in the human foetus do not begin to form until the 40th day (Cell and Molecular Biology of Vertebrate Hard Tissues, Caplan and Pechak, 1988). This is all basic embryology which was available to the ancient Egyptians, and therefore the desert dwellers of the time, and obviously to Allah. So either Allah is a lying or stupid god, or the Quran is not inspired.

Likewise, the Quran's idea for where the sperm comes from, exhibits more ignorance :

At-Tariq 086.005-007
So let man consider from what he is created.
He is created from a gushing fluid
That issued from between the loins and ribs.

For those of you who did not follow in Biology 101, the sperm does not come from between the loins and the ribs. Ancient medecine did say that, but we know now that sperm comes from the testicles.

The most popular claim being knocked down, what other scientific absurdities are there in the Quran ? Plenty. Here are a few of them :

1. Qaf 050.038 - Allah created everything in six days, but *he* wasn't tired.
And verily We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six Days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

2. Al-Kahf 018.085-086 - The sun sets in a muddy spring (and Alexander the Great saw it, so it must be true).
And he followed a road
Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.

3. Al-Mulk 067.005 - Stars were made as missiles to be used against Djinns trying to get in Heaven.
And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.

As-Saaffat 037.006-009
Lo! We have adorned the lowest heaven with an ornament, the planets;
With security from every froward devil.
They cannot listen to the Highest Chiefs for they are pelted from every side,
Outcast, and theirs is a perpetual torment;

4. An-Naml 027.017-019 - Ants can speak.
And there were gathered together unto Solomon his armies of the jinn and humankind, and of the birds, and they were set in battle order;
Till, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant exclaimed: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving.
And (Solomon) smiled, laughing at her speech, and said: My Lord, arouse me to be thankful for Thy favour wherewith Thou hast favoured me and my parents, and to do good that shall be pleasing unto Thee, and include me in (the number of) Thy righteous slaves.

5. Luqman 031.010 - The Earth has to be stabilized by mountains so it does not quake.
He hath created the heavens without supports that ye can see, and hath cast into the earth firm hills, so that it quake not with you;

An-Naba 078.006-007
Have We not made the earth an expanse,
And the high hills bulwarks?

And of course, an article about scriptural stupidity is not complete without the requisite non-believer bashing :

Al-Mulk 067.006-011
And for those who disbelieve in their Lord there is the doom of hell, a hapless journey's end!
When they are flung therein they hear its roaring as it boileth up,
As it would burst with rage. Whenever a (fresh) host is flung therein the wardens thereof ask them: Came there unto you no warner?
They say: Yea, verily, a warner came unto us; but we denied and said: Allah hath naught revealed; ye are in naught but a great error.
And they say: Had we been wont to listen or have sense, we had not been among the dwellers in the flames.
So they acknowledge their sins; but far removed (from mercy) are the dwellers in the flames.

For an online Quran, see The Noble Qur'an (?).

From here

How strange that the scientific discoveries of the Qur'an have waited until our day and age to be put to use. Why did the Muslims let the kafirs of the West make use of all their Qur'anic miracles? And in the more distant past, why did they base their studies on Greek knowledge instead of the Quran?
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An even better article

The Miracle of Reinterpretation

In recent years, some Muslim proselytizers have come to claim that the "miracle" of the Qur'an is demonstrated by "astounding scientific facts which only through modern science has man discovered what was accurately described in the Muslim Holy Book and by the Prophet Muhammad 14 centuries ago!" There is indeed a need for the exclamation mark, as it is an astonishing boast in light of the gaping chasm between Islam and modern science in regards to the most basic philosophical issues

I love this bit

It comes as little surprise, then, that instead of focusing on the scientific discoveries most responsible for redefining how we see ourselves in relation to the universe, the dogmatist is left with his dusty sacred writ, from which he must cull each and every excuse for a scientific insight, and poor excuses at that

You can read the rest of the article here
IS there a chance (a chance) the Qur’an could just be a set of myth stories collected and cannoned in the 7th century by a person trying to control all the peoples from the ME?

I thought I have answered you that. I recommend reading the book I have mentioned about Bible, Quran and science.

I really wish you read it.

There is, honestly, no chance that we have copied (as human) stories from past because of we did, then you could find all stories similar, which is not correct.

Our book, Quran, dose talk about

If it is only talking about past then there could be a chance but it is not.
Even if you find a story or two that matches with old stories found in Torah or Bible, that dose not mean we have copied any. It just god wants to tell them because they contain a wisdom or so

Let me give you some examples:
Story from past:
The Pharaoh and Jesus
Story from present
Story from future

I will quote limited text (very long) from Pharaoh text. This story is not a myth. His body is available at Egyptian museum

Qur'anic and Biblical narrations differ on the following points:

--the absence in the Qur'an of place names, both of the cities built by the Hebrews in Moses's group, and on the route taken by the Exodus.

--the absence of any reference to the death of a Pharaoh during Moses's stay in Midian.

--the absence in the Qur'an of details concerning Moses's age when he addressed his request to the Pharaoh.

--the absence in the Qur'an of the numbering of Moses's followers. These figures are openly exaggerated in the Bible to incredible proportions (said to have been 600,000 men plus their families forming a community of more than two million inhabitants.)

--the absence of any mention in the Bible of the rescue of the Pharaoh's body after his death.

if we missed part of the story how come we added another part which proved to be true.

Check the whole story and you can discover that QUARN mentioned that Pharaoh Body will be kept.

Check out how it was kept…at book

“Today I will save your dead body so that you may be a sign for those who come after you.” Qur’an, 10:92

Isn't it evidence that we didn't Copy from old stories.

[d]It is very reasonable for a religion book to mention the stories of other prophet. You don't find the Greek stories about the 11 gods or so.[/b]
Interestingly enough, the word “Mary” is a derivative from the sound "ma". Ma is the natural vocal expression uttered by all children in the world. As such most peoples use an utterance similar in sound to represent “mother”.

Opssss , what are you saying???

We don't say that MARY is mother of GOD. Mary is just a human and so is Jesus.
Mary here for Mariam in Quran


Another misunderstanding

Are there any root words in the Qur'an whose origin was Greek or another language and not Arabic?

I'm not sure?

The whole Greek nation is not mentioned at all in Quran. Or any story about them unless if Zou-Alqarneen was one of them.

Any information about him brothers? Was he Greek? I don't think so.
Michel I have question for you:

If someone , told you 4 things
- That you will marry a blond girl, green eyes, from that town, and her name Jenny
- That will move to France and work there
- That you will have 3 kids (2 boys and a girl)
- That you will win 1 million $

after that, the first three happened in order and as the same details that man told you but without he mentions any dates…Just as part of future…

1)WILL you believe that the forth is going to happen?
2)Will you hold the faith until the end, even it was delayed?

Please answer me like I did answer your questions before.
1)WILL you believe that the forth is going to happen?
This is where religion fails, if 3 things are correct it doesnt mean everything is, also being told whats going to happen can influence you, if someone describes the person you are going to marry it is likely if you believe them then when you find that person you will feel compelled to marry them and feel it is fate.

I hope you read what you post and think awhile in the words and try to figure if what in text is correct or incorrect:

Please when you bring text, can you avoid any insult to ou religion or Allah. If so I can continue the debate with you, if not I'm sorry

But again from anti-Islam site…

The foetus is not made of clay
No one said that. I really have a doubt of the people writing this stuff.
The clay is the creation of First Human, Adam. Of course we are not going to discuss the evolution theory again.

flesh. Bones in the human foetus do not begin to form until the 40th day
why don't you please read my topic about the 40th day at page one.

Likewise, the Quran's idea for where the sperm comes from,
the answer is found here:

Qaf 050.038 - Allah created everything in six days

Will you please read ((The Six Periods of the Creation.)) from The Bible,
The Qur'an and Science at The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth.
You can find all the answers there…..

I couldn't write better, thank you Dr Maurice Bucaille

Al-Kahf 018.085-086 - The sun sets in a muddy spring
Aging, will you read KhalidIbnWaleed and 786 replayed to this funny ridicules thing? At page 3

I can't continue to this nonsense…many were explained to you….

How strange that the scientific discoveries of the Qur'an have waited until our day and age to be put to use. Why did the Muslims let the kafirs of the West make use of all their Qur'anic miracles? And in the more distant past, why did they base their studies on Greek knowledge instead of the Quran?

if you read again my thread from the beginning, you can figure that these facts could notbe discovered before the 20th century. No enough tools like microscope , etc….

I like the question in the bold honestly:
Very good question indeed.
I can answer that by saying we are way behind you in knowledge BUT THAT is not my answer.

My answer is in 2 parts:
First: if Muslims discovered these facts, people would say we are lieing just to prove our religion
Second: I BELIEVE that God wanted you the west to discover that as a SIGN from him.

It comes as little surprise, then, that instead of focusing on the scientific discoveries most responsible for redefining how we see ourselves in relation to the universe, the dogmatist is left with his dusty sacred writ, from which he must cull each and every excuse for a scientific insight, and poor excuses at that
You love this?
I see it is just an opinion of the person who wrote them. No clue what he is saying really.

I have one question for , why don't you have your own opinion instead of following other's. Why don't you make and effort to discover the truth instead of following what others say?
7x7 said:
I thought I have answered you that. I recommend reading the book I have mentioned about Bible, Quran and science.

I really wish you read it.

There is some commentary regarding that book in the second link I posted

There is, honestly, no chance that we have copied (as human) stories from past because of we did, then you could find all stories similar, which is not correct.

Our book, Quran, dose talk about

If it is only talking about past then there could be a chance but it is not.
Even if you find a story or two that matches with old stories found in Torah or Bible, that dose not mean we have copied any. It just god wants to tell them because they contain a wisdom or so

Let me give you some examples:
Story from past:
The Pharaoh and Jesus
Story from present
Story from future

I will quote limited text (very long) from Pharaoh text. This story is not a myth. His body is available at Egyptian museum

if we missed part of the story how come we added another part which proved to be true.

Check the whole story and you can discover that QUARN mentioned that Pharaoh Body will be kept.

Check out how it was kept…at book

7x7 you are too easily impressed do you believe that things happened in a vacuum in ancient times? In that case it is a miracle that anything from previous ages was known by anyone else ;) .
7x7 said:

I hope you read what you post and think awhile in the words and try to figure if what in text is correct or incorrect:

Please when you bring text, can you avoid any insult to ou religion or Allah. If so I can continue the debate with you, if not I'm sorry

Where did I insult your religion? :eek:

No one said that. I really have a doubt of the people writing this stuff.
The clay is the creation of First Human, Adam. Of course we are not going to discuss the evolution theory again.

Of course we aren't because there is actually some physical evidence to support the theory of evolution while all creation has is blind faith and supposed sacred texts, no contest really.

Will you please read ((The Six Periods of the Creation.)) from The Bible,
The Qur'an and Science at The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth.
You can find all the answers there…..

I couldn't write better, thank you Dr Maurice Bucaille

yes I will :D

I can't continue to this nonsense…many were explained to you….

Not explained satisfactoraly.

if you read again my thread from the beginning, you can figure that these facts could notbe discovered before the 20th century. No enough tools like microscope , etc….

You were claiming that it was all there given by allah but nothing was mentioned about it embryonic development doesn't require a modern microscope except in the initial phases. I believe you can find info on magnifying lenses created by a muslim (the name escpes me now) some 1000 years ago.

My answer is in 2 parts:
First: if Muslims discovered these facts, people would say we are lieing just to prove our religion
Second: I BELIEVE that God wanted you the west to discover that as a SIGN from him.

First: how can someone say you are lying if you discover a fact?
Second: as what a sign that we didn't need his book to figure this out?

You love this?
I see it is just an opinion of the person who wrote them. No clue what he is saying really.

I wouldn't expect you to feel any other way

I have one question for , why don't you have your own opinion instead of following other's. Why don't you make and effort to discover the truth instead of following what others say?

Might I just remind you that you didn't write the quran or "the quran and science" ;)
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Quite simply this is all based on creative interpretations of the quran. I found a nice little article that explains this. An excerpt regarding 'alaqa'

Over the last 100 plus years this word ‘alaqa has been translated as follows:

French, un grumeau de sang (a small lump of blood) - Kasimirski, 1948 (last Ed. during life of author was 1887)[3]
a leech-like clot - Yusuf Ali, (translation of 1938) 1946[4]
a clot - Pickthall, (translation of 1940) 1977[5]
a clot - Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1951[6]
a clot - Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, 1971[7]
French, de caillot de sang (clot of blood) - Hamidullah, 1981[8]
French, un caillot de sang - Masson, 1967
a clot of blood - N. J. Dawood, 1980[9] Approved by the Supreme Sunni and Shii Councils of the Republic of Lebanon
Indonesian, segumpal darah (lump of or clot of blood) - Indonesian Department of Religious Affairs, 1984
Farsi, khoon basteh (a clot of blood) - Mehdi Elahi Ghomshehi
Chinese, xue kuai (blood clot)
Malay, darah beku (blood clot)
[NOTE to translators: Feel free to delete or add other language words for clot (‘alaqa)
if there are Qur'ans in those languages which seem more important to you.]

As every reader who has studied human reproduction will realize, there is no stage as a clot during the formation of a fetus so this is a very major scientific problem.

That is almost as far as one needs to go to realize what the rest of these scientific miracles are resting upon

but you may go read more here