Islam & Science

Michel said:
7x7, truely I am sorry, I didn't mean to make fun. Maybe Baklava was a bad choice of words.

Ok, no problem.

What I meant is one can say the universe began from “insert anything” and there is no way (as of now) to disprove that statement – simply because there is no knowledge pre-universe. So in essence I could say the universe started as the exhaust out from an exhaust-pipe from an inter-universal-pimped-out-sedan and there is no way to prove I am wrong.

OK, now I can understand what are you saying and I agree with you. There is no pre-universe knowledge and human knowledge can not reach that level IMO.

Maybe the "creation of universe" (the post) means nothing to you because:

Theory + mentioned in Quran or By prophet = Fact (to me and Muslims)
Theory + mentioned in any religion book = theory (because you are atheist).

You can say (is your right) we don't know if it is true but you can also say that there are possibilities that this is true (from the facts of watching how stars and others formatting nowadays).

Maybe the "creation of universe" post means more to Muslims than other. But as I said, you can take as possibility and you can not deny it at all.

But you can ask your self,

1- How could a human figures that the universe had created from clouds 1400 years IF Big Bang (recent theory) is true?

2- Is it a message from God to tell human I do exists?

I don't know if you can find answers for that, but if someone asked me this question I would say: because Quran is from God and it can't be false.

How many crimes were solved based on small evidence or evidence with doubt and after research, truth was found. Maybe God gave this small/big evidence for disbelievers to search for the truth.

I hope you get my point.

One may say that dust floating around in space galaxies formed planets and may use the descriptive term “clouds” to describe that dust. But then again one can also say “My mind is clouded”.

I don't know what do you mean by "my mind is clouded", but I can tell you this thing.

Many human research were called theory, because they

use "perhaps" , "maybe", "could be", but Quran never used these words when talking about scientific facts of histrocal facts, or…etc.

I have question for you:

Why "perhaps", "maybe", "could be" were not used in Quran, if it was written by Muhammad?

Using these verbs would make it easier, because if they appear (the facts) are wrong then all his effort for making people following the religion could be destroyed.

I can give another example of what I mean although it could be Off Topic.

We Muslims are more concerned by historical events and future more than scientific facts.

I give 3 examples:

1- When Muslims were hundred only, they were surrounded by 10,000 disbelievers. All came to finish Islam. Muslims were building a tunnel (before the disbelievers arrive) around part of Madina (a city in Saudi). While building the tunnel prophet told all the Muslims (while he was digging ) that Muslims are going to Open (or you can say destroy) the Persian empire and the roman empire. Now how could he tell this although Muslims were in front of (un-fair battle) were disbelievers were more than them. He didn't use "maybe", "perhaps", he used YOU WILL. And that happened.

2- One of the greatest thing IMO prophet told about the Future in his Hadith, that Muslims are going to get the famous city of "Qustaintinya" (spelling, but now part of Istanbul, Turkey). He said that the leader would be great. That prophet Hadith was written in books 1400/1300 years ago, and Muslims managed only to get the city at Othman Empire something like after 800/900 years. That prophet words are written at the grave of leader of that battle, because he was great leader. Check you self how he could open the city after many nations through the history and many tries by Muslims themselves failed.

3- The return back of Jews to Palestine and non-peace situation ever between Muslims and Jews. I have taken the next text from other thread at another forum with the permission of the writer.

He wrote (
In the Quran , ALLAH had said that jews will never have peace with muslims … till judjment day …, jews can prove that the Quran is wrong just by simply stop the war and treat muslims like any other group of people…..but till now …for like 100 years and more they just didt…….does this prove anything..?? This story is mostly like the story of ABU LAHAB when god had said he would die as a kafir ( he wont enter islam), ABU LAHAB had 10 years to prove that the QURAN is not the words of ALLAH but he just didn’t….
Note: the writer , as he said, is only 14 years old and he is Christian not Muslim.

I hope I made my point here, none of the above was used as "maybe" or "perhaps" they all were used as WILL.

If I can see that Quran or prophet gave me clues of future and many have happened, why I should disbelieve the others including the scientific facts.

Replay to Galen:

1- You missed the big part, Galen work was on animals not on human. Quran describe the human development not any kind of animals.

2- The staging of human embryos was not described until the 20th century. Again Galen stages were based on animals not human.

3- You skipped this one :)

4- You skipped this one :)

6-8 :

about al Harith Ibn Kalada,

most of what you have written is true, but you make confliction, I must say.

Later he became a companion of the Prophet Muhammed himself, and according to the Muslim medical traditions Muhammed actually sought medical advice from him

What doe your resources claim? He was friend of Mohammad or he was the teacher of Muhammad?

First: Never heard he was friend of Muhammad ( I have read all the history of Muhammad , we called it (SIRA) , and his name never came to me. There are no stories happened between him and prophet but the one you mentioned: ((but this did not prevent the Prophet from sending his sick friends (I know he sent one man to him, not groups or all his friends) to consult him.

Second: He was not a teacher for Muhammad nor Muhammad was a doctor. Muhammad was an illiterate.

** I have searched, but I could find any information if he ever wrote a book in medicine or if he translated any of Galen's book.

** Why he was not the first to spot similarity between Quran and Galen's. Why it happened after 100 years of that?
Answer could be: He did not translate any of Galen's books.

** Galen had his mistakes. And the "the Fabric of the Human Body 1543" was written to correct Galen's mistakes. So my question, how come Muhammad took, as they claim, only the correct information from Galen's book and applied them to Human.?

** What you have written here about AL-Hartih give no one proof but only speculations.

** It seems that ani-islamic sites are depressed to find any proof but could not. They can only fool couple of people, but they can not fool "truth seekers"

I must correct these...

Harith al-Nasar (Nadr), who was apparently a cousin of Muhammed, and also a doctor by profession [43]. InterestinglyNadr mocked Muhammed, saying that the stories in the Qur'an were far less entertaining and instructive than the old Persian legends he had grown up with.Perhaps he recognised that the Qur'an had human sources for some of its stories?

I'M SORRY but perhaps dose not work here.

Arabs fought Muhammad badly, they couldn't accept that the idea of idol worship was wrong. They said many thing about him but they also admitted back that what they said about him were wrong.

For you information Quran challenged Arabs (they wrote great poets) to write like Quran , they couldn't, then God challenged them to write one chapter like it, they couldn't, then finally god challenged them to write one sentence similar to Quran , they couldn't. This challenge was for Arabs who claimed that Muhammad was a poet (not all of them, because they knew him for 40 years before Islam and he never wrote one sentence of poet). This challenge resulted that many Arabs became Muslims because God won.

As a result of this Muhammed became his sworn enemy, and the Prophet put him to death following his capture in the Battle of Badr in 624

This is totally wrong, Muslims never started that battle. Disbeliever of Mecca collected their men and went out to fight them. Muslims were not prepared to the war and they were only 314 men in front of 1000 men. They defeated them (by the will of Allah) and among men died at battle or after (the prisoners) were that guy. He was not killed because of what he was saying. he was killed like many others. IT WAS WAR.....

Great enemies of prophet said worse than that and they were not killed in further battles but instead after Mecca joined Islam, prophet gave the Disbelievers of Mecca freedom even for his greats enemies.

Incidentally, it seems that not even Prof. Moore is sufficiently convinced by the scientific "facts" in the Qur'an to risk his reputation as a highly respected professor of anatomy in the medical establishment. The Islamic edition of his textbook not available even in the British Library or the US Library of Congress, let alone other medical libraries in Western countries presumably because he is aware that not only do the Islamic contributions in it contradict known science, but they also contradict what he has written in the standard version of his textbook. If that wasn’t the case I’m sure he’d have made sure it was at least available in one of the two of the worlds largest archives (seeing as millions of other Arabic texts are one has to wonder???).
I don't know how you could be sure that they are not available, you said millions of texts.
But regardless, it is not important to be there. Many text are also not in these including my father books :)
But there is video link for him saying that, I don't know where it is but if I found it I can post it here.
So I make a conclusion
You could answer only the 8th of my evidences that proofed we didn't take them from Galen.

I still think it is wrong. It seemed to suggest to me that bones are wrapped in meat. This suggests that bare bones are formed form something (maybe flesh) and that isn’t the case. Bone grow from within flesh
No, they are correct. I don't need to repeat myself

So the Qur’an has at least one Greek word in it – yes?
Atom was not created by Greek, Greek discovered it only. God created the atom he can mention any kind of his creatures in QURAN.
Big different.

Yes they were taken from Galen’s book. No they are equally as wrong as he was.
you are expressing only what you believe. You believe that human stages are wrong while Dr Keith Moore says they are accurate. Who should I believe,? I choose Dr Moore.

I can only read what is written. If the word atom isn’t a good translation then we can blame god for making a book that wasn’t perfect enough to be universally translated – maybe making a book that was universally translatable is beyond the capabilities of god

Again you are making NO VALID point. Human translated the Quran, so they could do bad translation but Arabic is very pure language. In one word You can describe a sentence.
God taught you and taught me how to speak and he made us speak different languages.
Of course Mohammed didn't write the Quran, it was a collection of his sayings dictated or compiled after his death. Any similarity to modern scientific knowledge is a coincidence. The Quran was modeled after the Torah and the Bible, it's the "johnny come lately" of sacred texts, but they did have a chance to make some improvements.
spidergoat said:
Of course Mohammed didn't write the Quran, it was a collection of his sayings dictated or compiled after his death. Any similarity to modern scientific knowledge is a coincidence. The Quran was modeled after the Torah and the Bible, it's the "johnny come lately" of sacred texts, but they did have a chance to make some improvements.

Look the Torah came first. Then why believe in Gospels. Now Gospels came first why believe in the Quran. This has always been the case. Wouldn't the "jonny come lately" apply to the Bible aswell? Because Torah came first.

Jews deny Jesus, that is the same as Christian deny Muhammad. Torah, Bible are both Word of God. The thing is that it got corrupted and got changed. Islam is the fulfillment of the Two "true" religions, not the corrupted religions.
I honestly thought I had addressed the questions in the further two posts.

Let me reiterate:

1- Galen's work was based on animals like you wrote above.

Yes and Humans ARE animals. There is no question in that. We are animals. The term “animal’ is just a categorical term. Humans fall into the catgory “animal”. It’s as simply as that. We share >98% of the SAME DNA as some other animals. Many proteins made in the most simplistic animals (for example yeast - used to brew beer) are conserved up to 99.9% in humans. (That is we have essentially the same proteins.)

Your point about Galen doing his work on other types of animals makes no difference. The same stages found in one type of animal are of course found in another.

2- "He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness.

As you already read in my post Galen wrote about developmental stages. There is nothing new offered in the Qur’an other than a refining of the stages - which by the way is NOT how humans develop. Anyway, the notion of developmental stages were written 1000 (that’s ONE THOUSAND) years prior so one should expect some modification and enhancement.

That said, I find nothing divine about the stages written later as to opposed to the prior. And as a matter of fact they are both incorrect. As I pointed out, there isn’t a time when flesh is made into bone and THEN the bone is covered in flesh. And humans don't develop stage wise.

Finally, the bone is just another type of tissue. There is nothing particularly spectacular about it that it should be singled out from all the other types of tissue in the body. Yet the Qur’an singles it out as part of a "stage" in development. This so called bone-stage doesn’t even exist – there is no stage where there is JUST bone that is then covered in flesh.

So you will probably say – that isn’t what the Qur’an is saying at all. Its saying that bone is in flesh and grows from within flesh. YEAH ANLONG WITH EVERY OTHER TISSUE! Bone isn’t any more special then the hundreds of other tissue that is developing at the same so why single it out?

Why make bone a stage over anything else?

Incidentally I’m a developmental biologist. I have doctorate in developmental neuronal biology. The so called "stages" in develpment are just made-up reference points so that people can talk about this or that. They mean nothing outside of reference – as the body is continuing to develop all along. As such, anyone can pick out ANY set of time points and call them a set of stages for convience - but literally speaking the body does not develop in discrete stages.

ie: bone and muscle develop simultaneously.

Therefor, that part of the Qur'an is incorrect.

3- Galen did not discover this as far I know.

"Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest."

This statement is from Quran. The drop or Nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest").

Firstly, thousands of writers wrote about sperm for 5000-7000 prior.
Secondly, its the second statement that is telling – “This statement is from Quran. The drop or Nutfah has been interpreted . . . .

That’s the great thing about hindsight – it’s sometimes quite accurate!! You go from a drop of sperm in a place of rest to a meaning of dividng blastocyst in relation to zygote!!!

Well I’m sorry but the comment about sperm in a place resting doesn’t contain that much meaning! If any. And really sperm is never at rest so it's also wrong. BUT, why stop there? I mean why not say this: This statement is from Quran. The drop or Nutfah has been interpreted . . . . to mean the haploid number of chromosomes and therefore you can see even Mohammad knew about modern genetics!

4- he did not discover this either.
"And He gave you hearing and sight and feeling and understanding."

Are you going to say for the record that the sensation of feeling develops AFTER hearing and sight??

5 was a mention about other info.

Questions 6-9 were addressed in my post (specifically a whole section with citations about al Harith Ibn Kalada - making the connection b/w the Prophet and the notion of embryology).

So to summarize:
1) Other writings about embryonic development exited (even 1000s of years prior).
2) The connection was established between Mohammad and doctor al Harith Ibn Kalada as written by MUSLIM HISTORIANS (and cited).
3) Ergo it stands to reason that the Qur’an was just a rehash of previous work regarding developmental biology - maybe some updating in the 1000 years sense Galen.
4) Both were wrong anyway,

a)the notion of developmental stages are just for convince and do not really exist in nature – development is CONTINUOUS not, I REPEAT NOT, in discrete incremental stages.
b) bone is no speacial than other tissue - if so please explain why IT is given precidence over any other tissue? Ergo one could have put any other tissue and said the same.
c) sperm are never at rest.

OH yeah, and are you sure the "feeling" is develped AFTER hearing and eye sight!?!

R U going on the record with that?
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7x7 said:
Atom was not created by Greek, Greek discovered it only. God created the atom he can mention any kind of his creatures in QURAN.
I understand - I ment the word Atom was created by greeks. Is the root word for "atom" in the qur'an greek? Are there any root words in the Qur'an whose origin was greek or another language?
7x7 said:
Again you are making NO VALID point. Human translated the Quran, so they could do bad translation but Arabic is very pure language. In one word You can describe a sentence.
God taught you and taught me how to speak and he made us speak different languages.
Which is more perfect - truths that can be simply translated into ANY langauge from ANY language or truths that can not be accurately translated outside of the native language?

Which are more true ;)

I think we both know . . . . .
786 said:
Jews deny Jesus, that is the same as Christian deny Muhammad. Torah, Bible are both Word of God. The thing is that it got corrupted and got changed. Islam is the fulfillment of the Two "true" religions, not the corrupted religions.
I think most people educated in Religious History agree that the Bible and Torah are complete fabrications taken from earlier religions. Most of the stories are just retellings from earlier peoples myths. In some instances almost exact copies. Did you know that many early Christians THEMSELVES (~50%) didn’t even believe that a Jesus character ever existed (they thought Jesus was just an allegory). As a matter of fact there is no contemporary evidence Jesus did exist and on the contrary there’s supporting evidence he didn’t!

How does that diatribe relate to what you wrote :)

Basically I’m saying that neither the Bible nor the Torah were corrupted. There is no evidence that says they were.

They are what they always were.

When we look back in history we see over and over and over again and again, religions copying other religions and turning them into something somewhat new but principly the same. That we must agree on yes? (for example, the Greek and Roman pantheons or the Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Syrian etc.. Mystery Religions).

7x7 two questions:

1) With that said doesn’t it stand to reason that Islam would be a copy of another religion? After all – it does say that it is and has stayed true where the other religions fell off to the wayside. If you just stop and think.

Just think.

Almost all religions just copied from earlier religions making improvements and calling themselves the true religions. Doesn’t that SOUND a little (just a little) like what you are trying to say? Maybe, just maybe, you’ve fallen into the trap of all past religions?

(Either that or Islam just happens to be the one instant where it is true - out of the literally thousands of other religions that had made or are making the same claim).

With this in mind you can see from my point of view can't you? It seems much more likely (to me anyway) that you were raised in a country that is predominantly Islamic and in a family that are Muslims. Hence you were raised from a very early age to believe pretty much essentially the way in which you do.

So you believe as such.

That certainly stands to reason from my point of view.

For example. Many North Koreans worship their dear leader as a God on Earth. They were raised to believe he is God incarnate. So millions believe as such. I see no difference between be raised to believe Kim Sung Il II is God and being raised to believe that Mohammed is the last Prophet. Both just take a faith to believe as such and (most importantly) both are essentially assured to be believed when taught to children from an early age.

So my question: Is there a chance you could be fooled just like all these other people?

2) This may be a difficult one, but I’d like a straight answer if you would – that is simply Yes or No.

(i) If you were born in ancient Japan. Say in the Year 400. You parents were Shinto and raised you to believe in the Shinto religion and to worship at the family alter and to give thanks to the multiple of gods. Do you think you’d believe in the Shinto religion?

(ii) If you were raised in the Hindu religion in the year 600 do you think you’d be Hindu?

(iii) If you were raised as a Tibetan Buddhist Monk do you think that you’d worship as a Buddhists?

Lastly, don’t you think it’s ironic that God only sent prophets to the peoples of the Middle East? While the vast majority of humans that God also created were sent nothing?

Isn’t it more likely that the people of the ME didn’t interact enough with the people from far away lands enough for those myths to have become part of the ME religions?
7x7 said:
1- How could a human figures that the universe had created from clouds 1400 years IF Big Bang (recent theory) is true?
I'm not sure if this is still relevent? I don't understand: 1400 years? I thought we cleared this up - we don't know what happened pre-universe.
Maybe you covered this and i didnt see it but amongst all the things you claim to be scientific facts in the Quran something painfully obvious sticks out, the first line of one of your early quotes, man was made from clay, does clay have more than one meaning? Also if something has more than one meaning it can be read with either meaning depending on what the person reading wants it to mean.
Michael said:
I honestly thought I had addressed the questions in the further two posts.

Let me reiterate:

1- Galen's work was based on animals like you wrote above.

Yes and Humans ARE animals. There is no question in that. We are animals. The term “animal’ is just a categorical term. Humans fall into the catgory “animal”. It’s as simply as that. We share >98% of the SAME DNA as some other animals. Many proteins made in the most simplistic animals (for example yeast - used to brew beer) are conserved up to 99.9% in humans. (That is we have essentially the same proteins.)

Your point about Galen doing his work on other types of animals makes no difference. The same stages found in one type of animal are of course found in another.

2- "He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness.

As you already read in my post Galen wrote about developmental stages. There is nothing new offered in the Qur’an other than a refining of the stages - which by the way is NOT how humans develop. Anyway, the notion of developmental stages were written 1000 (that’s ONE THOUSAND) years prior so one should expect some modification and enhancement.

That said, I find nothing divine about the stages written later as to opposed to the prior. And as a matter of fact they are both incorrect. As I pointed out, there isn’t a time when flesh is made into bone and THEN the bone is covered in flesh. And humans don't develop stage wise.

Finally, the bone is just another type of tissue. There is nothing particularly spectacular about it that it should be singled out from all the other types of tissue in the body. Yet the Qur’an singles it out as part of a "stage" in development. This so called bone-stage doesn’t even exist – there is no stage where there is JUST bone that is then covered in flesh.

So you will probably say – that isn’t what the Qur’an is saying at all. Its saying that bone is in flesh and grows from within flesh. YEAH ANLONG WITH EVERY OTHER TISSUE! Bone isn’t any more special then the hundreds of other tissue that is developing at the same so why single it out?

Why make bone a stage over anything else?

Incidentally I’m a developmental biologist. I have doctorate in developmental neuronal biology. The so called "stages" in develpment are just made-up reference points so that people can talk about this or that. They mean nothing outside of reference – as the body is continuing to develop all along. As such, anyone can pick out ANY set of time points and call them a set of stages for convience - but literally speaking the body does not develop in discrete stages.

ie: bone and muscle develop simultaneously.

Therefor, that part of the Qur'an is incorrect.

3- Galen did not discover this as far I know.

"Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest."

This statement is from Quran. The drop or Nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest").

Firstly, thousands of writers wrote about sperm for 5000-7000 prior.
Secondly, its the second statement that is telling – “This statement is from Quran. The drop or Nutfah has been interpreted . . . .

That’s the great thing about hindsight – it’s sometimes quite accurate!! You go from a drop of sperm in a place of rest to a meaning of dividng blastocyst in relation to zygote!!!

Well I’m sorry but the comment about sperm in a place resting doesn’t contain that much meaning! If any. And really sperm is never at rest so it's also wrong. BUT, why stop there? I mean why not say this: This statement is from Quran. The drop or Nutfah has been interpreted . . . . to mean the haploid number of chromosomes and therefore you can see even Mohammad knew about modern genetics!

4- he did not discover this either.
"And He gave you hearing and sight and feeling and understanding."

Are you going to say for the record that the sensation of feeling develops AFTER hearing and sight??

5 was a mention about other info.

Questions 6-9 were addressed in my post (specifically a whole section with citations about al Harith Ibn Kalada - making the connection b/w the Prophet and the notion of embryology).

So to summarize:
1) Other writings about embryonic development exited (even 1000s of years prior).
2) The connection was established between Mohammad and doctor al Harith Ibn Kalada as written by MUSLIM HISTORIANS (and cited).
3) Ergo it stands to reason that the Qur’an was just a rehash of previous work regarding developmental biology - maybe some updating in the 1000 years sense Galen.
4) Both were wrong anyway,

a)the notion of developmental stages are just for convince and do not really exist in nature – development is CONTINUOUS not, I REPEAT NOT, in discrete incremental stages.
b) bone is no speacial than other tissue - if so please explain why IT is given precidence over any other tissue? Ergo one could have put any other tissue and said the same.
c) sperm are never at rest.

So the information is wrong regardless.


This paper will examine the claim that the embryological development described in the Qur'an has been plagiarised from the writings of ancient Greek physicians, such as Galen. Hence, we will review what was known about embryology by the ancient Indians, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Galen, as well as the embryology found in Jewish scriptures. Then we will outline all the verses in the Qur'an, and some Hadith literature, regarding embryology and human development. In doing so it should be very obvious if there are any similarities or indeed outright plagiarism of Greek ideas which were prevalent at the time.

It should be emphasised that translators of the Qur'an usually translate according to their own understanding of the Arabic and choose words which they think best convey the meaning. Therefore, it is all the more important to refer back to classic Arabic dictionaries such as Lisan AI-'Arab, Taj AI-'Aroos Min jawahir AI-Qamoos, and Al-Qamoos Al-Muhit. This approach will enable us to eliminate any criticism of the Arabic translations and help us to understand in what sense the word was originally used. Another interesting aspect of Arabic is that it is a material language, in the sense that words are based and derived from everyday material things, which are easy to identify. So the Qur'anic descriptions of embryology use a simple yet comprehensive language.

1. Indian Antiquity

Ancient Indian ideas about embryology are to found in the Bhagavad Gita (2 BC) which describes structures such as the amniotic membrane. And the Susruta-samhita (2-3 AD), which says that the embryo is formed of a mixture of semen and blood (this idea was also held by the Greeks, as we shall see later), both of which originate from chyle (digested fats). The differentiation into the various parts of the body, arms and head occurs in the third month. In the fourth there follows the distinct development of thorax, abdomen and heart. Hair, nails, sinews and veins develop in the sixth month; and in the seventh month the embryo develops other things that may be necessary for it. In the eighth month a drawing of the vital force (ojas) to and from mother and embryo, which explains why the foetus is not yet viable. The hard parts body are derived from the father, the soft from the mother. Nourishment is carried on through vessels, which lead chyle from the mother

The factors required for the production of the foetus were thought to be

* the father's semen
* the mother's blood (sonita) or more specifically menstrual blood (artava)
* the atman, or subtle body (consisting of fire, earth, air and water in the proper proportions)
* the manas or mind, united to a particular embryo by reason of its karma.

The idea of the blood being menstrual blood is interesting as it closely resembles Aristotelian doctrine. The clotting of milk into cheese analogy used by Aristotle for the formation of the embryo occurs also in Indian embryology. The Susruta-samhita compares the creamy layers (santanika) formed in milk, to semen and blood, which through chemical changes caused by heat, produce seven different layers of skin (kala). This concept occurs again in a Sutra on embryology written in Sanskrit, "Development, 0 Ananda," Buddha is made to say, "is comparable to a vessel of milk, like as this ferments and forms a kind of kefir or cheese." (A history of Embryology, J. Needham pp 25-27, Cambridge, 2nd edition 1959).

2. Hippocratic Embryology

Hippocrates (460 - 377 BC) was a Greek physician and founder of the Hippocratic school of medicine. The Hippocratic collection of some 60 or so medical works is ascribed to various authors and was probably not written by Hippocrates. The embryological knowledge of Hippocrates is set out in three books, the treatise on Regimen, the work on The Seed the book on The Nature of the Child (Hippocratic Writings, Penguin Classics, 1983).

In the treatise on Regimen section 9 discusses the formation of the embryo. The description is based on the fundamental physiological idea at the time, that is the two main constituents of all natural bodies are fire and water. Both of these in turn consist of heat, dryness and moisture in differing proportions.

"Whatever may be the sex which chance gives to the embryo, it is set in motion, being humid, by fire, and thus it extracts its nourishment from the food and breath introduced into the mother. First of all this attraction is the same throughout because the body is porous but by the motion and the fire it dries up and solidifies as it solidifies, a dense outer crust is formed, and then the fire inside cannot any more draw in sufficient nourishment and does not expel the air because of the density of the surrounding surface. It therefore consumes the interior humidity. In this way parts naturally solid being up to a point hard and dry are not consumed to feed the fire but fortify and condense themselves the more the humidity disappears-these are called bones and nerves. The fire burns up the mixed humidity and forwards development towards the natural disposition of the body in this manner; through the solid and dry parts it cannot make permanent channels but it can do so through the soft wet parts, for these are all nourishment to it. There is also in these parts a certain dryness, which the fire does not consume, and they become compacted one to another. Therefore the most interior fire, being closed round on all sides, becomes the most abundant and makes the most canals for itself (for that was the wettest part) and this is called the belly. Issuing out from thence, and finding no nourishment outside, it makes the air pipes and those for conducting and distributing food. As for the enclosed fire, it makes three circulations in the body and what were the most humid parts become the venae cavae. In the intermediate part the remainder of the water contracts and hardens forming the flesh."

Further in section 26 of the same treatise;

"Everything in the embryo is formed simultaneously. All the limbs separate themselves at the same time and so grow, none comes before or after other, but those, which are naturally bigger appear before the smaller, without being formed earlier. Not all embryos form themselves in an equal time but some earlier and some later according to whether they meet with fire and food, some have everything visible in 40 days, others in 2 months, 3, or 4. They also become visible at variable times and show themselves to the light having the blend (of fire and water) which they always will have."

In the treatise on The Seed sections 5-7.

"When a woman has intercourse, if she is not going to conceive, then it is her practice to expel the sperm produced by both partners whenever she wishes to do so. If however she is going to conceive, the sperm is not expelled, but retained by the womb. For when the womb has received the sperm closes up and retains it, because the moisture causes the womb orifice to contract. Then both what is provided by the man and what is provided by the woman is mixed together. if the woman is experienced in matters of childbirth, and takes when the sperm is retained, she will know the precise day, which she has conceived.

Now here is a further point. What the woman emits is sometimes stronger, and sometimes weaker; and this applies also to what the man emits. In fact both partners alike contain both male and female sperm (the male being stronger than the female must of course originate from a stronger sperm Here is a further point: if (a) both partners produce a strong sperm, then a male is the result, whereas if (b) they produce a weak form, then a female is the result. But if (c) one part produces one kind of sperm, and the other another, then the resultant sex is determined by whichever sperm prevails in quantity.

For suppose that the weaker sperm is much greater in quantity than the stronger sperm then the stronger is overwhelmed and, being mixed with the weak results in a female. If on the contrary the strong sperm is greater in quantity than the weak, and the weak is overwhelmed then it results in a male."

In Section 8 sperm is said to come from the whole body of each parent, weak coming from the weak parts, and strong from the strong parts.

In the treatise on The Nature of the Child (section 14, p.326) it is stated that the embryo is nourished by maternal blood, which flows to the foetus and coagulates, forming the embryonic flesh. Section 15 describes the umbilical as the means by which foetal respiration is carried on.

Section 17 describes the development of the embryo.

As the flesh grows it is formed into distinct members by breath. Each thing in it goes to its similar - the dense to dense, the rare to the rare, and the fluid to the fluid. Each settles in its appropriate place, corresponding to the part from which it came and to which it is akin. I mean that those parts which came from a dense part in the parent body are themselves dense, while those from a fluid part are fluid, and with all the other parts: they all obey the same formula in the process of growth. The bones grow hard as a result of coagulating action of heat; moreover they send out branches like a tree. Both the internal and external parts of the body now become more distinctly articulated. The head begins to project from the shoulders, and the upper and lower arms from the sides. The legs separate from each other, and the sinews spring up around the joints. The mouth opens up. The nose and ears project from the flesh and become perforated, while the eyes are filled with a clear fluid1. The sex of genitals becomes plain. The entrails too are formed into distinct parts. Moreover, the upper portions of the body now respire through the mouth and nostrils, with the result the belly is inflated and the intestines, inflated from above, cut off respiration through the umbilicus and put an end to it. A passage outside is formed from the belly and intestine through the anus, and another one through the bladder.

18. Sections 18 continues that the period of articulation (the period in which the limbs are differentiated)is forty-two days for the female and for a boy thirty days.

By now the foetus is formed. This stage is reached, for the female foetus, in forty-two days at maximum, and for the male, in thirty days at maximum. This is the period for articulation in most cases, take or give a little. And the lochial discharge too after birth is usually completed within forty-two days if the child is a girl. At least this is the longest period, which completes it, but it would still be safe even if it took only twenty-five days. If the child is a boy, the discharge takes thirty days - again the longest period, but there is no danger even if it takes only twenty days. During the latter part of the period the amount which flows is very small. In young women, the discharge takes a smaller number of days; more, when women are older. It is the women who are having their first child who suffer the most pain during the birth and during the subsequent discharge, and those who have had fewer children suffer more than those who have had a greater number."

Section 22 -27 compares the animal embryo with plant seeds, and concludes that from beginning to end the process of growth in plants and in humans is exactly the same.

In Section 30 there is an important passage in which the author discusses the phenomena of birth. and its relation to food.

It concludes, those, which have least food for the foetus, come quickest to birth and vice versa.

1. This has also been translated as "'The ears are opened, and the eyes, which are filled with a clear liquid." and compared to the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad (Salla Allah Ta'alah 'Alaihi Wa Salam), 'I worship Him Who made my face and formed it, and opened my hearing and eyesight'".

However, the translation is in Hippocratic Writings, Penguin Classics, 1983 reads "The nose and ears project from the flesh and become perforated, while the eyes are filled with a clear fluid" .is clearly referring to embryo development, and is totally different to the Hadith of the Prophet (Salla Allah Ta'alah 'Alaihi Wa Salam). However, the Hadith is talking about something completely different, i.e. acknowledging the bounties of the creator, whist Hippocrates is referring to embryo development..

This example demonstrated the biased and subjective interpretation used by some individuals.

3. Aristotle and embryology

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and scientist who wrote over 400 books on many different branches of learning. His main embryological compendium was that entitled On the Generation of Animals. Aristotle dissected and examined many different types of animal embryos, mammalian and cold blooded. It is also possible that he dissected an aborted human embryo (Ogle, W. Aristotle on the Parts of Animals, Kegan Paul, London, 1882).

A central part of Aristotle's ideas on embryology was the concept of the menstrual blood coagulating to form the embryo. He regarded menstrual blood as a kind of semen, which required the male semen to initiate development of the embryo by spontaneous generation

"The foregoing discussion will have made it clear that the female, though it does not contribute any semen to generation, yet contributes something, viz., the substance constituting the menstrual fluid (or the corresponding substance in bloodless animals). But the same is apparent if we consider the matter generally, from the theoretical standpoint. Thus: there must be that which generates, and that out of which it generates ; and even if these two be united in one, at any rate they must differ in kind, and in that the essence of each of them is distinct. In those animals in which these two faculties are separate, the body - that is to say the physical nature- of the active partner and of the passive must be different. Thus, if the male is the active partner, the one which originates the movement, and the female qua female is the passive one, surely what the female contributes to the semen of the male will be not semen but material. And this is in fact what we find happening; for the natural substance of the menstrual fluid is to be classed as "prime matter." (Aristotle (English trans. A. L. Peck, Heinemann, 1942 edition, Generation of Animals, p.111, 729a).

Aristotle had opened hen's eggs at different stages and describes the order of formation of the embryo;

"How, then, are the other parts formed? Either they are all formed simultaneously - heart, lung, liver, eye, and the rest of them - or successively, as we read in the poems ascribed to Orpheus, where he says that the process by which an animal is formed resembles the knitting of a net. As for simultaneous formation of the parts, our senses tell us plainly that this does not happen: some of the parts are clearly to be seen present in the embryo while others are not. And our failure to see them is not because they are too small; this is certain, because although the lung is larger in size than the heart it makes its appearance later in the original process of formation" (Generation of Animals, p.147, 734a).

Aristotle continues to describes embryonic development by comparing it with the action of rennet and yeast

"The action of the semen of the male in" setting" the female's secretion in the uterus is similar to that rennet upon milk. Rennet is milk which contains vital heat, as semen does, and this integrates the homogeneous substance and makes it "set." As nature of milk and the menstrual fluid is one and the same, the action of the semen upon the substance of the menstrual fluid is the same as that of rennet upon milk. Thus when the " setting " is effected, i.e., when the bulky portion " sets," the fluid portion comes off; and as the earthy portion solidifies membranes form all round its outer surface.

Once the fetation has " set," it behaves like seeds sown in the ground. The first principle (of growth) is present in the seeds themselves too, and as soon as this, which at first was present potentially, has become distinct, a shoot and a root are thrown under it, the root being the channel by which nourishment is obtained, for of course the plant needs material for growth. So too in the fetation, in a way all the parts are present potentially, but the first principle has made the most headway, and on that account the first to become distinct in actuality is the heart" (Generation of Animals, p.191, 739b).

Later on, he also says,

"The reason for this is on a par with the reason why yeast grows. Yeast, like these, is tall in bulk to start with and gets larger : this growth is due to its more solid portion turning fluid, and the fluid turning in to puenma. This is the handiwork of the soul-heat. In the case of animals, of the heat of the humour blend with it in the case of the yeast. Eggs thus grow of necessity on account of this use (i.e., they contain a yeast-like residue), but also they grow for the sake of what is better, since it is possible for them to obtain all their growth in uterus owing to the prolific habit of these animals." (Generation of Animals, p.305, 755a).

Aristotle describes embryonic growth;

"Beginning at the heart, the blood-vessels extend all over the body. They may be compared to the skeleton models which are traced out on the walls of buildings, since the parts are situated around the blood vessels, because they are formed out of them.

For the rest go to

since it's an lengthly article elobrating every detail.
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Michael said:
I think most people educated in Religious History agree that the Bible and Torah are complete fabrications taken from earlier religions. Most of the stories are just retellings from earlier peoples myths. In some instances almost exact copies. Did you know that many early Christians THEMSELVES (~50%) didn’t even believe that a Jesus character ever existed (they thought Jesus was just an allegory). As a matter of fact there is no contemporary evidence Jesus did exist and on the contrary there’s supporting evidence he didn’t!

How does that diatribe relate to what you wrote :)

Basically I’m saying that neither the Bible nor the Torah were corrupted. There is no evidence that says they were.

They are what they always were.

When we look back in history we see over and over and over again and again, religions copying other religions and turning them into something somewhat new but principly the same. That we must agree on yes? (for example, the Greek and Roman pantheons or the Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Syrian etc.. Mystery Religions).

7x7 two questions:

1) With that said doesn’t it stand to reason that Islam would be a copy of another religion? After all – it does say that it is and has stayed true where the other religions fell off to the wayside. If you just stop and think.

Just think.

Almost all religions just copied from earlier religions making improvements and calling themselves the true religions. Doesn’t that SOUND a little (just a little) like what you are trying to say? Maybe, just maybe, you’ve fallen into the trap of all past religions?

(Either that or Islam just happens to be the one instant where it is true - out of the literally thousands of other religions that had made or are making the same claim).

With this in mind you can see from my point of view can't you? It seems much more likely (to me anyway) that you were raised in a country that is predominantly Islamic and in a family that are Muslims. Hence you were raised from a very early age to believe pretty much essentially the way in which you do.

So you believe as such.

That certainly stands to reason from my point of view.

For example. Many North Koreans worship their dear leader as a God on Earth. They were raised to believe he is God incarnate. So millions believe as such. I see no difference between be raised to believe Kim Sung Il II is God and being raised to believe that Mohammed is the last Prophet. Both just take a faith to believe as such and (most importantly) both are essentially assured to be believed when taught to children from an early age.

So my question: Is there a chance you could be fooled just like all these other people?

2) This may be a difficult one, but I’d like a straight answer if you would – that is simply Yes or No.

(i) If you were born in ancient Japan. Say in the Year 400. You parents were Shinto and raised you to believe in the Shinto religion and to worship at the family alter and to give thanks to the multiple of gods. Do you think you’d believe in the Shinto religion?

(ii) If you were raised in the Hindu religion in the year 600 do you think you’d be Hindu?

(iii) If you were raised as a Tibetan Buddhist Monk do you think that you’d worship as a Buddhists?
Peace with you

Firstly, Islam is not a new religion but the final culmination and fulfillment of the same basic truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people.
Allah SWT has send approx 124,000 Prophets and Messengers(some are mentioned in the Qu'ran while others are not) all over the world to to teach that there is only One God and stop worshipping idols.
Allah Almighty says: “ And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers!.” (An-Nahl: 36) He Almighty also says, “There was not any community except a Warner who lived among them.” (Fatir :24).

However, the Qur'an did not give us the names and stories of all the Messengers and Prophets who were sent by Allah to various nations and groups. We have only 25 Prophets and Messengers who are mentioned in the Qur'an by name. About other Prophets and Messengers Allah Almighty says, “And messengers We have mentioned unto thee before and messengers We have not mentioned unto thee …” (An-Nisaa’: 164)

-ergo- why there is some sort of similarity between the ancient religions. Unfortunaly, they have been alterd and went astry. Furthermore, it's a known fact the Bible and the Torah contain contradictions and major doctrinal issues such as the trinity or the status of Prophet Jesus (pbuh)

That's why Allah SWT has sent the Seal of the Prophets - Muhammed (saw) to spread the final and complete Message to mankind and not to a certain people and the Qu'ran as the guidance book.

Lastly, don’t you think it’s ironic that God only sent prophets to the peoples of the Middle East? While the vast majority of humans that God also created were sent nothing?

Isn’t it more likely that the people of the ME didn’t interact enough with the people from far away lands enough for those myths to have become part of the ME religions?

That's where your wrong my friend. As I stated above, Allah SWT has sent approx 124,000 Prophets and messengers to every nation to teach that there is only One God.
Michael said:
I'm not sure if this is still relevent? I don't understand: 1400 years? I thought we cleared this up - we don't know what happened pre-universe.

We do know how the universe was formed --Big Bang theory which is supported with many factual evidences. Moreover, in the Qu'ran- it states that the universe is still expanding along with many other astronomical facts
Lemming3k said:
Maybe you covered this and i didnt see it but amongst all the things you claim to be scientific facts in the Quran something painfully obvious sticks out, the first line of one of your early quotes, man was made from clay, does clay have more than one meaning? Also if something has more than one meaning it can be read with either meaning depending on what the person reading wants it to mean.

* Man was made from water (21:30 ,24 :45 ,25 :54 )
* Man was made from dust/soil (3:59 ,30 :20 ,35 :11 )
* Man was made from sounding [extremely dry] clay from black stinking mud (15:26 )
* Man was raised from the earth (11:61 )

Besides these verses, Al-Saaffaat37 : 11 gives an even different picture, as it says that man was created from such soil that sticks to one's hands, or sticky soil. The verse reads as:

We created them from a sticky soil.

If someone says that I made a cake from flour (soil) and then says I made a cake from water (water), and then says I made this cake from a solution of flour and water (mud, sticky soil), and then says that I made this cake from a dried out solution of flour and water (sounding clay from black stinking mud) and then says I brought the cake out from the oven (raised from the earth), a person may say that the statements are contradictory. But it is quite obvious that they are not. These statements inform us of not only the major ingredients of cake (man) but also give us some information regarding the stages from which these ingredients were made to go through for the ultimate production of the cake (man).

* Two major ingredients in man's creation are soil and water;
* The soil and water took the shape of sticky mud;
* The sticky mud was left to dry out till it became hard (sounding clay);
* The total process beginning from the mixing of soil and water till man's birth took place on this planet called "earth".
* Man was made from water (21:30 ,24 :45 ,25 :54 )
* Man was made from dust/soil (3:59 ,30 :20 ,35 :11 )
* Man was made from sounding [extremely dry] clay from black stinking mud (15:26 )
* Man was raised from the earth (11:61 )
Out of all these points, to my knowledge the first is remotely correct, since a high percentage of our bodies are water, and the fourth possably is remotely correct depending on how you read it, theres a difference between being raised on earth and being raised from earth.
As for the rest of what you said, if man were that simple to make i'd have a million in my garden, yet strangly i dont, we have established clay means clay as opposed to something else and man comes from clay according to the Quran, yet we know thats not true.
Thank you brothers for such great job, but i hope you make seperate threads for Long text....

KhalidIbnWaleed please edit your post, it is very long and you can not copy-and-paste all the text due to forum rules....please do it

An interesting book The Bible, The Qur'an and Science
By Dr. Maurice Bucaille

Due to forum rules, I have to limit the quotes, but you can read it all here:

This thread about Islam, so I quote from the parts he talks about Quran and Islam.
First I will quote some note from the introduction:

Foreword said:
As a surgeon, Maurice Bucaille has often been in a situation where he was able to examine not only people's bodies, but their souls. This is how he was struck by the existence of Muslim piety and by aspects of Islam which remain unknown to the vast majority of non-Muslims. In his search for explanations which are otherwise difficult to obtain, he learnt Arabic and studied the Qur'an. In it, he was surprised to find statements on natural phenomena whose meaning can only be understood through modern scientific knowledge.

From Introduction said:
Mary is also given a special place, as indicated by the fact that sura 19 bears her name
Yes we love Mary, Mary is Queen in heaven.
Part 2, continue

Quran & Modern Science page said:
A knowledge of the Islamic Revelation is indeed fundamental from this point of view. Unfortunately, passages from the Qur'an, especially those relating to scientific data, are badly translated and interpreted, so that a scientist has every right to make criticisms-with apparent justification-that the Book does not actually deserve at all.
Why do such errors in translation exist? They may be explained by the fact that modern translators often take up, rather uncritically, the interpretations given by older commentators. In their day, the latter had an excuse for having given an inappropriate definition to an Arabic word containing several possible meanings; they could not possibly have understood the real sense of the word or phrase which has only become clear in the present day thanks to scientific knowledge In other words, the problem is raised of the necessary revision of translations and commentaries. It was not possible to do this at a certain period in the past, but nowadays we have knowledge that enables us to render their true sense.

I began this examination of the texts with a completely open mind and a total objectivity. If there was any influence acting upon me, it was gained from what I had been taught in my youth; people did not speak of Muslims, but of 'Muhammadans', to make it quite clear that what was meant was a religion founded by a man and which could not therefore have any kind of value in terms of God. Like many in the West, I could have retained the same false notions about Islam; they are so widely-spread today, that I am indeed surprised when I come across anyone, other than a specialist, who can talk in an enlightened manner on this subject. I therefore admit that before I was given a view of Islam different from the one received in the West, [BI was myself extremely ignorant[/B]
Since I had now seen the wide gap separating the reality of Islam from the image we have of it in the West, I experienced a great need to learn Arabic (which I did not speak) to be sumciently well-equipped to progress in the study of such a misunderstood religion. My first goal was to read the Qur'an and to make a sentence-by-sentence analysis of it with the help of various commentaries essential to a critical study. My approach was to pay special attention to the description of numerous natural phenomena given in the Qur'an; the highly accurate nature of certain details referring to them in the Book, which was only apparent in the original,struck me by the fact that they were in keeping with present-day ideas, although a man living at the time of Muhammad could not have suspected this at all. I subsequently read several works written by Muslim authors on the scientific aspects- of the Qur'anic text: they were extremely helpful in my appreciation of it, but I have not so far discovered a general study of this subject made in the West.
What initially strikes the reader confronted for the first time with a text of this kind is the sheer abundance of subjects discussed: the Creation, astronomy, the explanation of certain matters concerning the earth, and the animal and vegetable kingdoms, human reproduction. Whereas monumental errors are to be found in the Bible, I could not find a single error in the Qur'an. I had to stop and ask myself: if a man was the author of the Qur'an, how could he have written facts in the Seventh century A.D. that today are shown to be in keeping with modern scientific knowledge? There was absolutely no doubt about it: the text of the Qur'an we have today is most definitely a text of the period, if I may be allowed to put it in these terms (in the next chapter of the present section of the book I shall be dealing with this problem). What human explanation can there be for this observation? In my opinion there is no explanation; there is no special reason why an inhabitant of the Arabian Peninsula should, at a time when King Dagobert was reigning in France (629-639 A.D.), have had scientific knowledge on certain subjects that was ten centuries ahead of our own.