Islam & Science

Part 3: continue:

Histroy talks said:
It is an established fact that at the time of the Qur'anic Revelation, i.e. within a period of roughly twenty years straddling Hegira (622 A.D.), scientific knowledge had not progressed for centuries and the period of activity in Islamic civilization, with its accompanying scientific upsurge, came after the close of the Qur'anic Revelation. Only ignorance of such religious and secular data can lead to the following bizarre suggestion I have heard several times: if surprising statements of a scientific nature exist in the Qur'an, they may be accounted for by the fact that Arab scientists were so far ahead of their time and Muhammad was influenced by their work. Anyone who knows anything about Islamic history is aware that the period of the Middle Ages which saw the cultural and scientific upsurge in the Arab world came after Muhammad, and would not therefore indulge in such whims. Suggestions of this kind are particularly off the mark because the majority of scientific facts which are either suggested or very clearly recorded in the Qur'an have only been confirmed in modern times.

Had this study been made thirty years ago, it would have been necessary to add another fact predicted by the Qur'an to what would have been cited concerning astronomy , this fact is the conquest of space. At that time, subsequent to the first trials of ballistic missiles, people imagined a day when man would perhaps have the material possibility of leaving his earthly habitat and exploring space. It was then known that a verse existed in the Qur'an predicting how one day man would make this conquest. This statement has now been verified.
This observation is of prime importance, since in the West, Jews, Christians and Atheists are unanimous in stating (without a scrap of evidence however) that Muhammad wrote the Qur'an or had it written as an imitation of the Bible. It is claimed that stories of religious history in the Qur'an resume Biblical stories. This attitude is as thoughtless as saying that Jesus Himself duped His contemporaries by drawing inspiration from the Old Testament during His preachings: the whole of Matthew's Gospel is based on this continuation of the Old Testament, as we have indeed seen already. What expert in exegesis would dream of depriving Jesus of his status as God's envoy for this reason? This is nevertheless the way that Muhammad is judged more often than not in the West: "all he did Was to copy the Bible". It is a summary judgement that does not take account of the fact that the Qur'an and the Bible provide different versions of a single event. People prefer not to talk about the difference in the descriptions. They are pronounced to be the same and thus scientific knowledge need not be brought in. We shall enlarge on these problems when dealing with the description of the Creation and the Flood.

It is time to be open-minded, Prophet Muhammad DID NOT write the Quran.
Lemming3k said:
Out of all these points, to my knowledge the first is remotely correct, since a high percentage of our bodies are water, and the fourth possably is remotely correct depending on how you read it, theres a difference between being raised on earth and being raised from earth.
As for the rest of what you said, if man were that simple to make i'd have a million in my garden, yet strangly i dont, we have established clay means clay as opposed to something else and man comes from clay according to the Quran, yet we know thats not true.

The problem is my friend, you're refering to the materials on the earth.

Prophet Adam (pbuh) and Eve (May Allah be pleased with her) were never created on earth but in Heaven. Only Christians believe he was created on earth.
Michel , I wonder if you really having good argument like me. I think talking with is based on mind talks not just throwing words here and there like others do? :)

I am here to replay at you again….

Yes and Humans ARE animals. There is no question in that. We are animals. The term “animal’ is just a categorical term. Humans fall into the catgory “animal”. It’s as simply as that. We share >98% of the SAME DNA as some other animals. Many proteins made in the most simplistic animals (for example yeast - used to brew beer) are conserved up to 99.9% in humans. (That is we have essentially the same proteins.)


First we Muslims, do not believe in evolution theory.

Second, what you wrote is not what I meant. I meant Human development varies from animals. There are animals created from eggs, new animals born after month, or 2 or three. There are animals that come underwater, there are animals…etc..

You are referring to DNA, GOT YOU AGAIN….another mistake. ;)

It is the same like you are saying Galen's had knowledge of DNA so he decided to make experiments on animals because they are the same.

The point here, Galen's work was based on Animal , HOW COME Muhammad APPLIED them to human?

I'm sorry, you are wrong

2- Again it is true and Galen never discovered human development on stages, read above (number 1).
And the stages are true; flesh is used to refer to muscles.
I don't have to repeat my self. I made a description of that before.
and for 4th time, you don't know better than DR Moore

ie: bone and muscle develop simultaneously.
No one after another but in very close period so you thin they are simultaneously.
Bones then covered.

and for 5th time, you don't know better than DR Moore :)

Well I’m sorry but the comment about sperm in a place resting doesn’t contain that much meaning! If any. And really sperm is never at rest so it's also wrong

I didn't continue the text (my mistake):

This statement is from Surah 23:13. The drop or "nutfah" has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus (a place of rest). This interpretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states that a human being is created from a mixed drop. The zygote forms by the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum (The mixed drop).

Are you going to say for the record that the sensation of feeling develops AFTER hearing and sight??

Yes, it says that.

Read by Dr Moore:

The primordia of the internal ears appear before the beginning of the eyes, and the brain (the site of understanding) differentiates last.

But if you don't beleve me:
Read this:
The primorida of the ears are present. Day 23 after fertilization Moorek p 5

The primordia of the eyes are present. Day 23 after fertilization Moore, p. 5

The forebrain is developing. Day 26 after fertilization Moore, p 95

I understand - I ment the word Atom was created by greeks. Is the root word for "atom" in the qur'an greek? Are there any root words in the Qur'an whose origin was greek or another language?
Arbs knew atom and they called it ZARA, it has nothing to do with Greek.
If Quran mention heaven and hell, is that means we took them from Bible?

So to summarize:
1) Other writings about embryonic development exited (even 1000s of years prior).
2) The connection was established between Mohammad and doctor al Harith Ibn Kalada as written by MUSLIM HISTORIANS (and cited).
1) No, only animals NOT HUMAN.
2) Connection isn't very strong. Histroy mentions rare stories (1-3 almost) between him and prophet. That why your source couldn't find more than the story of recommendation.
4) no you are wrong.

Almost all religions just copied from earlier religions making improvements and calling themselves the true religions. Doesn’t that SOUND a little (just a little) like what you are trying to say? Maybe, just maybe, you’ve fallen into the trap of all past religions?
Maybe dose not work in my religion.

Again, you generalize things.
You can find similarity between 3 religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism but all the religions.
But WHY?

The answer is: all came from one source and all tells the human to believe in GOD and avoid hell. But we believe that Judaism and Christianity have been altered. SO the similarity is because from same source, the source (God) has his rules and these rules don't change.
I hope I made my self clear.

Which is more perfect - truths that can be simply translated into ANY langauge from ANY language or truths that can not be accurately translated outside of the native language?
I have answered that later in the ( The Bible, The Qur'an and Science
By Dr. Maurice Bucaille ) post

7x7 two questions:

1) With that said doesn’t it stand to reason that Islam would be a copy of another religion? After all – it does say that it is and has stayed true where the other religions fell off to the wayside. If you just stop and think.

Just think.
Again this question has been answered in the ( The Bible, The Qur'an and Science
By Dr. Maurice Bucaille ) post, and honestly I have posted this before I read single word of your post.
Doctor made a good comparison between Bible and Quran and proved that Quran is not copied from any other source.

2) This may be a difficult one, but I’d like a straight answer if you would – that is simply Yes or No.
And that why you have a mind to search for the truth. I gave you examples why were are attached to our religion. Our religion is not only past, our religion is present and future. Many proofs are given and that why you find that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.

Islam is not about believe like most of the others, but it is also gives proofs for further generations……and that why I stick with Islam and give it "No Doubt" mark.
The problem is my friend, you're refering to the materials on the earth.
What other materials exist? Heaven has not been proved to exist so you cannot claim properties for any materials that might be there, just like i cant tell you what materials are on the surface of any other planet.
Prophet Adam (pbuh) and Eve (May Allah be pleased with her) were never created on earth but in Heaven. Only Christians believe he was created on earth.
So we all came from those two people? That means they mated, their children mated, then their children mated etc, genetically thats unlikely to work.

Brother 7x7, the article I posted perfectly elobrates the difference between what Galen en Aristotle stated and what the Qu'ran states. So you don't have to raise that issue anymore :) since the author of that article refuted the allegations towards Islam-Science

Lemming3k said:
What other materials exist? Heaven has not been proved to exist so you cannot claim properties for any materials that might be there, just like i cant tell you what materials are on the surface of any other planet.

Do you even grasp the concept of God and Heaven? But fair enough.
All the elements present in the human body (i.e. the constituent elements of the human body), are all present in the earth in small or great quantities. This is the scientific explanation for the Quranic verse that says that man was created from dust.

So we all came from those two people? That means they mated, their children mated, then their children mated etc, genetically thats unlikely to work.

I suppose your refering to "mutation"

Firstly nothing causes mutations in incestual relationships, they just have a tendency to be amplified. If you're a carrier of a rare genetic disease, chances are someone you mate with isn't going to also be one, but a family member just might be, so there's a much higher chance of that disease being expressed. However, if you're going on the story of Adam and Eve, the first two people had to be created in God's image of perfection, so they wouldn't have been created with any genetic defects, so by the time the enhancement of mutations played a role in incest, the family would be too spread out for it to make a difference.

As Kahlidibnwalid said Muslims don't believe in the Theory of Evolution.

Here is a link to a video that proves that Evolution is just a propaganda, and how false the theory is. I recommed you share it with others who believe in Evolution. The interesting part is that Darwin himself shows us the problems with the theory of Evolution.

And there is no such thing as mutation of one animal into another. A part of Theory of Evolution is Mutation but it is all BS. The video also talks about mutation, and what really does it do.

Peace be unto you :)
If the Quran did indeed describe scientific truth, there would be no need for elaborate explanations. I agree Mohammed did not "write" the Quran, but he was largely responsible for it's creation. It could be he was devinely inspired, which I think you are trying to prove by suggesting it reveals scientific facts that Mohammed could not have known. Ever heard the expression 20/20 hindsight? Sure, we can go back now and find parallels, but this is an exercise in creative writing, as well as creative translation. I don't mean to belittle the Quran at all. In saying it was influenced by earlier sacred texts doesn't make it unworthy, in fact it can be seen as an ernest attempt to adapt successful religions to an Arab world that needed a unifiying metaphor. If you really need an example of scientific error in the Quran, Allah thought that Sun needs a definite rising and setting place for it. Allah considered that our earth is not round but flat.

"Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom." [Al-Kahf (18:90)].

Of course the sun has no rising place.
spidergoat said:
If the Quran did indeed describe scientific truth, there would be no need for elaborate explanations. I agree Mohammed did not "write" the Quran, but he was largely responsible for it's creation. It could be he was devinely inspired, which I think you are trying to prove by suggesting it reveals scientific facts that Mohammed could not have known. Ever heard the expression 20/20 hindsight? Sure, we can go back now and find parallels, but this is an exercise in creative writing, as well as creative translation. I don't mean to belittle the Quran at all. In saying it was influenced by earlier sacred texts doesn't make it unworthy, in fact it can be seen as an ernest attempt to adapt successful religions to an Arab world that needed a unifiying metaphor. If you really need an example of scientific error in the Quran, Allah thought that Sun needs a definite rising and setting place for it. Allah considered that our earth is not round but flat.

"Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom." [Al-Kahf (18:90)].

Of course the sun has no rising place.

Here the rising and the setting of the sun have nothing to do with the earth's or the sun's rotations, nor does it say that there is a hole in the earth that the sun sets in. In Noble Verses 18:86 and 90, it was talking about the morning and the evening times, and in Noble Verse 20:130, Muslims are commanded to praise and glorify Allah Almighty before dawn and after sun set.

Even today we still use phrases like "sun rise" and "sun set", despite the fact that we know that the earth rotates around the sun. The Noble Verses above do not make any DIRECT claim about the sun rotating around the earth, nor do they suggest that the sun rises from a hole and sets in another hole on earth.

Important Note: Given our advanced astronomical knowledge today, if a person wanted to describe two events where the first one occurred after he saw the sun rise while looking at the big sea at dawn, and the second one occurred after he saw the sun set on the big sea at evening, how different today would he say it from Noble Verses 18:86 and 90?

The weakness that the critics of the Noble Quran and Islam have is that: No where in the Noble Quran do we see any direct scientifically wrong claim about anything in astronomy as we clearly see it in the Bible and the Hindu pagan books in Psalm 104:5 and Ecclesiastes 1:5, and Rik Veda and Rik Veda 10-173-4 respectively as clearly shown above in the article.

No where in the Noble Quran nor any Saying of our Prophet does it say nonsense like "the earth is set on foundations and it can never move" or "the sun hurries back to where it rises", etc...
The two Easts and two Wests in the Noble Quran:

The following section was taken from

Lord of the two Easts, and Lord of the two Wests.
Which then of the bounties of thy Lord will you deny?

(The Noble Quran, 55:17-18)

In the verse, Lord of the two Easts, and Lord of the two Wests, there is sure evidence that the earth is round because two Easts and two Wests can come about only when the earth is round; for when the sun rises over one region it sets in another, and when it sets in one sphere it rises in another. Thus the actuality of two Easts and two Wests can clearly be seen.

Now let us look at the inner or spiritual world of man. It is an established fact in the physical world that the reason for the rising and setting of the sun is that, in the course of the earth’s revolution, whichever half of the earth faces the sun gets the sunrise and becomes bright. Similarly, the other half of the earth which is turned away from the sun, or which, in a manner of speaking, has its back to the sun, experiences the setting of the sun and its consequent darkness.

The same thing happens in the spiritual world. Any nation that turns its face towards guidance finds that the sun of guidance and progress begins to shed its rays on it, and this is so whether the enlightenment is physical or spiritual. In other words, to whatever kind of education a man directs his attention, the sun of that kind of guidance shines on him.

On the other hand, if a nation turns its face away from guidance it will be enveloped in the darkness of decadence and perdition. Thus, there is one East that pertains to the physical growth and perfection and another East that relates to spiritual advancement and perfection, and these are the two Easts mentioned in the verse above. Similarly, there are two Wests — one pertaining to physical decline and decay and the other to spiritual degradation and deviation from the true path. These conditions overtake nations in turns and this is so because of people’s own deeds.

From another vantage point, we find that today, too, the world is divided into two Easts — a near East and a far East — and two Wests — a near West, referring to Europe, and a far West, meaning America.

In short, these verses tell us that Allah is the complete Lord of both Easts and both Wests. As proof of His physical Providence, His physical sun shines on people in the East as well as those in the West. Similarly, why should His spiritual Providence not allow the Holy Quran, His spiritual sun, to illuminate the nations of the East and the West as well? And why should the East and the West not live under the same spiritual law? This comprises the second East and the second West.

In fact, these verses contain a prophecy that although at this time the sun of the Holy Quran shines on the Eastern nations, yet a time will come when that light will also irradiate the people of the West. But this has a resemblance to the physical system, that is, just as when the physical sun sets on the East it rises in the West, so, too, this spiritual sun of the Holy Quran will rise in the West just when the people of the East turn their backs on the Holy Quran, and because of this abandonment of the Book all kinds of misery and darkness will overtake them. When this happens, this spiritual sun will rise over the Western nations who will then bow their heads before the verities of the Holy Quran and will be illuminated by its splendour. This is the meaning of the prophecy recorded in the Hadith that before the Day of Resurrection the sun shall rise in the West. Thus, there is a remarkable prophecy hidden in this verse that the sun of the Holy Quran which now shines through the grace of the Holy Prophet (sas) in the East will one day illumine the Western world. And why should this not be so when Allah is not only the Lord of both East and West but the Lord of both kinds of Easts and Wests, that is, the physical and the spiritual East and West, and His Providence encompasses the physical as well as the spiritual kingdoms? If the physical sun gives light to both the East and the West, why should the spiritual sun of the Holy Quran not illumine both East and West? Thus, how unjust it is to deny these marvellous bounties of the Almighty!
The Quran
18. al-Kahf: The Cave

86 Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.

So, Allah told Mohammed that the sun sets in a muddy spring? Right.
You know, the problem is that Muslims these days tend to take everything too literally. These ancient stories have their place, but they do not represent scientific truth.
spidergoat said:
The Quran
18. al-Kahf: The Cave

86 Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.

So, Allah told Mohammed that the sun sets in a muddy spring? Right.
You know, the problem is that Muslims these days tend to take everything too literally. These ancient stories have their place, but they do not represent scientific truth.

As I said before, I guess you didn't understand. Let me try to explain this to you like this.

"Hey dude the sun is setting behind that mountain."
"Hey man the sun is setting in the ocean"

Are these pharses true. Yes or No. Well the answer is yes. I have seen the sun setting behind a mountain. Haven't you. This doesn't mean that the Sun sets there. It is what you see.

Zul Qurnain, there verse you presented, saw the sun setting in a muddy spring. This is what he saw.

If you still don't get it, then go take an English class.
spidergoat said:
The Quran
18. al-Kahf: The Cave

86 Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.

So, Allah told Mohammed that the sun sets in a muddy spring? Right.
You know, the problem is that Muslims these days tend to take everything too literally. These ancient stories have their place, but they do not represent scientific truth.

Peace with you spidergoat

What you stated above is an common Christian objection to the verse by saying it's an "scientific contradiction"

rebuked it
Yes, we can say the sun is setting behind the mountain, which implies that it is setting in a far off place, but this verse actually states he reached that place, and you can never reach the place where the sun sets.

No where in the Noble Quran nor any Saying of our Prophet does it say nonsense like "the earth is set on foundations and it can never move"...
21. al-Anbiya': The Prophets
31 And We have placed in the earth firm hills lest it quake with them,...

Dude, these statements are almost identical! Give it a rest, your book is no better that other sacred texts from that time period in terms of scientific accuracy.
spidergoat said:
Yes, we can say the sun is setting behind the mountain, which implies that it is setting in a far off place, but this verse actually states he reached that place, and you can never reach the place where the sun sets.

I already posted the link that refutes it

But it seems you're ignoring it.

21. al-Anbiya': The Prophets
31 And We have placed in the earth firm hills lest it quake with them,...

Dude, these statements are almost identical! Give it a rest, your book is no better that other sacred texts from that time period in terms of scientific accuracy.

It seems that you're mis-interpreting it spidergoat.

When smoke cooled and coalesced to form our planet, it was initially a molten globe. As it cooled further crests of solid formed and grew just as cream does atop milk on cooling. Steam condensed and formed ocean around it. The single gigantic super continent cracked, broke up and went adrift and thus formed the present continents (Fig.1). They even collided with each other and thus Lemuria Continent was drowned as did other continents partially. The movements of ‘tectonic plates’ gave rise to geological ‘faults’ and mountain ranges. Mountains were also formed through certain other processes like volcanic action.

The super-earthquakes that arose out of tectonic movements decreased drastically in terms of frequency and severity. Thus the crust was stabilized so as to allow life to appear and thrive. Further divisions and collisions of continents practically stopped. So says modern geology. What does Qur’an say?

“Have We not made the earth an expanse, and the high hills bulwarks?” [Naba : 6,7; see also Nahl : 15, Luqman : 10]

“And We have placed in the earth firm hills lest it should quake with them (i.e. ‘every living thing’)...” [Anbiya : 31]

But it can hardly be said that the geological plates are locked fast in place. Though lessened a great deal the remnant minimal swaying and rocking of landmasses still persist, but gently by geological scale. So God mentions:

“..(God is the One) Who has made for you the earth like a cradle...” [Ta Ha : 53]

The regions other than mountains are fairly flat and great water courses and grand trunk routes formed on land. Passes and hill routes formed in mountainous regions. These all enable human societies in later ages to seek nature’s bounties, to spread out and to communicate with each other. Claims Qur’an : “And Allah hath made the earth a wide expanse for ye that ye may thread the valleyways thereof.” [Noah : 19. 20 Also see Nahl : 15, Ta Ha : 53]

The mountains were not only stabilizers of earth but also produce wealth. Before forests formed on level ground mountains were the precipitators of good water as rain.

“He placed therein firm hills rising above it and blessed it and measured therein its sustenance....” [Ha Meem Sajdah:10]

“And after that He spread the earth. And produced there from the water thereof and the pasture thereof. And He made fast the hills.” [Naziat:30-33. Also see:Dhariat:48, Ghashia: 19,20]
Do you even grasp the concept of God and Heaven?
At least you admit to them only being a concept and not factual, lets start with heaven, it has no proof it exists but is an eternal resting place for people that believe and are good, i'd say that sums it up, now god, an infinite being that knows everything and created everything, and is therefore responsible for everything, including miss understandings in the scipture thats supposedly about him and every flaw known to man, if he exists he is the root cause to everything, and fails to intervene in anything bad, yes i understand the concept of god.
All the elements present in the human body (i.e. the constituent elements of the human body), are all present in the earth in small or great quantities. This is the scientific explanation for the Quranic verse that says that man was created from dust.
You said earlier adam and eve werent created from materials on earth, im still wondering what materials they were created with.
I suppose your refering to "mutation"
Firstly nothing causes mutations in incestual relationships, they just have a tendency to be amplified. If you're a carrier of a rare genetic disease, chances are someone you mate with isn't going to also be one, but a family member just might be, so there's a much higher chance of that disease being expressed. However, if you're going on the story of Adam and Eve, the first two people had to be created in God's image of perfection, so they wouldn't have been created with any genetic defects, so by the time the enhancement of mutations played a role in incest, the family would be too spread out for it to make a difference.
So long as your happy screwing your distant cousins, and if we all came from adam and eve then our DNA would be a lot more similar.
Here is a link to a video that proves that Evolution is just a propaganda, and how false the theory is. I recommed you share it with others who believe in Evolution. The interesting part is that Darwin himself shows us the problems with the theory of Evolution.
So please explain why we have such similar DNA to apes?
And there is no such thing as mutation of one animal into another. A part of Theory of Evolution is Mutation but it is all BS. The video also talks about mutation, and what really does it do.
Evolution is a gradual process where change occurs, like the millions of years it took humans to evolve from apes, mutation is a sudden change.
Next you'll be telling us the world is only 10,000 years old.
Lemming3k said:
At least you admit to them only being a concept and not factual, lets start with heaven, it has no proof it exists but is an eternal resting place for people that believe and are good, i'd say that sums it up, now god, an infinite being that knows everything and created everything, and is therefore responsible for everything, including miss understandings in the scipture thats supposedly about him and every flaw known to man, if he exists he is the root cause to everything, and fails to intervene in anything bad, yes i understand the concept of god.

You said earlier adam and eve werent created from materials on earth, im still wondering what materials they were created with.

So long as your happy screwing your distant cousins, and if we all came from adam and eve then our DNA would be a lot more similar.

I think you believe in the Theory of Evolution. I recommend you watch this video. You don't have to download it so that is a good thing.

You need real player to view it.
Shalom aleikum,
KhalidIbnWaleed said:
Peace with you spidergoat

What you stated above is an common Christian objection to the verse by saying it's an "scientific contradiction"

rebuked it
OK, so the Quran is a work of non-literal poetry, I can accept that, why can't you? Science is qualitatively different than non-literal poetry.

says in the Qur'aan about the stages of the creation of man: Man we did create from a quintessence (of clay); Then we placed as (a drop of) sperm (nutfah) in a place firmly fixed; Then we made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood (alaqah); Then of that clot we made a (fetus) lump (mudghah); then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. (Qur'aan 23:12-14)
There is nothing in this statement that couldn't have been known at the time by any observer, especially people that deal with animal births all the time (sheep and goat herders, etc...)

Whatever you say, people do not come from clay (silica), and the embryo is NOT a clot of blood, even though it might resemble one, this is scientifically untrue, and a great example of scientific error in the Quran.
Lemming3k said:
At least you admit to them only being a concept and not factual, lets start with heaven, it has no proof it exists but is an eternal resting place for people that believe and are good, i'd say that sums it up, now god, an infinite being that knows everything and created everything, and is therefore responsible for everything, including miss understandings in the scipture thats supposedly about him and every flaw known to man, if he exists he is the root cause to everything, and fails to intervene in anything bad, yes i understand the concept of god.
You're mis-interpreting.
God exist and is factual to ME but to the disbelievers -you-, it's a concept. But even the disbelievers are aware of what Allah (God) is about which you seems to be lacking. It seems that you observed the wrong information about God.

You said earlier adam and eve werent created from materials on earth, im still wondering what materials they were created with.
I pointed out that Adam and Eve were created in Heaven. Furthermore, you implied that you cannot create men from dust.
I said
"All the elements present in the human body (i.e. the constituent elements of the human body), are all present in the earth in small or great quantities."

Does that indicates that I was refering to "earthly" soil?

So long as your happy screwing your distant cousins, and if we all came from adam and eve then our DNA would be a lot more similar.

It seems that you're not knowledgeable about incest and thus I won't reply on that comment.