Is Hell a Physical Reality?

Lawdog said:
One must go to Church and hear from the Shepherd which God has appointed for you. If you have not yet done this, then pray for discernment on which Church to attend. Christ himself attended Synagog. The Catholic Church is universally known to be the Church established by Christ himself.
why must one goto church? why must one hear from a shepherd and not priest? and why catholic and not muslim hindu sikh buddha jew baptist mormon etc...?
pavlosmarcos said:
why must one goto church? why must one hear from a shepherd and not priest? and why catholic and not muslim hindu sikh buddha jew baptist mormon etc...?
By using the word shepherd (pastor) instead of priest, I meant to include those of the protestant affiliation, so that they also might go to church to hear the word.

The Catholic Church's teachings are the source of all true doctrine. Any other religion may teach similar truths, but they do not contain the fullness of God's truth. Christ gave St. Peter, the first Pope, the authority and power to preserve his teachings from corruption, even if there were only one or two true believers left. See. Matt 23.
the preacher said:
heres a what if, Yorda hypothetically speaking if God/gods dont exist, and I know that impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could answer that hypothetically speaking.

The mind has created all things. By separating "nothing" (negative) from "everything" (positive), with our consciousness, "everything" becomes visible.
the preacher said:
heres a what if, Yorda hypothetically speaking if God/gods dont exist, and I know that impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could answer that hypothetically speaking.
Mom Dad and God
Yorda said:
The mind has created all things. By separating "nothing" (negative) from "everything" (positive), with our consciousness, "everything" becomes visible.
this does not answer my question, Yorda.
I repeat what if, hypothetically speaking God/gods did'nt exist, and I know that may impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could please answer that, in easy to understand terms, because your previous answer is beyond my understanding.
Lawdog said:
By using the word shepherd (pastor) instead of priest, I meant to include those of the protestant affiliation, so that they also might go to church to hear the word.

The Catholic Church's teachings are the source of all true doctrine. Any other religion may teach similar truths, but they do not contain the fullness of God's truth. Christ gave St. Peter, the first Pope, the authority and power to preserve his teachings from corruption, even if there were only one or two true believers left. See. Matt 23.
so I understand why you said shepherd,
the catholic doctrine is true to you but to a buddhist or hindu or jew, so that still does'nt tell why it must be catholic they all believe in God or gods, and also why a church why not a field or a house.
pavlosmarcos said:
so I understand why you said shepherd,
the catholic doctrine is true to you but to a buddhist or hindu or jew, so that still does'nt tell why it must be catholic they all believe in God or gods, and also why a church why not a field or a house.
We Catholics (and Christians) do not say "We believe this and you believe that"... No, instead we insist, "this is whats true and we cant change it, even if we wanted, anyone that hears about us has to make a choice, to believe or not."
In particular those of other religions have the responsibility to convert to Christ, once they realize that they are worshipping false Gods. The Catholic Church also claims to be THE instrument of salvation placed by God on the Earth, to exclusion to other churches. Churches connected but separate from us have a special relation to us, we do not say that they are under condemnation, provided that they are Christian.

We profess that to believe in God is not enough, Christ teaches that all men must be saved through him, through their own repentance, and through His Church which He left on Earth.
Lawdog said:
...thats why you posit God, first cause.
you see.m to avoid my questions, I dont know why you should, after all there just hypothetical
what would be you conclusion, how did humanity come to exist on this planet,, what logic could you come up with, for mans emergence, given that there was no god.(hypothetically)
please try to form an idea, thank you.
Lawdog said:
We Catholics (and Christians) do not say "We believe this and you believe that"... No, instead we insist, "this is whats true and we cant change it, even if we wanted, anyone that hears about us has to make a choice, to believe or not."
but theres lies the problem, what if you wrong and there right, how do you now whos got it right.
Lawdog said:
In particular those of other religions have the responsibility to convert to Christ, once they realize that they are worshipping false Gods.
why, what if it's you that worshiping false gods, again how do you know whos right.
Lawdog said:
The Catholic Church also claims to be THE instrument of salvation placed by God on the Earth, to exclusion to other churches. Churches connected but separate from us have a special relation to us, we do not say that they are under condemnation, provided that they are Christian.
but unfortunately, it begs the same question, how do you know yours is the right one.
Lawdog said:
We profess that to believe in God is not enough,
as does sikhism and sufism, and buddhism etc. it still begs the same question.
Lawdog said:
Christ teaches that all men must be saved through him, through their own repentance, and through His Church which He left on Earth.
as does mohammed, krishna, etc...
Lawdog said:
It seems that you are saying perception is the foundation of reality.

What is visible is always illusory.

the preacher said:
this does not answer my question, Yorda.
I repeat what if, hypothetically speaking God/gods did'nt exist, and I know that may impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could please answer that, in easy to understand terms, because your previous answer is beyond my understanding.

Imagine that you would be omnipresent, and you would see everything at once, all energy, from infinite viewpoints. What would you see? Nothing (presence). It is impossible to see anything if you don't separate them with your consciousness, and thus becoming a conscious being. Everything you see, is visible only because it has been separated from its complementary half.

Separation means creation. Without separating darkness from light, there is no darkness or light. Is it possible to speak and be silent at the same time? Obviously not. Separation is necessary to create something.

The mind "creates" matter by "freezing" the energy's movement by "observing" it. When we observe something, it must be visible. What is visible must be created, and what is created must be past. What is visible (past/created) cannot be the cause. Everything past is an effect, and an effect is a creation of the cause. When you observe something, it does not exist: it is past (created).

The cause of something cannot be in the past, since everything which is past, is created.

It's quite hard to understand, but I think the universe exists because we have separated it from ourselves with our conscious and personal mind.
S/L: No Woody, you just avoided the whole faith vs works discussion like it was the bubonic plague. But tell you what, you explain what you consider to be truth and then we'll see if anyone concurs.

Woody sez: In other words you can't explain grace, though we've written countless epistles on faith vs. works. I don't expect you to explain grace, because it's something a believer understands. Hence atheists have nothing to say about it.
How do you know that your religion is right and the others erroneous?
There are two ways as far as I can tell:
1) By using your spiritual sense or answering a divine call
2) By coming to an assent of the intellect that the teachings of the other faiths do no represent the true nature of reality, whereas the true teaching explains things much better.

If you dont get either of those, I would say that one should be as pious as possible in the religion you were born into, save for Satanism or Agnosticisn/Atheism, which should be rejected right away.
Woody sez: In other words you can't explain grace, though we've written countless epistles on faith vs. works.

I've tried this before, but you ran away that time. Hopefully better luck this time..

Sure, I have no idea what grace is, explain it to me. I gave you the opportunity to do just that on my last post but you ignored it.

I don't expect you to explain grace, because it's something a believer understands. Hence atheists have nothing to say about it.

So, being a believer that understands, you explain it. We can then see how many other believers agree with you, and indeed if your own bible agrees with you.

How do you know that your religion is right and the others erroneous?
There are two ways as far as I can tell:
1) By using your spiritual sense or answering a divine call
2) By coming to an assent of the intellect that the teachings of the other faiths do no represent the true nature of reality, whereas the true teaching explains things much better.

Oh, so you're a hindu? No wait.. a muslim? No wait.. (etc etc etc).

Your two ways are worthless, and would be just as happily stated by anyone from any religion.

save for Satanism or Agnosticisn/Atheism, which should be rejected right away.

Lol, classic.
Lawdog said:
How do you know that your religion is right and the others erroneous?
There are two ways as far as I can tell:
1) By using your spiritual sense or answering a divine call
2) By coming to an assent of the intellect that the teachings of the other faiths do no represent the true nature of reality, whereas the true teaching explains things much better.

If you dont get either of those, I would say that one should be as pious as possible in the religion you were born into, save for Satanism or Agnosticisn/Atheism, which should be rejected right away.
in your last sentence, you say not to choose atheism, however you reasoning is atheistic to all other religions but your own, which seems to me to be a bit hypocritcal.
also on answer 1 you say spiritual sense, there is none we only have five anything else is, imagination is it not.
and answer 2 you state your point by saying it's an assent of the intellect, how can this be if it comes from the imagination. therefore this would mean the teaching of any faith, do not represent the true nature of reality.
so in conclusion you must believe that all faiths are erroneous, must you not?.
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Yorda said:
Imagine that you would be omnipresent, conscious and personal mind.
wtf: this is all mumbo jumbo, why are avoiding the question what is so hard about it.

forget about, all seeing, all knowing, all powerful God /gods or yourself.

I repeat it once more, what if, hypothetically speaking God/gods did'nt exist, and I know that may impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could please answer that, in easy to understand terms, because your previous answer is beyond my understanding.
the preacher said:
wtf: this is all mumbo jumbo, why are avoiding the question what is so hard about it.

forget about, all seeing, all knowing, all powerful God /gods or yourself.

I repeat it once more, what if, hypothetically speaking God/gods did'nt exist, and I know that may impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could please answer that, in easy to understand terms, because your previous answer is beyond my understanding.

Shut up! Who cares about that crap anyway. You treat me as if I would believe in God. I DON'T believe in God! I already explained but you didn't understand what I said. So... do you have a better theory?