Is Hell a Physical Reality?

so lawdog if thats not his way, it was in the bible, so I can say, and do as I like and he wont smite me, in that case, well either case it makes no odds, gods a pillark, gods a sh*thead, gods an evil basta*d, gods the fowlest of smells, the ugliest of sights, god is the paper I wipe my a**e with, after I've wiped it.
and if your wondering why I have not put all the letters in, it's so I dont offend the good people of sciforums and James R, i'm more afraid of being banned than any sky daddy, cloud dancing tosser.
and to Jame R,, there is no malice here towards lawdog or and religious person, it just a reply to his post above.
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Why blasphemest thou? Why doth thou murder God in thy heart?

If you cannot understand God's apparently contradictory
actions, why dont you say "I do not understand, but let me come
to understanding if Thou wilt". ?
MW: Woody, does your new job, new apartment, and new music education mean that you will be too busy to further disgrace this forum?

Woody: Probably so. I'll have to sick lawdog on ya ;)
Lawdog said:
Why blasphemest thou? Why doth thou murder God in thy heart?
I cant murder a god/thing that does not exist, thats just plain stupid.
Lawdog said:
If you cannot understand God's apparently contradictory
who in reality can, but it does not exist so not worth even thinking about
Lawdog said:
why dont you say "I do not understand, but let me come to understanding if Thou wilt". ?
ah but i do understand, I spent eight years study, and upto about ten years ago I was just like you a believer, and now I am completely cured.
it would be infantile, to ask something that does not exist for guidence, would'nt it.

"Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. A man full of faith is simply one who has lost (or never had) the capacity for clear and realistic thought. He is not a mere ass; he is actually ill."
H.L. Mencken
its the same thing.

Well I was certainly providing as useless an excuse as you did.

"It's ok because jesus didn't call one person a fool, he called all of them fools".


but i dont care, its God that he needs to make right with.

He doesn't need to do anything.

mom and

No, only creators.
audible sez: ah but i do understand, I spent eight years study, and upto about ten years ago I was just like you a believer, and now I am completely cured.

Woody sez: But you still don't have a clue about how grace or faith works in the christian life. You didn't believe like a christian, therefore you weren't a christian -- not ever. You were cured of legalism, and I'm glad for that -- legalism is demonic - congrats on the cure, I'm happy for you :D
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Woody said:
audible sez: ah but i do understand, I spent eight years study, and upto about ten years ago I was just like you a believer, and now I am completely cured.

Woody sez: But you still don't have a clue about how grace or faith works in the christian life.
you dont know me, or my family so how would you know that.
but then again you believe the bible, go figure.
however your certainly not a xian. you would have to, live you life a million times over, to ever becoming a xian, you are faithless and a disgrace to xianity, but ever so ever so funny.
woody said:
I'm happy for you :D
How about some real argumentation here, instead of just insults, ad hominem attacks, and knee jerk reactions?
I cant see any insults, but there seem to be plenty of heated debate, there's an old saying if you dont like the heat, you get out of the kitchen.
SnakeLord said:
No, only creators.

But Ian and your mother are also created, so they cannot be the creators. Can an effect be the cause of another effect? As a rule, we tend to think so, but this is a mistake. You have to go back in time and ask who created humans, the Earth, and the entire Universe... then you'll realize that the universe wasn't created, and that way, you have also always existed. The existence of the universe is created at each moment by our mind. With our personal consciousness, we push it away from us (like magnetic repulsion), we think of it as an outside "object", and that way it, by separating me and the universe, it becomes visible.
stefan said:
I cant see any insults, but there seem to be plenty of heated debate, there's an old saying if you dont like the heat, you get out of the kitchen.

Stefan, if you dont want to add to the discussion, than stay out of it, if you have nothing to say about the topic. You just hop in, apparently having said nothing much else in this thread, other than to give me a hard time. i dont get it.
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Yorda said:
But Ian and your mother are also created, so they cannot be the creators. Can an effect be the cause of another effect? As a rule, we tend to think so, but this is a mistake. You have to go back in time and ask who created humans, the Earth, and the entire Universe... then you'll realize that the universe wasn't created, and that way, you have also always existed. The existence of the universe is created at each moment by our mind. With our personal consciousness, we push it away from us (like magnetic repulsion), we think of it as an outside "object", and that way it, by separating me and the universe, it becomes visible.
Why cant created beings be also co-creators, Please explain.
woody originally said: But you still don't have a clue about how grace or faith works in the christian life.

audible says: you dont know me, or my family so how would you know that.

woody says: because you can't explain grace. :p
woody says: because you can't explain grace.

Ah Audible, Woody's gonna try this with you now.. It seems to be his main ideal and generally means, (in his interpretation), that he can completely ignore anything said in the bible while understanding that he's just saved because he says he loves god.
Woody says to Snakelord,

You can't explain grace either. We've covered this before. I'm still waiting for your explanation.
No Woody, you just avoided the whole faith vs works discussion like it was the bubonic plague. But tell you what, you explain what you consider to be truth and then we'll see if anyone concurs.
Lawdog said:
Good try. Jesus did not call a particular person a fool, but a group of people who had foolish ideas.
Perhaps my translation of the passage is not accurate. (I believe it reads "his brother" not "others")

In any event, you do wrong to accuse your Creator.

Fools have foolish ideas, no?
Lawdog said:
Why cant created beings be also co-creators, Please explain.

I meant that two biological parents can't be the ultimate creator of a person. It is God who creates a child when a male and female tries to unite. Our bodies are instruments of God, and God creates new beings with them. Instruments are also created. But if you want to, you can also say that created beings are co-creators. This is just my thoughts.
Yorda said:
I meant that two biological parents can't be the ultimate creator of a person. It is God who creates a child when a male and female tries to unite. Our bodies are instruments of God, and God creates new beings with them. Instruments are also created. But if you want to, you can also say that created beings are co-creators. This is just my thoughts.
heres a what if, Yorda hypothetically speaking if God/gods dont exist, and I know that impossible to believe, then who would be the creator of say me, my mum and dad,there mums and dads, etc.
do you think you could answer that hypothetically speaking.