is God an alien?

*mocking lol*

You're not "supposed" to respect anything and I don't care if you do. If I have to lie to earn your respect that kind of defeats the whole point doesn't it?

Oh yes, I'm supposed to respect your religious beliefs, by law. You are free to attack me as long as it's under the safe umbrella of your religion. In fact, Muslims have taken this to a much higher authority than just local judicial laws. What's worse, they won their case. Insanity thus rules the world.

And if you feel so damned threatened then go hide under a table, or buy a gun. Just stop whining.

Ah yes, the Christian is free to attack anyone they want and those attacked are to just go hide under a table and stop whining. Leave the attackers to their business of spreading hatred, or else.
because i have had experiences (spiritual and otherwise), that have been directly related to the bible, i believe what the bible says.

Putting the cart before the horseshit?

and no, i don't think muslims are any more evil than christians or anyone else.

True, Christianity and Islam are equally evil, if evil exists, they embody all that is.

what happened was, god said to me "you see that scripture there about the locusts?" and i said "yes". and he said "they're aliens".

Maybe he just meant, "Illegal aliens"


Putting the cart before the horseshit?

True, Christianity and Islam are equally evil, if evil exists, they embody all that is.

Maybe he just meant, "Illegal aliens"


ok, hey hey hey, islam and christanity are equally evil? i was just trying to be nice you know, and when she mentioned first the anti christ and aliens, first i thoght it's like what i thoght in islam, i mean, aliens in clear way;, not with just hidden meaning, and the christ the faken anyway,
so saying wow it seems kinda like in islam, and the other nice things, i was trying to be nice, because i don't want to insult any beleif of relegion...ok?

Oh yes, I'm supposed to respect your religious beliefs, by law. You are free to attack me as long as it's under the safe umbrella of your religion. In fac....

it may aussoama bin laden islam that tell people to kill "infidels" (who don't beleive in god) and to kill people for the name of god, but it's not the prophet mohamed(pbuh) and god/allah 's islam, ok?
it may be ausama bin laden islam, but it's not our prophet and our god's islam...
Putting the cart before the horseshit?

i'm not putting anything anywhere; it's just the way it happened. when i questioned the existence of god, i didn't know what to think about religion. i didn't like religion. i still don't.

True, Christianity and Islam are equally evil, if evil exists, they embody all that is.

well that doesn't account for you sweetheart...darling...oh benevolent one.

Maybe he just meant, "Illegal aliens"


oh you're funny today! that's nice. :)
and no, i don't think muslims are any more evil than christians or anyone else.

what does the any more suposed to mean? :bugeye: ...

if you study the world's major religions, you will find a lot of parallels and similarities.

now, i think not, i changed my mind, after knowing about christanity, and with all my respect, i can't insult any relegion or beleif, that's what my relegion tell me ;)
Oh yes, I'm supposed to respect your religious beliefs, by law. You are free to attack me as long as it's under the safe umbrella of your religion. In fact, Muslims have taken this to a much higher authority than just local judicial laws. What's worse, they won their case. Insanity thus rules the world.

Ah yes, the Christian is free to attack anyone they want and those attacked are to just go hide under a table and stop whining. Leave the attackers to their business of spreading hatred, or else.

i live in a country whose founders were christian, and a lot of christian ideology went into developing law here. it's not a bad's not the best place. but like any other place, there's corruption. there's corruption in every institution in existence. do you know why? because PEOPLE are corrupt. and yes, it's insane.
what does the any more suposed to mean? :bugeye: ...

that there's something wrong with all of us...equally. it's been bred into us.

now, i think not, i changed my mind, after knowing about christanity, and with all my respect, i can't insult any relegion or beleif, that's what my relegion tell me ;)

hindus believe that all religions are true. you should study other religions. i think you'll find that there are truths to be found in lots of places, even outside religion.
that there's something wrong with all of us...equally. it's been bred into us.

uuh, english pleas? lol

hindus believe that all religions are true. you should study other religions. i think you'll find that there are truths to be found in lots of places, even outside religion.

well, i find that in islam you find all relegions good beleifs are together. ;)
that for me, and i'm satesfided and convinced with my relegion, and nothing can turn me oof it, but for curiosity, i like to kow what others beleive in, and think,
i live in a country whose founders were christian

Complete bullshit. Are you lying or just plain ignorant?

there's corruption in every institution in existence. do you know why? because PEOPLE are corrupt. and yes, it's insane.

No Lori, there isn't corruption in every institution. Are you lying again to support your insanity, or just plain ignorant?

i live in a country whose founders were christian, and a lot of christian ideology went into developing law here. it's not a bad's not the best place. but like any other place, there's corruption. there's corruption in every institution in existence. do you know why? because PEOPLE are corrupt. and yes, it's insane.

where do you live?

united states. where do you live?

oh, then, since you think non christians are evil( i can ignore that part), so, that's why do you hate muslims, and keep saying lies about heir relegion, and etc etc etc...? i really expected real christians, or like your priests, to have a balanced mind, and peacefull, and i never thoght or even expect that you think non christians are evil, (well, i can ignore that part too) :cool:
and with all my respect,
you didnt answer that queston, about
what does that "any more" suposed to mean
Complete bullshit. Are you lying or just plain ignorant?

they came over here seeking religious freedom. at least that's what they tell us in our history books. they were religious.

No Lori, there isn't corruption in every institution. Are you lying again to support your insanity, or just plain ignorant?

aw. *pat pat on the head* it's all a bad dream; now go back to sleep.