is God an alien?

i was referencing twelve tribe cause it is said the decendants ended up making up the different nations, israel,muslim, and others..
i am not an expert in the bible but i thought this was interesting..

i was referencing twelve tribe cause it is said the decendants ended up making up the different nations, israel,muslim, and others..
i am not an expert in the bible but i thought this was interesting..

yeah yeah, i got what you mean, no i don't think any was mentioned, in islam, we we beleive in all humanity, not just 12 tribes, we beleive that all we are all one humanity, all races and colours.
also we beleive that we are not different than animals, the only difference is the hight intelligence,
and we beleive that all creatures are just nations just like us(i don't mean like like us, i mean they communicate with each other, they do feal just like us, if you have pets, or a mother pet, and a granma for the little ones of that pet, you'll see how they are a family just like us, i havepets, once a cat gave orth to some kittens, and she died in the road, so their granma cat, taked care of them=the only difference between us and them, is our mind, the higher intelligence)
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i was referencing twelve tribe cause it is said the decendants ended up making up the different nations, israel,muslim, and others..
i am not an expert in the bible but i thought this was interesting..

Considering your posts, it appears you haven't even read it once.
