is God an alien?

Dreaming is a psychologically important part of a human life, you cannot invalidate it as a non experience.

But, we can invalidate the content of the dream as having anything to do with reality if the content runs contradictory or violates physical laws. I'm pretty sure we all experience much the same thing when we dream, physiologically.
"The man who denies that YAHU'SHUAH is the Messiah - he is the liar, he is Antichrist, and he is denying the Father as well as the Son, because no one who has the Father can deny the Son, and to acknowledge the Son, is to have the Father as well.".

By that definition, all atheists are anti-Christs.
Edit: Actually that makes everyone who isn't a Christian an anti-Christ.
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this is what the bible says about the antichrist...

The word Antichrist appears only four times in the entire Bible, in the 1st and 2nd Books of John:
1 John 2:18,19 "Children, these are the Last Days. You were told that Antichrist must come, and now several antichrists have already appeared. We know from this, that these are the Last Days. Those rivals of Messiah came out of our own number, but they had never really belonged. If they had belonged, they would have stayed with us, but they left us, to prove that no one of them ever belonged to us."

1 John 2:22-27 "The man who denies that YAHU'SHUAH is the Messiah - he is the liar, he is Antichrist, and he is denying the Father as well as the Son, because no one who has the Father can deny the Son, and to acknowledge the Son, is to have the Father as well."

interresting, in islam too, we beleive in the antichrist, and the christ,
we beleive that the anti christ will come one day, and there will other who clame to be the christ before him, and he will only cause destruction on the hall earth, but the only place he will not go to is mecca and medina, anyway, but we also beleive, that after those 40 years of destruction, the real christ will come, and kill the antichrist, oh, and when the antichrist will come,almost all people will follow him, who goes to his heaven, that mean if they went to hell, and if they went to his hell, that means they are going to heaven, and we don't beleive that the christ is the son of god, we beleive that the christ is a prophet too, we have a hall sura about this, about that the christ is not the son of god, also, we call the christ in arabic, messiah, and the anti christ, al-messiah al-dajjel, means like the christ the lier or who pertend to be, there will be djins with him, that he will claim that he is awaking dead people to life, but those dead people that he bringed them back to life are just djins, like, took the look of those people, he will make the sky rain if he wanted, and people will follow him for that, and who follow him, is going to hell.
and he will not do any good. but the christ will come and kill him, and it's not the end of story, it still a looong senario, hehehehehe. want to make a debat about those things, because i see many common things between islam and christanity,

1 John 4:1- 4 "It is not every spirit, my dear people, that you can trust. Test them, to see if they come from God. There are many false prophets now in the world. You can tell the spirits that come from God by this: Every Spirit which acknowledges that YAHU'SHUAH the Messiah has come in the flesh, is from God, but any spirit which will not say this of YAHU'SHUAH, is not from God, but is the spirit of Antichrist, whose coming you were warned about. Well, now, he is here in the world children. You have already overcome these false prophets, because you are from God, and you have in you One Who is greater than anyone in this world."

now this, i didn't get any word of it, hehehe
oh, and what's that YAHU'SHUAH?

2 John verse 7 "There are many deceivers about in the world, refusing to admit that YAHU'SHUAH has come in the flesh. They are the Deceiver; they are the Antichrist".
oh, so who don't beleive in YAHU'SHUAH, are all anti-christ?

those 4 scriptures refer not to one being, but to the fruits of deceiving spirits.

when people (including myself in that quote) refer to "the" antichrist, as if it is a particular being, they're referring to this...
so, what does that the beast in the bible means? so, you don't beleive that the anti-christ is a one being? or many beings? or, many fake people who pertend to be the christ, but one will come pertending, and people will follow him? that's confusing, is their christians who beleive that a anti-christ will come and people will beleive him and follow him?

the bible doesn't mention aliens per se, but in genesis, it refers to nephilim...

when you read on as to the meaning, the word "fallen" is mentioned quite a bit. i think that these "sons of god" who impregnated the daughters of men to create this race of giants or men of renown were fallen angels...demons.

and in the next chapter of genesis, god decides to wipe out civilization with the great flood because it was so evil, saving one man and his family, because their bloodline was pure.

blood line is pure? what if those blood line pure were evil? i mean, god is fair, and this is not fair,
well, i totally respect what you say, but, sorry, i don't think it's something, i can beleive ;)
but we do beleive in devils and angels, but not like angels with wings, and devils red with a spire and two, you know, those like the bull have , :p we beleive as they are also intelligent beings, but angels don't have a free will, devils wants humans to be destroyed, because they think they are higher than us, and the djins, another intelligent beings, just like us humans(we don't know how they look like and we can't know, and they are on earth before us, we can't see them, they're like, on another univerce, on another univerce, parallel to ours, for example, while you're sitting right now, it could be their a dinausor walking beside you, in a univerce were dinausorse still alive), and, in the mysterious aliens, that one day, all humanity will unite together, to fight them.and after wining, we will get seperated, aggain,

i think aliens are the nephilim. demonic genetic concoctions that perpetuate the lie of the antichrist.

didnt get it, what's or who, is nephilim, and what's that genetic concoction thing?

this is what the bible says about the locusts in revelations...

V 1. "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

V 2. And he opened the bottomless pit: and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

V 3. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

V 4. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

V 5. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

V 6. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

V 7. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

V 8. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

V 9. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

V 10. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

V 11. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

sorry, i didnt get a word of this, can you explain them to me pleas? i mean, simply.
But, we can invalidate the content of the dream as having anything to do with reality if the content runs contradictory or violates physical laws. I'm pretty sure we all experience much the same thing when we dream, physiologically.

But in a wider sense of reality, if someone had a dream then that dream has been dreamt and in some sense it has actually happened.

When a thought has been thought, it is something that has actually happened. It cannot be said to be real in the sense that a table is real, but it cannot be said to be non existent either. Of all the things that occur in this universe thoughts and dreams do occur and although they will never be objectively real in an empirical sense. They are subjectively real to the person that has experienced them, and are therefore very much a valid life experience.

They are not simply unreality to be dismissed.
like those against something, they are called Anti-something (anti-abortion, anti-tech,anti-aircraft...etc,etc)
so those against Christ are AntiChrist...

there is no singular assigned to it in the bible..

all those here who are Anti-Christ, raise their hands..
q you don't need to raise yours as we all know you are antieverything..

like those against something, they are called Anti-something (anti-abortion, anti-tech,anti-aircraft...etc,etc)
so those against Christ are AntiChrist...

there is no singular assigned to it in the bible..

all those here who are Anti-Christ, raise their hands..
q you don't need to raise yours as we all know you are antieverything..

yeah yeah, not that thing,
aah, sorry , i get that wrong
i thoght, because in islam, there's something about, the faulse christ, the anti-christ just means everyone who is against the christ(p.s.: i'm not anti-christ, we beleive in the christ(pbuh) as we beleive in mohamed(pbuh) but, not as the son of god)
anyway thoght that she meant the faulse christ, a person will come and say i'm the christ, follow me, and people will follow him, etc etc etc... read the rest on my replyyo lori, anyway, i get it wrong, antichrist just means people who are against him,
then there's nothing in the bible about a fake christ will come and who follow him go to hell and then the real christ will come and kill that fake christ, anyway..
interresting, in islam too, we beleive in the antichrist, and the christ,
we beleive that the anti christ will come one day, and there will other who clame to be the christ before him, and he will only cause destruction on the hall earth, but the only place he will not go to is mecca and medina, anyway, but we also beleive, that after those 40 years of destruction, the real christ will come, and kill the antichrist, oh, and when the antichrist will come,almost all people will follow him, who goes to his heaven, that mean if they went to hell, and if they went to his hell, that means they are going to heaven, and we don't beleive that the christ is the son of god, we beleive that the christ is a prophet too, we have a hall sura about this, about that the christ is not the son of god, also, we call the christ in arabic, messiah, and the anti christ, al-messiah al-dajjel, means like the christ the lier or who pertend to be, there will be djins with him, that he will claim that he is awaking dead people to life, but those dead people that he bringed them back to life are just djins, like, took the look of those people, he will make the sky rain if he wanted, and people will follow him for that, and who follow him, is going to hell.
and he will not do any good. but the christ will come and kill him, and it's not the end of story, it still a looong senario, hehehehehe. want to make a debat about those things, because i see many common things between islam and christanity,

that's interesting. i didn't know that.

now this, i didn't get any word of it, hehehe
oh, and what's that YAHU'SHUAH?

yahu'shuah is god, who as the messiah, was born into the flesh and sacrificed as an act of redemption for mankind. that's the christ.

the verse is about testing spirits...those who profess that christ is god are good, and those who do not are evil.

oh, so who don't beleive in YAHU'SHUAH, are all anti-christ?

any who do not pass the above test are anti-christ.

so, what does that the beast in the bible means? so, you don't beleive that the anti-christ is a one being? or many beings? or, many fake people who pertend to be the christ, but one will come pertending, and people will follow him? that's confusing, is their christians who beleive that a anti-christ will come and people will beleive him and follow him?

the beast in revelations is a manifestation of satan himself, but there are many other demonic spirits as well.

and yes, most christians believe that this beast will rise to power in the last days and many will follow him.

blood line is pure? what if those blood line pure were evil? i mean, god is fair, and this is not fair,
well, i totally respect what you say, but, sorry, i don't think it's something, i can beleive ;)
but we do beleive in devils and angels, but not like angels with wings, and devils red with a spire and two, you know, those like the bull have , :p we beleive as they are also intelligent beings, but angels don't have a free will, devils wants humans to be destroyed, because they think they are higher than us, and the djins, another intelligent beings, just like us humans(we don't know how they look like and we can't know, and they are on earth before us, we can't see them, they're like, on another univerce, on another univerce, parallel to ours, for example, while you're sitting right now, it could be their a dinausor walking beside you, in a univerce were dinausorse still alive), and, in the mysterious aliens, that one day, all humanity will unite together, to fight them.and after wining, we will get seperated, aggain,

hm. well, the bible is all about seed and fruit (referring to sperm and offspring), and blood, and spirit and flesh. it describes a genetic manifestation of good and evil during a particular age, at the end of which, the good fruit will be harvested.

didnt get it, what's or who, is nephilim, and what's that genetic concoction thing?

the offspring of demons and human women.

sorry, i didnt get a word of this, can you explain them to me pleas? i mean, simply.

this is the scripture that describes the locusts that i believe are actually aliens.

yahu'shuah is god, who as the messiah, was born into the flesh and sacrificed as an act of redemption for mankind. that's the christ.

the verse is about testing spirits...those who profess that christ is god are good, and those who do not are evil.

ah, interresting, but, just a question, why do you think god somehow, came into flesh? is their something that says why you think the christ, or jesus, or or or, is a god?
does this mean to you that we(muslims) are evil? hehehehe just asking(you don't have to answer if it is considered as an offence or mocking, wich it's not)

any who do not pass the above test are anti-christ.
ah, when i was talking back their, i just missinderstood the word, i thoght you mean by anti-christ, a fake christ will come and and and... as i mentioned, anyway i get it now ;)
it's like in islam, the kafer, or indifel, is who don't beleive in god.
i'm a muslim, and islam, and quran, don't tell to kill the infidels, it may be bin laden islam that tells so, but it's not our prophet mohamed(pbuh) and our god/allah islam.

the beast in revelations is a manifestation of satan himself, but there are many other demonic spirits as well.

(if you allow me to compare it to islam) we beleive in the devils, as also an intelligent beings, but not like in the media, i mean red and crowns, anyway, and the most strong between them, is iblis, and i think iblis is satan in christanity
and yes, most christians believe that this beast will rise to power in the last days and many will follow him.

ah, it sounds like the fake christ that i told you about, but in islam, but not exactly the same, anyway i told you about in the last replyes

hm. well, the bible is all about seed and fruit (referring to sperm and offspring), and blood, and spirit and flesh. it describes a genetic manifestation of good and evil during a particular age, at the end of which, the good fruit will be harvested.

ah, i find it very interresting actually,
well in islam, we beleive, that when it's very close to the last dya on earth, god will kill all good people, so they suffer in those days, and the only people, will stay, are the bad people, it's when earth will be hitted with meteorits, just like in the dinausors age, and after all the earth is dead, and all those bad people dies, after the other suffering, god/allah, will bring the earth back to life again, also in that time, where there's no people but bad, they do sex everywhere, in the streets, out doors, all everywhere, and people killeach other for no reason, they all cheat on each other, lie, steal, far as you can imagine..
the haversting of good fruit, remembred me, of this, God/allah, will kill all good people so they don't suffer, in those last days, because it will be very hard and bad, it's like, haversting, haversting the good fruit :D

this is the scripture that describes the locusts that i believe are actually aliens.
i didnt get it exacly, can you explain it to me? i mean, with all my respect, how does it mean the aliens, (aliens that i meant are the aliens from another place not from earth)

i really feel that christanity is close to islam in many things
that's why i'm interrested in it, and i was waiting for a discussing about it, hehehehehe
But in a wider sense of reality, if someone had a dream then that dream has been dreamt and in some sense it has actually happened.

Yes, the dream happened, so what?

When a thought has been thought, it is something that has actually happened.

Only the thought and nothing else happened.

It cannot be said to be real in the sense that a table is real, but it cannot be said to be non existent either. Of all the things that occur in this universe thoughts and dreams do occur and although they will never be objectively real in an empirical sense. They are subjectively real to the person that has experienced them, and are therefore very much a valid life experience.

No, they're not valid. They're just dreams. Get a grip.
those who profess that christ is god are good, and those who do not are evil.

any who do not pass the above test are anti-christ.

More garbage from psychotic religions. Why do you threaten and attack us with your shit talk, Lori? Oh yes, it's your god given right and we're supposed to respect it.

this is the scripture that describes the locusts that i believe are actually aliens.

yeah yeah, not that thing,
aah, sorry , i get that wrong
i thoght, because in islam, there's something about, the faulse christ, the anti-christ just means everyone who is against the christ(p.s.: i'm not anti-christ, we beleive in the christ(pbuh) as we beleive in mohamed(pbuh) but, not as the son of god)
anyway thoght that she meant the faulse christ, a person will come and say i'm the christ, follow me, and people will follow him, etc etc etc... read the rest on my replyyo lori, anyway, i get it wrong, antichrist just means people who are against him,
then there's nothing in the bible about a fake christ will come and who follow him go to hell and then the real christ will come and kill that fake christ, anyway..

To be against Christ, you first have to believe he is real.
Oh, so anyone that is not a Christian is evil? So I am evil?
Thank you :bugeye:

That is a test of spiritual entities (angels), and while you can be quite angelic I'm sure, you're off the hook (for now).
More garbage from psychotic religions. Why do you threaten and attack us with your shit talk, Lori? Oh yes, it's your god given right and we're supposed to respect it.


*mocking lol*

You're not "supposed" to respect anything and I don't care if you do. If I have to lie to earn your respect that kind of defeats the whole point doesn't it?

And if you feel so damned threatened then go hide under a table, or buy a gun. Just stop whining.
ah, interresting, but, just a question, why do you think god somehow, came into flesh? is their something that says why you think the christ, or jesus, or or or, is a god?
does this mean to you that we(muslims) are evil? hehehehe just asking(you don't have to answer if it is considered as an offence or mocking, wich it's not)

i believe that jesus was god in the flesh because the bible explains that you can have a personal relationship with god through jesus, and i have that. because i have had experiences (spiritual and otherwise), that have been directly related to the bible, i believe what the bible says.

and no, i don't think muslims are any more evil than christians or anyone else.

i didnt get it exacly, can you explain it to me? i mean, with all my respect, how does it mean the aliens, (aliens that i meant are the aliens from another place not from earth)

i really can't explain it any further. the bible doesn't indicate that these locusts are aliens, as far as i can tell. what happened was, god said to me "you see that scripture there about the locusts?" and i said "yes". and he said "they're aliens".

and that's pretty much it. :shrug:

i really feel that christanity is close to islam in many things
that's why i'm interrested in it, and i was waiting for a discussing about it, hehehehehe

if you study the world's major religions, you will find a lot of parallels and similarities.