is God an alien?

atheists unfortunately rape children too.

Ah Lori, should the atheists then get religion so that prison crime statistics wouldn't have the less than 1% atheist numbers? Would that make it better reasoning if they're buggering for god?

you know that your brain is a part of your body. and your soul is your thought and emotion, which is a product of your brain.

but the brain is what makes your emotions, and your thoghts, it's all in your brain.
and the soul is not to me the emotions and thoghts, we beelive that all living things on earth, are nations just like us, the only difference between us, that we have a brain with a hight intelligence, that makes us aware, and animals, in emotions and all things, are just like us, it's forbidden to us to torture animals or to treat them badly, the same thing to humans effcorse.

Ah Lori, should the atheists then get religion so that prison crime statistics wouldn't have the less than 1% atheist numbers? Would that make it better reasoning if they're buggering for god?

you both are discussing about a bullshit topic, the raping and things, not because the relegion tells them to rape, ever heard of sicoly? and the childhood?
Ah Lori, should the atheists then get religion so that prison crime statistics wouldn't have the less than 1% atheist numbers? Would that make it better reasoning if they're buggering for god?

no that's not what i meant, serious discussion, with real talking, not mocking and attacking, is what solves the problems

No, serious discussion hardly solves anything at all with believers. They ignore or refuse to listen to anything that criticizes their belief system.

don't be silly

Yeah, I'm being silly. :rolleyes:
you know that your brain is a part of your body. and your soul is your thought and emotion, which is a product of your brain.

Bullshit. The brain, thoughts or emotion have nothing to do with a so-called soul. Pure crap.
No, serious discussion hardly solves anything at all with believers. They ignore or refuse to listen to anything that criticizes their belief system.

those are fanatics, i'm talking about the regular people, and sometimes, it do workd with the fanatics, it's a sicologic treatment. there's always a hope, don't be ignorant or violant, to not try it peacefully first.
Yet, you and them are one and the same.

i'm not a priest, and i've never sodomized a child.

none of us are the same. it's not that easy. that's a cop out...being defined by our religious practice/non-practice/indoctrination. that's the bullshit you buy into, not me.

Yet, you and them are one and the same.

that's a bullshit too, those priest, may have sicologic back grounds, for example, in a society where all people have sex as a daily basis, they are priests, can't, so, and can't get married, and don't want to be not a priest because they can't do nothing but that,hey need sex, they need to get married, but they can't, so they rape children, i think priests should be allowed to mmary, as you allowed public sex, and and should atleast make something for those poor priests,
alos, it's their work to be good, why did they do bad things? again;, sicologic backgrounds!!
i'm nt that guy that go and blaim others or other relegions for some people's behavors, i'm a reasenebal guy, i have a mind
Bullshit. The brain, thoughts or emotion have nothing to do with a so-called soul. Pure crap.

i think that everything that's alive is a physical biological manifestation of something spiritual.

i don't know how to say it any other way. lol...

you mean, that every thing in mature is like a 3d image on a computer for a real object, but the mature is the body of the soal? just like you beleive that the christ is teh son of god, and once other time you beleive that he's a god in flesh?
you mean, that every thing in mature is like a 3d image on a computer for a real object, but the mature is the body of the soal? just like you beleive that the christ is teh son of god, and once other time you beleive that he's a god in flesh?

yeah, kinda like that.
but how do you beleive that the christ is teh god, and the christ in the same time the son of god?
and what's the definition of god to you?

i can't define what god is. i don't know.

but i know god has a spirit, because i've felt it, and i've seen it "work". and i think that jesus was a human manifestation of that spirit.
there's always a hope, don't be ignorant or violant, to not try it peacefully first.

Yeah, we'll just forget about the last 2000 years of conflict and bloodshed perpetrated by Christians and their lust for Armageddon, which they call the second coming. They want us all destroyed. Peacefully? Hilarious.