is God an alien?

oh, then, since you think non christians are evil, so, that's why do you hate muslims, and keep saying lies about heir relegion, and etc etc etc...? i really expected real christians, or like your priests, to have a balanced mind, and peacefull, and i never thoght or even expect that you think non christians are evil,
and with all my respect,
you didnt answer that queston, about
what does that "any more" suposed to mean

i don't think muslims are evil. i just said that. what i meant by "any more" is that we're all equally evil and good. that isn't dependent upon what religion you practice, or if you practice one at all.

and i'm sorry you had high expectations of our priests here. they're actually well known for being alcoholics and sodomizing children.
they came over here seeking religious freedom. at least that's what they tell us in our history books. they were religious.

Ah, caught in the lie, Lori changes her story. Now they're just "religious" :rolleyes:
and i'm sorry you had high expectations of our priests here. they're actually well known for being alcoholics and sodomizing children.

They believe in gods hence have no morals. None. Just like you. :)

i don't think muslims are evil. i just said that. what i meant by "any more" is that we're all equally evil and good. that isn't dependent upon what religion you practice, or if you practice one at all.

yupe, very true, i don't know why most people that don't know islam blaim islam for those fu*cking(sorry for the word) terrorists, that are exactly like israeil the zinoist, i hate it when they pertend to be doing what they do for relegion, but thank god here in the maghreb we have no terrorists,
wether you find wars, you find terrorism, the war itself is terrorism,
anyway, i see you get exactly my poing that it's not the relgion fault. even if some people became fanatic, it's their problem, and the problem of education, not the relegion ;)

and i'm sorry you had high expectations of our priests here. they're actually well known for being alcoholics and sodomizing children.

waaaw, i never expected that, what happened to the tradional good priests?

here in tunisia last year, there was a sheik, that fucked his daughter, all the country shocked by it, and it was on all newspapers, many people sugested to excution him, just a +informations, sheiks in islam, are just as any people, but know about relegion more, and know about the quran more, and pray with people, but he can marry, work, and etc.. as any person

They believe in gods hence have no morals. None. Just like you. :)

oh common, even fi you thoght that other people's beleifs are stupid, just respect their relegion or beleif, they're free in their mind! common :bugeye:

and i didnt anything for your comment, lol
uuh, english pleas? lol

the bible calls what is wrong with us "sin". and it's in all of us...equally. sin doesn't have anything to do with what religion you practice or what you believe. it's genetic. it's in your body. you're born with it. like a birth defect. we all have it.

well, i find that in islam you find all relegions good beleifs are together. ;)
that for me, and i'm satesfided and convinced with my relegion, and nothing can turn me oof it, but for curiosity, i like to kow what others beleive in, and think,

that's good. it will probably help you understand your own religion better, as you will be able to relate different philosophies, perspectives, and symbolism back to it, and see it in a different way, or a more comprehensive way.

the bible calls what is wrong with us "sin". and it's in all of us...equally. sin doesn't have anything to do with what religion you practice or what you believe. it's genetic. it's in your body. you're born with it. like a birth defect. we all have it.

well, it would be better if you say it's in mind and in society, the baby is born a white page.

that's good. it will probably help you understand your own religion better, as you will be able to relate different philosophies, perspectives, and symbolism back to it, and see it in a different way, or a more comprehensive way.
hehehe, you don't know islam better than i do, i know islam very good, also we study some of it in school

atheists unfortunately rape children too.

raping? doesnt depend in relegion or non-relegion, it's all in mind, you yourself told about the priests thing, and i told you about that sheik insident. that everyone in the country heard of it.
yupe, very true, i don't know why most people that don't know islam blaim islam for those fu*cking(sorry for the word) terrorists, that are exactly like israeil the zinoist, i hate it when they pertend to be doing what they do for relegion, but thank god here in the maghreb we have no terrorists,
wether you find wars, you find terrorism, the war itself is terrorism,
anyway, i see you get exactly my poing that it's not the relgion fault. even if some people became fanatic, it's their problem, and the problem of education, not the relegion ;)

waaaw, i never expected that, what happened to the tradional good priests?

here in tunisia last year, there was a sheik, that fucked his daughter, all the country shocked by it, and it was on all newspapers, many people sugested to excution him, just a +informations, sheiks in islam, are just as any people, but know about relegion more, and know about the quran more, and pray with people, but he can marry, work, and etc.. as any person

well, it seems we all have that seed for corruption, and that some people act on that in some ways, that seem so much worse to us than other ways. corruption in priesthood, corruption in sheikdom, corruption in religion, corruption in business, corruption in politics and government. it's pandemic. thank god there's some good in us too. ;)
well, it would be better if you say it's in mind and in society, the baby is born a white page.

what's in our minds, and in our societies, are a result of how our bodies are made.

hehehe, you don't know islam better than i do, i know islam very good, also we study some of it in school

you're right. i don't know much about islam at all. i read a short book about it 20 years ago, and i don't really remember what i read. :eek:
just respect their relegion or beleif

Sure, let them attack us and spread their hatred throughout the world while we respect their god given right to do so. Let's all of us be just as insane as them.

what's in our minds, and in our societies, are a result of how our bodies are made.
now that's a bullsh*t
it's my OP
it sounds more like a phelosophy answer, but no
not because of our bodies
the human is born a white page, and then you can write on it all what you want, and raise him on a way make him good or bad, some times you maked him bad without even knowing it, with making fault communications, like, yelling, or hitting him each time he do a bad thing, etc... and not because of body, the body is nothing, without a brain, the brain and the soal, are us, not the body.

you're right. i don't know much about islam at all. i read a short book about it 20 years ago, and i don't really remember what i read. :eek:

no problem, maybe we can discuss and we both get know to each others' relegion better ;)

Sure, let them attack us and spread their hatred throughout the world while we respect their god given right to do so. Let's all of us be just as insane as them.

no that's not what i meant, serious discussion, with real talking, not mocking and attacking, is what solves the problems, and to do so you must be aware of all of their relegion, and the society they're living in.
i didnt say to be all insane, or to get fanatic as some people, but i said, not to mock or attack the regular people's beleifs,
but if it was about fanatics or people who makes a danger, first rational discussion, and serious discussing, if it don't work, if you couldnt fix them and remove that danger that harms other people, well, then use the law, and rights... don't be silly
now that's a bullsh*t
it's my OP
it sounds more like a phelosophy answer, but no
not because of our bodies
the human is born a white page, and then you can write on it all what you want, and raise him on a way make him good or bad, some times you maked him bad without even knowing it, with making fault communications, like, yelling, or hitting him each time he do a bad thing, etc... and not because of body, the body is nothing, without a brain, the brain and the soal, are us, not the body.

no problem, maybe we can discuss and we both get know to each others' relegion better ;)

you know that your brain is a part of your body. and your soul is your thought and emotion, which is a product of your brain.