is God an alien?

i seriously doubt god can spontaniously create a experience memory without us experiencing it..
I didn't say "spontaneously". But, since god is supposed to have created us and the universe (and is supposedly omnipotent) then saying he couldn't makes him less than omnipotent.
What I'm asking is why did he bother creating us to live instead of creating us with the memories of having lived (and chosen the paths we have) and just skip straight to "the end", i.e. Heaven or Hell?

your gonna have to be a parent to understand..
Nope, see above.

what do genes do? they determine how we are formed, makes sense to me that they would configure my brain to be like it is..what tells the genes to configure my brain like that?.. my parents genes..
as far as it carrying learned information/data from one to the i would have to be pretty few brain cells as nesscesary
Then you're not talking about the same thing as Lori.

not if everyone was the same (past tense) we would all agree and you would have no arguments..
I wasn't asking about us all being the same. See my comment/ question in this post.

Quite. :p
god is supposed to have created us and the universe (and is supposedly omnipotent) then saying he couldn't, makes him less than omnipotent.
saying he couldn't create us or the universe??
What I'm asking is why did he bother creating us to live instead of creating us with the memories of having lived (and chosen the paths we have) and just skip straight to "the end", i.e. Heaven or Hell?

i think its the struggle, something in it makes us better for heaven.
if you were omnipotent, wouldn't that get old fast?
i think it would get pretty boring after awhile..

i think i can handle it if god just wants me up there just to entertain him, there is no struggle there right?
saying he couldn't create us or the universe??
Saying he couldn't give us false memories spontaneously without us noticing it would make him "not omnipotent".

i think its the struggle, something in it makes us better for heaven.
But why? How?
If, at the end, all we have is the memory of having experienced something then what makes actually experiencing that thing any improvement on just having the memory from the start?

if you were omnipotent, wouldn't that get old fast?
i think it would get pretty boring after awhile..
I dunno. Wouldn't "I'm bored, I can't think of anything to do" also be evidence of "not omnipotent"?

i think i can handle it if god just wants me up there just to entertain him, there is no struggle there right?
Presumably not, but it still comes back to "why weren't we just put there (with "false" memories) from the start"? :shrug:
Saying he couldn't give us false memories spontaneously without us noticing it would make him "not omnipotent".
hmmm..will have to think about that for a bit..

But why? How?
If, at the end, all we have is the memory of having experienced something then what makes actually experiencing that thing any improvement on just having the memory from the start?

this is a predestination thing isn't it..?

I dunno. Wouldn't "I'm bored, I can't think of anything to do" also be evidence of "not omnipotent"?
enough of that..:bugeye:
You are missing the point. Life is experience, nothing more or less than that. We start to experience when we are born, and when we stop experiencing we are dead. We cannot help but experience. It is the point of life.

No, you're missing the point. So-called experiences mean diddly squat in the face of reality. This has been made apparent by all the ridiculous things people claim to "experience" from the supernatural to visiting aliens to the paranormal. These are all claimed as experiences.

Experiencing life is fine, as long as that is what one is actually doing, I would agree with you.
No, you're missing the point. So-called experiences mean diddly squat in the face of reality. This has been made apparent by all the ridiculous things people claim to "experience" from the supernatural to visiting aliens to the paranormal. These are all claimed as experiences.

Experiencing life is fine, as long as that is what one is actually doing, I would agree with you.

so experiencing life is fine, as long as you don't assign any value or meaning to it.

experiencing life is fine, as long as everyone experiences exactly what Q does, so Q doesn't feel threatened.
so experiencing life is fine, as long as you don't assign any value or meaning to it.

No, it's when you don't assign insanity to it. Life itself is value and meaning, not your insane religion.

experiencing life is fine, as long as everyone experiences exactly what Q does, so Q doesn't feel threatened.

Ah, lying for Jeebus again. Well done, Lori.

The only thing threatening is your insane religion.
No, it's when you don't assign insanity to it. Life itself is value and meaning, not your insane religion.

Ah, lying for Jeebus again. Well done, Lori.

The only thing threatening is your insane religion.

well i think it's pathetic that you're so easily threatened. and i think this perceived threat is actually making you insane.
well i think it's pathetic that you're so easily threatened. and i think this perceived threat is actually making you insane.

You think it's pathetic that you can threaten me with your psychotic religion and I resist, AND it makes me insane? LOL!!
You think it's pathetic that you can threaten me with your psychotic religion and I resist, AND it makes me insane? LOL!!

if you were really secure in your own beliefs and in yourself, you wouldn't perceive any threat. no one has a sword to your throat Q.
if you were really secure in your own beliefs and in yourself, you wouldn't perceive any threat.

If you were really secure with yourself, you wouldn't need those psychotic beliefs.

no one has a sword to your throat Q.

No, just eternal damnation and several billion believers with their fingers on the button.

wow, Lory

Originally Posted by Lori_7
so i'll just spill what god told me...

he said that aliens were the locusts from the pit in the book of revelations. and that their sting (like that of a scorpion) was the mark of the beast.

he said that aliens would claim to be our creators, and our saviors.

that they would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet and the mark of the beast.

and that this mark would be a genetic alteration, that would kill us spiritually while making the life of this vile flesh immortal.

killing us spiritually means that it would cut us off entirely from the holy spirit. just as the fall of man in genesis inhibited that communication, the mark of the beast would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak...that coffin being our flesh.

Does the bible says about the anti christ and the alien life?
i didnt know that :O
tell me more about it.
wow, Lory

Does the bible says about the anti christ and the alien life?
i didnt know that :O
tell me more about it.

this is what the bible says about the antichrist...

The word Antichrist appears only four times in the entire Bible, in the 1st and 2nd Books of John:
1 John 2:18,19 "Children, these are the Last Days. You were told that Antichrist must come, and now several antichrists have already appeared. We know from this, that these are the Last Days. Those rivals of Messiah came out of our own number, but they had never really belonged. If they had belonged, they would have stayed with us, but they left us, to prove that no one of them ever belonged to us."

1 John 2:22-27 "The man who denies that YAHU'SHUAH is the Messiah - he is the liar, he is Antichrist, and he is denying the Father as well as the Son, because no one who has the Father can deny the Son, and to acknowledge the Son, is to have the Father as well."

1 John 4:1- 4 "It is not every spirit, my dear people, that you can trust. Test them, to see if they come from God. There are many false prophets now in the world. You can tell the spirits that come from God by this: Every Spirit which acknowledges that YAHU'SHUAH the Messiah has come in the flesh, is from God, but any spirit which will not say this of YAHU'SHUAH, is not from God, but is the spirit of Antichrist, whose coming you were warned about. Well, now, he is here in the world children. You have already overcome these false prophets, because you are from God, and you have in you One Who is greater than anyone in this world."

2 John verse 7 "There are many deceivers about in the world, refusing to admit that YAHU'SHUAH has come in the flesh. They are the Deceiver; they are the Antichrist".

those 4 scriptures refer not to one being, but to the fruits of deceiving spirits.

when people (including myself in that quote) refer to "the" antichrist, as if it is a particular being, they're referring to this...

the bible doesn't mention aliens per se, but in genesis, it refers to nephilim...

when you read on as to the meaning, the word "fallen" is mentioned quite a bit. i think that these "sons of god" who impregnated the daughters of men to create this race of giants or men of renown were fallen angels...demons.

and in the next chapter of genesis, god decides to wipe out civilization with the great flood because it was so evil, saving one man and his family, because their bloodline was pure.

i think aliens are the nephilim. demonic genetic concoctions that perpetuate the lie of the antichrist.

this is what the bible says about the locusts in revelations...

V 1. "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

V 2. And he opened the bottomless pit: and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

V 3. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

V 4. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

V 5. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

V 6. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

V 7. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

V 8. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

V 9. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

V 10. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

V 11. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
No, you're missing the point. So-called experiences mean diddly squat in the face of reality. This has been made apparent by all the ridiculous things people claim to "experience" from the supernatural to visiting aliens to the paranormal. These are all claimed as experiences.
No, you are mixing two completely different things here and calling them the same.
1. If people falsely claim to have had the experience of being abducted by aliens etc, then that is not really an experience.
2. If someone actually were abducted it would be a valid experience. ( I am not saying people are, but if they were)

Also consider dreams. If I have a vivid dream it is an experience for me i.e. I have had the experience of having a dream. I can feel genuine fear, elation etc in a dream and these emotions are real, sweat and adrenaline glands can work as in a real life situation. Is the contents of the dream real – No. but the experience of the dream is.

Dreaming is a psychologically important part of a human life, you cannot invalidate it as a non experience.