Interview with Christ...

Ok... Let's rewrite everything again... *sigh...

SnakeLord said:
Ok, I'll take it, thanks. That's it, I'm saved now? Well, that certainly wasn't as hard as I might have previously thought. Still, I'm glad you told me when you did - I was about to sacrifice a cow
Salvation involves you to accept Christ in your heart.

Sure but I view it like this..

I like the Eagles music, (Hotel California etc). I never sat down and said to myself "Snake, you're going to like the Eagles", it's something that can't be avoided. This can be said with anything.. Do you know why you like lamb, (example)?

By the same token, these people don't sit down and say "I want to be the kind of guy who likes being violent", it is a natural part of them and they have no choice in the matter.

Do me favour and read Mark Twain's 'What is man?'

I agree very much with that, and that might help you to understand what I'm getting at better than I have been able to type it.
Nobody is born violent. People become violent through the system. Our system is very good in doing that... :rolleyes:

Or, from his story 'Thou shalt not kill':



The Ten Commandments were made for man alone. We should think it strange if they had been made for all the animals.

We should say "Thou shalt not kill" is too general, too sweeping. It includes the field mouse and the butterfly. They can't kill. And it includes the tiger, which can't help it.

It is a case of Temperament and Circumstance again. You can arrange no circumstances that can move the field mouse and the butterfly to kill; their temperaments will ill keep them unaffected by temptations to kill, they can avoid that crime without an effort. But it isn't so with the tiger. Throw a lamb in his way when he is hungry, and his temperament will compel him to kill it.

Butterflies and field mice are common among men; they can't kill, their temperaments make it impossible. There are tigers among men, also. Their temperaments move them to violence, and when Circumstance furnishes the opportunity and the powerful motive, they kill. They can't help it.

Tigers kill to eat. Men many times kill just for sport. There is a big difference... :rolleyes:



He loved to kill. It was his temperament. He did not make his temperament, God gave it him at his birth. Gave it him and said Thou shalt not kill. It was like saying Thou shalt not eat. Both appetites were given him at birth. He could be obedient and starve both up to a certain point, but that was as far as he could go.

Men's temperament is not to kill. Tiger's temperament is not to kill either. We kill to eat. God doesn't want us to kill just for sport, because that is a waste. Life is important. God doesn't want nobody to lose it for no reason at all. Besides, men should never kill men.

The great corruptable world of justice, that serves just as much injustice :) Still, I would submit it as being somewhat more reliable than older methods.
Which other methods? Just because new methodes are "better", should we stop evolving?

In these kind of instances we're not talking about 'people', we're talking about government and politics. I guess any person can fly over to Africa, walk into the middle of a war zone professing love for his fellow man. He will undoubtedly get shot..

Solution usually comes in the form of armed forces, which often cause a lot of deaths, (even innocent deaths), to help achieve that peace and love we speak of.
Violence only creates more violence. The wisest people on earth have already said that...

And yes, violence is entertainment. Is there anyone who didn't like Commando? Worst acting film you'll ever see, but a great film nonetheless. What would you propose be a better way? That man see no violence? A kind of see no evil, hear no evil? To even consider that there could be a planet of people who have nothing but love for each other, is daydreaming plain and simple.
Maybe is daydreaming. But it is better than simply accepting and giving up to our reality. If you just accept it and be defeated, you ain't going to change it.

Not me personally, but that's how the organisers go about it. £100+ (m) per year in red nose day, and it all goes abroad. Bizarre.
Well... that's ok...

Yeah, try telling them that
Well.. better try and be defeated than never try...

No offence to you personally, but there are strange people out there who would perhaps get a little too excited over a photo of a 4 year old.
Do you think so? I have seen so many people posting images of their kids in the internet...! Oh well... that's too bad...

Disagreement leads to conflict, that's the way it is. You can't expect a vegan to get along with a meat eater, a parent to get along with a paedophile, or a religious man to get along with an atheist.
There would be no conflict if people would know what is better for them.

The only way you can really have peace is if everyone is identical, which i've already stated. You can't make people something that they are not.
If they know what is better for them and they accept that, there would be no conflict.

That still leaves a problem with our vegan and our meat eater. The meat eater loves the vegan who loves animals, and as such the meat eater can't kill the animal because it would hurt the vegan. Basically, it all comes down to the same thing that all men must be identical.
Being detached is as important as being involved.

So you accept and embrace the variety of a paedophile, even though his very actions would hurt you- which you said wouldn't be done in any way by someone who loves, which means he'd have to not be a paedophile, which means there is no accepting or embracing variety because he'd actually be the same as you.
Variety is not the only variable. People should love one anther, and that would cancel the paedophile. The variety I'm talking abput is: I like photography and you don't. You like football and I don't. Etc...

That is just one example, but it works for every example available. The only way anyone could do anything that doesn't hurt anyone else is if everyone does exactly the same things, which makes variety null and void.
No, that is not true. A person that likes acting wouldn't hurt a person that likes photography.

Everyone should understand this, including the religious man who would tell people to love everyone. Imperfect people cannot be expected to love everyone - because they're imperfect, and you have to accept and embrace their variety of not loving anyone - which leaves little point in telling them they should love everyone. If you truly embraced their variety, you'd never even try telling them to love everyone.
There would be no people THAT imperfect if our educational system weren't so bad.

Sure you can eat them? The vegan disagrees. You are exterminating those which the vegan loves.
What if the vegan don't see me eating them...

Btw... I might not be vegan, but I still believe that animals have feelings. But at the same time, that's how life works. It is normal for me to eat meat. Wherelse would I get proteins?
Salvation involves you to accept Christ in your heart

And here is so much of the problem. It instantly nullifies your entire speech about allowing variety. You see, the jewish man does not agree with you in the slightest. My parents are jewish, (I was adopted), and as such your faith, (in general - not personally), dooms them to hell already because of this one simple premise. They would disagree based on their understanding of god, but along comes the other man who states his version of god is truth above and beyond theirs. Frankly you have nothing to say which could rival what my parent say, or what the Hindu man down the road says, or what the muslim man round the corner says, or what the atheist sitting in the cafe says.

But here you have this defined version of "To be saved you need...."

On the one hand you talk love, and variety and the freedom of man to be man - but on the other hand you have already alotted the rest of humanity a spot on the barbecue. There is a serious contradiction there, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

So on the one hand you promote humanity, and on the other piss all over it because everyone else is wrong, whereas "you and your bunch" have copyright to the actual truth.

I walk into the pub and see a big bunch of atheists, agnostics and people who just don't care, talking about football, the weather, work, and other such stuff and they all do so without the slightest inclination to judge. Throw a christian in there for fun, and you have someone telling everyone how they should be while at the very same time judging them for being something other than they expect them to be.

It's like that scene from Die Hard 3, where Bruce walks into the Bronx with a sign that says "I hate niggers". I don't think you realise that you 'promote' a lot more than what your mouth says.

You might say "love everyone", but that's not what the rest of you says.

Nobody is born violent. People become violent through the system. Our system is very good in doing that..

Sorry but I completely disagree. I teach my daughter how to go shopping at Sainsbury's. If this was a few thousand years ago I would be teaching my daughter violence. How to kill her food, how to hang the man who disagreed, etc.

When we teach our children violence nowadays, it is all part of history. We teach them about the Romans crucifying people, about Hitler and his war camps, about the barbarism from times before our own lives. On the science side of that, we show how we have stopped those who are inclined to violence. You might go on about science producing nukes, which is fair enough - but when was the last one used against people? It's all a part of history, and modern day man is more tuned in to saving life than taking it. Sure, there will always be conflict- but the overwhelming cause of that modern day conflict is by trying to change and adapt the belief of mental cavemen into modern day society.

The Jews and the Palestinians have been at it since day 1, and never will they cease. The violence is a part of ancient belief, not of modern day man.

Tigers kill to eat. Men many times kill just for sport. There is a big difference...

It seems you're missing the point of the whole story.

Men's temperament is not to kill. Tiger's temperament is not to kill either. We kill to eat. God doesn't want us to kill just for sport, because that is a waste. Life is important. God doesn't want nobody to lose it for no reason at all. Besides, men should never kill men.

Again, you're missing the point of the story. It's about the nature of the beast. Try telling a tiger it should be a vegetarian. Ok, now try telling someone with an impulsion to kill people, that he should love his neighbour. It is an excercise in futility. You cannot change the beast. You, your priest or god. The man is who he is, regardless to your preaching, your books, or your belief in what morals a man should have.

Which other methods? Just because new methodes are "better", should we stop evolving?

There's very little 'eye for an eye' anymore. People are far less inclined to 'get payback'. Instead, murderers, paedophiles and so on get the comfort of being looked after and paid for by the state. Sure, they are forced to do some work, but they are no longer dragged down the road and shot. I would call this evolution of justice, wouldn't you?

Violence only creates more violence. The wisest people on earth have already said that...

This is a debate in itself. I have a friend who uses the forum sig "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity". As you can tell, he is very anti-war, anti-violence, but then again what would he propose? Do we sit by and let Saddam kill 'his' people? There comes a stage where the 'rulers' forget that the general populous do not belong to them specifically. Some take the whole thing too far, thinking that the public are there simply as "cannon fodder" for them. In this instance surely the better method is the deaths of some innocents in order to serve the greater good? On this specific issue I can actually argue both sides though, so I do understand it from both angles. :D

Maybe is daydreaming. But it is better than simply accepting and giving up to our reality. If you just accept it and be defeated, you ain't going to change it.

The thing is, without the "help" from the religious sides, this world would already be a damn lot better off. Non-believers do not go around preaching morals, while at the same time condemning everyone who doesn't agree with their version of morals. Your very first sentence in your last post was "Salvation involves you to accept Christ in your heart", you see- you're already telling me what I must be doing. If I decide not to, I am condemned. It's simply a case of fuck everyone else but you, and I resent that. I am not about to turn round and apologise to the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindus and everyone else because you say you're right. Religion gives little to no fuck about everyone outside of their level of thought. We're just a bunch of hell-doomed individuals that you need to save. The majority don't even look upon us as humans, but as some snivelling little shits in need of your specific help. Without you, the rest of us can kiss our asses goodbye.

Being that much better than the rest of us, it is upto you to tell us how we should be, what we should do, and what we should think. I mean c'mon, don't back out now.. Tell me - what do Jews know? What do Muslims know? Are you happy and willing to call them wrong?

That in itself shows exactly where the problem is. You're all so busy judging humanity while saying "do not judge others". The worst behaviour I have ever witnessed has come from the christian man who is the one trying to tell people what good behaviour is, as if he'd have the slightest fucking idea.

I have been to synagogue, and seen these jewish people praying and doing what they do. They don't go out and tell anyone else what they should or should not believe. They do not go out and tell anyone what they should or should not do, and they most certainly do not go out and tell anyone whether they're condemned to a pit of hell or not. From what I have seen, every religion adopts a "live and let live" policy, except the world of christians who don't give a flying fuck about anyone else - unless they accept their personal idea of truth.

We all sit in shock watching the outcome of lunatics like David Koresh. What you guys don't realise, is that you're all the same- just your ideals differ slightly. If humanity dies out, it would be thanks to the world of religion. Man and science progress, religion keeps everyone in the dark ages, thinking you are morally superior to everyone who doesn't agree with you.

Do you think so? I have seen so many people posting images of their kids in the internet...! Oh well... that's too bad...


I apologise for the 'bleed'. Her hair isn't actually orange, (neither are her hands) :D I suffered a lot of 'bleed' while scanning. Anyway, try telling her she needs to accept an ancient jew as her personal saviour or she's doomed to burn in a pit of fire.

There would be no conflict if people would know what is better for them.

Would you now like to tell me what is better for them? Are people allowed to be individuals? Are people allowed variety? So then, who would you be to tell others what's better for them?

If they know what is better for them and they accept that, there would be no conflict.

There's that term again..

Being detached is as important as being involved.

So what you saying, the vegan has to detach his feelings when someone comes along and exterminates the animal he loves?

The variety I'm talking abput is: I like photography and you don't. You like football and I don't. Etc...

You believe in god, I don't. You believe jesus is a personal saviour, every jew I know, does not. You mean like that?

No, that is not true. A person that likes acting wouldn't hurt a person that likes photography.

Or a person who likes YHWH wouldn't hurt a person who likes Allah? Us actors and photographers don't hurt each other, it's you guys who do. Who's doing the greater good for man and this planet? The photographer or the religious man?

There would be no people THAT imperfect if our educational system weren't so bad.

Ok tell me, what should the educational system be teaching?

What if the vegan don't see me eating them...

What if you don't see me killing your friends? I'm sure you can derive an answer from that.

Btw... I might not be vegan, but I still believe that animals have feelings. But at the same time, that's how life works. It is normal for me to eat meat. Wherelse would I get proteins?

I have nothing wrong with you eating meat - I do the same on the principle that 'god' gave me meat eating teeth and as such it is as natural a part of humanity as farting. However, in the context of loving everyone and making everyone happy, nobody has the right to eat meat- because it upsets the vegan.
Qorl said:
Well George the ending is coming!
wasnt the END suposed to come in year 99-2000?
pray for some intelect :rolleyes:
TruthSeeker said:

It is a pretty important message. It is actually the most important and significant message in the Bible. It says "let all that you do be done in Love". Well, I ask you, what is "all"? All is everything. That sounds pretty broad to me. So, it is indeed a very important message - it includes all that we do in our lives. Not to mention that if everyone would care for one another, this world would be a much better place to live. This is also the formula for perfection. When you Love, you have the capacity of forgiveness and the recognition that nobody is perfect. That, ironically, makes you a pretty perfect person (or at least pretty close to that). This was what I was expecting "Jesus" to answer, but he answered "to be or not to be", so I'm waiting for his reply... :D :cool:
Hi, I didn't notice you had replied (since there are so many posts).

I agree that it is the most important message, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, that's another nice message, that we should share everything with eachother - would be a good way to live.

The meaning with "to be or not to be" as I see it, is that we aren't but we are becoming, thus enables us to become perfect in ourselves. In that sense I think that his responce is good. Not that I think that he is the one, though Jesus is within us all, and we are within Him (as God is within Jesus and Jesus within God).
Cyperium said:
Hi, I didn't notice you had replied (since there are so many posts).

I agree that it is the most important message, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, that's another nice message, that we should share everything with eachother - would be a good way to live.

The meaning with "to be or not to be" as I see it, is that we aren't but we are becoming, thus enables us to become perfect in ourselves. In that sense I think that his responce is good. Not that I think that he is the one, though Jesus is within us all, and we are within Him (as God is within Jesus and Jesus within God).
Oh... you are a Christian? :D

Btw... I don't understand... how could I send this message and I couldn't send a message to SnakeLord? Maybe my message to him is too big...? :confused:

...computers... :rolleyes:
Qorl said:
With END I mean END of search for God.
before you can find it/him/her you must define Gd ! ;)
care to try?
The end will come in 99, just look on TV for signs or in any kind of commercials; everything is in $ 9.99 - $ 6.99 - $ 999.99 - $ 23.99 - $ 772.99 - $ 12.99... or 11.9 % ... As everybody knows, God is extremely mysterious and he make people like Nostradamus talk about 1999 as end. Not only him, even you Q25! 1999 or 99 is not a year but signs all over the world in nine. Go in the store and buy something, you will pay in nine!
that has something to do with salesmanship,
they use numbers that make the price look small!
no mystery there!
Q God is my dad, would claim Qorl, so I'm his father!! So says Godless!!. :D

*that has something to do with salesmanship,
they use numbers that make the price look small!
no mystery there!*

That's capitalism war against tax, for instance the tax of $8.00 would be more than just 7.99, so in order to round it off make it easier for the retailor the .99 cents measure is used.

Qorl: *Nobody around here with ideas any more!

How about a visit to your local psychologist?.

*The book's message is that all human beings are one family, the sons and daughters of one God, the Universal Father.

What a stud!, I only feel sorry for the wife that gave birth to 6billion people on earth, btw, I didn't know I was screwing my sisters all this time!. :bugeye:

*The Urantia Book's view of science, philosophy, and religion is perhaps the clearest and most concise integration of these subjects available to contemporary man. There is little question among the over 400,000 people who have purchased, read, and who study the Book: The Urantia Book has the capacity to make a significant contribution to the religious and philosophical thinking of all peoples; it truly has the potential to shape world destiny

NAA!!! Aint so, this be the first time I hear about the bull shiet book you speak of. First of all I'm not going out running out of here to buy it, it never made it to NY # 1 pic, 400K people running around like you believing to be jesus?. That's crazy enough!!.

*We humans are created by God's sons and we call those beings (God's)

This contradicts the "one god" theory, the book is full of shiet, and silly people buy in to it, such as yourself, not people that know their own minds, and know themselves need this kind of "spiritualism, self searching" crap in order to live a productive and happy life. The reason the book is doing well, is the number of deppresed people in the world, that have no sense of direction, and are too incompetent, to find quidance within, they seek this kind of literature, and bible, and self help books, to try and solve their problems.

*When you have once become truly God-conscious, after you really discover the majestic Creator and begin to experience the realization of the indwelling presence of the divine controller, then, in accordance with your enlightenment and in accordance with the manner and method by which the divine Sons reveal (Jesus Christ the Michael) God, you will find a name for the Universal Father which will be adequately expressive of your concept of the First Great Source and Center.

Here you mean when you become brain washed such as (I-Qorl) you will believe to be some kind of alien jesus, and be enlightentend by the bull shiet you follow, until some day reality just smaks the shiet out of your face and wakes your ass up, that bread is not falling from the sky if you loose your job, that the landlord will kick your ass out of your appartment if you don't pay the rent, that the only way to feed yourself will be to talk crap "preach" bull shiet to others so they may hand you alms.

Godless I'm not blind.

No just dillusional!. Your a nut case Qorl. Facts are facts, you've demonstrated the fact your a nut case, and you prove it each time you tipe the crap that you do.

I give you a dillusion: that a mere man mortal such as yourself can accomplish anything with a warped mind, your mind is warped, and you live in a fantasy. You may be dangerous, hopefully not in the terrorist kind of sense, however dangerous to your self and those around you as well.

I really hope some day you realize this, and go seek some help, take a trip to your nearest psychologist, better yet the psychiatrist, you may need some drugs, to get over such dillusions, and back to reality.

Quote nut case! (Godless;
If I'm so dangerous, why my friends and everyone else trust me? Why
people ask me for advice? How could I handle any kind of job in this
planet - easily? Why people consider me a very good and righteous man -
without luck of course? If I'll be so Ë?stupidË? I will have to go in super
university. I mean in 2000 years people didn't figure out who we are
and how everything happened. Or you still believe that we just appear
here in this world from nothing? Caveman, creation, pyramids and one
million other things are false - wrongly interpreted... There is no school
in this planet that I will going to go, I mean what I will going to
study? If you will only know how stupid is this world - not everyone.
Therapy for you;
Look at yourself really closely, look at your words that you posted.
Listen to yourself, than be honest - not to me I know the truth already.
Grab a bear and think about your behavior. I'm not trying to argue with
you, but be honest with yourself once and for all. People like you are
not consciousness enough to know what they are doing. You are a perfect
example of not knowing or thinking. People who don't agree, they don't
talk with me at all. The ones who do, are polite and interesting what I
will going to say. From you I'm getting only bad words and everything
wrong. Try not to answer with bad words, find a right way and be
stronger than yourself. This is the first step and a big progress in your
life. Becoming more conscious will make you a righteous person. I'm not
thinking that you are stupid or something, but from your words I come to
conclusion of non thinking. Show me that I'm wrong!
Right now you are MAD, you will like to come and show how smart you
are, you will like to write me the worse words you could. You will like to
kick my ass. Man, Be strong :)
-You are strong when you win on yourself, otherwise you are a chicken!

The devil was the most trusted individual, any one can win the trust of fools, however your dillusions don't trick me, I have looked in the mirror, I have been were you are at, dillusional!. BTW I don't drink, smoke pot, nor do I warp my mind with mystical bull shiet, you seem to think you have some "given" knowledge, there's no such thing as instinct, there's no such thing as just knowing, you don't demonstrate any knowledge, other than dillusional tripe, you believe that your some kind of alien jesus, LOL< that's laughable, I wonder if you really tell your friends this, and btw, you don't know what they are saying behind your back. "NUT"

You are special because you believe you are, great good for you, however its not doubtfull by the bull shiet you write here, that you are a bit dillusional, and kind of wacky, "crazy", not crazy to the point that you may do some damage or are dangerous "not yet" however you have very much potential of becoming worst off, Look at your own writing let me show you point by point:

*That's why I'm coming to make this world a better place.

So did Hitler, Stalin, Napolean, catch the drift?.

*Right now is a stupid system that I don't like at all

Coming from nut case like you makes me think just how far, you are willing to go to change things, most radical changes have come by violence, look at history, you are coming with dillusional ideas, no one will take you seriously, are you willing to harm or kill some one to make your point? hell even Jesus was a violent person, who threaten that if one did not love him as the son of god, we burn in damnation hell, that is a threat of giving up one's will living for the hope of avoiding the inevetable death, and promising a nervana after life, or damnation if not in agreement with jesus' ideology.

* I will take everything from them and make them start from the beginning. I will give a shovel to lawyers, politicians, FBI - CIA and similar agents for sure.

LOL,LOL,LOL< If these words are not dillusional, I'm Jesus! LOL, LOL!!! These are the kind of words a crazy man would utter, as if you had any kind of power, to do the above, LOL, LOL, LOL, Can't stop laughing, really go out and tell your friends this one, let them have a good laugh!!!!.

*So people it's better to be a lamb not a wolf.

These are words an idiot would claim the lamb gets eaten by the wolf, fool.

*If people will like to visit or live in the universe is a must to be good. That's why all this growth and belief in good.

More words from an idiot, the universe came to be by violent actions and events, explosions of unimaginable porpotions, people are naturally violent, violence helped make advances in many fields of human advancement, with each war, came new knowledge, we have come to the point and nuclear threshold, the human race will either perish, or thrive with nuclear power, the overwhelming decision against war, is an advancenment in human development and or natural evolution, finally we as a human race have given value to life, however two forces exist within this decission, it must be violence, that will have the outcome for the survival of life, or we just will be mere lamb, of some powerfull landlord, like the likes of Hilter, Stalin or Napolean, the lamb gets eaten by the wolf, one must be a wolf to fight in equal footing, or else you will be only slaves. till the day you die, and perish, finito, asta-la-vista baby, theres' no heaven nor hell, just here and now, make the best of it.

*You lost already but I'm polite and always willing to help so I will give you some answers.

What's the use?, your demented, dillusional, on the virge of crazy, we are here dealing with a nut, and he shows it with every post, and with every post, he refutes my reasoning, and my psychological experience of nuts like these, he digs himself deeper.

*When you talk about Jesus you talk about me.

Read above. and look at his answer, his dillusion is that he believes himself to be alien jesus, or jesus himself, this clearly shows a nut at work, living in dillusion thinking that he comes to bring doom for those who appose, religious rhetorical bull shiet.

*but if I will have to I will teach you on a bad way.

Why must you resort to violence?. aren't you the benevolent jesus?, to bring light to my eyes, yet your dillusion is seen clearly by me and others, if you were actually jesus, or special in a supernatural way you wouldn't need this media, that's primitive to your superior intelect, and omni-everything that you believe you have, see you dig yourself deeper in your own hole?. The intellengent man can see this, you however are blinded by the dillusion you believe. Keep digging your ass to the ground. Your not dealing with a child.

*because I control your body it will be child easy.

Please continue with the jokes, you keep digging yourself to your own intellectual grave, you hardly have control of your own body, and can't even control my thoughts, if you control me you dumb ass, why is it that you make me write to you like this?. Because I know I own my own mind and body you silly fool, you hold no philosophical mirror, not even the bible depicts that god has control of my own body or mind, this is were free will comes in, you keep digging your own intellectual grave at this rate, soon you will be 8 feet under.

*I will make a homeless person equal to Donald Trump

Damn boy you shouldn't be here you ought to be a stand up comic, this is where you would make your money, making a jackass of your self. BTW, pathetic fool, (LOL) means "laughs out loud" which is what I did when I read the (*) above sentence.

*I this category I will include bankers and everyone who will appose me. After all they will have to do something, we wont work for money any more, we will work to live and be happy. Did you mean with LOL an OIL? I know you didn't but White House will.

Damn boy, I will be getting the coffin for you. the hole you dig for yourself will have to be let down by a crane cause you dig yourself deeper ever more with this bull shiet you spewed up above. Please go seek help, you are dillusional and quickly can become psychotic and the above sentence is proof of it.

*Can't you see the point? It's better for everyone to stay still and do nothing, just listen and everything will be just fine. The ones who will try something will parish!!!

With this one we will be driving in the nail in thy coffin, man needs to produce, man's reward for his production is gold, money or something of value, if man be doing nothing, man would live off the efforts of those that do, you promote here a welfare state, sorry I live in one all ready, I don't particularly like it, but this is what you are promoting, however your dillusional warped mind can't comprehend what the hell I'm talking about. The ones who do nothing are the beggards, and the waste of our society that the state provides with my hard earned money idiot, you promote to feed every individual with out effort, production or the means of survival, this in itself shows proves, your dillusional idiotic mind.

*Human didn't come up with any knowledge just with wars and hate

So what the hell do you call this medium? this internet came from the knowledge humans have aquired, this "net" thing, started by communications between colleges, who were inventing this medium of communication for the military use of the US, so in essense, the internet came to be cause of wars, and this is knowledge. Medical knowledge, are keeping humans alive lots longer, now a days, many of the techniques,and technology that came from the medical fields came from related to military doctors, so in essense the many medical technogies of today came from wars, with our military doctors saving lives, and learning better technique for operations, and the such. (OOOHHH!! good the crane driver is comming let me help him load thy cofin has you still haven't yet finished digging your ass in deeper in the hole.)

*God implanted a human spirit and idea of a gun, look how far greed brings this world. O yes hell does exist and heaven is unreachable to humanity right now. Godless you are a machine! God wont you to speak with me, but not in that tone!
Take care and thanks for your opinions.-

First of all Qorl I don't mean to be mean this is just the way I talk, I talk as I type, so what I think and talk is what is been typed get it?. My apolegis for my lack of grammar, and down right country boy style of writing, I don't mean to call you "personally an idiot" just your conclusions of your lack of observations, your ideas is what I call idiotic, however I do learn from idiots: I learn not to be like them!.

Yes look how far greed has brought this world, it gave you this medium so you can type the crap that you do, greed by way of capitalism is what you mean and what you are driving at, I've seen this one before. The old "anti-capitalist ideals of fools" if you have a problem with capitalism do this: 1 quit using the internet, it came about because of pressures from buiness world "capitalists" who urged government of US, to make this a public medium of communication. 2 Dont use electricity, it was discovered by a scientist Benjamin, and harnessed by capitalists, to use for our advantage. Next to that, your computer, the electric power that runs it, on the knowledge, and science behind of it all to make it work, all this is what capitalism has brought you so you can use it. if you don't like greed, you do feed the greed just by the mere use of it. so quit!.(coffin loaded crane operator, ready to burry you in the hole that you so elonquently dug yourself in)

*O yes hell does exist and heaven is unreachable to humanity right now.

Heaven and hell, represents other dimentions of existence, a metaphisical imposibility, there's no emperical evidence or proof that such realms of existence exist, other than in "spiritual sense" which is btw, subjective, and mostly crapopsychological "in other words bull shiet" I live in the here and now, I dont worry about the future, other than just my investments futures, "well tha's just another thing you'll wouldn't understand" I invest money and make plenty of it. Futures, stocks, etc. I'm a capitalist. (sorry i diviated) anyhow, existence exists, here and now and only this existence exists, if I were for a nano second believe that such crapopsychological ideas such as other realms of existence exists I will be denying the existence in which I do exist. (Thus with this the crane operator, is slowly letting the coffin down, in the real deep intellectual hole that you've so elonquently dug your self in, the end Qorl, any refute from you would be foolish beyond all means as such you will only dig yourself even deeper. ) Seek help you need it!.

Well that would be right, pseudoscience! LOL. I didn't even know he had been banned from religious forum, M*W. What is going on he is dillussional, and believes himself to be an "Alien Jesus" or Jesus C. himself, come back after two thousand + - years, he believes to be the messiah, I urge you to read this thread, a bit, so you can see the warped mentality, SnakeLord, tried to help him however I've not seen him for a spell, and I'm still debate with him, for mere boredom and practice typing. LOL.

Godless said:
Well that would be right, pseudoscience! LOL. I didn't even know he had been banned from religious forum, M*W. What is going on he is dillussional, and believes himself to be an "Alien Jesus" or Jesus C. himself, come back after two thousand + - years, he believes to be the messiah, I urge you to read this thread, a bit, so you can see the warped mentality, SnakeLord, tried to help him however I've not seen him for a spell, and I'm still debate with him, for mere boredom and practice typing. LOL.

M*W: I read the first couple of posts and didn't waste my time reading any more. He's a lunatic. (James R, where are you?)