Interview with Christ...

hehehe.... :p
It was this guy who thought he was the Christ...... :D

Yaba Daba! :m:
TruthSeeker said:
What is the secret of life?
What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?
Eat Mo' Bacon.
What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?
It was originally meant to be something involving bacon.
What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
Why we were created in the way we are?
I wanted to make something most suited to eating bacon.
Why there is suffering in the world?
Because no one eats enough bacon.
What exactly is ignorance?
Not eating enough bacon.
What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
An endless supply of Bacon and booze.
]How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
By eating more bacon.
How can we reach true joy?
By eating even more bacon.
Bacon is GooD. Bacon is GoD.

Serouisly, though, bacon is quite possibly the greatest food product e'er created, with the slightly possible exception of individually-wrapped cheese slices.
Katazia said:

I understand that but my point is that the message of 'love' is not prolific throughout the bible which is in essence the instruction manual for Christianity. Had 'love' been such an important message as you seem to want us to believe then why is it not emphasized more frequently and more prevalently than we observe?

You state that love is the MOST important message yet the bible does not reinforce your opinion. It seems to me that you have adopted the idea that love is a panacea yet you are ignoring the large number of other diverse characteristics of humanity, intellectualism is but one other important property that both complements the role of love and at times makes love unnecessary.

I do not see that a perfect society will be the necessary result if everyone simply loves everyone else. I do not have to love someone to be able to effectively communicate and live alongside them without conflict. To suggest that everyone must love everyone imposes a level and depth of emotional commitment that is over the top and will essentially devalue love when used in a more intimate relationship.

A perfect world would be one where everyone exhibits a desire to cooperate, be prepared to understand another’s point of view, to be always compassionate, and to desist from any potential hateful conflict. This is not love but instead is the essentials for a peaceful society.

Perhaps you are using the term ‘love’ in a more encompassing mode than you should.

Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.

Leviticus 19:18
" 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:34
The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

...and the NT is full of love messages.
Hapsburg said:
Bacon is GooD. Bacon is GoD.

Serouisly, though, bacon is quite possibly the greatest food product e'er created, with the slightly possible exception of individually-wrapped cheese slices.
Yeah, you gotta love them. They are so practical....

Yaba Daba :m:
Oh, great, retard-boy is back again.
Jadon, we've said a thousand time: your 'god' belief is devoid of logic, and is ergo illogical and therefore cannot be used as debate point, and is thusly FALSE. Try taking a stance that uses logic, next time.
You lose. Go home.