Interview with Christ...

Ok I take it this is role playing....Ok I'll play Jesus for you......

1. What is the secret of life? Me being Jesus would say.......Thats your first question! ? , if it is, your not even gonna understand the answers to any other questions you got ? Do you have anymore questions for me ?

2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth? Your human body will cease to exsist.

3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...
Well if I really was Jesus I'd know that, but Im not Jesus - so I dont know, .....(why would you ask Jesus this question?? :bugeye:

4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
You my child.

5. Why we were created in the way we are?
Because you are the most beautiful thing in the universe. I love beautiful things.

6. Why there is suffering in the world?
Good question my child... Mankind is cannot understand the answer to this question in your lifetime here on Earth... this is why I tell you now my child....(Jesus running his fingers through my hair) believe in me..... believe that when you die that I will be there for you with open arms.... you will walk with me in my kingdom and all your questions will be answered... have faith in me now and forever - and I will share all with you. ... trust in me as I do you.

7. What exactly is ignorance?
Ignorance is just a word to make you feel better about yourself.

8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
When your brain ceases to exsist you will find out.

9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
Everything is perfect my son, you will understand in due time.

10. How can we reach true joy?
Live your life my child. Everyday is true due time you will understand.
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TruthSeeker said:
That's a pretty good answer. But...


1 Corinthians 16:14
"Let all that you do be done in Love."

Do you see any connection between those 2 quetions/answers? ;)


I edited my post without seeing this reply of yours !! nice....
What do you think of my edited reply....... shit If I would have read your post before , I probably wouldnt have changed anything.... :bugeye:
I think I preferred your former one.... even with the "mythology" answer. In this question it was definetely better:

How can we reach true joy?

Unconditional Love.

I don't like the latest one very much....
Try reading mine.... it is somewhere around.... ;)
I think it is in the page before this one....
I forgot to answer my own questions... "Truthseeker"......

“ 1. What is the secret of life? ”

Love and be yourself.

“ 2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth? ”

Love one another.

“ 3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...? ”

"Let al that you do be done in Love."

“ 4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe? ”

Love, a smile on everyone's face and a baby on my arms....

“ 5. Why we were created in the way we are? ”

A good story needs a good conflict...
Now, seriously, we weren't...

“ 6. Why there is suffering in the world? ”

Because people don't know any better.

“ 7. What exactly is ignorance? ”


“ 8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like? ”

The present moment.

“ 9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible? ”

By loving one another, we can reach the limit of perfection, but not perfection itself (i.e. lim of perfection= love). Only truly loving one another, with perfect love, that we can be perfect. Since that is not fully accomplishble without God, that is not presently possible in this world.

“ 10. How can we reach true joy? ”

Love leads to peace, which leads to true Joy.

LOL - I dont know bro...... yours is a little corny... :D , you are supposed to be thinking like Jesus,,,, not you !!! , I know I know , its impossible.... but it doesnt look like you even tried !! lol , Im going ot edit my suffering question check it out........ give me a few minutes here..... and remember , this is what Jesus would say IMO.....
I'll try answering them.

“ 1. What is the secret of life? ”

To worship and serve your creator, letting go of worldly things and storing up treasures in heaven.

“ 2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth? ”

There is not "only one law", but the greatest commandment is that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.

“ 3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...? ”

Let all that you do be done in love.

“ 4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe? ”


“ 5. Why we were created in the way we are? ”

Because you were made in our image.

“ 6. Why there is suffering in the world? ”

Because of sin, and though sin, suffering entered the world

“ 7. What exactly is ignorance? ”

Lack of knowledge.

“ 8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like? ”

Eternity has no begining or end, and in it a thousand years on earth pass by like the blink of an eye

“ 9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible? ”

Humans will not be perfect, unless they believe in me. If they believe in me, they will be given new bodies once I have come for them the second time. On earth, it is not possible because of man's sin nuture.

“ 10. How can we reach true joy? ”

By doing what you were created to do, which is to serve and worship Me.
TruthSeeker said:
You didn't answer like Jesus would...

sin is not the answer, everyone knows we suffer because of sin.... but why Jesus , why do we suffer....... thats the question.... Has nothing to due with Adam and Eve...... not from Jesus's perspective. Understand..?
OliverJ said:
sin is not the answer, everyone knows we suffer because of sin.... but why Jesus , why do we suffer....... thats the question.... Has nothing to due with Adam and Eve...... not from Jesus's perspective. Understand..?
No. And Jesus wouldn't asnwer with sin anyways....
So if suffering has nothing to do with sins, then where do you propose it comes from?
Enigma'07 said:
So if suffering has nothing to do with sins, then where do you propose it comes from?

Sin is a word your religion spawned..... it means nothing to me, I know whats right from wrong.... getting a hardon for the neighbor lady when she is lying around in her bikini is not wrong !! Catch ma drift here ?
(Figurative speaking here..... my neigbor lady wieghs about 400 pounds.... no offense to 400 pound people)

So if suffering has nothing to do with sins, then where do you propose it comes from?

Watching your children die, getting hit by a bus, getting lung cancer at the age of 20 etc etc etc etc etc.

None of that has anything whatsoever to do with "sin", but that's where suffering comes from.
Enigma'07 said:
So if suffering has nothing to do with sins, then where do you propose it comes from?
I didn't say that. I said that sin has nothing to do with what I wrote in the beginning.
Snakelord, so suffering is an action, but not a consequince, right?

OliverJ, how do you know what is "right" and what is "wrong"?
Enigma'07 said:
Snakelord, so suffering is an action, but not a consequince, right?

OliverJ, how do you know what is "right" and what is "wrong"?

Long story acutally, but I'll give you the short version....... Welp I never had parents growing up.... raised by my grandmother - who was a little sadistic in her nurturing..(long story).. also, I was not only sexually abused 3 times as a child by 3 different persons...... I was physically abused --- and emotionally abused quite often I may add. Had to go to work at age 13 thru a govenment program that alowed underage children to go to work to help pay the bills(one episode of sexual abuse happend during this time) - lived my entire life partying and doing no good at all for mankind...... but then something happend...... I had a son........... long story short again here ....... all my sons teachers , thru daycare and kindergarten....... ALL say this boy is the most loving child they ever had the pleasure of being with........ why? because I live my life thru Altruism........ I had 33 years of nothing but hate in my heart .... then , son was born...... found my unconditional love I so longed for in my there is not an ounce of hate in my very being, anger sometimes sure.... hate never... and the rest is history. There is my life in a nutshell. Could write a book really, but you know.......

So how do I know whats right from wrong....... because I learned it from my heart. And nobody can ever tell me otherwise. Because that my friend is the truth of the matter.
OliverJ said:
Long story acutally, but I'll give you the short version....... Welp I never had parents growing up.... raised by my grandmother - who was a little sadistic in her nurturing..(long story).. also, I was not only sexually abused 3 times as a child by 3 different persons...... I was physically abused --- and emotionally abused quite often I may add. Had to go to work at age 13 thru a govenment program that alowed underage children to go to work to help pay the bills(one episode of sexual abuse happend during this time) - lived my entire life partying and doing no good at all for mankind...... but then something happend...... I had a son........... long story short again here ....... all my sons teachers , thru daycare and kindergarten....... ALL say this boy is the most loving child they ever had the pleasure of being with........ why? because I live my life thru Altruism........ I had 33 years of nothing but hate in my heart .... then , son was born...... found my unconditional love I so longed for in my there is not an ounce of hate in my very being, anger sometimes sure.... hate never... and the rest is history. There is my life in a nutshell. Could write a book really, but you know.......

So how do I know whats right from wrong....... because I learned it from my heart. And nobody can ever tell me otherwise. Because that my friend is the truth of the matter.
M*W: OliverJ, I knew there was something special about you!