Interview with Christ...

Qorl, I know who I am, you ovioulsly are still working on identifying who you want to be, it is not about ignorance, it is beliefs upon unprovable assertions, and the acceptance of those rhetorical assertions.

Man's freedom of imagination and thirst for knowledge put this civilization where it is at today. Clearly it has been a rocky road, we're here dealing with two forces, (those who produce/those who live off the producers) you figure that out. Man needs to hunt and feed himself no longer, it was man's inovation to create markets, and the freedom to do so that has brought civilization this wonderful technological inovations. The only thing that man need do now is either produce values to live by his own means, or live off the producers as he usurps the values that others produce.

What sort of freedom do you offer?.
I have the idea, that you even know the meaning of "freedom" for you don't preach it, you preach, as if you were some sort of messiah, that you are here to take care of everything, clearly "dillusional" and that you will destroy those who oppose you, hell that's the history of the world man, pathetic idiots such as yourself, always come and go you are not original.

You try to appeal at my anger calling me a Kid! as if I were merely a child, however it is you that has come back for even more "knowledge" of what you are getting from me, it is you that digs yourself in an even deeper intellectual hole, and who is trying to hand me a shovel to help you dig it. Sorry fellah!, I've already told you my mind is not deranged, get off that crack hit, that made you think that you were better than everyone else, and that some how you are now enlighten by god's grace, to bring light to the world. It is I that's trying to hand you a coffin for that deep intellectual hole you keep digging.

Psychology is one of my favorite fields of study, why I come back to see what crap you spew, is to see and analyse what the "Qorl" the nut is saying now and again, I've had experience with other mythical messianic individuals such as yourself thorough these here forums, you are hardly ORIGINAL, just one more nut with a vision of warped enlightenment.

Where is the emperical proof of your assertions?. You can hardly prove to me that you even exist!. You are a nut case, I try to point it out, and try to help you realize it, this is only my nature. I like to help those in need, and believe me fella, you need some psychiatric treatment. That you don't heed my words, is like trying to tell an alcoholic, that the alcohol is killing him, I try and then tell you that this ideological crap you follow, is killing you. However both, you and the alcoholic have sense of denial, you both deny to yourselves that that makes you feel so "good" can be so wrong. Your dillusion is the alcohol, you are dillusionholic. Keep digging fellah, seems that you just wont put the shovel down. This is my last post to you, about this topic.

NOT because you now will cry out that you win, there's no winners or loosers in philosophical arguments there is just those who keep believing their assertions however warped they may be, and those who have to keep moving on, and find other interests. Frankly is that you don't interest me. I pitty you, just as I pitty the alcoholic.

Sorry Godless, but Qorl needs more help than I can offer on a forum. :D


1) If, for whatever reasons, you feel the need to pass yourself off as some alien being from biblical history - that is fine, but it would come across as a lot more worthy if you got your English skills sorted out.

If someone said they didn't understand you, you would most likely tell them it's because you're a superhuman and they're inferior, but the fact is - you just type for shit.

2) I find serious problems with your thoughts of yourself because it didn't come from you, you got it all from a book. In short: you read a book, and then elevated yourself to the books character descriptions. If you really were an alien, you wouldn't have got it all from a book.

3) Another reason is your apparent 'childlike innocence', that you show when you write things such as:

"You know I will going to married with Beyonce Knowles. Well Queen will have to be perfect for a King. Look at her; beautiful, sexy and smart. God reads my mind",

"I believe that I am alien (God-Gray-for sure) Jesus Christ. I am doing what God wont's from me. Maybe sometimes I am free willing too much, but I am trying very hard."

"In school I was always in the the middle of the attention. I was the best in sports and everybody likes me wherever I went. I am not alone I have 100 of friends and they know me all over the world."

The above examples are the kind of things that 15 year olds would say - it is NOT how adults talk, (unless they have serious problems).

Total doubt is also cast by your own sentence: "I believe I am alien..."

What worth is your "belief" to anyone else? A belief is something lacking any fact, any proof and is utterly worthless in the grand scheme of things.

It is quite apparent you're a mid-teenager, with social problems, parent problems and money problems. While I feel sorry for you- running away from reality, (because of a book you read), is not the solution.

Furthermore, telling everyone you're better than them, smarter and superhuman does not help your case when you show the complete opposite with your words. Now, you said you're the "best listener", so listen good...

Don't say a word to anyone until you have the whole idea worked out in your head. If you continue to waffle barely legible words that are so contradictory to what you said before that, and try and pass yourself off as something better than anyone, you will undoubtedly be institutionalised. Get your ideas firmly in your head, (if you need to, read that book once more), jot them on paper in point format:

1) My name is blah blah, I am an alien from planet whatever, I came here via spaceship in the year 0000 etc.

2) My mission is to promote love on the world yada yada.


Once you have done this, it will be easier for other people to grasp what you're saying, you wont come across as being a lonely teenager, (even though you quite clearly are a lonely teenager), and you might even gather support because some intelligence would be seen behind your posts.

Everything you're doing right now is wrong.

If you believe you can do this right now, ignore this post and just give a point format list of who you are, where you're from, what your mission is and so on. Also give some background details as to how you found out you were some kind of alien etc..
I type really good

No you don't.

My grammar is part of the plan

What plan? The plan to look like an uneducated halfwit?

Actually I'm not trying to learn at all

That does not surprise me in the least.

Everything that I know is from the inside

I can see that.

My thoughts are not from any book maybe I give just some examples from the Bible.

Oh really? On page 6 you were going on about the Urantia. You then claimed you were one of those in that book. You even told us to read it to learn more about you. You also went on to say:

"The Urantia Book's view of science, philosophy, and religion is perhaps the clearest and most concise integration of these subjects available to contemporary man"

Followed by a statistic of 400,000 followers, (all of whom probably think exactly the same as you do).

Just as a sidenote, did you know Stephen Kings novels always sell at well over 1 million copies in England alone. If you use this as a statistic you'll see the urantia is nothing more than an unknown jumble sale book.

Now, I wouldn't expect you to speak the truth, (if you even understand what that word means), but it is somewhat apparent you "came up with the idea", after reading this book. I see your type of people every single day of the week, you have nothing to say that hasn't been heard 50,000 times before, and frankly you're a tad boring due to your inability to express yourself with better language usage.

I've seen your kind come and go, I've even heard the "thank you's" once the pills start working. These people go on to lead an ordinary life, and are rather embarrased if anyone even brings up their former thoughts in discussion. However, at the time they were suffering from their own neuroses, they said everything you do - only they did it better.

I have to talk like a kid with kids.

Don't try and pass the buck now, ok. You're a teenage boy with typical teenage neuroses who has a crush on an adult singer. That's all there is to say. It's really nothing to be ashamed of, and although the internet does give you the ability to "big it up", it really is not worth the effort. It is also not an excuse to have such dire English skills. If you have something to say, at least make it legible so everyone else can read it.

If you will only know how hard is to believe in claims that I made, not for you but for me

I wonder where the doubt comes from. If you are what you claim to be, and are well aware that you are what you claim to be, your above sentence wouldn't be stated. I had a chat with a guy who thought he was white, and related to the Queen, (England). He was in fact a very large black guy, but there was no doubt whatsoever in his mind that he was in fact a white man. People like this do not turn around and say "Do you know how hard it is for me to believe what I'm saying/who I am?" It does not happen - plain and simple.

Like I said to you earlier, if you want to sound more convincing - stop with all the self-doubt, that just shows the serious level of neuroses that you suffer from. Also take the time to get your story straight, so you can finally try and show some credibility. Furthermore, stop blaming your inabilities on everyone else. Take responsibility for once in your life heh.

Sometimes I don't won't to believe but as soon my unbelief comes I get a starter like some sign.

Like what? Please, do me a favour and list some "signs".

I didn't told to anyone that I'm better

I suggest you re-read all your posts, (If you can).

My idea is Superman's idea

You mean the guy with the red underpants and cape?

I left a lot's of evidences on the internet already.

Now I'm interested. Show me some of your sites, your evidence.

For you right now is not interesting, but I assure you when the time will come you will be all ears and eyes.

I assure you that when the time comes, you'll either be in a padded cell or on some serious medication. You'll feel a hell of a lot better about yourself though.

Can't you see man, I was born as a human just like you and everyone else.

That's obvious. So why you keep claiming you're an alien then?

Even you and everyone thinks that I'm completely crazy or delusional

Hey, we all suffer from problems - don't be ashamed.

Check out the web site below and look at my picture and Grays picture. Find out about codes and everything in it. You will notice that in the message is word Believe. This word have the biggest meaning in the human history and because of this word this world is in chaos. Anyway's crop circles appearing in England a lot so I'm sure you will find some interest in all this.

So... you showed me some crop circles? You're amusing. I was working in the field of the paranormal for 17 years, and I know many of the people responsible for crop circles. I've even had the opportunity to see them making some. Very gifted individuals, I'll give them that.

Just look at the uniqueness of the pictures, human hand could never do something close to this.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I do hate to be the one to break it to you, I understand how upsetting it must be.

Look, quite clearly you believe in aliens and that is all fine and wonderful. I spent 17 years looking for them, did lectures about them and so on, but you're clinging to the wrong aspect of your belief. If you want to believe in aliens I would advise you do some study first.

The truth is coming soon, Believe.

You know.. wherever I turn there's always someone saying that. It's starting to get real tiresome. Advice: Make up a better line - that one is so overused it has no value. Please.
You really don't know when to give up Qorl do u? Have u realized that I haven't received any divine punishment like you had threatened to strike me down with when i closed your last thread? Why is this? Can u explain to me why your giving me empty threats and others false information?
-I type good it means fast, you didn't get it.

No, you didn't get it. Type slower and spend more time getting your English skills sorted. Then people might 'connect' with you more.

-I read couple chapters of Urantia book and I know that is written by God.

The Urantia site says it was written by "celestial beings", not god, but then goes on to say it was authored by a physician and a bunch of friends.

In the early 20th century, a physician practicing in Chicago became the head of a group known as the Contact Commission. This small group was the focal point for the production of, and the primary custodian for, the final text of The Urantia Book.

I also wonder about "final text". If written by god, I would ask why the first text wasn't good enough. Does god need to do first and second drafts like a human author or what? I wonder how many rewrites he did.

However, this still supports my case. You read a book, (or some parts of the book), and elevated yourself to status of characters in the book.

Stephen King is created by God if you didn't know that.

Wrong. Stephen King was created by Mr and Mrs King.

-I'm not raying to convince anyone any more. Doubt is not because of me is because of time.

Why you leaving soon? That would be the most interesting thing you've said thus far.

-If I try to do something that I shouldn't I get a sign from whoever is around me. Maybe I will hear something from my mother to change my mind or I will hear on TV something inspiring, pop up window will open from nowhere with a clear massage. Right now my sister switch on the another channel, it is a song Behind The Sun - it talks about believing - Matrix man.

The other day I was hungry, and all of a sudden *drum roll* an advert comes on the TV for a Mars Bar. Must be a sign right... :bugeye:

No offence but your quote is yet another example of a child-mind. While I will certainly try to give you some 'breathing room' because of this, I still have to debate your claims. The only real problem so far is you're not actually making a specific claim. You're jumping around, contradicting yourself all the while and not being clear about what it is you actually believe. As I said earlier, I can only stress to you the importance of putting down your exact belief in point format, so the rest of us can see what you're getting at.

I don't need to read any books I get answers from you and everyone around me.

Apparently you do, after all - your whole belief comes from a book.

I'm live more than one life

Who were you in your last life? Where, what date? etc etc.. Details please.

and I'm trained to know what is right or wrong

Me too. I can thank my parents for that.

If you will only know where you living than you wouldn't think that way.

I live in London, what's your point?

you even go to eat, sleep or on the vacation on Gods command. Everything is already written.

Evidence please..

-My heart is a heart of a superhero or a Superman. This people will help you anytime anywhere.

I do find it rather strange that you keep using the word superman or superhero or some other child fantasy. Every sentence you come out with just goes more to show your age is about 13-15. Earlier on you made the claim that you were 30 years old, but that is quite simply not true. As you have told "porkies" in that instance, who's to believe anything else you say?

-Go on my last forum and find some web sites that I posted. Of course you will have to do a lot of thinking, conclusion doesn't come in one month for humans.

A) I'm not psychic, I wouldn't know where your 'last forum' was.

B) I'm asking you, and I'm sure for a guy who "has a heart of a superhero", you'd be willing to help me out and provide links to your sites. Just earlier you were saying how you would help people anytime, anywhere. Give me some links.

-I am born as a human and I didn't come from space with awareness who I am. Everything that I do is from faith.

Faith? You mean you don't actually know, you're just assuming based on what two chapters of a book told you?

-Some crop circles are made by people, but not this ones. Human knowledge is far behind this kind of technology.

Technology? It's art you silly boy - it doesn't require super warp plasma manifolds or laser guns. I've seen it done, and it is immense. I can't even draw a stick man perfectly, but these people have a true talent for their art. In the same way I've seen people take awesome photographs, and seen people who can't even hold a camera. It's about individual ability, not technology. Actually it reminds me of that young blind boy who is the most amazing artist you'll ever see. He paints incredible pictures and he's blind ffs.

Use your mind and look again, who do you think build pyramids.

A) They have nothing whatsoever to do with crop circles

B) Let's just accept that pyramids were built by aliens. Ok, now that's settled, tell me what it has to do with your claims that you are an alien?

C) I've seen the pyramids, been inside the pyramids, and stood on the pyramids. They most certainly are awesome, but there's little reason to just stand up and say "aliens did it". That is the action of idiots.

-You were looking for aliens for 17 years and you find one when you at least expected.

Wrong. I've found a young teenage child who pretends to be at least twice his age, talks of having a crush on pop stars and being a superhero.

As you see in 17 is seven and seven is me Alien Jesus Christ. You give me more than one sign already.

All due respect, but I fail to see how seven would correlate to you being an alien jesus christ. What's more pertinent to assume is that you're just a drivelling simpleton.

-I'm not making up the better line, that's how it has to be and I really don't fell like proving anything any more.

Any more? You mean there was a time when you did prove something? I have yet to see any of that.
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God has no gramar and can't put senteces together, if this is the message boy, medium "it" has found, dillusional beyond belief. Part of his statements remind me of my crack addict days: * If I try to do something that I shouldn't I get a sign from whoever is around me. Maybe I will hear something from my mother to change my mind or I will hear on TV something inspiring, pop up window will open from nowhere with a clear massage. Right now my sister switch on the another channel, it is a song Behind The Sun - it talks about believing - Matrix man. I don't need to read any books I get answers from you and everyone around me. I'm live more than one life and I'm trained to know what is right or wrong. If I only think about something I will sneeze or someone else will. If you will only know where you living than you wouldn't think that way. If you believe me or not, you even go to eat, sleep or on the vacation on Gods command. Everything is already written.*

He's a young man on drugs, I've been exactly where this shmuc is now, I've had the illusion I could hear people's thoughts, and that I had supernatural powers, this is called a mild case of schizophrenia, it has happened twice in my life time once on too much crack, the other while much younger on too much acid. I've also read, that such strong religious devotions, such strong zeal as to go as far and speak in tongues, is also a mild form of schizophrenia, frankly Qorl, this is the reason I tried to help you, this the reason I worry about you, thus is my nature. Because I've been there before, I'm lot older and wiser, than you will ever know. Heed our warning to you, keep up with this rhetoric, and soon you will end up in the loony bin, please do talk to your friends about your beliefs, tell everyone, tell the preacher down the church, tell the mail man, tell everyone in real life, so they can have your ass commited. Dont' be ashamed to ask for help. This is how it helped me, and finally quit doing drugs, and quit believing in crap without having true inspiration as to what was that I believed or a clear road that I should follow. Get help man!!. You've done fried your brains.

That Guns N' Roses song comes to mind right now... "Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse...", and while I can be faulted for doing just that, I feel it a need on my part to try and help others back from the realms of insanity.

-I'm trying as much as I can. God's plan of my grammar is that words on a different (wrong) places gives more than one meanings.

No Qorl, do not think you can give any old excuse to everything and assume it works. The fact is your English sucks bigtime. It's not god, aliens or leprechauns - it's you and your inability to type in legible English. Stop trying to pass it on to everything and everyone else. Although there is a specific reason you do this, I will not go into it, because it's obvious you wont pay any attention.

-Everything is written and created by God even your life and your soul.

Nothing but frogs vomit. However, seeings as you wanted to make that claim, I now ask you to prove it. Can't? Shuttup then.

-I'm not leaving anywhere and if you're interesting in something, just ask.

Shame. As for interest, I am certainly interested to how you formulate these signs of yours, for instance:

"LEO and GRAY mean Jesus"

"-7 is Jesus Christ everybody knows that."

I mean seriously, I've had more intellectual discussions with garden vegetables.

-My belief comes from the inside, I didn't read any book on my theory.

Well this is quite clearly a lie. Firstly here you went on about the Urantia, and on your other thread, you said:

"In the beginning of this year I get Mormons book in my hand and that's how I become aware."

The book of mormon isn't a book?

-I was an Alien Gray in my past life.

Do you even know where that term came from? However, that aside, tell me where you were, what dates and so on, like I've already asked. Saying you were an alien is not sufficient.

-To know right from wrong is not like red and blue.

As with the rest of your posts, I fail to see your point. Did I ever say right from wrong was like red and blue? I don't think I did.

-Your living in God's computer system and you are an intelligent machine.

And very shortly you'll be living in one of god's computer system's mental institutions.

The one is that you're asking me about belief and decision who I am. I don't fell like doing it any more an God is forcing me thru messages and signs to be more active. Time is pain and is hard to be persistent as God wasn't me to be

You sound like one of those poor bastards standing on street corners with a sign saying; "The end is nigh". I agree with you that you need a girlfriend, but can also guarantee you, you wont find one acting like you do. Of course you're only young so give it time.

-I'm talking about superhero's hearts.

Why any grown man would be talking about superhero's is beyond me. The same goes with crushes on pop singers and pretty much everything else you've said thus far. You're 13-15, case closed.

-I started my forum while I was in Los Angeles. A lot of thing happened until now, look at the dates and what I had to go thru. I did everything by fate and thru all this path God lead's me.

Well I'd have to agree with everyone else there. Doesn't look like you get much support here, does it? I wonder what you're doing wrong.

-Blind boy painted with feelings just like me knowing the truth. You need to believe to see. This crop circles I mean 3D pictures are not made by a human and by the way I do know how I look alike. It is my picture out there.

You're hanging on to a dream that isn't real. Time to wake up and move on young man.

-Pyramids or triangles are everywhere.

That's... fascinating, but again it's irrelevant to your claims of being an alien jesus.

-I'm much older than you but your unbelief is making you a more knowing.

Well like I said, you're a young teenager, so you'd hardly be older than I. However, if you'd care to take a guess at my age, feel free.

-7 is Jesus Christ everybody knows that. I am him and I had many dreams even dying on the cross.

What is this bollocks? 7 is a number, and that's it. How did you derive at 7 = jesus? One other thing... dreams are not reality.

-Man I can't prove anything right now, all this writings have to do with my fate and belief.

And thus are worthless. Goodbye.
Hummm... this thread took an interesting path...
I didn't plan that. :D

Just as a remark, I don't believe that the piramids were built by aliens (maybe they were, but who knows?). However, they seem to be quite spetecular and big for human beings on those times they were built. Not to mention that they are perfectly aligned with the constelation of Orion. Of course, the egiptians used to be quite interested in Astronomy, as they needed it for agriculture and to go around the desert. But it is interesting and puzzling to note their accuracy.

Btw... Qorl... I think the Bible says that the piramids were build by the Jewish people, isn't that right? Weren't the Jews the slaves that built the piramids? Than Moses lead them out of their slavery, into the promise land. What do you say about that?
It has been found that Jewish slaves didn't build the piramids. They were built by the Egyptians themselves.

Did slaves build the pyramids?
The alleged "tyranny of Khufu (Cheops)" cited by the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 500 BCE), was generally accepted, and even elaborated upon, by non-factual writers. Firstly, there is no evidence to suggest that people were compelled to work against their will. Indeed, if anything, the opposite is more probable. Upon rational reflection, it is reasonable to suppose that they labored willingly. This is not hard to comprehend once the notion of the pyramid being a tomb is dismissed. The sheer quality of craftsmanship in the construction of the pyramids suggests a pride in the work.

Secondly, rational scholars challenged the notion of slave labor, since managing such huge numbers of disgruntled slaves, gathered in one small area, would have been a potentially explosive task.

Thirdly, Herodotus reported that his Egyptian guide told him that Khufu’s predecessor, Snefru, was a good king. Yet the three mighty pyramids at Dahshur and Meidum, attributed to Snefru, required much more stones and labor than that required for the Great Pyramid itself. This is a major contradiction in Herodotus’ account of the tyrant and good kings.
Herodotus was relating information that has been transferred by word-of-mouth, over a span of 2,000 years. One should expect some inconsistencies.

Lastly, the role of the Pharaoh was not to rule/govern, but to be the medium between the people and the supernatural forces, for the benefit of the health and well-being of the land and people.

However you can believe what ever it is you want to belive. Do you agree with the nut Qorl? then aliens built the damn thing. LOL!!! BTW the nut believes "lol," stands for oil, lol, cracking up over here ROLFl!!! btw Qorl that stand for Rolling On Floor Laughing!! LOL, hehehehehe!!.

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You are cool

That is your answer? Isn't it evitable now that he isn't jesus or anything he claims to be? Stop answering to his childish and foolish responces and let him continue to bathe in his stupidity.
Well Truthseeker... Prove it wrong. Science can call this person a delusional nut bag, religion can't. He has just as much credibility as anything the world of religion claims.
SnakeLord said:
Well Truthseeker... Prove it wrong. Science can call this person a delusional nut bag, religion can't. He has just as much credibility as anything the world of religion claims.
Well... I don't like the word "religion"... but anyways...

I'm confused. I just want to stop a little bit and have some fun. My 20<sup>th</sup> birthday is in about 1 month... and I have done nothing but studying in my entire life... I wanna have fun... :(
Wow!!! to be 20 again, what a bliss!!!! That would be awsome, the things I know now, the things I would do different, the well, I could go on and on. Happy b early b day. :)

LOL for OIL was a jock

You know with most people I don't pick on spelling however with an idiot, like yourself, that proves it with every post, I must tell you. You were not (joking) you were utterly telling the truth, that one time!!, you are tracing back way back of things you've said and stated, and then contradict yourself. Just like the bible you read, that contradicts itself so do you. It's (joke) pathetic fool!!. what you spelled has a meaning too, a Jock is some one who's into sports, or could be the type of protective gear a man wears to protect his testies. LOL... so which was it a Jock or a Joke? LOL, LOL, LOL.

**Stop answering to his childish and foolish responces and let him continue to bathe in his stupidity.

You know Votorx I would, but I feel for the guy, I've been there and done that. My case was a bit worst, cause mine was drug induced, Qorl's is faith's fate. When some one has such a zeal of his religious convictions mild cases of schizophrenia do accur. Speaking in tongues is one of these, this person is not enlightened, he's a goner. Brain warped. He "Qorl", has no other explanation to be here, other than write what he does, and keeps coming back, even after this kind of treatment. which is btw, therapeutic for him, this been the only reason we dish it, and he takes it! he's in denial, I've pointed it out to him, however the main reason, is a child grows to a man, a man with this kind of mentality is dangerous, he claims that he is not, but just look back at all the bull shiet he writes, thus! Claiming to be Jesus, himself! again in flesh and blood, with anticipation of destruction and hell & brimstones to those who oppse him. DAMN!!!! If THAT does not sound like Bush!! LOL, but just look! a nut like this could be come president or leader of other idiots. Like those in the Hitler party, I mean well you know what I mean... LOL..
