Interview with Christ...


That's remarkable. It's also not an answer to the question. You said you've spoken to jesus "so much", so again I pose the simple question: What's he talk like? Accent? etc etc..

Look.. you either have or you haven't spoken to jesus. All I want to know is if he said anything to you, (which would be probable because you said Qorl didn't speak like him), and if you can describe how he talks.
By "talk", I mean how He speak. Basically, the words He uses and the subjects. You can get an idea on how He "talk" by reading the Bible.
I wasn't talking about the way He "talk" like accent and so on, I was talking about the way He speaks.

Wont get in this situation? Of course it was just one example of many, and while we can all 'pray' and hope we don't get in such a situation, these things do happen, whether we want them to or not. Furthermore, it's more than 'love one another'... While that most certainly is the cute way of saying it, it has a different ring when you break it down. In jesus own apparent words: "love thy enemy". He even said to love your enemy more. Turn him your other cheek etc. In a position where your wife is being raped, you're being mugged, there's a terrorist on your aeroplane - jesus talk is worthless. Or are you saying you would love your enemy regardless?
Do you understand that the probability of those situations are like 0.00001%????? It is below the mark of 5%, which means that it is not significant. Do you understand anything about statistics? When alpha is below 5%, the probability is too low be taken into account. If you say otherwise it is like saying that we are all doomed because a meteor is probably going to strike earth while the probability of it happening is like 0.000001%. It is a ridiculous non-sense chance that it is going to happen - it is insignificant.
He is not Jesus....

Well, you're a religious man are you not? So, here's some of that religious bollocks I hear spouted so often...

Have some faith..
Disprove it..

Yada yada.

When I said that you needed help I was talking about talking with a psychologist or somethig of the genre. Talking with a councelour or a very good friend also works well. Do you have a very good friend? Tell him/her.
By "talk", I mean how He speak. Basically, the words He uses and the subjects. You can get an idea on how He "talk" by reading the Bible.
I wasn't talking about the way He "talk" like accent and so on, I was talking about the way He speaks.

You said:

I have talked so much with Christ and our Father about it

So what you're now saying is you haven't actually talked with anyone, but just grasp your knowledge of the lord from an old book? I did ask if he replied to you at all, but I guess the answer is no, he didn't. That's all I was asking. I am well aware of what traits, attitudes, and understandings you can derive from reading the bible, but that was irrelevant to my question, which was focused on your supposed chats with him. Now I know it was a purely 1 way conversation, I wont ask again. Of course, to save any further confusion, don't use the word "with", it implies you all played a part in the discussion. Use the word "to" instead.

Do you understand that the probability of those situations are like 0.00001%?????

According to who?

Do you understand anything about statistics?

Sure I do.. they're a waste of paper. They involve a miniscule handful of people and have no worthy significance of everything as a whole. However, I'd still be interested to hear which survey said the chances of being raped are 0.0000000001%, or were you just making that up? Aww, my daughter likes to play 'let's pretend' aswell.

So what you're now saying is you haven't actually talked with anyone, but just grasp your knowledge of the lord from an old book? I did ask if he replied to you at all, but I guess the answer is no, he didn't. That's all I was asking. I am well aware of what traits, attitudes, and understandings you can derive from reading the bible, but that was irrelevant to my question, which was focused on your supposed chats with him. Now I know it was a purely 1 way conversation, I wont ask again. Of course, to save any further confusion, don't use the word "with", it implies you all played a part in the discussion. Use the word "to" instead.
Ok, I did talk with Him, but that is not what I was talking about. What I was saying is that you can use the Bible to understand how He speaks. If you talk with Him, you can see that He speaks in the same way that is written in the Bible. I was talking about your situation, not mine.

According to who?
According to the news. I have never seen that on the news. I have seen lots of things, but not that.

Sure I do.. they're a waste of paper. They involve a miniscule handful of people and have no worthy significance of everything as a whole. However, I'd still be interested to hear which survey said the chances of being raped are 0.0000000001%, or were you just making that up? Aww, my daughter likes to play 'let's pretend' aswell.
Putting your daughter in this conversation is a very sad sin, you know...? :rolleyes: Seriously... :bugeye:

Ok... Statistics works like this:
1. An observational study or an experience is carried on
2. The data is collected from a sample which is an estimate of the population
3. This data is analised and hypothesis are tested through a series of tests
4. If the sample size is below 30, by the Central Limit Theorem, the confidence interval is too low and you need to use a t-test, which is not very accurate
5. If the sample size is above 30, by the CLT, the confidence interval is big enough to use a standart z-test.
6. After all that, the confidence interval is calculated and you get a margin of error.
7. The usual margin of error is 5%, which means that you are 95% confident that your test is accurate.

Measuring your confidence that your experiment/observation is accurate by a factor of 95% implies that there is only 5% of chance that your conclusion is wrong, which means that it is very unlikely that you are wrong.

So....... *sigh...
It is usually pretty accurate once you go through all that... :D

PS: I won't go through the CLT and so on cause that would take ages to explain...
Ok, I did talk with Him

Did he talk back?

I was talking about your situation, not mine.

What situation? Your post was to someone else, I just butted in and said I wondered what he sounded like. :p

According to the news. I have never seen that on the news. I have seen lots of things, but not that.

It's on the news all the time here.. must have something to do with the weather, or the water. But it was just an example out of many. If it makes you feel better use something of a different nature where you might still end up going against the specific teachings of jesus. If someone mugs you, would you love him and hand him your mobile phone aswell as your wallet?

Putting your daughter in this conversation is a very sad sin, you know...? Seriously...

A sin? Where? No offence but these dudes you believe in are nothing more than fairy tale in my opinion, and as such anything they say has no relevance to me.

2. The data is collected from a sample which is an estimate of the population

An estimate that is basically simple opinion and guesswork. As an example: The statistic that says 60% of Americans don't know where Canada is on the map. They pick 1,000 halfwits and then try and use that as a show of how the entire country is. Of course, studies like this lead to serious case of stereotypical behaviour. I have seen many statistics done that cause nothing but hassle, like the 40% of Americans are overweight. Now, the entire planet regards Americans as fatties.

However, all of this is irrelevant. Like I stated earlier, feel free to use a different, (more statistically probable), scenario. I'm sure even on your news channels it's stated how someone get's killed every 30 seconds or something.
SnakeLord said:
Did he talk back?
Yes, He "talked" back. Don't try to understand. It is as subtle as a bird's song...

What situation? Your post was to someone else, I just butted in and said I wondered what he sounded like. :p
When you asked me about it, I explained it to you in relation to you....

It's on the news all the time here.. must have something to do with the weather, or the water. But it was just an example out of many. If it makes you feel better use something of a different nature where you might still end up going against the specific teachings of jesus. If someone mugs you, would you love him and hand him your mobile phone aswell as your wallet?
What the weather or water has to do with the specific situation that you gave me? There is nothing that can lead to disprove the teachings of Christ. Redefine love for yourself...

A sin? Where? No offence but these dudes you believe in are nothing more than fairy tale in my opinion, and as such anything they say has no relevance to me.
Opinion... I'm not going to discuss that.

An estimate that is basically simple opinion and guesswork. As an example: The statistic that says 60% of Americans don't know where Canada is on the map. They pick 1,000 halfwits and then try and use that as a show of how the entire country is. Of course, studies like this lead to serious case of stereotypical behaviour. I have seen many statistics done that cause nothing but hassle, like the 40% of Americans are overweight. Now, the entire planet regards Americans as fatties.
First of all, there is all kinds of process to collect data. In fact, that is the most important and studied part of statistics. Do you know what is "random assignment"? It is a technique to avoid the "1000 halfwits". Someone only don't use that technique when they want to deceive the public. Btw, both of your statistics are true... :rolleyes: (Ok... maybe not the first one...).

However, all of this is irrelevant. Like I stated earlier, feel free to use a different, (more statistically probable), scenario. I'm sure even on your news channels it's stated how someone get's killed every 30 seconds or something.
Yes, I know that happens. But the specific situation that you explained doesn't. :bugeye:
Yes, He "talked" back. Don't try to understand. It is as subtle as a bird's song...

Ok, so... once more.. what did he sound like? Accent etc etc? Or.. did he 'speak' as a voice in your head? If so, I wonder how you can be certain it was him and not just your brain, (conscience), telling you what you wanted to hear. Also saying "I could feel it was him in my heart", is worthless. What that would imply is that your emotions, (also from your brain), give you what you want.

There is nothing that can lead to disprove the teachings of Christ. Redefine love for yourself...

You're missing the point. Given the right circumstances, jesus' words mean absolutely bugger all. What then? An eternity of burning because you were unlucky enough to stumble upon that 0.00001% scenario?

Opinion... I'm not going to discuss that.

Why ever not? I'm discussing your opinions.

Do you know what is "random assignment"? It is a technique to avoid the "1000 halfwits".

Yes, but you can also be randomly unlucky and get 1000 halfwits even if you didn't want them.

Yes, I know that happens. But the specific situation that you explained doesn't.

In England right now, we seem to have an epidemic of people raping old women. While I don't know why there's this sudden outburst of old women liking lunatics, it is happening on a regular basis. Are these god abiding old christian women supposed to love their rapist? Perhaps offer him their sister aswell? No, they're not - and this is where jesus fails. He hasn't taken into account circumstance, which is the key factor. Hell, it's the only factor. Given the specific circumstance, every single human being would fail at obiding by the teachings of jesus. No doubt i'll be sharing a fiery pit with some raped granny who smacked her assailant on the head.
when god talks to you,how do you know it s God and not Satan?

jeez if you love honkus.
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SnakeLord said:
Ok, so... once more.. what did he sound like? Accent etc etc? Or.. did he 'speak' as a voice in your head? If so, I wonder how you can be certain it was him and not just your brain, (conscience), telling you what you wanted to hear. Also saying "I could feel it was him in my heart", is worthless. What that would imply is that your emotions, (also from your brain), give you what you want.
He didn't "sound" like. There was no sound. It was pure information. Do you know how your brain works with languages? It assigns a meaning to a distinct sound. There was no sound, there was just meaning. So there is no accent or anything like that.

You're missing the point. Given the right circumstances, jesus' words mean absolutely bugger all. What then? An eternity of burning because you were unlucky enough to stumble upon that 0.00001% scenario?
You are saved by grace, and not by works...

Why ever not? I'm discussing your opinions.
Maybe... Discussing opinions usually doesn't get us very far...

Yes, but you can also be randomly unlucky and get 1000 halfwits even if you didn't want them.
Say that to a statitician... not me. :D

In England right now, we seem to have an epidemic of people raping old women. While I don't know why there's this sudden outburst of old women liking lunatics, it is happening on a regular basis. Are these god abiding old christian women supposed to love their rapist? Perhaps offer him their sister aswell? No, they're not - and this is where jesus fails. He hasn't taken into account circumstance, which is the key factor. Hell, it's the only factor. Given the specific circumstance, every single human being would fail at obiding by the teachings of jesus. No doubt i'll be sharing a fiery pit with some raped granny who smacked her assailant on the head.
Yeah... That's why "love will grow cold". The situatuons you describe are not extrmely rare right now, but that is just because we are living in "the end of times"...
He didn't "sound" like. There was no sound. It was pure information

Cool, ok. Is it possible by any chance to tell me what this information entailed? If not, I do understand - it's quite likely a personal god-to-man affair that one must witness at first hand to appreciate fully.

You are saved by grace, and not by works...

16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

Need I say more?

Maybe... Discussing opinions usually doesn't get us very far...

Perhaps you're right, but that would make this one hell of a boring planet. No talk about religion, politics, your methods on how to mow a lawn, walk a dog, etc etc etc.

Yeah... That's why "love will grow cold". The situatuons you describe are not extrmely rare right now, but that is just because we are living in "the end of times"...

Oh c'mon, people have probably been saying stuff like this since day 1. Even jesus spoke of how that generation of people wouldn't have passed before this happened. Ok, either Jenyar or Jan, (I get them confused), stated that jesus was talking to fig trees, and not people.. which is quite frankly a comment you'd expect to hear on a comedy circuit. Have these things I've described ever been rare? Has there been a time throughout human history where things were peachy? I'm sure many women during the Inquisition started to believe it was the end of times. Violence is a key factor in the lives of humans.. In and of itself it is nothing out of the ordinary, and hardly a sign that it's all about to end. Man religion is so depressing. It seems everyone's in such a hurry to end their lives here, to shout doom and gloom from the mountain tops as loud as they can in the hope everyone else will jump off.

While I am aware there are many doomsday cults out there, it's hard to believe that one of the biggest world religions is no different to them. No wonder this planet's such a shitpit.
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Ok Qorl, Please head to the nearest pcychiatrist, and start telling him/her the bull shiet that you write about here, so that you may be analayzed and commited to the loony bin for a spell, don't worry if you truly are "jesus" they will as for you to prove it by "miracles" here's a good one. Shoot yourself in the head with a .45 if you still live. Its!! A miracle.

SnakeLord said:
Cool, ok. Is it possible by any chance to tell me what this information entailed? If not, I do understand - it's quite likely a personal god-to-man affair that one must witness at first hand to appreciate fully.
Well... it didn't happen once. So I could describe many. The one that started this conversation was the answer for your original question (that one of what would I do if...

16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
This is something completely different. This is talking about those that worked for a better world. It is not talking about salvation.

Perhaps you're right, but that would make this one hell of a boring planet. No talk about religion, politics, your methods on how to mow a lawn, walk a dog, etc etc etc.
Yeah... I guess...

Oh c'mon, people have probably been saying stuff like this since day 1. Even jesus spoke of how that generation of people wouldn't have passed before this happened. Ok, either Jenyar or Jan, (I get them confused), stated that jesus was talking to fig trees, and not people.. which is quite frankly a comment you'd expect to hear on a comedy circuit. Have these things I've described ever been rare? Has there been a time throughout human history where things were peachy? I'm sure many women during the Inquisition started to believe it was the end of times. Violence is a key factor in the lives of humans.. In and of itself it is nothing out of the ordinary, and hardly a sign that it's all about to end. Man religion is so depressing. It seems everyone's in such a hurry to end their lives here, to shout doom and gloom from the mountain tops as loud as they can in the hope everyone else will jump off.
Hahaha... :)
No... I wasn't talking about this "end of the world" I was talking about another end of the world, when a big transformation is coming. Have you ever read Revelations? Does it end with the planet exploding or something like that? Nooooo. It ends with Heaven on Earth. This is the "end of the world", the kingdom of Heaven on earth. It is the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a new era. That's starting to happen right now. God know when the transformation will be fully accomplished...!

While I am aware there are many doomsday cults out there, it's hard to believe that one of the biggest world religions is no different to them. No wonder this planet's such a shitpit.
The planet is such a shitpit because people read all the New Testament and completly ignore the book of Revelations... :rolleyes:
No... seriously, the planet is such a shitpit because people are only worried about surviving and saving their asses, even if they have to screw up other people's life in the process. Not to mention that most people seem to be greedy and selfish enough to not care at all for others. That's how capitalism came into being... :rolleyes:
Qorl, one can't have a serious discusion and or debate with a "nut-case" there are many Jesus' in the loony bin, you are one of those who have not been cought yet, but in do time, if you keep at it, not here in the net were its safe, but in "your personal phisical life" explain to all those around you the bull shiet you spew here, soon you'll be joining the rest of the jesus' in the loony bin.

:p Ha Ha Ha :p

Obviously you are an impostor!
That's not even close to Jesus' real name.
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