Interview with Christ...

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Godless said:
Wow!!! to be 20 again, what a bliss!!!! That would be awsome, the things I know now, the things I would do different, the well, I could go on and on. Happy b early b day. :)
Well... thank you! :)

What would you do different... (something that may be useful to me?)?
Well to be honest, in my life what I would do different would be to quit drugs, I got high till I was 33!. On another note, if you love your girlfriend/wife, keep her. It's been a roller coaster for me, though plenty of fun. But none the less, If I would have kept that girl, I would be happy by now. I'm still single never married I'm 41. No kids, no one to care for, other than dear old mom.

Qorl: damn you've been using the computer sinse you were 9?. How cool!!.

I've only had this computer for 4 years, here's few for you. what is .gov? .eu?.ru? .org? .com? stand for. Why do you need to have http:\\ before any address you enter search browser? and what is HTML? BTW I've never used a computer before till I purchased this one.

So the only one I'm not too sure about is the (http:\\) can you answer that for me?.

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the http is to let the computer know that it is using a specific language, hypertext something protocol i think...
Hockeywings the question was mostly directed to the "enlighten" one Alien Jesus, who goes by the name Qorl. Since he's enlighten a genious, and also omnicsient, cause he claims to alien Jesus, he should know all of my questions without even looking them up, but thangs for trying however your wrong!. HttP I dont think is about language, that's what (html or htm) or java is also a language. HTML is ooooooooops damn!! I almost screwed up. Let Alien Jesus answer. The stonie one, I mean the anoited one. LOL..

w/e Qorl, I see godless is right and maybe you should spend some time at some mental institute for a while...

Anyways, talking about birthdays I'm having my own early this year hopefully next month since I'm moving down to florida in June :D. Just felt like mentioning it :)

It takes long time to become a thinker and you are one of them, well smokers are better thinkers

That has got to be even more false then your claim to be god. Its likes saying crack whores aren't addicted. I do not smoke and I think a hell of alot better than any smoker I know. In fact smoking woud probably cause you to have a force trend of thinking since u have a constant need to have another cigarrete, bong, blunt etc etc.

I'm sorry pyramids were build by God's. I'm not a false prophet I am Alien Jesus Christ.

That is absolutely rediculous. You know why? Because according to the bible all must worship THE god not multiple or other "false" gods. Yet in these pyramids, worship of many gods and goddesses happened every single day. It's foolish to think that your supposed god would build a place of worship for these "false" gods. Not only that but according to the bible we have free will and god cannot interefere with our advancements and knowledge or way of of living. If god built this pyramid then it is obvious that he is interefering with our evolution and ultimately disobeying our free will. Since god can't make mistakes and this is his rule that he promised he would abide by, then it is obvious that the pyramids were built by humans rather than your god.

They are born gay and Bush and even Arnold are fighting against them. Some people just don't have any understandings

Actually I heard that being born gay is a defect. Something to do with some undersized homornal gland within your mind which matches that of a female (in men) and vice versa for woman. This is what causes homosexuality and bisexuality within humans...Or maybe that was feminosity (sry for mispelling). Well homosexuality isn't free will and is embedded within the person's mind from birth, you don't choose to be gay like you don't choose to enjoy eating pizza or other such examples. If that's the case then its a birth disorder which could probably be fixed in the future...

Oh yes and if u don't believe and want to argue that it isn't a birth defect then keep this in mind. Necrofeliaxs have been proven to be a mental disorder that results in a similar way to homosexuality. Although necropheliaxs are more rare it holds common traits with homosexuals. For instance, Being in love with the dead, Being in love with the same sex, Having sex with the dead, having sex with the same sex. Basically, both are the same, only they crave for different things. there something wrong with 15 year olds posting on these forums?
hockeywings said:
the http is to let the computer know that it is using a specific language, hypertext something protocol i think...
Let me clarify... :rolleyes: :D

HTML- HyperText Markup Language
HTTP- HyperText Transfer Protocol

I'm studying some computer science at college... ;)
Wait a minute...
How the discussion shifted from "Interview with "Christ"" to HTTP and HTML...? :D
* there something wrong with 15 year olds posting on these forums?

Oh!! of course not, I didn't imply that at all, most 15 year old kids have a very inquisitive mind, this Qorl wether he be 15, lying or younger. Does not posses a quisistive mind but an authorative one. He claims to be some kind of Alien and on top of that he claims to be jesus, An Alien Jesus!! get the pic.?. And if one were not to believe him, he threatens to destroy you with his wrath, which is supposedly comming.

** When you talk about Jesus you talk about me. I'm not violent person, but if I will have to I will teach you on a bad way. I will going to change the whole system, because I control your body it will be child easy - my father do right now

**I this category I will include bankers and everyone who will appose me. After all they will have to do something, we wont work for money any more, we will work to live and be happy. Did you mean with LOL an OIL?

(**) are just some of Qorl's tort with me, and all through out this interview, with the nut case of a 15 year old kid, according to SnakeLords' calculation of his observation discussing this dillusional view of his to be some kind of Alien Jesus. That's why I poke fun at his age, cause he denies it, however he does not show an intelect of a 50 year old or even a 20 year old man.

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Ok. I am just making sure, anyways Qorl is only contradicting his own claims. For someone who forgives those and loves those who oppose him, he sure is acting weird especially if he's gonna bring down a holy wrath on us all. Oh yes and i received that threat as well when i was able to close down his past thread. I am still waiting for this divine punishment, even though i was suppose to recieve this wrath only a week after his thread closed. Oh well i guess there is no punishment, or jesus. He is just a lonely kid with to much time on his hands. His empty threats scare no one and it's sad that he hasn't realized this yet. Also, the simple fact that he can't speak proper english also shows no only his stupidity but his childish behaviors. You are just boring everyone now Qorl, there's only around 3 people left who will even bother talking to you, but i'll take my leave and make it 2, I hope you leave your basement and walk outside for a little while, it might be furfilling.
Don't be so hard on him to the point of insulting him. It's ok that he kinda needs help, but don't call him strupid. Maybe he doesn't understand that what he is saying doesn't make sense at all...

Anyways... I'm going away too... bye... :rolleyes:
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"Because according to the bible all must worship THE god not multiple or other "false" gods"

King James changes the Plural Gods in the bible to a singular GOD to help push people into believing in ONE KING...

You Sheep are Blind.

The original bible speaks of the Gods in plural form.


the wraith is coming regardless of Qorls actions, he is just trying to prepare you.

he may be Grey, or under Grey control, either way he is doing his job, according to what he believes. and you guys should pay attention, look thru his misspellings (hes not from USA - plus u might notice strange metaphors in his misspellings if you looked) and see what hes trying to say.

I too believe that Aliens were responsible for some of the ancient religions, but not just Greys. Greys are the new aliens working on earth, before it was the Nordic/Pleiadian type and the Reptilian type- its evident in all history, bibles, and ancient texts/murals/data.

we have gone to tremendous ends to bring proof to this sciforums table about all of this, me and some others, and alas most still dont see it.

i believe we were programmed not to see it by our forefathers (nordic types) yet the Greys WANT us to see it now- crystal clear.

i dont know why people disregard ancient knowledge and ancient history, even ancient (and modern) landmark phenomena are here to help us understand- yet most humans dont give a damn ?

even science is showing that things in the past were a little different than we perviously believed. need i mention them again for the millionth time?

- speculation that a meteor did NOT wipe our the Dinos
- caveman that dates jump millions of years.
- confusion on cavemen/apes ... cannot find direct evolutionary transition
- big-bang theory is being questioned as NOT being the beggining of time
- string theory is revolutionizing science and math comprehension of universe
- extra-solar planet and planetoids showing up in our solar system
- sedna, and other celestial events are coming

people need to read more, read between the lines, and read between the lies.
How can we reach true joy?

Unconditional Love.
That's a pretty good answer. But...
OliverJ said:
What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?


1 Corinthians 16:14
"Let all that you do be done in Love."

Do you see any connection between those 2 quetions/answers? ;)

1. What is the secret of life? to propagate
2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth? to propagate
3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...a family
4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe? a baby's smile
5. Why we were created in the way we are? You weren’t created.
6. Why there is suffering in the world? because of religious fanatics
7. What exactly is ignorance? Lack of knowledge.
8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like? A long time. I would assume lonely.
9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible? propagate.
10. How can we reach true joy? have children.
