I think its there, and I was there.
Its incredible how much evidence of lifes experience is lost by the owners. But that cannot invalidate it.
Speaking about libraries, the temple has a special throne room, which must be large enough for twenty four other thrones, arranged in a square around the throne, seven on each side. Apparently these are for human beings. Here are records containing the details of every life, from the child who fell to the ground in Africa with no name, to the famous. From before birth to the last breath, every thought, experience and feeling. Every trial, every hardship and goodtime. Every word and relationship. A complete record.
Someone in an earlier post said that this whole discussion of heaven has too many implications without addressing the philosophical aspects. And they are spot on.
But I started the thread with the intention of keeping it clear of those issues, because of misapprehensions in human thought and traditions.
Having mentioned the records, I must briefly say that they are kept for the sake of the person concerned and not some bloody minded regime. What is more, you can have your record permanently edited. The whole ceremonial year of the Jewish temple service holds all the keys to that information, because its annual services are symbolic of the one time only service in heaven, which lasts for about 2000 years. That Jewish system finished when the real took over about 34 AD, it was only ever a reminder of something in the future.
Now of course, the Israelites were not the only religion to have this type of a religious system that involved a temple and related ceremonies, but others only carry part of those rituals or elements, and perversions of it, like human sacrifice.
I found it impossible to avoid this temple structure and system in heaven. But it is interesting that if heaven is involved with the affairs of men, then the dynamics of that government would be proof of its existence. Apart from that, it remains a fading legend.