Info on heaven

8 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. 8:1&version=KJV


You are the only one who picked up on that. Your diligence should be rewarded.

The two Books of Daniel and Revelation unlock each other, and share one unique feature, they are filled with symbols that open up a panoramic view of earth's history from 500 BC to 3020 AD. One of the keys to unlock the prophetic time spans is that one day equals one year.

So half an hour is how long?

And how long is "about" half an hour?

It happens with the seventh seal or the last event, coinciding with the other symbols of seven, like the trumpets and candle sticks etc.
Heaven is silent because it is empty, they are bringing the human race home. They are not staying here. Its only "half an hour."
You are the only one who picked up on that. Your diligence should be rewarded.
Agreed. I accept most major credit cards (But not American Express.) I'm payable through paypal. I accepts checks, money orders and travelers checks if mailed insured- I do not accept cash or C.O.D. unless cash is presented in person.

The two Books of Daniel and Revelation unlock each other, and share one unique feature, they are filled with symbols that open up a panoramic view of earth's history from 500 BC to 3020 AD. One of the keys to unlock the prophetic time spans is that one day equals one year.

So half an hour is how long?

And how long is "about" half an hour?

It happens with the seventh seal or the last event, coinciding with the other symbols of seven, like the trumpets and candle sticks etc.
Heaven is silent because it is empty, they are bringing the human race home. They are not staying here. Its only "half an hour."
Look, you're not our mentor, ok?

Just say what you need to say. The mysticism stuff is a put off. So- how did you arrive at the conclusion that one day is equal to one year? Why did they not say, "One Year?"

So, by your reckoning, after the Rapture, the living and the dead (Who are judged to be fit for Heaven- by South Park Scripture, they must all be Mormons) are "transported"for about 7 days or {"Half an hour" in bible code} sometime after the year 3020? They are transported toward the Orion Nebula (somehow) for this seven days at which point they will arrive at "Heaven." Correct?
Agreed. I accept most major credit cards (But not American Express.) I'm payable through paypal. I accepts checks, money orders and travelers checks if mailed insured- I do not accept cash or C.O.D. unless cash is presented in person.

Look, you're not our mentor, ok?

Just say what you need to say. The mysticism stuff is a put off. So- how did you arrive at the conclusion that one day is equal to one year? Why did they not say, "One Year?"

So, by your reckoning, after the Rapture, the living and the dead (Who are judged to be fit for Heaven- by South Park Scripture, they must all be Mormons) are "transported"for about 7 days or {"Half an hour" in bible code} sometime after the year 3020? They are transported toward the Orion Nebula (somehow) for this seven days at which point they will arrive at "Heaven." Correct?

Most of those details about when heaven is occupied, moves to earth at the end of the millenium etc are in those two books.
The Bible does not give minor details up front, they are known through collective knowledge.
If you read any prophecy in the Bible it is given in literal time, for some reason only the two books are coded and filled with symbols. But those symbols are progressively explained as you read them.
The year day principle is a common one in other scripture, but the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation don't work or apply to anything if calculated ordinarily, as many churches make that error ending up with theories of the future or with no matches found in history.
Daniel chapter 2 is an introduction or overview of the whole two books, covering well over 2500 years. One of the biggest time lines is 2300 years.
Every other theme or vision after that is the same story with more detail. It has been written in such a way that only an individual in connection with God will understand. Sorry for the mentoring, it certainly is not my job.
The week trip to heaven?
The seventh seal opens at the end of the world, where humanity occupies heaven for a thousand years, then not long after 3000 AD heaven moves to earth, and the earth is renewed, and becomes the permanent home base.
You'll find that in the last 3 or 4 chapters of Revelation.
The rapture? I can't find it in there.
Any references of that day are not secretive, see Matthew 24 warning against secret versions.
The aim of this thread is to provide whatever has been said or known about heaven, from all sources that support the view of a real physical world.

Whether it is nutty of not, is irrelevant.

It's absolutely crucial to whether readers of this thread find the things that you say interesting, let alone persuasive. Right now, the contents of this thread appear to be little more than your own bizarre and rather involuted ramblings.

Up till now I have provided info that is shared in both eastern and western religions, and tribal folk lore, such as myths and legends.

That's simply false. You haven't mentioned a single source except the King James Version of the Bible. You just repeat your empty assertions that "eastern religions" all join in corroborating all of your imaginative reinterpetations of stuff that you've been lifting from the KJV. I'm reasonably familiar with the early Buddhist writings, and they don't include anything even remotely like the minute details of heaven and its layout that you've been posting.

Look, if this stuff really is supposed to be knowledge about something (whether about a real heavenly place or just about amazing and hitherto unrecognized commonalities in the world's myths) and isn't just the product of your own overheated and perhaps unhinged imagination, you need to identify all of your sources and explain the provenance of everything that you say.
It's absolutely crucial to whether readers of this thread find the things that you say interesting, let alone persuasive. Right now, the contents of this thread appear to be little more than your own bizarre and rather involuted ramblings.

That's simply false. You haven't mentioned a single source except the King James Version of the Bible. You just repeat your empty assertions that "eastern religions" all join in corroborating all of your imaginative reinterpetations of stuff that you've been lifting from the KJV. I'm reasonably familiar with the early Buddhist writings, and they don't include anything even remotely like the minute details of heaven and its layout that you've been posting.

Look, if this stuff really is supposed to be knowledge about something (whether about a real heavenly place or just about amazing and hitherto unrecognized commonalities in the world's myths) and isn't just the product of your own overheated and perhaps unhinged imagination, you need to identify all of your sources and explain the provenance of everything that you say.

I have given a summary or an overview of the things I have come across through many years, which may fit in with what many people already know.

The thread is just for those people, so it would not suit someone who has had little or no interest in heaven to start with.

It has not been, and is not my place to teach people their beliefs, that would be banned as evangelising.

If Buddhism is your interest then follow that, it does not mean you have to agree with what I have collected.

I never wrote the Bible so it is not my fault that it gives the most info about heaven.

I posted something earlier in regards to which sect of Buddhism teaches some of the things I mentioned.