Info on heaven

Science isn't just "fashionable". It's the only way to be reasonably sure of something in an objective way.

Yes, I like the method of science,

as well as the method of faith. I like to use both legs.

When thinking is just fashionable, it's usually people hopping around on one or the other - .
...and everybody on sciforums, could not imagine it without them.

I certainly can. I can imagine that heaven is just as the Catholics describe it in which case I will not be there, alas I am not Catholic. Same with the most of the religions, I can imagine heaven is just as they believe and I will not be allowed to pass the pearly gates because I am not a part of their particular religion.

If you have some insight on which one of the mutlitudes of religion is the right one that allows you into heaven I would appreciate the info.
I certainly can. I can imagine that heaven is just as the Catholics describe it in which case I will not be there, alas I am not Catholic. Same with the most of the religions, I can imagine heaven is just as they believe and I will not be allowed to pass the pearly gates because I am not a part of their particular religion.

If you have some insight on which one of the mutlitudes of religion is the right one that allows you into heaven I would appreciate the info.

You are, in a sense more likely to enter if you are irreligious, because religion has the typical tendency to allow someone to develop a false self. There is no need for proof here.

Many atheists who detatch themsleves from those false comforts are often left to deal with life as it comes, and so, are far more in touch with reality and far more accountable, than someone who has cocooned themselves away from life.

It makes any blatant opposition to them from the religious sector so much more offensive in the sight of God.

By not pretending to be or do something that you are not, makes one authentic, and if so honest.

If a person is authentic, then they can be known and communicated with, if a person is unauthentic, you don't know who you are talking to.
For this reason, on the day of reconning, God will say to the excluded "I am sorry I don't know YOU"
Entry to heaven is largely based on the congruency of the mind, heart and life.
You are upfront and honest, what you see is what you get.
Heaven wants people like that regardless of what progress they have or have not made.
Make your own heaven right here, by making the place a little better than it was when you got here. In the process you'll also make it nicer for everybody else, so they can all have heaven.
Make your own heaven right here, by making the place a little better than it was when you got here. In the process you'll also make it nicer for everybody else, so they can all have heaven.

To say that means you have faith.

We are born with a recognition that life is a promise, which has been betrayed through sin, and is won back through faith.
I'm sure I will be there.

If that is the case, you will be interested in the following.

Getting to heaven will take 7 days or 168 hours. That I assume is a distance of 1350 light years plus. 168 hours is the equivalent of a month of 40hour working weeks, because you don't sleep at all, don't need to.
There are many reasons for the long trip. Here are a few.
1. Billions of humans go, resurrected from all ages past, plus the living at the time of intervention.
2. They have to be organised into families and tribes etc, with the earliest ancestors in the middle of this great platform.
3. They have to be informed, recognised, and above all settled, because it is overwhelming. You can't take in an experience if it happens too quickly.
4. They are given gifts, directions and roles for the upcoming festivals which go on for about a year.
5. You know all those people who fail at the singing competitions, well now they have perfect musical skills, music and singing nearly all the way there.
6. All are met by Christ before or as they enter, and given a personalised crown.

The landing place is the "sea of glass", as I found out, (but still don't know exactly where it is), except that you can see the throne and the main garden near the temple at the same time, which is a panorama of at least 20 km wide and beyond.
From there it is about 50 km to the reception city. How do you cater for billions? The reception city is at least 17 km square, if not 4 times that.
The reason for that difference is the size of the heavenly temple compared to the replica on earth, as well as a description of a model city that was supposed to built by the Jewish nation, but which never eventuated because they were busy copying the lifestyle of surrounding nations.
You are, in a sense more likely to enter if you are irreligious, because religion has the typical tendency to allow someone to develop a false self.
Kind of ironic, since religion is exactly what you are presenting, and nothing more.

There is no need for proof here.
Right. You've established that you're religious.

Many atheists who detatch themsleves from those false comforts are often left to deal with life as it comes, and so, are far more in touch with reality and far more accountable, than someone who has cocooned themselves away from life.
Few fantasies are as far from reality as the cocoon of religion you're propounding. It's one of the main reasons atheists repudiate this stuff.

It makes any blatant opposition to them from the religious sector so much more offensive in the sight of God.

Without religion, there is no God. So this statement is pretty nonsensical.

By not pretending to be or do something that you are not, makes one authentic, and if so honest.
So why not drop the pretense and get real?

If a person is authentic, then they can be known and communicated with, if a person is unauthentic, you don't know who you are talking to.
Dishonesty makes all of that moot.

For this reason, on the day of reconning, God will say to the excluded "I am sorry I don't know YOU"
Of course not, since God is purely imaginary.

Entry to heaven is largely based on the congruency of the mind, heart and life.
It's based entirely on superstition. And on myth, most likely from the Persians, not the Jews.

You are upfront and honest, what you see is what you get.
Pot calling the kettle black. Now you can understand what obscures your vision.

Heaven wants people like that regardless of what progress they have or have not made.
Utter nonsense.

If that is the case, you will be interested in the following.

Getting to heaven will take 7 days or 168 hours. That I assume is a distance of 1350 light years plus.
No, the distance traveled by light in 7 days is 7 light-days.

c = 3 x 10[sup]8[/sup] m/s

3E8 x 7 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 1.8E18 m

which is about 12,000 times the distance to the sun.

It's only 0.4% of the distance to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri.

Just outside this insignificant speck amid a trillion stars on a remote cul-de-sac in one of a trillion galaxies. Or more. Who cares. Were all going 0.4% of the way to Alpha Centauri, to get some light. (Batteries not included.)

168 hours is the equivalent of a month of 40hour working weeks, because you don't sleep at all, don't need to.
Because you'll be dead. On Earth.

Billions of humans go, resurrected from all ages past, plus the living at the time of intervention.
If this is as reliable as your math, I might actually believe it.

2. They have to be organised into families and tribes etc, with the earliest ancestors in the middle of this great platform.
3. They have to be informed, recognised, and above all settled, because it is overwhelming. You can't take in an experience if it happens too quickly.
4. They are given gifts, directions and roles for the upcoming festivals which go on for about a year.
5. You know all those people who fail at the singing competitions, well now they have perfect musical skills, music and singing nearly all the way there.
6. All are met by Christ before or as they enter, and given a personalised crown.

The landing place is the "sea of glass", as I found out, (but still don't know exactly where it is), except that you can see the throne and the main garden near the temple at the same time, which is a panorama of at least 20 km wide and beyond.
From there it is about 50 km to the reception city. How do you cater for billions? The reception city is at least 17 km square, if not 4 times that.
The reason for that difference is the size of the heavenly temple compared to the replica on earth, as well as a description of a model city that was supposed to built by the Jewish nation, but which never eventuated because they were busy copying the lifestyle of surrounding nations.
That's so nutty it's insane.
Kind of ironic, since religion is exactly what you are presenting, and nothing more.

That's so nutty it's insane.

The aim of this thread is to provide whatever has been said or known about heaven, from all sources that support the view of a real physical world.

Whether it is nutty of not, is irrelevant.

Up till now I have provided info that is shared in both eastern and western religions, and tribal folk lore, such as myths and legends.

But now I am providing extra info from sources mainly out of early Protestant America, and I will be revealing those sources at the end of the thread, for two reasons, those who know the details already know the sources, and there are some institutions which would be offended if they knew they did not have those other sources.

And by the way, the speed required to travel 1350+ light years in 7 days is far greater than c.
A buffet would probably be best.

The tables for the reception, are made of silver (in the golden city with the river cutting through the middle) and the cuttlery is also silver. There are as many silver goblets as people and each one is made for each individual. So every person gets to take theirs home after the reception.

It may well be both buffet or served meals, because the table is aready set and laden with food before arrival, and angels serve.
More about angels later.

Heaven has more varieties of fruit than earth has now and ever had. So you may well want to look down the table.

The table is laden with all manner of fruit, including nuts and some 'milky' grains, and there is bread and pure grape juice.

Specific fruits named, pomegranate, figs, grapes, and the fruit of the tree of life -(twelve varieties from the one tree). The bread is likely to be manna or angel's bread. It is white and apparently tastes like almond cakes.
The aim of this thread is to provide whatever has been said or known about heaven, from all sources that support the view of a real physical world.

But the only source that you've mentioned so far has been the King James Version of the Bible. And you haven't even bothered to cite any of your sources within that book.

Obviously much of what you write isn't coming from the KJV at all. For example, "Getting to heaven will take 7 days or 168 hours. That I assume is a distance of 1350 light years plus." Neither the ancient Hebrews or the 17'th century English had any conception of "light years". Your "1350 light years" just kind of slipped in there from out of your own imagination, didn't it?

Whether it is nutty of not, is irrelevant.

It's absolutely crucial to whether or not readers find your writings persuasive (or even interesting), or whether readers simply dismiss you as somebody with psychiatric difficulties.

What you need to do, and what you haven't done yet, is provide some convincing reasons why other people should take any of the stuff that you write seriously. You must realize that some of it looks pretty outlandish. You need to back up what you say if you have any hopes of rendering it credible.

Up till now I have provided info that is shared in both eastern and western religions, and tribal folk lore, such as myths and legends.

No you haven't. You've never made any attempt to do that. You say (repeatedly) that's what you're doing, but you've never done it.

You've posted all kinds of fanciful details about how you imagine heaven to be. So let's see precise references to whatever "eastern" texts that you believe corroborate those particular details. (I'm reasonably familiar with the early Buddhist writings and have never come across them there. I don't believe that they exist.)
But the only source that you've mentioned so far has been the King James Version of the Bible. And you haven't even bothered to cite any of your sources within that book.

Obviously much of what you write isn't coming from the KJV at all. For example, "Getting to heaven will take 7 days or 168 hours. That I assume is a distance of 1350 light years plus." Neither the ancient Hebrews or the 17'th century English had any conception of "light years". Your "1350 light years" just kind of slipped in there from out of your own imagination, didn't it?

It's absolutely crucial to whether or not readers find your writings persuasive (or even interesting), or whether readers simply dismiss you as somebody with psychiatric difficulties.

What you need to do, and what you haven't done yet, is provide some convincing reasons why other people should take any of the stuff that you write seriously. You must realize that some of it looks pretty outlandish. You need to back up what you say if you have any hopes of rendering it credible.

No you haven't. You've never made any attempt to do that. You say (repeatedly) that's what you're doing, but you've never done it.

You've posted all kinds of fanciful details about how you imagine heaven to be. So let's see precise references to whatever "eastern" texts that you believe corroborate those particular details. (I'm reasonably familiar with the early Buddhist writings and have never come across them there. I don't believe that they exist.)

Let's start with one item, the 7 days?

Revelation 8: 1.
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The 1350 light years, that is an estimate of the distance to the nebula of Orion.

I don't know if heaven is much further beyond that.

Heaven has been associated with the constellation of Orion, and a system of planets there. Orion is mentioned directly by name, 3 times in the KJV, and about 11 times indirectly. Eg Amos 5: 8.
The tables for the reception, are made of silver (in the golden city with the river cutting through the middle) and the cuttlery is also silver. There are as many silver goblets as people and each one is made for each individual. So every person gets to take theirs home after the reception.

It may well be both buffet or served meals, because the table is aready set and laden with food before arrival, and angels serve.
More about angels later.

Heaven has more varieties of fruit than earth has now and ever had. So you may well want to look down the table.

The table is laden with all manner of fruit, including nuts and some 'milky' grains, and there is bread and pure grape juice.

Specific fruits named, pomegranate, figs, grapes, and the fruit of the tree of life -(twelve varieties from the one tree). The bread is likely to be manna or angel's bread. It is white and apparently tastes like almond cakes.

Any Black Pudding?
But the only source that you've mentioned so far has been the King James Version of the Bible. And you haven't even bothered to cite any of your sources within that book.
So let's see precise references to whatever "eastern" texts that you believe corroborate those particular details. (I'm reasonably familiar with the early Buddhist writings and have never come across them there. I don't believe that they exist.)

You'll find that Buddhism has a few major branches, and also sects, and there are differences in them. The mainstream Buddhist does not believe in a heaven or after life. But as you mentioned earlier some believe in reincarnation, or levels of heaven and consciousness.

The more physical views that we can relate to are held by the Buddha Amitabha, which seems to be the older religion, if not completely separate, in parts of India, like the north where traditions seem to have been less subject to change.

The idea of reincarnations and multi layered heavens seems to be a Hindu influence.

But the Amitabha folk, hold a lot of ideas like the crystal trees, the many rivers, the lakes with golden sand, giant lotus etc. They also mention human beings with extraordinary powers and height in their paradise.

From Judea-Christian sources the original pair in the garden of Eden, were more than twice our height, and it is expected that in the new world or heaven that humans will eventually grow to that height, also with great powers.
For those of you who have followed this thread with interest, I feel privileged to to have shared some of the things about heaven, and its legends.
But you can see what has transpired and you understand why I do not want to post any more infomation that is only valuable to you.
However there are plenty of clues and pointers in this thread to do your own research and I wish you, not only the best, but to see you all one day in the place where we belong. In regards to the special references, they cannot be shared here, but I guarantee that you will come across them through Divine providence.