If you want to open your 3rd Eye...

c7ityi_ said:
why do you Idiots think duendy is a gurl (girl, woman)?

I don't, I think duendy is a bloke, but a lot of people refer to duendy as 'she' and as far as I am aware, duendy has never confirmed their gender. I use she/ or he/she if I can be bothered typing that.

I think duendy is male, because of the way things are phrased.
duendy said:
and you sound a complete fool. lecturing me about shrooms? and you've never ever hd the experience?.....
I have never hit my penis with a hammer, but if somebody was recommending it on this forum (hitting theirs, not mine) I would quite possibly lecture them as to its inadvisability.
Ophiolite said:
The materialist in all of this appears to be you Duendy. You are the one who rants on and on about material possessions - possessions which, for the most part, you do not have. What would be impressive Duendy is if you did not have them by choice. It seems to me, based on your posts over the last year, that you do not have them because you cannot afford them.

me))))))))te poor gettin blamed yet agin by the middle classian types

You cannot afford them because you have no job. You have no job, not because you have opted out of society, but because you are virtually unemployable. And so you choose to be a parasite on this materialistic society you so strongly decry.
It seems as if Phlog and I, without complaint, support your lifestyle through the taxes we pay.

me))what amazes me about tweedle dum and tweedle dee, ie., you and your newfound drinking buddy ((booze IS a DRUG btw))ishow you presume to KNOW about my lie and what i do when i have nefer shared it wit you'll. this presumptious and condescending attitude fits the rest of your output. welldone. dcarry on exposin yourself. its good entertainment. i donna have to really do ANYthing but lie back nd watch this spectacle

And you seem to think, for reasons I provisionally assign to jealousy, but may be down to stupidity, that 'high achiever' is synonmous with having a house, a retirement plan, a shiny car, a holiday home, etc. How very strange. It is true I do have a house; my retirement plan stinks and consists mainly of not retiring; my car is sitting with a flat tire and a rusting chassis and has been off the road for six months; I have nor holiday home.
More to the point in as much as I have achieved anything it relates to raising two children; contributing with time (not the charity you so despise) to my local community; and doing my work as professionally and efficiently as I am able, especially as it relates to helping colleagues (subordinates, peers and bosses) in their development.
No doubt you will see this as evidence of my support for the status quo of the patriarchal, materialistic science based, non-spiritual, politically uncaring conspiracy that runs the planet to the benefit of big business. But that's just because you are a really screwed up individual.
and yourrr 'paranoid'....buBUM.....
Ophiolite said:
I have never hit my penis with a hammer, but if somebody was recommending it on this forum (hitting theirs, not mine) I would quite possibly lecture them as to its inadvisability.
i ASSURE you mr sir that shrooming is faaaar more interesting than hitting your penis with a hammer. what a strange analogy. what does it mean. whyyy did he pick it. wait for next installment

is this maaaan into S&M?????????
Duendy, you blamed your fragmented prose on your keyboard batteries, over some mental aberration. Your prose is still fragmented, months after the fact. So either you are too tight to go and buy new batteries, or you do have mental problems.

Which is it?

Actually, I suggest a third option may be more fitting. Whatever establishment you reside at won't go buy you new batteries. Are you 'Care in the Community' duendy?
lol you're right, i've always thought He sounds girly... and that explains why SHE talks about feminine patriarch mushroom nature.

but ho would i know cuz i'm neither man or female, juz my body is
not the invisible self existence

yes... people identify themselves with their body... so they become like their body... i get it now... but not me... i wont become...

but you know maybe he just sounds girly because he's Gay! he's not a girl really, i really think so. and i don't mean gays are alwasy feminine but still

so, yes he is a guy. people just think hes a girl cos they're stupeed.

but hey maybe me yorda is actually duendy? in disguise?

i need to go out now.
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phlogistician said:
Duendy, you blamed your fragmented prose on your keyboard batteries, over some mental aberration. Your prose is still fragmented, months after the fact. So either you are too tight to go and buy new batteries, or you do have mental problems.

Which is it?

me)))))))and you are mr normal. yesh we know. if YOU were the symbpol for normal i'd go hang myself right now. you are the most ignorean iiot outside 'Light' and thats sayting something. dont drink near me ..or i might spke yer drink....wid shroom powder and watch you feel you are gettin attacked by demons....haha, that's be quite funny. mr smug lashin out at 'demons', his own silly shit really

Actually, I suggest a third option may be more fitting. Whatever establishment you reside at won't go buy you new batteries. Are you 'Care in the Community' duendy?
well this is whay smug git mentalities do iit. in order to feel sooo smug you NEED an 'underclass'. a menally ill group you class as, so as to justiofy your mean world you brown nose up. you sorry sorry sorry £££errrr

you have stunk of smug self righousness from the very first meet. And no dOUBT will play it out to the last till last breath. it is your problem not mine. tho you with your greeat superior inteligence cant even see it. isthaT FUNNY?? TRAGIC!
phlogistician said:
So duendy, this charity work you do?
so you give. allite....see you braggin about it more than once now dont we?
yet....yet your VIEWs suck big time in my opinion. do you not see a contraDICTION.....already??
duendy said:
so you give. allite....see you braggin about it more than once now dont we?
Duendy, the question was about the charity work you do, not the contributions you might make. Giving of time and experience. You see, there are many people who believe that being an active member of society is very important.
Concern over what is wrong with the world is all well and good, but the only thing it achieves (there's that word again) is to give the concerned one a warm and fuzzy feeling that they care. It does damn all to remove poverty, prevent disease, protect the environment, or constrain conflicts. To achieve results in these areas requires active participation in society.
So, tell us about your charity work and participation in society. By the way, here's a clue, getting high on magic mushrooms is the height of self indulgent, hedonism. Pretending concern for the poor and the downtrodden while satisfying your own basic drives is a good example of hypocrisy.
So, the charity work? The contribution to society? Should we hold out breath?
i KNOW hat yus saying Iph. and I a saying quite frankly that you two is full of shit. RIGHT up it.
i mean pleeease. the charity trip? are you for real. HOOOOOw middle fukin class is THAT. listen let me giveyus a clue. to even GIVEcharity you've got to have it, rigtht. no point guilting someone on the bones of their arse to give charity is it? get me

what you types do is tis: your views are completely backing up the status quo that is the ROOT of the inequality, etc etc. you have NUTHIN to say about all that. in fact you defend it. you defend this game of Gross National Product. and yet yet next breat you smugly announce how may of your pennies you are giving to 'the poor of the world'. ....tis is utter hypocrisy, and its only purpose is to make yourselves feel smugger

NO, you wont speak out against thewar on drugs that has/and is causing so much persecution for poor people especially from black and ethnic communities. to you his facism is ...trivial. hence your repated put downs of my rights to have psychedelic mushrooms. and you lecture me about this from complete ignore-ance of what you are speaking!

You back up materiliastic science. prime culprit for maintaning an inequality and exploitation of community and environment, ad general alienation people feel from themselves and Nature. a major cause of all forms of violence, wars and so on

so, in other words. you and tweedle dee are vacuously superficial in your approach to the REAl problems. the roots of it

cause first of all, you have to F E E L
You are not listening Duendy. I am not talking about giving to charity. I am talking about contributing your time and effort to making the world a better place. I'll give you one example: do you like the litter that seems to adorn our streets? I hope not. It has been placed there, for the most part, by careless thoughtless individuals who are unconcerned about the impact of their actions. So, let me ask you what is your solution to this problem? Do you even see it as a problem?
And don't start on about how there are far more serious problems around. Of course there are. I have chosen one at random.
So Duendy, how often do you pick up litter you see on the streets and dispose of it? A tiny step, yes, but if a thousand of us did this every day in every city it would have a small impact. A stepwise improvement. So, do you do that Duendy, or do you just whine.
Oh, and on the war on drugs, would that include stopping assholes breaking into my office, stealing cameras and computers to feed their drug habit. Do you want me to say that is OK. My take on drugs - make all of them legal for every adult. If people wish to kill themselves, distort their reality, that should be their choice. But while they are illegal you can rest assured I shall not take kindly to people destructively stealing from me, my friends, (my enemies), or my company.
Also, please stop with this middle class accusation. My background is solidly working class. The fact that I got an education and hold down a responsible job should not really be held against me!

Finally, you say we need to FEEL. I do. I feel you are a sad, disenchanted, dysfunctional, drug addled human with a monstrous chip on your shoulder. That's what makes me really angry: that I am unable to do anything to help you out of your self imposed hell hole.
Ophiolite said:
You are not listening Duendy. I am not talking about giving to charity. I am talking about contributing your time and effort to making the world a better place. I'll give you one example: do you like the litter that seems to adorn our streets? I hope not. It has been placed there, for the most part, by careless thoughtless individuals who are unconcerned about the impact of their actions. So, let me ask you what is your solution to this problem? Do you even see it as a problem?

me))hah!....two years ago, i was walking in our local park. i was disgusted to see the brook which runs thru the prk totally littered.so much o that in various places the water was dammed up with litter, and stagnant. without complaining to the prk authority ...yet, i went to action. tiswas WITH having FOUR dogs, one which was really freaked and had to be kept on a ;lead. 3 were a neighbours i took for a walk for them......so i went about clearing singlehandedly all this liter. this entailed sliding precariously down muddy banks hauling all kinds of shit out including supermarket trolleys and chidlren's pushchairs. i am talking bin bags and bin bags. braekin my arse liftin them out of the trench and onto a distant bin. THE after clearing it i told park people, and encoraed them to get children as volunteers and educuate them about 'Ecoliteracy' (checkout Fritof Capra) which mans deep understanding about Nature through practical hands on IN nature etc. i also tld themthat when people SE litter that acts as an excuse to add to it.
fpr me when pople abuse water sources--which ak wildlife depend on--as a bin, it is really the fukin end. SINCE doing it--and ihad done it yearsprevious--the brook seems to have stayed litter free. i aslo have picked up litter in other places too. happy now?

And don't start on about how there are far more serious problems around. Of course there are. I have chosen one at random.
So Duendy, how often do you pick up litter you see on the streets and dispose of it? A tiny step, yes, but if a thousand of us did this every day in every city it would have a small impact. A stepwise improvement. So, do you do that Duendy, or do you just whine.
Oh, and on the war on drugs, would that include stopping assholes breaking into my office, stealing cameras and computers to feed their drug habit. Do you want me to say that is OK. My take on drugs - make all of them legal for every adult. If people wish to kill themselves, distort their reality, that should be their choice. But while they are illegal you can rest assured I shall not take kindly to people destructively stealing from me, my friends, (my enemies), or my company.
Also, please stop with this middle class accusation. My background is solidly working class. The fact that I got an education and hold down a responsible job should not really be held against me!

me))))do you not see connection betweeeen crime and war on drugs. can you not see the utter fascism of telling people they cannot have the drugs they NEED. that their body CRAVES for. of fukin COURSE they is gonna have to rob. of bleedin COURSE this stupid fukin 'war' is gonna create gangsterism and bloodshed. see it see it!. explore bout it. see how the State is two faced. on face is whoing concern and telling you dupes it is against all nasty drugs vote for them--whilst meanwhile pushing harmful psychiatric 'medication' even onto children, gettin younger and ypounger. and othe face is making sure the 'controlled' drugs stay that way so as the pice stays extortionatley high, and they rake it in to fund their 'perpetual wars' THIS shit you dont know about. ADMIT it!...intil you DO, all your arguments stay superficial

AND anothevery important point. notice how you happlily fall under phlos umbrealla of judging others you know jack shit about. all that clot has accused me of being, right or wrong, you take on board. yu assume blind. you dont know me at all. didn't know about the litter pickin did you?

and i am not concerned you are a 'workin class hero'. may workin clas people are fukin shits too. thats nt me point. thing is is to FEEl whata going on. and speak out. we can litter pick here etc can we. weesjust got words. noticve i speak OUT against drug war, against homophobia, racism, misoyny, fundamentalism, theoppression of scientific materialism. the evil fukin eeevil scam ofbio-psychiatry.....
HINY HINT!!!!!!!!!

Finally, you say we
need to FEEL. I do. I feel you are a sad, disenchanted, dysfunctional, drug addled human with a monstrous chip on your shoulder. That's what makes me really angry: that I am unable to do anything to help you out of your self imposed hell hole.

and hope you've noticed after tis what a fukin crap judger you are, you cheeky old bugger...?
Duendy, let's get a few things straight.

YOU brought up the poor starving people in other nations, and tried to pin the blame on me, because I, for some reason, am part of the mechanism that keep them poor, while you, living in the west too, are not.

I pointed out that I do something via paying taxes, and charitable donations to alleviate their suffering. I don't volunteer as much as I have previously, but I have my own responsibilities, and supplant effort with some cash now.

I then asked you what you did to relieve the poor souls you supposedly care about, and all I've had in return is a lot of class envy, which is complete and utter horse shit. I'm from a working class background, I've been unemployed. I've done a lot of crap jobs for money (security guard, digging holes), before managing to what get some people refer to as a career (whch can involve long hours, over 60 last week).

You seem to begrudge the fact that I have a job. You call me middle class. All this tells me is that you are envious, don't have a job, and have never tried bettering your lot in life. You console yourself by creating some great conspiracy against people like you, and give up.

There is no conspiracy duendy. You just have to get off the sofa. You have to stop playing the victim. You have to stop taking so many drugs and sample reality for a while.

Basically, grow up, and become responsible for yourself.
why dont you then diga hole and jump in it and i will gladly fill it in......may be that will shut you te fuk up with incessant patronizing

like i told oph. you patronizing condecension knows no bounds. you haven't apparently the maturity to know hat such attitude can onle ver cause resentment. so u know very little about human nature do you

look mate. it is quite simple what i am saying here. i dont friggin care how you've maaged to get your 'comfortable 'exitence from being a hole digger or whatever. that dont concern me....right? AL we see here are W O R D S. and peoples ideas. got it? and what i am saying, seeing i call a spade a spade, is yours are right up the old arrrse. your philosophy of life suks. so i dont CARE what fukin charity shit you do. as long as your ignore-ant worldview exists and yo cling to it you are utter hypocrite. and a patronizing annoying one at that!
Duendy, I am delighted you took the action to clean up the mess in your park. That is exactly the sort of small, but meaningful action I am referring to. I applaud you for that. You may now accuse me of patronising you. I ask, if you don't value my opinion how can I possibly patronise you?
Your response to Phlog demonstrates that you clearly have no intention of reading a single thing anyone is actually saying. The one attempting to patronise and adopt a holier than thou attitude around here is you Duendy. So, I'm out of here for the moment. Stew in your own misapprehensions for a while longer.
Duendy. I am not reading your posts. I can see the gang of bullies beating you.

Give up. These people look for those with belief in anything so they can mug them. It does not matter what the belief is. This gang will attack anyone that evinces belief in anything.

They are attacking you for believing in doing good. They attacked me for trying to do good by spreading my theory. They attacked Lori for her religious beliefs.

They do not have any beliefs. They are empty shells of human beings. They have no souls. They have sold themselves to evil, however temporarily.

You will only hurt yourself in the end by trying to convince them. The only way they will ever change is when evil gets tired of using them, and enacts some evil on them. Once evil screws them over hard, and they are laying the gutter poor and broken, then they will finally wake up to what the rest of us call reality.