If you want to open your 3rd Eye...

James R said:
It may be true that nobody can convince YOU, but some of these things definitely exist...

Can't be proved.

Everybody knows time exists. It's obvious.

Gravity is part of science. It's well understood.

Black holes are part of science. They definitely exist.

There's no reason to think Qi exists.

Quantum mechanics is part of physics. It definitely exists. You can find it in textbooks, for example.

The big bang is part of science. It definitely occurred, but some details still need to be worked out.

No scientist who knows what he is talking about thinks that the universe expanded from a central point.

Got any evidence of your "dimentional [sic] axis with a mirror type effect"?


seriously man can you give me a little more credit than that here please,
im not bieng sarcastic atall sorry if it came off that way,

but you said it yourself, top line, "cant be proved" and your answer to does time exist was, " ofcourse time exists its obvious", and where is the proof alongside your statement to back it up,

and blackholes, you said "there part of science so they do exist" again that isnt proven fact man, could you refrain from saying what i say is wrong because i have no proof, while in the same post stating thigns as fact when you also have no real proof, contradictions man.

the big bang, it is a theory you are bieng like a christian, its just a textbook just because some book says something it dosent mean its true, it even says it in the title of the theory, "the big bang theory", (and yes a few minor details need to be worked out, like how did energy build up create a bang when there was no energy in existance to start the bang,)
where is the reaction? where is the catalyst?,

yes and about Qi, your right theres no proof orgone energy exists, but was it even properly experimented on?, it might not exist who knows,

i have alot more to say bt i think that was enough for now,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i have alot more to say bt i think that was enough for now,


I understand your manner of dealing with people. I can see it is better not to perpetuate negativity.

For me, being dishonest is the worst. Makes me feel physically bad. Instead of saying the above, and hoping the silent lesson would get thru, I would go ahead and say my stuff. My experience has lead me to believe that very few people in this modern world can understand silent lessons. They have been trained to only react to direct hard force that grabs their attention and will not let go.

I will be watching with interest to see if your method has success where I have so obviously failed.
For me, being dishonest is the worst. Makes me feel physically bad.

Then, you actually DO believe the nonsense you spout?

...I have so obviously failed

Yet, you persist at failing.
phlogistician said:
Yes. I never supported the war. Quite the opposite, in fact.
YET, you DO support mechanical science which births the evil of bush and co. so come off it. you are up to your neck in evil!....who the ***k are you to judge anyone?
errrr no. if you addressed me....whati issaying is tatmr phlo is a complete hypocrite. thereee he sits tapin away putting down poples feelings, and meaning. explaining any meaning in his vile reductivemechanistic lingo.....where he is in te habit of insulting people calling them whacko, lunies, woo woos, mentally ill..........that he supports the most dangerous religion ever to hit planet earth, materialistic science. which hs caused untold damae to ecosystems, communites, the land, ar, etc etc. has given to war the most irrewvesiblay destructive weapons of mass destruction

his religon rapes the very fukin SOUL of everything

and therehe sits tappin how he abhors Empty cause he's got an illegal gun or someting. i dont agree wid guns neither. ut its the friggin HYPOCRISY of his attitude i am highlighting

'abhor: to shrink from with horror....to protest against...'...is what i feel about al you stand for mr phlo. anothe word for what your a prt of is ABOMINATION....actually that term was used by patriarchs as a denunciation of Goddess religion and its rituals. but i am appropriating it. it fits better the despair your religion has brought down on all species and on Nature. a fukin abomination. Ecocide.......you have to eel tis to know it. if you dont your confession reveals your deadness
duendy said:
YET, you DO support mechanical science which births the evil of bush and co. so come off it. you are up to your neck in evil!....who the ***k are you to judge anyone?

Rathyer tenuous attempt at hanging the blame for the Iraq war on someone who doesn't suport it duendy. Pathetic in fact.

You really are grasping at straws.

Go score more hallucinogens while you have a Giro to spend. I understand there will be pressure for you to get off your arse and get a job soon. You must be quaking in your pants.

phlogistician said:
Rathyer tenuous attempt at hanging the blame for the Iraq war on someone who doesn't suport it duendy. Pathetic in fact.

me)))))oh yeah i forget...you cannot make connections or see patterns of influence can u reductive-ed...??

You really are grasping at straws.

me))))))i am not 'grasping' at anything. i am teelin it like it is for YOU

Go score more hallucinogens while you have a Giro to spend. I understand there will be pressure for you to get off your arse and get a job soon. You must be quaking in your pants.

me))))))for someone who cpnstantly speaks against being able toknow others peoples lives via telapthay, clairvoyance, etc. i fail to see how you KNOW thewse tings about me u seem so sure about. but i tell you this. IF i was on the bones of my fukin arse drinkin wine from a cracked bottle i'd have vastly more integrity than you you sad clown. resident pathological pseudo


the sad-funny thang is tis: you dont realize your your own worst enemy. you dont KNOW you are dead
Duendy, just another ad-hom and a tangent. You really do have an axe to grind, don't you?

BTW, I can make connections and see patterns, I just don't do it while whacked off my tits on hallucinogens. I use my intellect instead. Try it sometime!
phlogistician said:
Duendy, just another ad-hom and a tangent.

me))))you cant COMMUNICATElessen you put-down/ad hom!

You really do have an axe to grind, don't you?
me)))))))would like to grind it on your hard metal head. all its really good fo

BTW, I can make connections and see patterns,

me))i dont see E V I D E N C E of it. and i trust my observations! at ALL...

I just don't do it while whacked off my tits on hallucinogens. I use my intellect instead. Try it sometime!

you silly arse. yourrr 'intellect' is a truly tragic wrtech. cut off from a deep well you have contaminated with your bile
So, you given up on the Iraq War tangent now duendy? Taken yet another blind alley?

I know where all your vitriol comes from. You are scared about being forced into employment.
phlogistician said:
So, you given up on the Iraq War tangent now duendy? Taken yet another blind alley?

I know where all your vitriol comes from. You are scared about being forced into employment.
you are a monster. heard of Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. some interpreters of that book claim it is maning hiw science will try to create such horrors as that portrayed, but i see it as more a reflection of what people can beCOME when their soul done dead. YOU are a great example. senstivity yo aint. .......such as you truly make me shudder. would hate to live in the universe you reside in. you are what you tragic philosophy has made you. put togther wit biys of metal and other machine-like parts. and you go about bumpin into things and breakin them........tats my metaphor for old phlo anyhow. more may come

Interesting you pick that tome, duendy, considering it was the product of a drug fuelled orgy. Seems drug taking and paranoia about science is nothing new!

And yes, I am a monster. Says so in my profile, doesn't it? ;-)
phlogistician said:
Interesting you pick that tome, duendy, considering it was the product of a drug fuelled orgy. Seems drug taking and paranoia about science is nothing new!

And yes, I am a monster. Says so in my profile, doesn't it? ;-)
dont need to read it bubu, thats the point

ad...you got an issue wid 'drugs' haven't you?

do you by charrnce sup coffeee? what ARE YOUR 'vices' mr perfect. do you just luuurve to curl up with a mscience book. is THAT what turns you on?...huh?
No duendy, I don't have a problem with drugs. I just understand that they merely alter our perspective of reality, and that they don't change reality, open hidden doors, reveal truth, or put us on a higher plane of existence.

But of course, you being the self aggrandising under achiever think they do, because that's the only escape you have from your mundane life. It has to be more significant than a cheap high to you. Most people professing to be your age would have grown out of it by now, but for some reason you have not. I would guess it's because you are scared of real life, and need to feel in control of something, anything, and drugs are that for you.
phlogistician said:
No duendy, I don't have a problem with drugs. I just understand that they merely alter our perspective of reality, and that they don't change reality, open hidden doors, reveal truth, or put us on a higher plane of existence.

me))oh for fuks sake already. changing persepctive DOES change eality, obviously. what was nazi Germany? wasn't it a vile vil perspective trhat swept manypeople up and created hell on earth for many. what the soddin ell you goin on with. you hafve objectified yerself so much you are 2D. you have drugged yerself with silly notion chemicals. they NEED shaking up....pssst, tryy this!

But of course, you being the self aggrandising under achiever think they do, because that's the only escape you have from your mundane life. It has to be more significant than a cheap high to you. Most people professing to be your age would have grown out of it by now, but for some reason you have not. I would guess it's because you are scared of real life, and need to feel in control of something, anything, and drugs are that for you.

so if i am 'underachiever' yu must think of yourself as ...what? 'OVERachiever'? sat there in your smug house and smug car and fixtures and fittings and flashy techno gadgets. whilst millions of people are starving and in dire povery round th world ...you self-righteous prick

and what about death...?you who promoe meaninglesness. what about all your ofer-undera chieving then. what happens to it?

watch him say you'll 'it passes onto my kids'...

well.......comon. bring it on mutha
duendy said:
sat there in your smug house and smug car and fixtures and fittings and flashy techno gadgets. whilst millions of people are starving and in dire povery round th world ...you self-righteous prick

You also have a PC, or some device capable of accessing the internet. Don't be hypocritical.
Communist Hamster said:
You also have a PC, or some device capable of accessing the internet. Don't be hypocritical.
look. checkout all the twoins and froings here dude. not just take things out of context. that ph;o fellah is sat there, smug as ya like braggin how righteous and what an achiever he is, right?........i am not. i dont havea fukin go at pople like he does. puttin them down, pushin a materilistic dogma down everyones throat. if you like that then its up to you. i dont. me having access to the fukin internet has nuthin to do with nything. i USE i to speak out and try and find ways to resolve the crap being made out of life by tat smug arsed mindset. a mindset that's have me incacerated in a luny bin in a twinkle of their mean fukin eye

it is what his attitude represnts that i challenge. if u cant see that then wash yer eyes out