If you want to open your 3rd Eye...

duendy, I've read your "materialistic dogma" rants with some interest. I must say that I understand what you're saying and why you're saying it, but, in the end, isn't it the responsibility of the individual to decide whether or not they want a materialistic lifestyle?

If my family on the reservation get tired of going outside for water, should they deny themselves plumbing for their hogan because our ancestors used the act of obtaining water as a ritual?

Should small pox have been allowed to spread among my ancestors because they didn't have the natural immunity that the Europeans developed and vaccination wasn't a traditional response?

I agree that there's more to life and living than science can readily explain, but I also admit that science does a bang up job in my life. I meditate and listen to music that suits my mood. I seek smells and aesthetic things in my home that give me peace and tranquility. But I also take ibuprofin when an old knee injury swells after a long run and get my flu shot each year. I find a happy medium between modern science/medicine/technology and the aesthetic and comforting aspects of tradition. I smug my house with sage and sweet grass from time to time, but mostly because I like the smell more than because I think it will actually keep 'spirits' away (it also gets rid of the cigar odor in my car).

I think you have some good points about materialism, but I also think you go way overboard in your rants. After all, this is a "Science" forum, and it is expected that most, if not all, discussions would be "scientifically" slanted.

Finally, I think you may be the proof we need that telepathy DOES exist. Maybe you aren't using a PC at all for your posts and do it by THINKING them to the internet! :) That might explain the spelling mistakes (I'm kidding, of course... I remember reading some time back that you have a small keyboard).

Yenald Looshi
Hey Vlooshi, you have got me wrong a bit. i am not ANTI sciece, but anti materialistic scince, which is also positivist
of COURSEi understand how plumbing ects makes life easier. ...what i am 'rantin' bout is the PHILOSOPHY of materialism. which believes and popagates th idea that Nature is dead and mere commodity

As far as i can see, te world is in a truly dire situation. as i type other species are going extinct due o humans action on this planet.......All of this is doing incalculable damge to the dynamic inerelation of ecostemes

isn't ECOLOGY science? what do you say? and when you read many of the main exponents speaking about humanities urgent need for ecologica awareness they are scientists many of them, and othes usually aren't anti science, but rather against the mindset that doesn't understand a deeper relationship

you say these forums are about science right? well, yeah, iknow. but what i am challenging is the attitude defendinga LIMITED understanding of science. which neither takes the ecology and peoples deeper feelings and experience into account

a radical chage has to occur where the long held schism between 'subjective' awareness and 'objective' awareness is resolved. it has to happen fast as te latter reigning power-over is fkin everyting up
duendy said:
so if i am 'underachiever' yu must think of yourself as ...what? 'OVERachiever'?

No, that's a really childish attempt at a come back.

sat there in your smug house and smug car and fixtures and fittings and flashy techno gadgets. whilst millions of people are starving and in dire povery round th world ...you self-righteous prick

Duendy, what has what I have got to do with what others don't? This is yet another tangent, duendy, but you are just as guilty of anything that you can accuse me of. Why don't you send some of your money to those starving people, instead of buying drugs with it? Because you can rationalise your expenditure on hallucinogens, but have so little empathy yourself, you begrudge others spending their cash on different things, or giving to different charities over ones that you would choose!

and what about death...?you who promoe meaninglesness. what about all your ofer-undera chieving then. what happens to it?

watch him say you'll 'it passes onto my kids'...

well.......comon. bring it on mutha

I didn't understand this last rant duendy. What are you attempting to say?
Please tell me. I will try to open it for you
I was worried for a sec. I thought that this thread was titled "If you want to open your 3rd Hole.", and was wondering exactly what hole of mine that you wanted to open.

Errm, never mind
phlogistician said:
No, that's a really childish attempt at a come back.

me))))))ohh 'childish'. i see you struttin about wid yur chest stuck out trying to make me feel smll, and you call ME childish....? ,,,hah!

Duendy, what has what I have got to do with what others don't? This is yet another tangent, duendy, but you are just as guilty of anything that you can accuse me of. Why don't you send some of your money to those starving people, instead of buying drugs with it?

me))who as it accusing others of being 'under-achievers' smarty pants? me?or you? this has been your attitude from the first. smugly parading your supposed supeioroirty of intelliegence and possessions. HENCE your attitude shits on the millions of poeple in the world who are starving, including poor people in the West. THAT ATTITUDE of yours is what i'm exposing

Because you can rationalise your expenditure on hallucinogens, but have so little empathy yourself, you begrudge others spending their cash on different things, or giving to different charities over ones that you would choose!

me))))))let me let you into a little secret...shhhhhhhh. the psychedelics i am used to using are FREE! you dont buy them, you pick them in fields. joyfull lush green fields when te leaves of many golden reddish hues doth fall.
Yur COULD buy them in certqin places in rhe UK TILL last JUly. After which the Blair government decides in its abject ignorance to classify them even in their frewsh form a danger to humanity and make it a life sentenceable offence to be in possession of them. war on [some] drugs as i said. obviously your not hip to all this yet STILL feel you can pass judgement

I didn't understand this last rant duendy. What are you attempting to say?
I aksed you that seeing you lay so much emphasis on 'achieving'....yeH? WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL THAT 'ACHIEVING' WHEN YER DEAD?
Yes duendy, you are childish.

No, I have never paraded my possessions. If you think I have, please provide a link.

No duendy, I didn't place emphasis on achievement. Exactly the opposite. I mentioned your lack of achievement.

Oh, and because we all die, there's no reason to try? Is that your reason for not bettering yourself, and checking into 'shroomland? You could spend time helping charities, instead of tripping. It's not just about money, duendy, but effort. Frothing on a message board doesn't do much for the starving people, does it, duendy? Allegedly caring isn't enough. So, as you've accused me of of being part of the problem, what are you doing to provide a solution? Supplying hot air?
phlogistician said:
Yes duendy, you are childish.

me))))))in the derogative sense no doubt? not in the 'the child can see the emperor naked' sense.
well, you've got fukin room to talk, yer struttin 11 yearold wid yur bling bling!

No, I have never paraded my possessions. If you think I have, please provide a link.

me))))))you, for all your pretensions to being super intelligent cant keep track of what you say throughout your discourse. so wh should I bother?

No duendy, I didn't place emphasis on achievement. Exactly the opposite. I mentioned your lack of achievement.

me))))oh my gawwwd. you dont dig that callin others 'UNDER' achievers presumes your status OF achievement. yer even thicker than i thought.

Oh, and because we all die, there's no reason to try? Is that your reason for not bettering yourself, and checking into 'shroomland? You could spend time helping charities, instead of tripping. It's not just about money, duendy, but effort. Frothing on a message board doesn't do much for the starving people, does it, duendy? Allegedly caring isn't enough. So, as you've accused me of of being part of the problem, what are you doing to provide a solution? Supplying hot air?

ytur full ofit. can just see your smug arse as achrity-giver self-image. sat sitin there tellin me my life you cheeky so and so. you know nuthin about 'shrooms' and insights forthcoming.....haveu even ever had the experience..........?

if so, please tell. if so, MUST have been some bummer right?

and anyone tell you your middle name is paronizin-git??
Phlogistician has some pertinent points here Duendy. Just what have you done to relieve suffering, help the poor and the sick, overcome the 'materialistic conspiracy' you think rules our lives? You seem to have merely indulged yourself in a drugged stupour and a series of rants. Everything is about how screwed up the world is, and how it is the fault of others. So what are you actually doing Duendy, to change this? Precious little it seems. Explain to me where I am mistaken.
Ophiolite said:
Phlogistician has some pertinent points here Duendy. Just what have you done to relieve suffering, help the poor and the sick, overcome the 'materialistic conspiracy' you think rules our lives? You seem to have merely indulged yourself in a drugged stupour and a series of rants. Everything is about how screwed up the world is, and how it is the fault of others. So what are you actually doing Duendy, to change this? Precious little it seems. Explain to me where I am mistaken.
haha. no wonder you empathize wid old phlo oph. you two seem of the same MINDSET...have merrrrcy, hah

ok. let m try and snwer your ....accusation. okay. phlo reckons charity is the answer? ...oh, that is SO fukin middle class init. what we hVE, THE COMFORTABLE GIVIN SOMEMOF THEIR 'HARD EARNED' READIS AWAY ON CERTAIN OCCASIONSTHRUOUT THE YEAR. WHILST MEANWHILE THE resT BEING PART OF AND BACKIN A SYSTEM THAT IS LUNDERING THEVERY POOR THEY HYPOCRITICALLY PRETEND TO HELP. YOU WITH ME? IE., THE PITTANCE THEY GIVEIN 'CHARITY' IS A FRACTION OF (ooops sorry bout caps. must havebee n freudian slip) os what they really rip OFF. look at Geldoff the stupid clown. but thats maybe for another thread

FIRST. change you ATTITUDE. examine your WORLDVIEW. do yo back up materialistic science as being the all n all? well do ya? this is a direct question. from where i am sittin both u and phlo do. relentlessly......my explorations is that that attitude is a mian instigator of the crap world you've made of things

here is a FORUM. we use text to debate donna we?so that what i do. i raise issues. some which may piss u off, as you do me. but this is all we can do here

worldvews are what keeps things tickin over. say yu are in nazi germany. now, are you a nazi or do you see throug it, and are not? does it make sense to say to one individual in that mass madness'what you gonna do about it?'.....isn't it enough thay said individual FIRST DOES see through that mass hypnosis, and may speak out, carefull about it? isn't that a start. rather than saying nazism is good, and create pure blood. what do you think?
duendy said:
well, you've got fukin room to talk, yer struttin 11 yearold wid yur bling bling!

I asked you to substantiate your claim that I paraded my possessions here at sciforums, not re-iterate the falsehood. Now, let's look at this more recent claim; "bling bling". ThatI believe is a term for showy jewellery. Well, the only thing I'm wearing that isn't clothing right now is a wristwatch, that has a black plastic case. Hardly showy or "bling", so I think I;ve dispensed with your falsehood

you, for all your pretensions to being super intelligent cant keep track of what you say throughout your discourse. so wh should I bother?

To try and prove the spurious bullshit you spout? I know I have never done what you claim, and would be interested to see how you can twist something to fit your lie.

oh my gawwwd. you dont dig that callin others 'UNDER' achievers presumes your status OF achievement. yer even thicker than i thought.

No duendy, it's you that's thick, you don't understand that it might just be related to an average, not an individual.

ytur full ofit. can just see your smug arse as achrity-giver self-image. sat sitin there tellin me my life you cheeky so and so. you know nuthin about 'shrooms' and insights forthcoming.....haveu even ever had the experience..........?

if so, please tell. if so, MUST have been some bummer right?

and anyone tell you your middle name is paronizin-git??

So, that's a dodge on the question of what you are doing to solve the problems of world hunger you allegedly care about. Tripping your tits off and imagining a better place is no real help, duendy.
So, I see in your response to Ophiolite you just throw more bile, and fail to answer the question about what you do to solve the issues you claim to care about.

The answer, is 'Nothing', isn't it duendy?

At least I pay income tax and give to charities.

You allege I am part of mechanism that contributes to the ills of others, and somehow excuse your own part in that. Yet you do nothing to redress that balance. You are a hypocrite, duendy. A loud mouthed, spiteful, hateful, jealous hypocrite.
phlogistician said:
I asked you to substantiate your claim that I paraded my possessions here at sciforums, not re-iterate the falsehood. Now, let's look at this more recent claim; "bling bling". ThatI believe is a term for showy jewellery. Well, the only thing I'm wearing that isn't clothing right now is a wristwatch, that has a black plastic case. Hardly showy or "bling", so I think I;ve dispensed with your falsehood

me)))))my smartpants. ISit not true that you have claimed you are moreintelligent than me, and have achieved more. ? well?

To try and prove the spurious bullshit you spout? I know I have never done what you claim, and would be interested to see how you can twist something to fit your lie.

me)))))))it is hard to communcate and reason with a deniar

No duendy, it's you that's thick, you don't understand that it might just be related to an average, not an individual.

me))))))an 'average'? what you mean the average is 'high achiever? achiever?...someone whohas a house, a good retirment deal in the bank....banks? may be a house in some nice holiday aea. a shiny car the neghbours is jeaous of? pleas explain what 'average' is. and while about it, let me know what you think of the 'underclass'?

So, that's a dodge on the question of what you are doing to solve the problems of world hunger you allegedly care about. Tripping your tits off and imagining a better place is no real help, duendy.

'dodge',,,i get accused of dodgin by mr evade-the-question himself?? let me arsk agin then. wonder this time if you'll notice it. HAVE YOU EVER had a magic mushroom experience...sIR?
my smartpants. ISit not true that you have claimed you are moreintelligent than me, and have achieved more. ? well?

No, it's not true. I am more intelligent that you, that much is true. But I never claimed to have achieved more than you. I called you and underachiever.

it is hard to communcate and reason with a deniar

Show me the link, and shut me up then.

an 'average'? what you mean the average is 'high achiever?

No idiot, the average, would be 'average achiever' wouldn't it?

achiever?... someone whohas a house, a good retirment deal in the bank....banks? may be a house in some nice holiday aea. a shiny car the neghbours is jeaous of?

Ah, you mention jealousy, Very telling that. Yes, I have a house, a car, a pension. I don't think the neighbours are jealous of the car, but it is quite shiny. I don't have a holiday home, but I would like one. Maybe some day eh? Something to work towards?

pleas explain what 'average' is. and while about it, let me know what you think of the 'underclass'?

Average? Well it's no use talking about average salaries, as you don't work. Underclass? Can't say, I don't know any in person. I can tell you about 'working class' though, because that's my background.

'dodge',,,i get accused of dodgin by mr evade-the-question himself?? let me arsk agin then. wonder this time if you'll notice it. HAVE YOU EVER had a magic mushroom experience...sIR?

I told you before I have never taken hallucinogens duendy, pay attention. What has you taking them got to do with the fact that you do nothing to help the starving people of the world, that you supposedly feel for? Going to recommend a diet of mushrooms to them, are you? It's just another pathetic dodge and turn a tangent from you, hoping the difficult questions will go away. Well, no, you still sound like a petty jealous hypocrite, duendy.
The materialist in all of this appears to be you Duendy. You are the one who rants on and on about material possessions - possessions which, for the most part, you do not have. What would be impressive Duendy is if you did not have them by choice. It seems to me, based on your posts over the last year, that you do not have them because you cannot afford them.
You cannot afford them because you have no job. You have no job, not because you have opted out of society, but because you are virtually unemployable. And so you choose to be a parasite on this materialistic society you so strongly decry.
It seems as if Phlog and I, without complaint, support your lifestyle through the taxes we pay.
And you seem to think, for reasons I provisionally assign to jealousy, but may be down to stupidity, that 'high achiever' is synonmous with having a house, a retirement plan, a shiny car, a holiday home, etc. How very strange. It is true I do have a house; my retirement plan stinks and consists mainly of not retiring; my car is sitting with a flat tire and a rusting chassis and has been off the road for six months; I have nor holiday home.
More to the point in as much as I have achieved anything it relates to raising two children; contributing with time (not the charity you so despise) to my local community; and doing my work as professionally and efficiently as I am able, especially as it relates to helping colleagues (subordinates, peers and bosses) in their development.
No doubt you will see this as evidence of my support for the status quo of the patriarchal, materialistic science based, non-spiritual, politically uncaring conspiracy that runs the planet to the benefit of big business. But that's just because you are a really screwed up individual.
On the subject of flashing the cash Ophiolite, I'll have to buy you a pint sometime. I might even run to a bag of crisps too! You are Midlands based yes? I recall you mentioning Trent Bridge? I can do Nottingham.
phlogistician said:
No, it's not true. I am more intelligent that you, that much is true.

me))))))conceited prat. such an assertion means that you are sooo pig ignorant its a wonder u can aim straight sat down

But I never claimed to have achieved more than you. I called you and underachiever.

me)))mmmyes. hey you'll. here is evidence of his intelligence. he calls me an underachiever, objectively of course. no subjectivity in there ey what my phlo?

Show me the link, and shut me up then.

mePPPahhhhh go find yer own links fool i aint runnin round after ya

No idiot, the average, would be 'average achiever' wouldn't it?

me)))))))so ae YO 'average achiever'? does tat mean i am 'less average achiveer' you raaas claaat?

Ah, you mention jealousy, Very telling that. Yes, I have a house, a car, a pension. I don't think the neighbours are jealous of the car, but it is quite shiny. I don't have a holiday home, but I would like one. Maybe some day eh? Something to work towards?

m))))yes. i can picture you very well indeedo. oh, what a smug face yo got there.

Average? Well it's no use talking about average salaries, as you don't work. Underclass? Can't say, I don't know any in person.

me)))))well i can bet

I can tell you about 'working class' though, because that's my background.

me)))))oh. A workin class man whose 'worked his way up' hey. shiiiit. the worst. espesh when they then get on their high horse like you. bit like a reformed non smpker etcetre

I told you before I have never taken hallucinogens duendy, pay attention. What has you taking them got to do with the fact that you do nothing to help the starving people of the world, that you supposedly feel for? Going to recommend a diet of mushrooms to them, are you? It's just another pathetic dodge and turn a tangent from you, hoping the difficult questions will go away. Well, no, you still sound like a petty jealous hypocrite, duendy.

and you sound a complete fool. lecturing me about shrooms? and you've never ever hd the experience?.....first take some then get back. its not what your limited nugget imagines. and whats all this 'po people po people' crap you keep on about? you are so predictable. and so simplistic...sheeesh
Mainly because she is. That's what you will tend to find with us idiotic scientific types: we tend to be swayed by the evidence. While she is generally unreliable on most things she has previously claimed to be a girl - woman rather. I admit she could be an three foot tall, asexual blob of intelligent protoplasm from Alpha Centauri, and lying through its filter filaments, but on this point I tend to accept her claims.