If you want to open your 3rd Eye...

Happeh said:
Duendy. I am not reading your posts.

Well, you are going to come a fair and balanced conclusion if you stay wantonly ignorant of the proceedings, aren't you? I know it's difficult reading duendy's prose, but please try, and then see if duendy is actually making any sense, eh?

I can see the gang of bullies beating you.

Duendy uses ad homs, personal attacks, and name calling, and we're bullies? Oh, of course, you wouldn't know that, because you haven't read duendy's posts.

They are attacking you for believing in doing good.

Not true. I'm not attacking duendy. Duendy attacked me. If you'd read the posts you'd know that. I too believe in 'doing good', and actually do some good. Duendy accuses me of doing evil, while doing nothing good herself. It's a hypocritical accusation from duendy that caused me to take her/him to task. Maybe if you'd read the thread you'd grasp that?

They attacked me for trying to do good by spreading my theory.

What the theory about wanking? That was funny, and if you are serious, you need help.

They attacked Lori for her religious beliefs.

Who is Lori?

Tell you what, read the thread, and get back to us with specific points, because at the moment, you sound like you are stupidly showing some solidarity soley because you are both woowoos, and you know, and acting without evidence is the exact problem we have with you people.
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You know what Happeh? I found out yesterday your theory was right.

I had a gentlemans rest while standing up in the shower, but almost as soon as I had started my legs buckled under me, and I became blind. This of course, coupled with the leaning towards my masturbatory hand meant I fell down and thwacked my head on the toilet. Of course by then I had started to become gay and fondle my own ass, but it didn't matter because by the time my head had hit the toilet (cracking my feeble skull) I had died of AIDS.

Oh, what a fool I was for not believing you.
Ophiolite said:
Duendy, I am delighted you took the action to clean up the mess in your park. That is exactly the sort of small, but meaningful action I am referring to. I applaud you for that. You may now accuse me of patronising you. I ask, if you don't value my opinion how can I possibly patronise you?

me)))))))i told you to show you up for judgin people you know nowt about. theres othr stuff....surprise surprise. we are complex beiengs. beyond your measuring devices which have taken hold of your very 'perceptptive capacities' apparently....tho of course i masure too. i just dont make it a religion. i measure for example the words you use and whatr you and yer buddy say

Your response to Phlog demonstrates that you clearly have no intention of reading a single thing anyone is actually saying. The one attempting to patronise and adopt a holier than thou attitude around here is you Duendy. So, I'm out of here for the moment. Stew in your own misapprehensions for a while longer.

and you think you listen do you...?
Communist Hamster said:
You know what Happeh? I found out yesterday your theory was right..................................................Oh, what a fool I was for not believing you.
Let this be a lesson to you and all your homosexual, zionist buddies. If God had meant men to masturbate in the shower he wouldn't have made the water go boiling hot one moment and freezing cold the next.
Happeh for President!!
phlogistician said:
What the theory about wanking? That was funny, and if you are serious, you need help.

I felt apologetic and consoling until I read this.

phlogistician said:
Who is Lori?

A woman I don't see around anymore after Snakelord beat her up.

phlogistician said:
Tell you what, read the thread, and get back to us with specific points, because at the moment, you sound like you are stupidly showing some solidarity soley because you are both woowoos, and you know, and acting without evidence is the exact problem we have with you people.

No thanks. I have had my fill of being sick trying to convince people here. I need a vacation to get back to my health. Then maybe I will be able to deal with all the obstinancy and resistance that is found here.
Communist Hamster said:
You know what Happeh? I found out yesterday your theory was right.

I had a gentlemans rest while standing up in the shower, but almost as soon as I had started my legs buckled under me, and I became blind. This of course, coupled with the leaning towards my masturbatory hand meant I fell down and thwacked my head on the toilet. Of course by then I had started to become gay and fondle my own ass, but it didn't matter because by the time my head had hit the toilet (cracking my feeble skull) I had died of AIDS.

Oh, what a fool I was for not believing you.

You think you are funny. I think you are sad. I am 100% right. I wish you could leave the bleating herd and let me prove it to you.
Hey guys. Some guy called SeekerOfTruth says there is such a thing a CHI.

I saw that and I knew you would be salivating at the thought of fresh meat to attack. You can find him here.


He said he would not try to convince you. Maybe there will be no discussion. I like to be friendly so I thought I would let you guys know anyways.

Chow Time!
Happeh said:
Hey guys. Some guy called SeekerOfTruth says there is such a thing a CHI.
You see why we laugh at you Happeh? You can't even get the simple things right. Seekeroftheway, not SeekerofTruth. You are two steps beyond salvaging. [Still waiting to hear what city you live in. Too scared to say? You are the one who offered to convince anyone of us face to face. Still waiting. (did I hear the cackle of a hen?)]
I like to be friendly so I thought I would let you guys know anyways

Gee Happeh, you're such a great guy! I can't imagine what it would be like without you around.
you no i dont get all of you people muslim comes on this website adn makes a post trying to help and inform people about activating their 3rd eye and those who wish to learn about this he just asks to ask him for help and all you guys to is turn this topic into basically a big fight... seroisly you guys should just your own post where you can bash and bully eachother all you want dont go off making a perfectly good topic people are intrested in a battle ground.. i think its kinda puthetic that somone is trying to give THOSE WHO SEEK INFORMATION THE INFROMATION THEY ARE LOOKING FOR and all you people do in return is arguee and fight befor he even leaves another reply mabye he isnt replying now because he doesnt want to put up with all of you fighting about what everyelse belives in if you dont belive in the 3rd eye or anything involing that then why even bother posting here stick wiht your beliefs dont try and change other peoples oppinions, all this does is cause fighting that isnt wanted or even needed. everyone should just try and have an open mind to what muslim is trying to say let him explain it to what he thinks is all that needs to be said.. then post your oppinions if you dont agree with it.. or even better dont and keep it to yourself...

im really hoping what i am saying doesnt cause people to continue to fight but does the complete oppisate and stops the pointless fighting...

muslim im very intrested in the topic of the 3rd eye could you please share more insight on this?
Yes, please. This is a SCIENCE forum, so we are entitled to comment on he validity of such claims. He [muslim] wants to rip people off for what is essentially a placebo.

Also, would it kill you to use punctuation?
Ember-to-Inferno, the passion and concern in your post is very evident, and I applaud you for that. However, as the Red Rodent has observed above, this is a Science forum. To the best of my knowledge (and at one time I did a great deal of reading and dabbling in such matters) there is absolutely no scientific evidence for the existence of a third eye.

If this were a New Age forum, then that would hardly matter. It is, however, as science forum. That means we should expect that scientific methodology is applied within the posts. If something as bizarre and unknown to science as a third eye is to be discussed, then at the very least some evidence for its existence should be presented at the outset. This was entirely lacking.

Perhaps muslim intended the third eye to be used in a metaphorical sense. (I think Duendy, in one of her few lucid moments suggested as much.) In that case , he should have either stated his intent was metaphorical, or posted this under philosophy, not parapsychology.

In any event, the result is a poorly presented, unscientific thesis, about a probably non-existent object/facility. It is hardly surprising that this is jumped on by those who wish to raise the standard of the board, and at the same time attracts the rabble of nutters and extremists who circulate around anything of this sort, crying 'skeptic, skeptic', when ever a valid point of objectivity is raised.

That said, many of us (doubtless including myself) might occasionally be more tolerant of such views. The difficulty is that we have seen so many crazy theories or spiritual perspectives unsuitably clothed in the raiment of science that we tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

Note: Like CH I also am fond of punctuation. I believe a properly structured post, well punctuated, is a gesture of respect for the reader.
Ember-To-Inferno.......i know. the real troublemakers are te mscientist gang of course, who imagine it their sole duty to police these forums defending what tey keep calling 'science' but what they MEAN is a materialist philosophy.....have told them this over and over and ove....but still it aint sunk in. thi is due to severe indoctrinaton IN it.

to somehow see THRu their indoctrination whats needed IS the opening of third eye.

so what IS the 3rd eye?

somehere havesaid it is metaphorical. well errr yeah. we aint gonna see no blinkin eye in the middle of the forehead are we?

look at it like is: wehave a 'left' and a 'right' eye. its been anceintly known that left applies to te feminine and 'right' to the 'hunter'---ie., the hunting arm. rthus the usually masculine

so, the THIRDeye is understanding the complimntarity between tese two seemingly oppo-site modes. and therefore seeing in reality the intelligence of polarity

notrice how te material scientists here are caught in one sdeedness, the righside.....matter. they will scream blue murder, harangue, insult, stru out their chest, you name it to defemd their religion: ALLLLL ISSSSS MATTTER

let us settle back and watch reponse to this.......ready?
1. I am not a materialist scientist, as I understand the term.
2. My favourite classical work is Dvorack's Fifth Symphony. I also quite like Mahler. But the creme de la creme is anything by Bach. Genius is an inadequate word.
3. My favourite pop/rock/whatever group is Cream.
4. I read T.S. Elliot often.
5. I don't especially like sculpture, though the Henry Moore in the grounds of the Houses of Parliament is nice.
6. I try to visit the Tate or the National Gallery each time I am in London. I still haven't finished working my way around the Louvre. The Prado, in Madrid and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam are two of my favourites overseas, though the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston is impressive for such a materialist state - I'm sure they just chose the exhibits based on price Duendy.
7. I play the piano very badly whenever I am at home.
8. I write poetry occasionally and prose often.
9. I am at a loss to see in what way I am a materialist.
10. Is it connected with my incorrigible desire to require an element of proof for what others tell me. Perhaps it was because I have observed some people lying to others and to themselves. If you tell me you have a purple parrot I shall believe you. The consequences to me of this being a falsehood are minor. If you tell me you have a cure for cancer, or have been abducted by space aliens, the consequences for me if you speak the truth are considerable. It is therefore prudent to question your claim and to ask for some form of verification.

If, Duendy, you count a materialist as someone who does not take mind altering drugs, then your accusation is largely well founded. Apart from a couple of beers, a glass of wine or an Irish coffee, and a regular dosage of beta blockers I am wholly free of these. Curiously I have found the buzz that comes from fitting together disparate facts and having that eureka moment when they match to be quite sufficient a mental high.