If you want to open your 3rd Eye...

duendy said:
THE last thing we need righrt now is yet MORE propaganda warning off people exploring their own bodyminds.....!

this has been the strategy of most, particularly patriarchal 'mystery' schools, west AND east, and is designed to keep a small elite supposingly in the KNOW

the Christian concept of'hell' is part of ths 'boo boo' scam. it is the warning to explore ones Depth. so artists were employed to depict all forms of ghoulie woolies to scrare offf the people being drilled in conformity to authority

BUT, i dont recommend that. of course exploring mind can bring joy and terror. but hy, we are LLaduls, righ. an we dont need another self-appointed adult takin to us like kids

THEmain facilitator for exploring depth hs always been psychedelics. NOTICE how the 'myster' movemebts prohibit psychedelics. this is cause they seek to thrall you wit warnings about devling to deep. and makin sure you kee their teirascetic regime, with promise of the 'biggie' thrill at the end

we dont trust all that. be an INDEPENDENT explorer. you are unique and thus if you wanna'open te third eye'---which really means, partake of the psychedelic sacrament, then DO it. This way is FAR more easier than all tis patriarcvhal mcho bullshite about haveing to live an rduous life bla bla. let THEM do that

once read in a book explaining Quantum physics and Einsteinian shit, how the sun takes the EASIEST route. as does all Nature. so whys it it is certin humans wit some kinda workf-etic ascetic obsession, always wannna go for the hard fruitless route, huh?

duendy your a negative pessimist under the guise of a happy posative soul,

please refrain from insulting me and learn to control your ego please, i was simply trying to help somebody and warn them about there human ego, and how it can do mental damage to one, if you see things that your not ready to see,

ie, seeing the emptyness of non existance when you die, for a person with a huge material ego and link to this world, it can scar them for life, do you not know this?, a person can seriously damage there own mind if there not careful,

i did not say dont look into your mind fullstop, i said rid your ego before lookign so deep, are you saying this is a bad thing? if so howcomes?.

insult my advice if you would like, but i will not retaliate with further insults that just passes on the bad energy, i will leave it at this, but you should now inturn take my free advice, and learn to control yourself and seperate your selfish ego fromt his forum like many others need to do, you should talk without harshness, remain level headed and calm, do not use rudeness to fight your battles for you, use kindness,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
insult my advice if you would like, but i will not retaliate with further insults that just passes on the bad energy, i will leave it at this, but you should now inturn take my free advice, and learn to control yourself and seperate your selfish ego fromt his forum like many others need to do, you should talk without harshness, remain level headed and calm, do not use rudeness to fight your battles for you, use kindness,


sometimes I agree with this and sometimes I do not. I used to counsel people this same thing. Then one person stood up to me in a reasonable way that I could discuss with. I asked them their reasoning. They said they were harsh

"To give people a taste of their own medicine".

It sounded wrong to me. You know what though? It is a valid idea. I tried it on otherwise incorrigible people. When you hurt them the way they hurt others, it seems to wake them up. If all you do is talk nice to them, they never learn why it is that people avoid them. They need to feel the hate and malice they exude so that they can learn why people shun them.

The nice way is better and healthier. I know people that would let someone "drown" in their malice and hate before they would themselves demonstrate malice and hate to another in order to teach them. I still cannot decide if I think those people are selfish, or if they are looking out for themselves in a reasonable way.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
duendy your a negative pessimist under the guise of a happy posative soul,

me))))))since when have i tried to suggest i am a happy positive soul??

please refrain from insulting me and learn to control your ego please, i was simply trying to help somebody and warn them about there human ego, and how it can do mental damage to one, if you see things that your not ready to see,

me)))i know. and iam savin them from your bullcrap. 'please control your ego' indeed. THAt is the trap. when yu do that game you begin wanting to control everybody ELSES ego. do you see, you authoritarianism over yerself projects outward onto the community. so i am warning you and peopleyou spill thispropaganda to!

ie, seeing the emptyness of non existance when you die, for a person with a huge material ego and link to this world, it can scar them for life, do you not know this?, a person can seriously damage there own mind if there not careful,

me)))why, hae ya beed dead?........yeahhhm didn't think so. so hwow are u so sure then??

i did not say dont look into your mind fullstop, i said rid your ego before lookign so deep, are you saying this is a bad thing? if so howcomes?.

me)))becuz you are under the illusion 'you' can 'rid yourself' of your 'ego' is why? you are lost in semantics fellah me lad.

insult my advice if you would like, but i will not retaliate with further insults that just passes on the bad energy, i will leave it at this, but you should now inturn take my free advice, and learn to control yourself and seperate your selfish ego fromt his forum like many others need to do, you should talk without harshness, remain level headed and calm, do not use rudeness to fight your battles for you, use kindness,

me)))ohhhh sparew us mr positive. you are not gonna silence me sos you can willy nilly dish out your irratinal positivist propganda. it makes no sense . in fact it is dangerous. for when you begin to imagine you can scpaegoat the 'ego', your divided aginst yerself
knew i;d have troble wid u after hearing your views about bullying. espesh wheni heard you agree with bmax several times. danger danger flashed

Happeh said:
sometimes I agree with this and sometimes I do not. I used to counsel people this same thing. Then one person stood up to me in a reasonable way that I could discuss with. I asked them their reasoning. They said they were harsh

"To give people a taste of their own medicine".

It sounded wrong to me. You know what though? It is a valid idea. I tried it on otherwise incorrigible people. When you hurt them the way they hurt others, it seems to wake them up. If all you do is talk nice to them, they never learn why it is that people avoid them. They need to feel the hate and malice they exude so that they can learn why people shun them.

The nice way is better and healthier. I know people that would let someone "drown" in their malice and hate before they would themselves demonstrate malice and hate to another in order to teach them. I still cannot decide if I think those people are selfish, or if they are looking out for themselves in a reasonable way.

yeah i can understand this perfectly, and your right it can work very well, giving people a taste of there own medicine works, but it can also lead to more negative actions,

it can end in many ways, 2 of those would be ie, they gett he picture and see your point realising there fault, but also it can lead to a back and forth barrage of insults and bad energy, even a trickle down effect on everyone that person meets during there day, "a bad day".

but yeah i understand your point, but i still think a good solution to this whole problem, be polite and show respect, if respect is shown and politeness is given from both partys, a calm and productive debate can occur without emotional ties tot he issue at hand,

seperate your emotions from your debates, stick to polite structured points, actually listen to the opposing person in the debate, (i meana ctually listen to there side and acknowledge it)

a debate does not have to turn into an emotional argument/battle of words, you can get your point accross without envolving your emotions,

personal opinions are just that, personal opinions, every man to his own,

and duendy,

see what i mean, you bring up past debates, and you say because i agreed with baron max and i opposed your opinion with my own opinion on bullying, you hold that against my further posts, wich have nothing to do with schools and bullying,

i will agree to disagree with you, because you will not participate in a debate without involving your emotions,

dont you see that you are just holding a grudge because of past dissagreements with myself and you?,

i hold nothing agaisnt you i wish you all the best in life, and the ego can be rid of, and i will continue to try and destroy my earthly ego,

if a human is born in the wild with no communication with other humans and he knows nothing but the life of a wild dog, will he have an ego or not?

ask yourself that, isnt the ego just life experience, if you experience no egotistical life how do you produce an "ego".

EmptyForceOfChi said:
and duendy,

see what i mean, you bring up past debates, and you say because i agreed with baron max and i opposed your opinion with my own opinion on bullying, you hold that against my further posts, wich have nothing to do with schools and bullying,

me))))))cause i remember what people have said before. i do not reduce a person to one thread, subject. i keep always in mind their other views about things

i will agree to disagree with you, because you will not participate in a debate without involving your emotions,

me))))))hah......so you expect a Dr Spock fromStar Trek approach do yo. puleeeeze. i am human, and am not ashamed to have emotions.

dont you see that you are just holding a grudge because of past dissagreements with myself and you?,

me)))it is not grudge. it is exposing falsness of people. hypocrisy, double talk, denial etc etc. i do it wid myself and others. if rthey deserve it

i hold nothing agaisnt you i wish you all the best in life, and the ego can be rid of, and i will continue to try and destroy my earthly ego,

me))))and you will be in conflict, divided aginst yourself. this is what i am pointing out to u.

if a human is born in the wild with no communication with other humans and he knows nothing but the life of a wild dog, will he have an ego or not?

me)))dogs have egos, animals have egos. ego is a unique view. unique characteristics. it is not thedemon you have been led tothink it is via your Eastern metaphysical indoctrination

ask yourself that, isnt the ego just life experience, if you experience no egotistical life how do you produce an "ego".

me)))))))what you just said doesn't make an sense to me. look. say someone is very rigid. his views are very narrow,andhe she has lost a certain loosness and zest and sparkle. well we could say this person is suffering to MUC ego. ie., the persona/social mask--which we call 'ego' has atrophied spirit. all thisprson needs is some psychedelic inspiration to shake out te rigidity. it doesn't mean that after he is ego LESS. dont get confused wit terms. they are just words


if you would like to go and read all of your previous posts, and tell me a post you have wrote that is remotely respectfull come and let me know, look at all of your posts, its just insults negativety sarcasm and bad manners, how old are you?

and duendy making replies to him like that will solve nothing either it will just cause more pointless bickering taking up good posting space,

respectable people read these forums, it would be nice not to read childish BS once in awhile on this forum, i thought this was supposed to be the intelligent community for science and philosophy, not the schoolyard for petty insult and name calling,

and about your post, as i said before you and i will just not agree on this matter, i will not hold my opinion above yours as its just my selfish opinion, and we can just agree to disagree,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
if you would like to go and read all of your previous posts, and tell me a post you have wrote that is remotely respectfull come and let me know, look at all of your posts, its just insults negativety sarcasm and bad manners, how old are you?

There are plenty of posts on here where I've been polite, and offered friendly advice. But that is to people who deserve such treatment.

Do you really think that you, an ex-con with an illegal firearm, deserve respect? Get real. I abhor you.
phlogistician said:
There are plenty of posts on here where I've been polite, and offered friendly advice. But that is to people who deserve such treatment.

Do you really think that you, an ex-con with an illegal firearm, deserve respect? Get real. I abhor you.

i am curious phlosgis......do you 'abhor' president bush and his administration?
Uh, uh. I don't swing that way. I don't want your third eye peaking at my third eye when I piss.
no one here can prove to me that any of these thigns exist

It may be true that nobody can convince YOU, but some of these things definitely exist...

Can't be proved.

Everybody knows time exists. It's obvious.

Gravity (yes gravity prove that it pulls or pushes you cant things just orbit and fall)

Gravity is part of science. It's well understood.

black holes

Black holes are part of science. They definitely exist.

There's no reason to think Qi exists.

quantunm mechanics

Quantum mechanics is part of physics. It definitely exists. You can find it in textbooks, for example.

the big bang

The big bang is part of science. It definitely occurred, but some details still need to be worked out.

the universe is expanding from a central point

No scientist who knows what he is talking about thinks that the universe expanded from a central point.

(it could be imploding but we are on a dimentional axis with a mirror type effect so it appears to be expanding we seriusly dont know we are just humans)

Got any evidence of your "dimentional [sic] axis with a mirror type effect"?
phlogistician said:
There are plenty of posts on here where I've been polite, and offered friendly advice. But that is to people who deserve such treatment.

Do you really think that you, an ex-con with an illegal firearm, deserve respect? Get real. I abhor you.

abhor or adore?

waste not your time on the one that done time then,

qwerty mob said:
I have a third arm...

It's poking your third eye.

You, uh, DO believe in third arms, right?

yes and the third leg,

its just the minds eye under full and complete control wich is kinda hard to acieve for some people, not for all, nothing mystical but its a nice tool,
