If you want to open your 3rd Eye...

Ophiolite said:
1. I am not a materialist scientist, as I understand the term.

me))from your views and words etc thats how it seems to me

2. My favourite classical work is Dvorack's Fifth Symphony. I also quite like Mahler. But the creme de la creme is anything by Bach. Genius is an inadequate word.

me)))when you listen to Bach when psychdelicized.....myyy myyyyy. you just GOT to!!

3. My favourite pop/rock/whatever group is Cream.

me)))you old Head you. and you mean to tell me you NEVEr dabbled in psychedelia? hmmmmstrange

4. I read T.S. Elliot often.

me))))))The Wasteland......such is the materialists nightmare all around

5. I don't especially like sculpture, though the Henry Moore in the grounds of the Houses of Parliament is nice.

me)))sorry. you are not allowed to say you 'dont like' sculpture. it doesn't make any sense. you like to touch dont you? when you see a cragged old rock sculptedby ages old winds and rain and etc. you love that dont you?....so?

6. I try to visit the Tate or the National Gallery each time I am in London. I still haven't finished working my way around the Louvre. The Prado, in Madrid and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam are two of my favourites overseas, though the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston is impressive for such a materialist state - I'm sure they just chose the exhibits based on price Duendy.

me))the art world is so up its arse its comeout and gone back agin. utter middleclass orgy of consumerism...
when at Tate did you see William Blake's work?

7. I play the piano very badly whenever I am at home.

me)))))classical , jazz? it's the SOUL tat counts. just hit one note wid soul and that's good

8. I write poetry occasionally and prose often.

me))why not present your work here? or HAVEyou?

9. I am at a loss to see in what way I am a materialist.

me))so your assuming a materialist cant like art orplay musical instruments??

10. Is it connected with my incorrigible desire to require an element of proof for what others tell me. Perhaps it was because I have observed some people lying to others and to themselves. If you tell me you have a purple parrot I shall believe you. The consequences to me of this being a falsehood are minor. If you tell me you have a cure for cancer, or have been abducted by space aliens, the consequences for me if you speak the truth are considerable. It is therefore prudent to question your claim and to ask for some form of verification.

me))))from what i see, materialists say all that yet NEVER investigate their OWN philosophy. that stays conveniently vague for them.....!

If, Duendy, you count a materialist as someone who does not take mind altering drugs, then your accusation is largely well founded. Apart from a couple of beers, a glass of wine or an Irish coffee, and a regular dosage of beta blockers I am wholly free of these. Curiously I have found the buzz that comes from fitting together disparate facts and having that eureka moment when they match to be quite sufficient a mental high.
Avatar is a materialist and apparenelty claims he's had psychedelics experence, so has shaman_. i have belinged to a main forum all about psychedelic issues where the most repected moderator and his cabal are also ULTRA mechanists.......hence it doesn't just necessiate the takin of psychedelics to see thru materialistic philosophy. it is a whole process of exploration . it is PROPER education--understanding mythologies, and their positive and negative influences, ecological literacy, etc., AND psychedelic inspiration with intelligent set and setting
Telling me I would benefit from hallucinogens to help me see through the materialistic philosophy is a total strawman. I don't need to see through it, because it is not a philosophy I adhere to. You appear totally unable to accept that it is possible to see two things from different points of view at the same time without taking drugs. I am presently working on simultaneously believing and understanding three mutually exclusive possibilities at the same time. What the **** is materialist about that?
You know the old idea 'try not thinking of a pink elephant. Consciously do not think of a pink elephant.' It is said this is not possible. I can now do it for four or five seconds at a stretch. What the **** is materialist about that?
To investigate through introspection one's own thought processes to the point that one experiments with the likes of the above is not, in my book, symptomatic of a ****ing materialist.
So will you get off your materialist slander kick. It is getting rather old.
Ophiolite said:
You see why we laugh at you Happeh? You can't even get the simple things right. Seekeroftheway, not SeekerofTruth. You are two steps beyond salvaging. [Still waiting to hear what city you live in. Too scared to say? You are the one who offered to convince anyone of us face to face. Still waiting. (did I hear the cackle of a hen?)]

I told you. Tell me the date of your arrival and I will tell you where to go. There are too many crazies on this board to discuss those details openly.

I predict you will disappear the same way you disappeared from the masturbation thread. Then after James closed it, you suddenly reappear.
(Q) said:
I like to be friendly so I thought I would let you guys know anyways

Gee Happeh, you're such a great guy! I can't imagine what it would be like without you around.

Sure you do. You would find someone else to go snooping around the internet about.
Happeh said:
I told you. Tell me the date of your arrival and I will tell you where to go.
You have to give me a city or at least a state. That is hardly going to allow anyone to track you down. If it is somewhere en route between Western Europe and Texas, I can mange it fairly easily. If it is elswhere - California, Arizona, Dakota etc it becomes more difficult.
Ophiolite said:
Telling me I would benefit from hallucinogens to help me see through the materialistic philosophy is a total strawman.

me)))))already siad i have xperienced certan people who HAVEhad experience and yet STILLcling to m philosophy ...righyt? and u accuse ME of not listening. but i still to recommnd and enourage experiementation with consciousness---a resounding YES!

I don't need to see through it, because it is not a philosophy I adhere to.

me)))))thinks you protest tooo much!

You appear totally unable to accept that it is possible to see two things from different points of view at the same time without taking drugs.

me))oh for FUK's sake. there exis very erudite scientists, philosophers. very very clever and good wid words who can see tings from several fukin angles yet still ARE materialists! so your point IS...?

I am presently working on simultaneously believing and understanding three mutually exclusive possibilities at the same time. What the **** is materialist about that?

me))))))see above clever clogs

You know the old idea 'try not thinking of a pink elephant. Consciously do not think of a pink elephant.' It is said this is not possible. I can now do it for four or five seconds at a stretch. What the **** is materialist about that?

me))what the kuf is yus goin on with. whats you not tinkin of a pink elephant got to do wit anything...? confused

To investigate through introspection one's own thought processes to the point that one experiments with the likes of the above is not, in my book, symptomatic of a ****ing materialist.

me))mental gymnatics. actually tho come to think. you say you are forcing consciousness not to think of certain thigs? well that is eptiome of materialistic authoritarianism. te idea of a 'controller' and 'controlled'. the idea that consciousness is a product of mtter and can be controlled is also part of teir remit, hence bio-psychiatry. the cornerstone of materialism

So will you get off your materialist slander kick. It is getting rather old.
hah...look at that. not a friggin ONCE have you ceased or asked other mscientists to quit the slander, yet you being called exactly what i feel you IS, which doesn't involve 'woo oo', ''crackpot', 'whacko', 'braindamaged' 'disabled' luny' 'mentally ill' 'liar'--and all the othe insults been hurled my and others here way by you'll smateriliasts.....suddenly you scream slander??
is tis some kind of comedy?

Y E S!
Duendy, this is a SCIENCE BOARD. I'm still waiting to read what you do to make the world a better place since you're so critical of those that care enough of the world to use science to better it. Do you sit around your flat getting high all day, all the while criticizing the people driving by in their cars because their emissions are polluting. Or do you really criticize the "materialists" because they can actually afford to buy these things whereas you cannot because you are wasting your life in some drug-imposed stupor.

At first, it'll see like I'm just being callous and that I'm "attacking" you, but I think my questions are valid. Is it that you really hate materialism or that you simply find yoursef "material-less" and need a place to vent your frustration whilst justifying your position?

I think you've wasted your life until now and blame the world for it. You attack so-called materialistic society as an invented cause that justifies your lack of status within the society. Whether you accept it or not, Duendy, status and achievement do matter in human society. They always have and they always will.

Believe it or not, I like you. I always have. I think you go way over board and your posts are a bitch to read, but there's something about you that's likeable. So I say all this because I think you have it within you to better yourself and, perhaps, truly help others. Give up your drugs, get off your butt, get a job, and maybe even go to school. If you disagree with society, work to change it. But you're going to have to change it from within, duendy. You need to join society and get out of your flat.
Seconded. Duendy, you are way better than maniacs like Happeh, prats like Gustav, racists like JB, and the merely mildly deluded like Bhudda1. Patronising? Tough. Get with the program.
i a fine. havei once asked you two etc advice on financial,emotional etc matters...? well have i? tink hard
so whys it you gkeep trying to give advice when
1) you do now know me at all
and 2 do not know me at all??

am i pissed off cause i am not as 'marvelously successful' and 'loved by all the peple. having celebrity' ...a i fuck as like

i am HERE at te SCIENCE forums to show, prticularly you cabal of Mscientists that what you defend is a paltry VERSIOn of qhat science ...AND to reveal othe ways of experiencing world Nature universe OTHEr than science

that is my purpose here. you may discreedit, underestimate undermine my efforts her of using words---all we go right , here---to speak out about shit. expose, challenge, etc etc, but i do not. i greatly value speaking out

what is media if not words and images?? huh? do you read papers? watch TV? what you thinka goin on thre then? they is doing stuff.

well i am doing MY stuff here by being a free agent and freely sayin what i am exploring about

I tis rattles yer boat, then tuff also. come back wid words and we wil see what cpmes up

is great yo like me Skin. not stoopin to conquer is you...hehe?
I'm beginning to understand duendy. While almost nothing she says stands up to scientific analysis, she does have a genuinely original philosophy, and I respect her for that. I quite honestly see her in a different light now. Not that I'm going to go off and hallucinate or anything, but still. It's interesting to read.
Communist Hamster said:
I'm beginning to understand duendy. While almost nothing she says stands up to scientific analysis, she does have a genuinely original philosophy, and I respect her for that. I quite honestly see her in a different light now. Not that I'm going to go off and hallucinate or anything, but still. It's interesting to read.
but u see when you say 'i am not oing to go off and hallucinate or anything'....my mind. my recptive capacity stays....'whoa, what's that mean?'......i ANALYZE AND intuit what you may mean there

is this not 'scientific'....
for example. i would wonder what you MEAn by 'hallucinate'. how have you come to define that term. a whole host of asscations com with tat erm. in this culture many negative.

doesn't hallucinate man see someting that is not there?

so, say i ammin thedeserty and see an oasis, and dry-lipped go to it for water and it was just a mirage. then i KNOW it was hallucination. agreed?

But can we SCIENTIFICALLY be sure tat when we take psychedelics and see deep into reality that THA is 'hallucination'??

This something that obfviously interest me very much, because te psychedelics experience(s) is SO aesomely powerful. impossible to describe to tose not experienced wit it. to of course some pople have very powerful experiences not inspirared wtrh actual psychedelics ingested from outside

This is where the whole thang about te HARD problem comes into this question.

As scientists, if you call yourselves that, you simply cannot ignore this. i will make sure of this as long as i am hangin out here!
hmm well i would have to say that even tho this is a scientific forum this is the Parapsychology section and im very positive MANY things about Parapsychology have not yet been scientifically proven soo many things in the world have not yet been scientifically proven... people cannot belive in something they dont understand.. mabye if we talk more about the things that arent scientifically proven but have been recorded throught the decades as exsisting mabye then we will start to understand life more and all the secrets it has to hold which by the way are MANY.. we need to get our acts together and talk about these issues to get a greater understanding of them and then after we start to understand them or even just get an oppinion about them, then we should try and make scientific find.. how can we scientifically prove something if we now nothing about it? ask all of yourselfs that... the world we live in today is more concernd about materialistic science making the physical world a better place... but we in general really no little about spirituality and the powers it can acaully hold since we are so caught up in the matrerials of everday life.. open your minds to all these things that are unknown try and understand them they exist where does all this shit come from just outa the blue no all of it has been recorded though HISTORY but it has been lost and forgotten throught the decades... everyone can argue all they want but its not going to change anything all its going to do is piss people off and create more fighitng we dont need all off this since all it is going to do is delay the information that is trying to be givin out by those individuals who understand life to a greater extent.. be greatful to these people and just leave them be dont arguee with them it achives nothing but stress.. if you have questions ask them but in a polight matter dont go off and say ITS NOT SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THERE FOR IT CANNOT EXSIT! of course it isnt friggen scientifically proven thats why these people are trying to sheld some light on these issues so mabye some people can go out and find ways to prove them...
Ophiolite said:
You have to give me a city or at least a state. That is hardly going to allow anyone to track you down. If it is somewhere en route between Western Europe and Texas, I can mange it fairly easily. If it is elswhere - California, Arizona, Dakota etc it becomes more difficult.

west coast. Looks like you have trouble ahead of you.

If you are calling me maniac I still reserve the right to change my mind if you exhibit instability or eccentricity.
ok...I havent posted anything here...so by typing something here...I have actually posted something here....(boredom)
draqon said:
ok...I havent posted anything here...so by typing something here...I have actually posted something here....(boredom)
hah...not surprised yer bored. you just think yerself yer just a load of chemicals init?
thought this'd be of interest. but must admit i had reservations postin it at first. the i thought...'ohhh DONT patronize em, bless em'...so i introduce it along with my prsonal reservations about some of what author says/assumes/interprets...ooookaaaay:


sowhat is my reeservations?

it is the patrarchal interpretation of the so-called 'perfection' of human.

you see, the very story of the Garden of Eden is written by patriarchal Hebrews. so much of the original meaning will be hidden, apart from the images/symbols of course.

for example, where autor says that eating thepsychedelic fruit causes Adam and Efve to leave being naked with the animals and Nature and become 'as gods'. hmmmmmmmm

this i have trouble wid. for a kick off that belief is central to the Luiferian philosophy which Illuminati, yes Illuminati shares. the idea that human can become gods. as we know tis is actually in the script of the Genesis tale, right?
This is also shares by Eastern metaphysical beiefs. the idea that we can becomes superhuman and leave Nature and its cycles and dwell in eterna bliss, etc?

Well,the GODDESS nderstanding is that we are not to be ASHAMED of our animal inheritance, and need not imagine we need to escape Nature. for immortality IS the cyclic natrure of reality. NOT a static state one arrives at

in fact the very idea that we can become perfected gods has caused so much fukin conflict between each other, and even within our own being, that such indoctrination needs serous challenging. which i do do every opportunity i get

for what is NEEDED is not some idea we are better THAn Nature but that we are intimatey PART OF Nature. you canny do this if you get caught in self-agrandizement. tinking your arse blows out shafts of sunlight.

so, psychedelic experence is understanding this interconnection in ever deepening ways. and integration is the furthering of these insights to CARE for animals and Nature and community. not walk rouund like mr fukin perfect-knickers guru

In modern secualr world such self-agrandizement haven been taken on by the snoty mscientists. espesh phlo of course !