If there were a just God

If God is just then It wouldn't allow children to be so horribly mutilated and raped as it is within It's power to stop such heinous acts of violence. If we accept this is true, and God is just, then we can conclude these acts don't really take place. They are illusions.

why is it always about the children, the children? once you reach a certain age it's ok for you suffer? nothing but drama here...:rolleyes:
If God is just then It wouldn't allow children to be so horribly mutilated and raped as it is within It's power to stop such heinous acts of violence. If we accept this is true, and God is just, then we can conclude these acts don't really take place. They are illusions.

Well I think the problem is that you defined "just" which can not really be defined because it is a rather relative term, but since you defined it, and not only did you define you defined it in a manner which would yield your "conclusion", that is why I said this is pointless.

Anyways if you understand it in terms what I said (my argument) then your hypothesis would not necessarily have to be true. My argument is based upon a relative justice, while yours is based upon a "defined" justice. Unless you can somehow show that your definition is the only definition of justice then I would have to believe my argument is more credible because as far as I can tell we all have different sense of what we call "justice" hence the relativity.

Peace be unto you ;)
Does it feel disconcerting to think you are alone in reality with only God as your companion? A god who you can never understand. Just the two of you alone for eternity. I personaly think it would be creepy.

could always try to play hide and seek..
If God is just then It wouldn't allow children to be so horribly mutilated and raped as it is within It's power to stop such heinous acts of violence. If we accept this is true, and God is just, then we can conclude these acts don't really take place. They are illusions.
or alternatively, that they happen within a temporal medium that the (eternal) living entities participate in due to attachment to something other than god.

I guess god could make an independent living entity that would not display attachment to anything other than god, but they wouldn't have free will.
Originally Posted by Michael
If God is just then It wouldn't allow children to be so horribly mutilated and raped as it is within It's power to stop such heinous acts of violence. If we accept this is true, and God is just, then we can conclude these acts don't really take place. They are illusions.

of course there is also the consideration that god DID tap someone to do something to prevent such a travesty..but since he created us to make our own choices, that person chose not to listen..
of course there is also the consideration that god DID tap someone to do something to prevent such a travesty..but since he created us to make our own choices, that person chose not to listen..

My thought exactly. Why would he blame God for something that he has no control over. He gave everyone the power to choose. If you ask me, that is too much power for someone who would decide to do bad rather than a person that would do good. Yes, there are wrong choices and right choices, we just choose to ignore the facts that get proven to ourselves day in and day out through our life's experiences.
Well I think the problem is that you defined "just" which can not really be defined because it is a rather relative term, but since you defined it, and not only did you define you defined it in a manner which would yield your "conclusion", that is why I said this is pointless.

Anyways if you understand it in terms what I said (my argument) then your hypothesis would not necessarily have to be true. My argument is based upon a relative justice, while yours is based upon a "defined" justice. Unless you can somehow show that your definition is the only definition of justice then I would have to believe my argument is more credible because as far as I can tell we all have different sense of what we call "justice" hence the relativity.

Peace be unto you ;)
explain the "relative justice" of God creating a universe where a baby is cut open and raped. God could have created a universe where this is not a possibility AND in this same universe the being living therein have free will. But, It didn't that did It? Instead it chose to create a universe where some beings will undergo horrendous suffering, never having even learned to speak.

Mind you God can create a infinite number of universes, each with only one conscious being in them. It's not like it's any more or less work than making one universe for God.

Anyway, explain the "relative justice" of a raped and murdered baby.
explain the "relative justice" of God creating a universe where a baby is cut open and raped.

And how should I explain to you the "relative justice" when the premise of your question is already biased to think that justice has something to do with "where a baby is cut open and raped"?

I've already explained it and I'm not wasting my time again when you clearly have defined it as can be seen in this part of your quote as well.

Peace be unto you :)
Anyway, explain the "relative justice" of a raped and murdered baby.

Whose? Because clearly, not all raped and murdered babies have equal value
PEOPLE have equal value. It is the denial of this (even and especially about one's self) that causes abuse.
Then there is no way it would create a world knowing children would be raped, murdered, enslaved. Not to mention all the other horrid stuff. It just wouldn't do that. It would not make a world where humans must murder to survive. Murder plants, animals, fungus, etc... to derive energy. Not when it could make a universe where energy is not needed.

well we know you exist and if we suppose the God exists then...

you must be the only "real" being other than the God. Everyone, Everything, All of it, is an illusion just for you. Therefor nothing is eaten, nothing is murdered, nothing is harmed - well, other than you. And it's It doing it to you.

For whatever purposes we do not know. We being part of illusion and all.
Maybe its a chance to see if It wants to live with you for a while?
Who knows?

When atrocities like those are commited there is usually someone around who could have prevented them or do something to avoid it. Incest, rape, abuse, pedophylia, brutality ,wars have existed for ever, now we are horrified by these actions because we have evolved. They have not been created by anyone except us humans. George Bush started the war in Irak not any god!! And american people agreed with that why would any one be surprised by their existence:shrug:
Although it will be easier to blame a superior being, we humans are responsible for most of the bad things that occur in the world including those who directly commit them and the rest of us who do nothing to prevent them like reporting the abuse or punish the abuser.
I have read somewhere that we are actually the reflexion of god, we are all something like his representatives on earth and god does his good deeds through us.:)
sometimes people can do something to stop it and sometimes not. My point is God, as God can do anything, could have created a world where it's not possible to harm children. Just as it's not possible for you to swim like a fish under the ocean without an air supply or fly in the sky by flapping your arms. It didn't do that though. Therefor either Gods an asshole, a monster or something creepy.
sometimes people can do something to stop it and sometimes not. My point is God, as God can do anything, could have created a world where it's not possible to harm children.Just as it's not possible for you to swim like a fish under the ocean without an air supply or fly in the sky by flapping your arms. It didn't do that though. Therefor either Gods an asshole, a monster or something creepy.

What if god creates a world where it is possible to act nefariously and a world where it isn't, and the living entity, in lieu of their free will, chooses one or the other.
sometimes people can do something to stop it and sometimes not. My point is God, as God can do anything, could have created a world where it's not possible to harm children. Just as it's not possible for you to swim like a fish under the ocean without an air supply or fly in the sky by flapping your arms. It didn't do that though. Therefor either Gods an asshole, a monster or something creepy.

I believe we are the ones who have to do it, we have to bring our little grain of sand even when we do not see the changes right away, even in the face of hostility, just because it is the right thing to do.
And I believe is better that we do not see results of our good deeds right away because this is not about our egoes confirming how good we are, is about helping others with no strings attached. Not all of us can do this.
Many of the great people who have done something good for humanity have died before they could see the effects of their actions in society. For instance: Columbus died without knowing he had discovered a new continent.

If smallpox has dissapeared from earth and people are not dying anymore from it is because we humans figure out how to deal with that disease. God (if he existed) did not come and cure us.
I believe that eventually humanity will evolve to a point where everybody really cares for each other it would not be possible for children to be hurt