If there were a just God

If we were able to produce god I think its safe to say we would have done so in mass and sold it at a profit by now, don't you think?
God did not create people that think for themselves he created a people for the sole purpose of adulation of him and him alone dont we call this selfish when people do this. He created a positive environment in which to live and then created an object called wisdom and then told these people hey BTW dont try to get any smarter by eating the fruit from that tree over there cause I will kick your ass to the curb so fast your head will spin and you can forget the easy life. Again that sounds to me selfish and controlling to me. So in recap he wanted mindless slaves that he can manipulate at is every whim and provide for just as long as they did not get to see through his Bullshit line he gave them. Is that about right am I just about in the neighbour hood and I did not even touch on the incest factory of the mother and the boys and then the boys marrying their sisters and such now aday we call theese people freaks and or rednecks which in a supprising way are the biggest believers in this Gods rules...
God did not create people that think for themselves he created a people for the sole purpose of adulation of him and him alone dont we call this selfish when people do this. He created a positive environment in which to live and then created an object called wisdom and then told these people hey BTW dont try to get any smarter by eating the fruit from that tree over there cause I will kick your ass to the curb so fast your head will spin and you can forget the easy life. Again that sounds to me selfish and controlling to me. So in recap he wanted mindless slaves that he can manipulate at is every whim and provide for just as long as they did not get to see through his Bullshit line he gave them. Is that about right am I just about in the neighbour hood and I did not even touch on the incest factory of the mother and the boys and then the boys marrying their sisters and such now aday we call theese people freaks and or rednecks which in a supprising way are the biggest believers in this Gods rules...

bullshit. now we know good and evil just as god does. this in fact prevents us from being mindless slaves. now we know the difference and can choose and act accordingly.
bullshit. now we know good and evil just as god does. this in fact prevents us from being mindless slaves. now we know the difference and can choose and act accordingly.

Whay are my staements bullshit they are in my own words but are direct from the Bible that is supposed to be the word of God is it not.
What if god creates a world where it is possible to act nefariously and a world where it isn't, and the living entity, in lieu of their free will, chooses one or the other.
ok, and?

Lets put it this way. Suppose ALL sentient beings that were created by this God - EVERY SINGLE one of them lived a life of horrendous torment and died. ALL of them. Because for some real children this was their existence. For some reason you seem to let this God off the hook because ....? Why? It's a small percentage of real children in this real world?!?!? Is morality a percentage based system? How high do we have to raise it before this God is considered absolute evil? 30% 50% 100%
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Whay are my staements bullshit they are in my own words but are direct from the Bible that is supposed to be the word of God is it not.

"so you can know good and evil as god does" is a direct quote from genesis.
And your point is what exactly it took you all most 24 hours too come up with that..

sorry, i have a life, and trust me i haven't spent the past 24 hours contemplating this, it's something i realized a long time ago, and upon consideration, is pretty damn obvious.

the point is...now focus...the reason we are experiencing good and evil is so that we know good and evil. this is called knowledge. knowledge we can use to make choices. you are therefore somehow proposing that this opportunity for knowledge is making you a mindless slave. i contend that it's actually accomplishing the exact opposite of that.
sorry, i have a life, and trust me i haven't spent the past 24 hours contemplating this, it's something i realized a long time ago, and upon consideration, is pretty damn obvious.

the point is...now focus...the reason we are experiencing good and evil is so that we know good and evil. this is called knowledge. knowledge we can use to make choices. you are therefore somehow proposing that this opportunity for knowledge is making you a mindless slave. i contend that it's actually accomplishing the exact opposite of that.

The point I was trying to make about the mindless slave was this is what god wanted that is what he created and then proceeded to ell said slave oh btw dont eat the fruit of Knowledge cause it will make you smart and then you will see through the crap tastic thing I call me.
ok, and?

Lets put it this way. Suppose ALL sentient beings that were created by this God - EVERY SINGLE one of them lived a life of horrendous torment and died. ALL of them. Because for some real children this was their existence. For some reason you seem to let this God off the hook because ....? Why? It's a small percentage of real children in this real world?!?!? Is morality a percentage based system? How high do we have to raise it before this God is considered absolute evil? 30% 50% 100%
I'm not sure I follow.

My point is that the material world acts something like a jail in contrast to normal society.

IOW the material world is not the "natural state of housing" for the living entity, nevertheless it is populated by a minority who end up there due to (mis) use of their free will.

I guess one could take the view that it is the natural state, in which case you have a host of arguments for the injustice of it all (much like you have a host of arguments for the injustices of the penal system for as long as you are not factoring in that crimes were committed).

Arguably there is a case for acts of crime becoming acceptable when a certain threshold of the community participates in it, yet for some reason there is a standard foundation to acts of theft and violence that sees it relegated to the minority.

Same is the case for the material world, since the fruits it has to offer (namely apparent independence from god in the medium of samsara) are paltry.
The point I was trying to make about the mindless slave was this is what god wanted that is what he created and then proceeded to ell said slave oh btw dont eat the fruit of Knowledge cause it will make you smart and then you will see through the crap tastic thing I call me.

God didn't say "smart". God said "surely die". And god was right.
IOW the material world is not the "natural state of housing" for the living entity, nevertheless it is populated by a minority who end up there due to (mis) use of their free will.

You are just making crap up.

Same is the case for the material world, since the fruits it has to offer (namely apparent independence from god in the medium of samsara) are paltry.

And yet you claim you chose it anyway.

So in your view of reality you are a complete idiot.
You are just making crap up.
You are simply hypnotized by the aroma of your own philosophical byproducts.

And yet you claim you chose it anyway.

So in your view of reality you are a complete idiot.
an idiot but not a complete one.

A complete one would involve journeying deeper into the the cycle of samsara by whole hearted pursuit of the paltry rewards of material existence.
Originally Posted by Lori_7
bullshit. now we know good and evil just as god does. this in fact prevents us from being mindless slaves. now we know the difference and can choose and act accordingly.

So you know good and evil just as god does?

And you choose to be a mindful slave.

You can choose and act accordingly, but yet some how you don't. And if you goof you are damned.
So you know good and evil just as god does?

so you don't? you're alive on this earth aren't you? even if you were completely isolated, you have both inside you...so you should still know.

And you choose to be a mindful slave.

i do not choose to be a slave. the only thing i'm a slave to is the sin in the world and in me, and god has helped me to become more free and have more peace than i ever did before, and ever could without his counsel and development.

You can choose and act accordingly, but yet some how you don't. And if you goof you are damned.

i have no idea where you're getting that from. people damn themselves yeah, all the time. but enlightenment and faith break curses, and my life is proof of that. i believe that when this age is done, i will be reborn into a kingdom without sin. and that is complete freedom (with knowledge).