what would the world be like if gods presence were here and preventing all the disasters and child molesters and anything else that was painfull...
i dont think we have to look far to answer that question..just look at all the spoiled rotten rich kids..our society would be in pretty sad shape..
Rather silly in the extreme. What does children not being raped by molesters and tsunamis not killing a quarter million people have to do with spoiled rotten rich kids? That makes no sense whatsoever. You're actually promoting molesters and natural disasters as a good thing. Is that your idea of a good society?
of course that is still assuming we will still get to make our own choices..
god created us to make our own choices..hence the apple in the garden..to see if he succeeded in giving us free will..
Clearly, your god isn't omniscient if he didn't know that was going to happen. It would appear your god is faulty as he failed in his little experiment, don't ya think?
as far as judgement day...what do you think would happen after he said 'go forth and multiply'?
The planet is overrun with theists who are destroying it and everyone else with their scriptures held high in front of them.