If there were a just God

If we were able to produce god I think its safe to say we would have done so in mass and sold it at a profit by now, don't you think?

Some would say we already have done. They would be at least partially right.
Then there is no way it would create a world knowing children would be raped, murdered, enslaved. Not to mention all the other horrid stuff. It just wouldn't do that. It would not make a world where humans must murder to survive. Murder plants, animals, fungus, etc... to derive energy. Not when it could make a universe where energy is not needed.

well we know you exist and if we suppose the God exists then...

you must be the only "real" being other than the God. Everyone, Everything, All of it, is an illusion just for you. Therefor nothing is eaten, nothing is murdered, nothing is harmed - well, other than you. And it's It doing it to you.

For whatever purposes we do not know. We being part of illusion and all.
Maybe its a chance to see if It wants to live with you for a while?
Who knows?

Good and evil is something we created. We created these rules of right and wrong, or good and evil. They don't mean anything besides the value we place on them, and what's socially acceptable.
Good and evil is something we created. We created these rules of right and wrong, or good and evil. They don't mean anything besides the value we place on them, and what's socially acceptable.

Lol. So you are scared of the government, cops, people etc. You are not scared of your wrong doings? "Whether it be a grain of sand or a rock, in water they sink alike" You are asking your self what this means? This means that the tiny grain considerably waying close to nothing has the same potential of a rock that could possibly weigh many times over the grain. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, overtime this can build to something that you did not calculate possible. It is all basic lawas of the unvirse you should learn them it will do you good.
Good and evil is something we created. We created these rules of right and wrong, or good and evil. They don't mean anything besides the value we place on them, and what's socially acceptable.
Yes, but how does this address the Opening Post?
Then there is no way it would create a world knowing children would be raped, murdered, enslaved. Not to mention all the other horrid stuff. It just wouldn't do that. It would not make a world where humans must murder to survive. Murder plants, animals, fungus, etc... to derive energy. Not when it could make a universe where energy is not needed.

well we know you exist and if we suppose the God exists then...

you must be the only "real" being other than the God. Everyone, Everything, All of it, is an illusion just for you. Therefor nothing is eaten, nothing is murdered, nothing is harmed - well, other than you. And it's It doing it to you.

For whatever purposes we do not know. We being part of illusion and all.
Maybe its a chance to see if It wants to live with you for a while?
Who knows?
I think a lot of people think like this, and it is really too bad. But understandable, from what we see around us.
First of all, all the life we see can only come from a creator. Science has it wrong about evolution.
Now the next thing is that God is not ruling the earth.( I don't want to get into a religious debate, so I am not going to mention too much on this)
There was a 'set time' for things to happen, that time mentions the fact that man will be ruining the earth, so that time is close.
And most of bad things you mentioned were what man has done to man. Not what God did to man. And many of the natural disasters, are also from mans bad planning. And that the planet and man are not as they were first intended.

Originally Posted by hay_you
First of all, all the life we see can only come from a creator.

That's a supposition.

Science has it wrong about evolution.

That, also, is a supposition. And an incorrect one.
Is it?
This would be really getting off the topic, here. So I will leave that for another thread.
First of all, all the life we see can only come from a creator. Science has it wrong about evolution.

You really don't know anything about science or evolution, do you?

Cult indoctrination is wonderful, eh folks?
You really don't know anything about science or evolution, do you?

Cult indoctrination is wonderful, eh folks?
Actually I do.

I saw your link to that page on evolution.
Did you want to discuss that there?
Perfect. Then, please tell us what is wrong about evolution? To me, it is alarmingly obvious.
Ok I will go over to that other thread on evolution , I see there is 25 pages on that already, ( most of you guys must be sick of it by now) .

If you come over, I'll have some questions for you.
And most of bad things you mentioned were what man has done to man. Not what God did to man. And many of the natural disasters, are also from mans bad planning. And that the planet and man are not as they were first intended.
.. most of the bad things... many of the natural disasters.... so you are saying some of the bad things and a few of the natural disasters are caused by God???

Also, God made humans in such as way so as we are required to kill other things in order to survive.
That's all God.
We did NOT have a say in the matter.

One wonders, what kind of arse-hole God would make a sentient being in such so that it must to murder other beings - just to survive???!? Especially given God could have made us so that we not only didn't have to even harm anything, but we COULDN'T harm anything. I stands to reason then, if God is not an evil arse hole, then all this is an illusion.
.. most of the bad things... many of the natural disasters.... so you are saying some of the bad things and a few of the natural disasters are caused by God???

Also, God made humans in such as way so as we are required to kill other things in order to survive.
That's all God.
We did NOT have a say in the matter.

One wonders, what kind of arse-hole God would make a sentient being in such so that it must to murder other beings - just to survive???!? Especially given God could have made us so that we not only didn't have to even harm anything, but we COULDN'T harm anything. I stands to reason then, if God is not an evil arse hole, then all this is an illusion.
Actually that was not the original purpose at all.
If you don't mind , because you mentioned God here, I would like to make a few comments.
The original purpose, was for man to be perfect, and make the whole earth a paradise. The first human pair were both naked that meant that the weather conditions, were very mild for them, also there is no mention of rain before the flood. And that they got water from a heavy due on the ground or from rivers or lakes. Both the entity that was to look after the earth and the first human pair went against God. ( they have free choice as do we ) This changed everything. It changed the relationship man has with animals and man's life was cut short. Also the natural disasters we see today, can also be put down to the act of disobedience, because of the violence of man now, God caused the flood. This flood changed everything even more , a once stable earth, now with pressure from water below the crust and water in the atmosphere, caused an unstable earth and a more violent weather patterns.
So I don't expect that you believe any what I have said here, but it does explain the conditions we have now.
So in the first place God is not the ruler of this earth , he has set a time to take it away from Satan the ruler of this earth and disobedient mankind.
I mentioned about man's poor planning. Man does things for greed, power, and careless attitude for other humans.
A result of this is people live in unsafe areas, because that is were the money is or governments force people.
For example:
Low lying areas along a coast line, should not be built a long. This only makes sense. But people do it anyway. People live along earth quake fault lines. But because money or location reasons, people build there, that is mans poor planning. Now because of man's drive for material things, we have changing weather conditions, that can be harsh in many areas. Our farming practices, are not the best, we now clear huge area's , and remove trees etc, so we can make more money from the land. We have feed lots now, that leach into rivers and poison the drinking water. We have a huge number of people in small areas, ( like cities) that need huge garbage dumps, that can cause all sorts of problems. We have garbage now that can last thousands of years. We have poisoned wild life, and ourselves. Man creates wars, and many people die from the weapons and sicknesses. Man will let other people starve to death, while others play with cell phones or mansion types of houses. You can't blame God for that.
Actually that was not the original purpose at all.
If you don't mind , because you mentioned God here, I would like to make a few comments.
The original purpose, was for man to be perfect, and make the whole earth a paradise. The first human pair were both naked that meant that the weather conditions, were very mild for them, also there is no mention of rain before the flood. And that they got water from a heavy due on the ground or from rivers or lakes. Both the entity that was to look after the earth and the first human pair went against God. ( they have free choice as do we ) This changed everything. It changed the relationship man has with animals and man's life was cut short. Also the natural disasters we see today, can also be put down to the act of disobedience, because of the violence of man now, God caused the flood. This flood changed everything even more , a once stable earth, now with pressure from water below the crust and water in the atmosphere, caused an unstable earth and a more violent weather patterns.
So I don't expect that you believe any what I have said here, but it does explain the conditions we have now.
So in the first place God is not the ruler of this earth , he has set a time to take it away from Satan the ruler of this earth and disobedient mankind.
I mentioned about man's poor planning. Man does things for greed, power, and careless attitude for other humans.
A result of this is people live in unsafe areas, because that is were the money is or governments force people.
For example:
Low lying areas along a coast line, should not be built a long. This only makes sense. But people do it anyway. People live along earth quake fault lines. But because money or location reasons, people build there, that is mans poor planning. Now because of man's drive for material things, we have changing weather conditions, that can be harsh in many areas. Our farming practices, are not the best, we now clear huge area's , and remove trees etc, so we can make more money from the land. We have feed lots now, that leach into rivers and poison the drinking water. We have a huge number of people in small areas, ( like cities) that need huge garbage dumps, that can cause all sorts of problems. We have garbage now that can last thousands of years. We have poisoned wild life, and ourselves. Man creates wars, and many people die from the weapons and sicknesses. Man will let other people starve to death, while others play with cell phones or mansion types of houses. You can't blame God for that.

Nice eplaination here one simple pharse

"The Tower of Babble" First please explain why when Man decided to work together to be closer to God that God said no you dont and struck down the tower and then created all the languages so no one involved was able to communicate.
Nice eplaination here one simple pharse

"The Tower of Babble" First please explain why when Man decided to work together to be closer to God that God said no you dont and struck down the tower and then created all the languages so no one involved was able to communicate.
This was the start of an organized state of false religions, they had nothing to do with God. , and every thing to do with Satan the ruler of this world.