If God has created the Universe and everything in it, then ...

further on reasoning...if God has created everything than everything is God and we are God as well and thus everything that happens is up to us
not sure what reasoning you are taking with everything being god simply because god created it ... I mean even we would hesitate to write off everything (or even anything) we create as being identical with ourselves.
not sure what reasoning you are taking with everything being god simply because god created it ... I mean even we would hesitate to write off everything (or even anything) we create as being identical with ourselves.

I went with the reasoning given, if God truly created everything than God created himself as well and thus everything was part of God as well and thus we who were created by God were part of God as well
I went with the reasoning given, if God truly created everything than God created himself as well and thus everything was part of God as well and thus we who were created by God were part of God as well
i see
the ol "cause and effect is the truth, light and the way" argument
No nitpicking required. Simply, the delineation between your gods capricious puppeteering and natural random events?

Randomness in the scope of programmed events. Some arbitrary inputs would be resulting certain outputs. God created universe in balance, that would make sense there are minus and plus sides, dark and light. You are just interested in attributing God into the dark sides.
seriously greenberg, I think you need to be a bit more assertive

Sure. But on the grounds of what?
I have neither much ego nor pride, unlike "all normal people".
All I really I have is slow, not so smart reason. And that one takes a lot of time and energy to come up with a reply.

Please, stop spreading this. This is a complete misquote. Unfortunately it is all too common.

It is a misinterpretation from the Kalama Sutta. There, it says:

[The Buddha:] "Of course you are uncertain, Kalamas. Of course you are in doubt. When there are reasons for doubt, uncertainty is born. So in this case, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are unskillful; these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to harm & to suffering' — then you should abandon them. ”


“ "Now, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness' — then you should enter & remain in them.
Randomness in the scope of programmed events. Some arbitrary inputs would be resulting certain outputs. God created universe in balance, that would make sense there are minus and plus sides, dark and light. You are just interested in attributing God into the dark sides.

A simple question : How do you know that ?
A simple question : How do you know that ?

Which one is "that"?
As in God, you know, I don't know God, I just believe.
Regarding balance, that's what I learned in school. We live in dynamic equilibrium state, new stimulations will be triggering new state of equilibrium. Human push stimulations to the world (exploration and exploitation), the world triggered new conditions / mutation / speciation, eg. the rise of cancer, HIV, etc, but, at the same time, there should be antidotes for those new diseases (the world is reacting to stimuli while sustaining it's equilibrium).

Attributing God to ONLY cancer, HIV, and all new deadly diseases risen around us, is not fair, without considering that the antidotes there to explore, ALSO from God. We human, stimulate them to come into being.
Attributing God to ONLY cancer, HIV, and all new deadly diseases risen around us, is not fair, without considering that the antidotes there to explore, ALSO from God. We human, stimulate them to come into being.

It's a straw man argument. You could easily say 'well why do people live to be only 70-80 years old?' It's just a pointless question to ask.
Randomness in the scope of programmed events. Some arbitrary inputs would be resulting certain outputs. God created universe in balance, that would make sense there are minus and plus sides, dark and light. You are just interested in attributing God into the dark sides.

Contriving stories doesn't work, nor does attributing the "dark side" to your gods any less fictional than Star Wars movies.

You still haven't answered my question.

"Explain the delineation between your gods capricious puppeteering and natural random events?"
Which one is "that"?
As in God, you know, I don't know God, I just believe.
Regarding balance, that's what I learned in school. We live in dynamic equilibrium state, new stimulations will be triggering new state of equilibrium. Human push stimulations to the world (exploration and exploitation), the world triggered new conditions / mutation / speciation, eg. the rise of cancer, HIV, etc, but, at the same time, there should be antidotes for those new diseases (the world is reacting to stimuli while sustaining it's equilibrium).

Attributing God to ONLY cancer, HIV, and all new deadly diseases risen around us, is not fair, without considering that the antidotes there to explore, ALSO from God. We human, stimulate them to come into being.

That strikes me as a totally useless explanation. God creates diseases and also creates cures which we must discover ! When bother in the firstplace ?

If I throw a bucket of water over you and then hand you a towel, would you regard that as satisfactory ? Surely it would make more sense not to douse you with water in the first place.

Finally, what about all the people who die of dreadful duseases before god has allowed us to find his secret cure ?
If God has created the Universe and everything in it, this means that God has also created every choice that a person makes, every action a person performs.

If God has created the Universe and everything in it, this means that everything that happens is up to God.

Nah, God is the non-doer, being unchangeable, in one way did create the universe, in another way God did not create the universe
You're right. Spouting koans and self contradictory BS solves all problems. Good for you.

You should try to have some type of substance in your post instead of just saying "this is bullshit" "this is crap"

You know have some type of explanation instead of just saying things

Nothing I said was contradictory
You should try to have some type of substance in your post instead of just saying "this is bullshit" "this is crap"

You know have some type of explanation instead of just saying things

Nothing I said was contradictory

"in one way did create the universe, in another way God did not create the universe"
